
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD brent country and WIADO PEREZ be stopped. Due to XAN AND INVIGORATIME and energy Ann, JAMAICA Emigration to Cuba to be stopped.
Will Raise Question Of Emigrant Deposit.
Under the headline Jotting by Quiz the following appeared in a recent issue of the STAND The GLEANER underetands ARD just to band:that at the coming session of the Emigration to Cuba has icLegi lative Council the matter of volved diplomatic unpleasanthe emigrants deposits fund will be brought up: and haviog re, ness in the past owing to the gard to the fact that the funds ill treatment of British West Indian labourers by the Folice baye jesched the dimension it and others in that has, the question will be raised by one of ibe elected members as was even tbreatened by th to whether the time bas pot arBritish Government that British rived when the amount which an West Indians might be proenigrant bas to deposit into the hibited from going to Cuba. The Teasury before be can go to An This difficulty seems to have been Cubi, viz: 3, should not be surmounted, and as labour from Jowered. It is well known that outside appeared to be essential having regard to the fact that Invigorating to the reaping of the cane crop Elegant lonic in Cuba it was supposed that Ja inaicans can no longer proceed to New York in search of employthe Cuban Government would ment, there is quite a lot of unsee to it that labourers from employment, especially amongst Preparation other West Indian Islands were the youth of the country, and it treated with fairness and huis ing urged that the ruling Health Imparting manity. The situation has re.
au hocties bould leggon the is highly cently taken a fresh turn, and emigration depos it to 30.
learn that these immigrants in future are to be kept out. The The goestion, as stated above.
WINE recommended Heraldo de Cuba says.
will be asked by one of the electentrance in future for Antillean ed membars with a view of getimmigrants, So declares the thug pronouncement on that subject from the Goverament.
It in Debility, President of the Cuban Republic The newspaper goes on to. ot Likely changes Among Nervousness dangerous Antillans which has the Ms.
promotes digestion caused so much protests from our natives in the interior, is to the Yesterday, says the GLEANER Female Weakness Rraft of improves former Administrations they of the b, inst, it was learnt bave been allowed here, but the bave that certain changes amongst the appetite will not pset Government the Resident Magistrates of the Impoverishment General Machado clooy are lik ly to take place and gives tone Deaned It.
nomli ne in October next. It only sucb permission as he could not avoid, for gettinx is known that the Government of the Blood labour to take oft the present would liks to secure the services crop, but be has since stated of Comnander Bodily, RNR, HEALTH that the Antilleans will be the the 54sident Magistrate for Su eller and to build up a on to the Isst people in future to penetrate the Marive Board; and IMPARTING our national territory.
These it is bigbly probable that be labourers have not the least might be transferred to a parish whole system WINE run down cɔɔstitution moral sentiments, the uneducanearer Kingston, so that bis ted, actually savages; and for services will be available by the a plate of food will cause the Marine Bjard whenever necesgreatest trouble in our fields.
sary. changes a:e not likely to take placa until after the return of Mr. Yater, the Acting Judge of the Kingston Court. MODERN OPTICIAN.
Arrested in Raid on The same paper of simlar date states that among the pasObeah Charge.
DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or sengers who arrived from New York was Dr. Edmund Dear. times a day.
Dr. Dear bás Soma consternation was caused the folin Jobn Lane yesterday mornlowing degrees with bonours at the Philadelpbla Optical College ing, says the GLEANER of the Bub inst. when Acting Dtective JAVIER MORAN viz: Dr. of Optometrs, Dr. of Refraction, Dr. of Physiological Inap. ctor Murpby, Sgt, jor American Pharmacy.
Gayle, and Detective Vorporal Optics, Dr. of the Suthwest SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Eye. Dispensary and Wellirgton, made a swoop on Post premises No. 40 in that local ty Graduate, Opthalmic Clinic. He was also admitted Member of and arrested Grantham McDonald on the charge of practisthe Alumni Association, It is stated that his equipment ing obeah.
is the most modern in Barbados.
From what can be gathered, the sleuths plan wo ked well and the capture was red banded. Legislature Will Meet MAN AND GIRL KILLED It is said that this locality TRINIDAD BARBADOS Is the hang out for a ring of Tarring Broad Street October 19 BY LICHTNING brainy Kingston crooks, wbose sol obj ct is o ti rece persons Buff Bay, Sept. It is re Scholarships To Trinidad Governor and Party We notice that the Highways coming from around, and InnoCeot ported that a man named James Commissioners for the parish of country people.
The GLEANER of the 8th aing and a young girl, WilbelInspects Railway Lines St. Michael have commenced Quite recently an unfortunate instant says it is in a position mina McDonald were struck by repairs on Broad Street which woman was relieved of ICO by that the Autumn session of the district about twelve miles from anderstands that one of the sugo to definitely announce that lightning at Birdam wood, a The Port of Spain Gazette was in a very bad co dition. Tbe one of the gang and also Under the caption The Week tarring method is adopted and weet tue trap and made the pocrer by at Headquarters House at pm bere yesterday, and that both gestions sent on to Howard Voi News in Brief tbe STANDARD o Reanite stone is placed over the rom the country was led into Legislative Council will died instantaneously. The allega versity with regard to the pro the 4th inst, says: tar to form the surface. This Bys. 60. It is reported that a number on Tuesoay the 13th of October, tions are that the pair of people posed offer by the academy of On Thursday last, Party tem of repairing has been tried o similar cases have occurred in for the transaction of business.
left their bume at two 000 scholarships to consisting of His Excellency the this area, but on account of the students, is announced the to go to Birnam wood to gather Trinidad As already that Governor, on previous occasion on different Woilst at the place Ling students of Queen Royal and Esq. M, bis son Master streets with favourable success, and it is that when Broad always suc :in defeatiu important held in times the ends o justiop.
The question of the proposed asked McDonald to hand bin affiliated to be excluded. IA.
excellencydone quite satisfactors change in the Political Consti. stick and in the act of doing so. The reason given for this stipe Stewart, Colonial Secretary, Good roads, as a Wellino 600, 00 Position of West Indian tution will be the foremost item both parties were the truck to better to the use orden trattending commander Dix, Harbour greatly needed here. Iden. on of death. and than Queen Royal ColMaster, and Business is schools Regiment.
Then there the was found prostrated alongside lege and affiliated Messrs Thorne, question of the Cana la Jama ca the little girl, both dead. large thereto, are not eligible for the Jason Jones and o. Members of the DEATH OF LADY trade agreement and the amend. number of people gathered on Island Scholarsh Barbados Government Railway There have been many rument of the tarift. The Council the scene. The news later on Board, and Mr. H, PROBYN mours current in Kingston resent will ratify the proposal to bring reached the Buft Bay police, Higgins, Manager of the Railway went on Libel Case.
ly with regard to the West out an irrigation expert and the who proc eded to the locus in trip by special train, to inIndian Regiment. The most re final report the of select commit quo and took the necessary statethe lives Agricultural tee appointed to deal with the pro ments.
cent was toat there was no vot tection of native industries will of money to maintain the regio be presented.
The Herald understands that The trip was takenho especial Reporter of the 1916 August says:went a ter March 31st next year the defendant in the Walcott for the benefit of Mr.
We regret to learn of the death and that offlcers whose time had Hutchinson Kinch libel sait ba Stewart and Commander Dix, There are a couple of nomiapplied for date of bearing recent arrivals in the country late last month of Lady Probyn, expired were not being replaced. nated members of the Council off at Sandgate, England, som time What everyone is These statements are abso the Island and steps will sboril, saying of lutely ground less. In the first be taken to appoint gentlemen Office at 11 o clock, Pleas. The plaintitts have ap through to St. Andrew, stopping Probyo, fomer Governor of this place no budget figures for next to act in their plac year bave yet been compild plied for commission to take a Buckley Factory where ar colony. During the regime of ber KRONEN BRAU The session is expected to last so to one CAD say what is to about seyen weeks.
certain evidence lo Newfound rangements are being made to busband in this Colony lady bappen.
land to which the defendant has pada siding, the Harrow siding Book yok devoted herseli to the of various local charities.
superior to all It was als. Wor It was also current talk lo It is further learnt that Mr. His Excellency and Party lun popo After fully inspecting the line and Civic Associations in the Colony. She was exceedingly Kingston that a qumber of forts imported beers round the barbour wera baing De Freitas one of the lead caed at Atlantis Botal, and re popular bere and the news of her ing lawyers of British Guiana turned to the City at 30 o clock. ted. We join in an et xension of dismantled, on the grounds of use, but as far as could be a demise will be generally regrethas been retained for the plaineconomy. This proved to be gathered there is no intention to another vague rumour. It is true interfere with any of the others.
tilfs along with Messrs. R.
sympathy to Sir Leslie, and Rent Receipt Books in Span Ward, and Adams.
that the Apostles Battery near For some time past there has ADVERTISE other members of the bereaved family, Port Royal is being dismantled only been a small staff at the sh and English for sale at the Hamel Wells of Prinidad is as it is found tbe of very little battery.
Workmat. Printery appearing for the defendant. In The Workman It Pay (Continued on page 7)
passed a man Bangor por Ridge die veranderd be cooled on these one belle andere te mos habe Walbras de place the sta dar a contages and schools Robertson kiert. In Bradbur, Street in completed the store ated to 800


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