
Attractions at the Theatres take Ice Cream Factory one of (Continued from page 1)
Among those present inside the institution were Inspector General Harrell, Inspector Sidley, 1, Inspectors Owen Wright, Murphy, Harvey Clark, and the Depot loEpector, CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND PECULIAR CONDUCT OP DRIVER. Buick car with about 16 darePANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON devils packed into it, drove through Today Saturday Sept, 11th the crowd in front of the Prison Today Saturday Sep, 11th Today. Saturday Sept. 11th Today Saturday Sept. 11th the men inside shouting burats, and Wm. Fairbanks in Clara Bow in Wm. Collier Jr. in evidertly celebrating what they felt Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 12th FIGHT TO THE FINISH THE RUNAWAY was a victory. few minutes after THE LUCKY LADY they drove through the crowd again, Collen Moore in Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 12th Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 12th shouting their burrahe and Inspec IRENE Adolphe Menjou in Tomorrow Sunday Sept. 12th Marion Davies in tors Wright and Clark, along with SOCIAL CELEBRITY.
Pete Morrison in constables, stopped the car in front Monday September 13th LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY. BUCKING THE TRUTH of the prison and ordered the men Pola Negri in Monday, September 13th out. It was then said that two of Monday September 13th THE CROWN OF LIES Monday September 13th the prisoners were in the joy ride Harry Carey in Gaston Glass in party, but after a thorough search THE NIGHT HAWK Dorothy Revier in Tuesday September 14th GOD CRUCIBLE this was fouod to be not correct. THE ENEMY OF MEN The driver Irene Rich in Tuesday September 14th Tuesday September 11th THE WIFE WHO WAS NT WANTED RESENTED THE DETENTION, Art Acord in Tuesday September 14th Pete Morrison in Marion Davies in and the taking away of his license, THE ESCAPE BUCKING THE TRUTH end despite the erders of obe In Wednesd y September 15th LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY. spectors to drive on be remained Dorothy Revier in Wednesday September 15th Wednesday September 15th Wednesday September 15th still, bjorking the way of the THE ENEMY OF MEN Riebard Dix in Colleen Moore in Gaston Glass in Averve car and the brigade on its LET GET MARRIED IRENE way out, the latter having to GOD CRUCIBLE Thursday September 16th another route. This strange exhi Thursday September 16th Marion Davies in Thursdsy September 16th bition of hilarity and disregard for Thursday September 16th orders created some fu the police LIGHTS OF OLD BROADWAY Pola Negri in Lon Chaney in Irene Rich in rore in the crowd. At this stage THE TOWER OF LIES THE CROWN OF LIES THE WIFE WHO WASN WANTED two warders came alone from the Friday September 17th west with a number of prisoners Friday September 17th Friday September 17th Caston Glass in Friday September 17th garments in their arms, which were Johnny Hines in Irene Rich in GOD CRUCIBLE Colleen Moore in cast about as the men made their RAINBOW RILEY THE WIFE WHO WASN WANTED dash far liberty. IRENE Saturday September 18th Motor oars were up and down, Saturday September 18th Saturday September 18th Saturday September 18th every now and agala a rusb was Norma Shearer in Edmund Lowe in Dorothy Revier in Pola Negri in made to have a look at each cap HIS SECRETARY MARRIAGE IN TRANSIT THE ENEMY OF MEN THE CROWN OF LIES. tured fugitive being marched in, BOME DRESSED IN TWEED others in anything which could be called clothes.
At about 30 to o clock two of the prisoners were seen running The New Philosophy through the streets in Rae Town ATLANTIC SIDE CANAL ZONE NOTES and warders and policemen were THE ACME sent after them. search was (Continued from page 4)
made throughout the district, and Carnival Of The RED TANK the gullies, but the men were net who are suffering, try the new exptured.
pbilosopby. If you have tried Flowers.
everything else you can think of CORNER 231 24th STREETS CALIDONIA DREBSED LIKE DUKE everything your friends recomBELOW THE ELKS LODGE Largo Crowd Witnesses One of the outlaws was captured mended, everything you have Carnival of the Flowers is a hy district constable Byfield four ever heard of, and yet bave not unlque pageant. It is sacred, and miles on the Spanish Town Road found rellet, it all these things the thoughts of loving service Pacific Wins From Silver Five Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding Anniverat about. o clock. He was then bave disapointed, and failed to and praise to Godrun to and out In Opener.
dolled up in saries and all Social Functions, also caters a silk jacket, serge cure son of your burto, your dis through the Cantata 13 threado pants and a straw hat cocked over have tried all of the world High Carnival for the bonor and or. it you of gold. Even the flowers bola to a daily trade with all.
the eyes. It was certainly clever BY THE GREEK work on the part of By fiel to bave remedies for wobappiness and glory of His name.
Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade On Saturday the 28th August abbed the reincarnated fugitive found them empty, of no avail; Here is the Sketeb: Delicious Croam Cakes and Cool Drinks.
the largest crowds He wns brought back to the prison it they have left you just as of the season taxed the Red in the black Maria and on nlight heartsick, jast as soal sick, just. Spring, Love, Joy, Memory, Tank Basketball Court to its ing shouted out. Supa, please as hungry and dissatisfied as and Purity appear and decids to beg yon for may dinner, ea. He before, try the Dew poily Wells of the tim. when Christ praise Nature King. Memory Call and be Convinced Mail or Phone your orders capacity until standing room was scarcely available, to witoess the was hinrried to the cells, the while lo it you will find the Phone No. 1253 Box No. 809 openit battle of the game series Mling that two of the prisoners panaces, that which will care all was welcomed by the children Panama Ancon, for the Lucky Strike Basketball were in hiding in an upstairs house of your heart aches, your sor of Jerusalem. The Flowers ask for a Queen to leed them, and Cows, your griefs, your regrets White Rose is chosen because aud along Tower Street.
to see the Silver PYLE, General Manager Five colours lowered by the Pacifor failure, your mistakes, or Another pri oner it is reported sho comes nearest to Christlike fie in a game replete with thrills your crimes.
held up man named Cardoza and excitement. The final count The ark of Noah was not all a parity.
along Water Lane and at the point wooden building. It merely 23 being There are marches, drills ard of the revolver ordered him to take typified place of refuge, of musical mumbers all throuen.
All through the forty minutes of safety, a place where everything Parents, guardians and friends German Paper Pictures Next play bethe teams put to the finest WHAT HEISON AUTHORITY BAID could find protection from its as well as the Children of Gatun and cleanest bit of basketball Speaking to a prison puthority enemies, a refuge from danger. are cordially invited to attend bition ever seen in these parts The this tbe last night, it was gathered that the The new philosophy is such War; Gas From Air Will Gatua Silver passing of both quintettes was exviot was well planned. For the refuge. No matter who and Clubhouse tomorrow (Sunday 12)
ceptionally well and the game was Annihilate Whole People.
past few days the pricopers were where you are it will bely you. at p. rain or shine. also well contested. Though the Pacific lead the scoring throughout adopting a turbulent attitude, de By Ite aid you can make your group of children and a number it was not until the faal bell rang manding ten. etc. which was given te a glorious success, a master of adults from Silver City will entertalu you, and you will not to them. One conviet provided piece.
could the winger be determined, Paris, August 18. What will the next war be like?
himself with a bit of tin and two This new philosopbyis in regret that you attended, It will be a war carried on with radio driven airplanes Chato the clever little forward sticka and supplied jazz notes in reality no new thing at all. It PROGRAM PART that scatter the deadliest poisons known to modern science of the Pacific Five, carried of the his place of confinement.
does not lay new foundation, 1 Introduction Mr. N, Life will become extinct in the country or city subjected to work was one of the outstanding honours of the evening. His floor The authority said that revolvers foundations and ballds on the has simply rediscovered the old Smith such an attack. city the size of Paris will be blotted out features of the game. Also bis cool ete, were evidentaly thrown over bed rock of the Christ priaciple. Morgan and others Quartette Selected Miss and rendered lifeless within twelve hours.
Dess at critical mouents was rethe city, and the feeling was that As Dr. John Murray siys: the prison walls by ex convicts in Recitation, The Two cups men aharchuldren will be as much exposed to the death big scoring 16 of bis team 23 will be no exemptions and. and had at the decisive moment whilst the It is not a modern New Mr. Horace Parker.
in pew fangled. prison was afire, and the men Thought is a title or name which revolt, the sympathisers in the city Saw Solo Selected. Mr. dealing instruments of destruction as the armed forces that has been Grosso brought the spectators to would raid residences and take which is sold as the sun, as to pbilosophy Asher march to meet the enemy.
their feet time ant again with his what they desired. Duet Selected Misses German paper, the National Zeitung draws a pic wonderful guarding stunts, and He was bardly surprised, be it is new only in the sense that ancient as the sacient of days. Harrison ture of the horror that will descend upon mankind from many a time the hopes of the Paci.
said, when the outbreak started to the race bas lost algbt of it from Piano Solo Selected Mas clear skies on the same day that an English member of the fico were shattered by bis interFee the amber of prisoners who time to ime. It is not new ter Ken. Parker House of Commons introduces a bill in Parliament hereby were The game started out in grand creation but a new revelation of Vocal Solo God be merciful all communities in Britain will be compelled to supply each style. Cummings intercepted MarARMED WITH REVOLVERS the old creation.
to me Mrs. Cuusens citizen with a gas mask and hold monthly gas drills in tin pase which brought the apand carbines, as it was undoubtedly The new philosopby is a reli h8 Recitation The Church order to acquaint men, women and children with the effec: plause from the Pacific fans, by a fact that these were thrown over glou of joy and gladness, not for the Worldtive and quick operation of protective masks.
scoring the first goal of the game.
the walls of the prison and the tomorrow in some far off world, Brown Chato and Murillo each scored Here is a translation of the National Zeitung article: foul throws, while Martin registarbrick yard. In the latter place it but for y and gladness to day, Quartetto Salected Misses is said, there are only 20 to 30 in tbis world. Its promise to to Qaarless Morgan Messre War will break out without any warning, without ed from the field, for the Selver wardere in charge of over 200 men make you happy here as well as Smith Stephenson Five.
leven a declaration of hostilities, whilst in the prison the averago is bereafter.
PART 60 warders to fully 500 men. The Note: In the preliminary part Last minute despatches will give no inkling of whatſ. The second neriod was chat ie er.
prisoners realising this have taken of this sorles clearly and dis Eulis: Vote of thanks Mr. is in the air. To the contrary, they will be of a reassuring ined by personal touls, Vivies and things in their own hands, and un tiactly said that the continuation Prescott nature.
doubtedly the number of warders and conclusion of some would marked against their Damnes, while will have to be increased perman be in the very word of the bote Mrs. Lena Thomas Sails Europe, will not be known by the majority of governments cach toed the free throw mark The death decree for a nation or for the whole of Johnson, Murillo and Bilerave ently.
Dr. from his book TELEPHONE WIRES CUT, You Can, Bat Will You, For New York, until five minutes before the cataclysm descends upon. The teams changed baskets in My name is mentioned io conIt was stated that the telepbone nection with the series only so them. The press will know nothing of it; the public even the third quarter, and after five minutes of fast and furious playwires were cut at the begining of tar as transcription is concerned. sailed on the Finland Friday Among the many passengers who less.
iog, Martin tallied twise from the the attach so as to delay arrival of The streets will be covered with business people and field; Chato and Murillo also reinforcements. This was evidently Sep. 3rd for New York, was Mrs.
the case, as do reply was received Lena Thoma of this city. Mr. the boulevards will never look more animated. All of a sudden, the air will become charged with an Boys came out for the tap og fight Thomas left to join her In the last quarter Prescott when Central was called.
By way of showing the attitude ed, and invite you to shoot bim.
Mr. Geo. Thomus, in Brooklyn, odor of violets, first lightly then heavily. Soon the atmos 106. never been seen before. The tooth and nail, sport such as the prisoners are adopting, he went Two men, he continued, died New York. She is well known, to state that when the men re from the gun shot wounds they re and bigbly esteemed, and it was phere will become unbreath able.
fused to obey orders and were ceived, whilst up to 10 o clock a with sad hearts and heaving breasts a Whoever will not be able to get away and few will Pacific players had their hauds full, threatened, their reply would be third prisoner was slowly but sure. that her many friende bade her be able to do so will soon become biind, lose conscious trying to stop the sport of their We wish for Mrs opponents, but the Atlantic led by We don give a prison belong ly dying. warder received a shot Good bye.
Prescott, seored again and again, to we Charge a man with a gun, through the wrist, whilst another Thomas a pleasant stay in the good ness, collapse and choke to death.
Jold U, Continud on page Continued on page 8)
and he would stand up une acero got a bas y smack in the bead, Trophy, to 20.
Cantata at Invention or discovery given ference.
her husband.


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