
Oas DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING S8SOOSSESSE KONSOOC keeps the LUCKY ST makes Le SA HE DES towards 95SE:S53608585053938934SSXSS oss The New Philosophy THE WORKMAN of Life. BY THOMPSN)
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen os applies.
The doctrine makes a speciale WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes appeal to the undiscovered part Avenue, Panams, de of public interest invited.
of us, the other half ourselves, which has never been called out, PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and and wbleb is waiting to serve os, Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of to help us fight our battles. It 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaappeals to all who bave blotched Six Months 20 thelr lives, who bava not won out tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three We do not undertake to return reas they hoped or dreamed they jected corresponience.
would, to those who bave reacbed middle life, or gone beyond it The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS and fiod themselves still struggling, without a competence, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER, 11, 1926, without a home, without a job, without friends, without most, HYPOCRISY AND HYPOCRITS.
or all, of the things that make life dessirable. No matter if you 103 are a failure, or tblok you are, it you feel that there is no future One of the most unchristianlike and disgusting things for you, if you are tempted in the world is hypocrisy. It leaves a trail of hatred and OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Lo give up. or if you bave long since given up trying discord wherever it passes. It leads to mistrust and ill will and barely exist instead of and it destroys the confidence and cooperation of a comliving, it will show you bow. to munity.
recover your lost grip upon your The hypocrite is the man who would rather seem Work Done While You Wait self. It wili restore your faded than be. He is the creature who poses as one thing visions, revive your ball forgot when in fact he is another. He is the person who thinks ton dreams, renew your youthhimself above the common man, too high up to speak to folambition. It will brush aside the film of discouragement, take RY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED him, too high hat to respect him, but not too high to the cobwebs out of your brain bleed his fellow man for his last dollar. He is the person and make you think more cleael who poses as your friend, but is really your enemy. He ly. It will arouse a new courage.
Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices is the man who will sell the sincerity of his soul to maintain a new spirit in you, so that you will never again be satis tied to his deceitful appearance. This type of man will destroy Ladies Garments Carefully handled grovel, never again be satisfied the peace and good will of all the people. The Negro race you have uncovered the other cares not for this creature. In fact, we think of no race.
ball of yourself which has been or Set of people who does care for this treacherous waiting to help you win your life victory.
character. REID Manager No race of people or individual can be perfect, for perThe practice of the new pbilofection is divine and no human is divine. But human pero o assesses sexx Sexe sophy increase one ability trimendously, for two reasons.
fection is not necessary for an elimination hypocrisy and First, because it discevers ability hypocrits. Honesty and sincerity are qualities which are which was befor. Icked up, decidedly more praiseworthy than deceitfulness and precolls out hitherto unknown retense. Just a little of either of these qualities will go much sources; and second, it mind in harmony by killing fear, farther than harrels of hypocrisy.
The race needs to keep a vigilant eye on the Noroes worry, anxiety, destroying ali. of who pretend to cooperate in the Negro welfare. We must our eficiency. It puts the mind watch them that they do not sell us out. We must keep in a condition to succeed. It sharpens the faculties; them from usurping our leadership. There are too many keeper, because it gives a new hypocritical Negroes now who style themselves as race outlook upon life, turns one about leaders.
so that he faces towards bis goal, We detest hypocrisy and hope it will be blotted from towards certainty, towards asour group. ATLANTA INDEPENDENT, surance, iostead of doubt, fear and uncertainty. It belps him to utilize the results of Lord Kitchener hia efforis, whereas formerly, he largely neutralizing them by doubt, by fear, by worry, lack of laith and self confidence.
OP The excitement of war makes people credulous. Small There is no other philosophy events are exaggerated into disasters or great victories and which offers a remedy for so the wildest exaggerations come to be believed in many many evils, a panacea for so quarters. Rumours even spring up spontaneously, without many haman ills. There is none direct cause, and grow and multiply as they are passed on which offers sucb hope to the hopeless, such promise to the from one eager, credulous teller to another. Naturally such dowo and outs, to those who stories very often grow around the figures of great men. It bare lost out in lite То was inevitable that fantastic stories should spring from the the poor, dissatisfied, discourprofound shock of the news that the great national hero, aged, straving man it is a new Lord Kitchener, had been drowned while on his way to revelation. It shows that wherever one may have strased on Russia in June 1916. One story was that the Germans bad the life path, there is still a in some mysterous way learned that Lord Kitchener was chance to make good; that one going on a mission to Russia and would sail from Scapa can make good in a grand way Flow to Archangel on board Hampshire and that eves out of the tag end of a life they sent submarines which intercepted the vessel and which be thought worthless. It sank it. According to another story there had been traitors is essentially a phylosophy of on board and these men had laid an infermal machine hope, a pbilosophy of expectation of glorious things come to which cause an explosion. wilder version declare that ua in the future; Lord Kitchener and his Staff had been done to death before It opens the door to the real the ship sank. Had Lord Kitchener been a les ser man th wealth in the great within of bustories would have long ago have been forgotten, but he is man beings. It reveals marvean almost legendary figure and they have persisted. Recent.
lous treasures to those who ly, ten years after the disaster, the sensation mongers have thought they were poor, wb thought they were down andThe above is a picture of the than three the cup becomes the for this season.
been showing renewed activity and the Admiralty has now splendid trophy donated by the Club property.
very wisely issued a long, clear account of the loss of the local agents of the British AmeriIt is very pleasing to note the puts and never would amount to anything.
Two games have already been great interest taken by this Com world of possibilities, holds out It opens up Dew Hampshire. From this it is plain that the Hampshire struck can Tobacco Company to be coma fixed German mine off the coast of the Orkneys at about peteil for by colored Basketball played between the Pacific Five and pany in the colored boys; as they o clock on June 5th: 1916 and sank a quarter of an hour winning twice in the series holds the Pacific Five of La Boca has eri keters of wbi further parti orain it gives them a new movies plavers in game series. The Club the Silver Five with the result that have also donated a bondsotne new hope to those in whom hope trophy to be competed for am ng bad died. Wbatever their ta lare later. No one, not even the ommander in Chief himself, we cup until next year when it it won on both occasions and are culars will be forth coming in these acnew chance to humake beood. lt knew what course the Hampshire was to take until a few repe ts the trick and wins two best therefore the, holders of the cup columns.
that no being, hours before she started and it was the bad weather and matter wbat bis condition or heavy sea, of which no one could have had fore knowledge what his crime, bas lost his that made Lord Jellicoe decide on the inshore course which!
chance to do this.
Dickens British Finance If you are looking for a remedy the vessel actually took, a course seldom used except by was to arrange for the carriage and horses.
that really beals and belps all colliers and storeships. The mine was one of a field laid declares that Whatever we do let us look up to the mark by Admiral von Scheir orders in the middle of May. if we go at all, and then, havlag talked of the provender (Continued on page Continued from page and the champagne (six botties. adds a postscrip, Damn it all, let us have four horses and the best carriage.
company that it is not only the Charles Dickens Letters largest gas company in the world but also the oldest. It was found Have you tried the ed 114 years ago by a charter Snapshots Some eighty unpublished letters written by the great granted by King George III. new Beer The preseat King, George novelist Charles Dickens to Mark Lemon, who was for V, recently opened at the com Kronen Brau thirty years editor of Punch, have just passed out of the (FROM COLORED PRESS)
pany works at Beckton, on the hands of the Lemon family into the possession of Mr.
Thames, the largest coal unloadNegroes, measured by the development of the presenting plact in Europe. This planu Gabriel Wells, a New York bookseller. Lemon was a day civilization, are a backward people. But Negroes con is capable of unloading 2, 000 sturdy, honest; generous minded, geni il man of letters, sidered from the comparative standpoint are wonderful. tons an hour.
leave the British gas industry affectionately known to a verv wide circle as Uncle Mark slave mother leading her children out of bondage sixty Enough bas perhaps been before recording that it, more and for some thirty years, from somewhat about 1840, he years ago, owing not even the clothes they wore, is the written to show what large than any other is a pionoer In and Dickens were close friends.
There was a period of one picture; those children living on business, helping to part the British gas industry bag the system prol labour co partestrangement caused by the fact that Lemon sympa: spread education, gracing society, being good citizens is the probably destined to link ap bothparle there de metropolitana in British industrial life. It is persbip. The employees of thies were on the side of Mrs. Dickens in the differences picture of today.
between the novelist and his wife but this cloud passed with the in companies we have and their friendship was restored. The letters, which were dustry We may note in this participate in the companies dashed off at high speed in the intervals of work, are self through a situation that looked anything but hopeful. Bow a daude, e raccepted by the of a century old, while the Gas But the Negro has patiently and valiantly dragged him connection that in the Electricity profits. The South MetropoliBill Dow beftre Parliament is tan scheme is more than a third characteristic of Dickens and his kindly humour. Many of, Under it all, he has developed a dependable patriotism, an Government, enabling gas com Lightsobe me ostetted v1. 908, them are concerned with theatricals and invitations to unbaffling courage and a power of endurance for hardships panies to act as distributors of has 13 000 co partners uoliux excursions, dinners and the like. Two written in May and tolerance for insults to a degree unequalled by any electricity, stock value at 575 000; an inter 1849, deal with elaborate preparations for a picnic. Lemon people similarly situated and circumstanced.
It is impossible, howev. r, to esting experloent well worth baules. To 66


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