
THE WOLKMAN SATURDAY, SEITE VIPER 19 PAGE TAREE Combined Islands Cricket Team West Indian Sprinter In London, Most appealing maca: native to each ides Because it toasted Luckies taste so good already to Haiti, movements their opportunity Meoting, TO VISIT JAMAICA The following appeared in a ecent issue of the Triti ad Correspondent in Barbados Sporting Chronicle: Io preparation for the next Paper Puts Forward Olympic games to be held at Suggestion Amsterdam, Mr. Hogflesh, Secfetary of the Amateur Athletic Association in a look around for PROPOSITION MAY BE CONsuccessors to Abrahams, SIDERED, Eris Liddell, Hill. and other Olym ympic champions of the paat, says. writer in the Bardados It does occur to me that we ADVOCATE bas the following to Lucky Strike is the only cigarette bave a very brilliant sprinter say anent a combined cricket team from Barbados, Trinidad out of over 200 brands on the market from another part of the Empire who may be available to us. and British Guiana, to visit JaDean. London, now of Lonwhich is unique that Jon University. Viewed from both a cricket London, whose performance and social standpoint we are unin the 100 vards bave been reder some kind of an obligation markably good this season, is a to Docced with a cricket team cf British Guiana. do to Jamaica, in return for the vist ot suppose Guiana will be of their men sometime ag, but ser ding a team to the Olympic it may be a financial difficulty to games, and therefore, without bandle. Before of being quite positive about it, tour may be turned down I would shoid think he would be ayailabag that the following proposible to Creat Britain if he were ton be considered it it has been wanted.
lready decided to send a Barba bian teain to Jamaica in the near fu ure then all well and good.
If not, why should it be imbossible to get a West Ird es side Why pay double price from these parts by obtaining for inferior imported be co operation of the other colonies, believe Jamaica would Beer when you can heartily agree, if acquainted with buy a superior Beer the circumstances and would, inded feel it a compliment to costly betterment an added prosuch as BALBOA for have West Indies side from half the price.
ibe other colonies among them cess but toasting develops the and it would give a chance to Tricidal and British Guiana to hidden flavors of the world finest become acquiinted with them as we have recently done, tobaccos. That why The alvation Army The suggestion is this, Let Birbados, British Gulana, and Trinidad co operate and select PANAMA CITY CORPS, men to represent each coluy Services are as follows:and agree put up abo about 250 58. tb. Early Prayer Meeting, each colony collecting funds from (ach for lhe expenses of the tour, 10 a. Children Directory Meeting every cricket club and the puband Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11 am liness Meeting to be non lic in general. and also by dances and entertainmects. Then take reason ducted by Commandant Martin, The French steamer from Port of p. Company meeting and Spain which goes direct believe millions Brigade Open air.
and having p. Junior Open Air.
acquainted Jamalea of 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air would can resist 30 m, Big Salvation Meeting.
be awaiting them there through Other notices for the week will be the goodness of our Jamaican given from the pulpit.
friends for sailing at once from Port au Prince for Kingston which distance is approximately the The Church of God same as Bridgetown to Port of Spain. As our men would have to meet the Gulanese also Panama, Aroeemena Street, House 25, at Trinidad to catch the French fan Miguel Soday at am. Prayer steamer an opportunity might meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
be givrn there for a game Bar ind 30 Sunday School at p.
bados and British Guiana Born Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting vs the Trinidadians. That match Tuesday at 15 m. Young People could be grasped as Wednesday at 30 m, SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY Campel meeting. Thursday at 30 pm.
to swell the funds.
Open air meeting. Friday at 30 And if the idea was accomplistPrayer Meeting.
pd games could be played at Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge)
Jamaica as follows: Red Tank, Canal Zoue. Sunday Schoo West Indies XI dayé, p. Gospel meeting on Thursday Barbados Gulana Born at 30 days Sis. GRAY Barbados Trinidad BornNew Providenon. Gospel Mee ing at days.
11. 30 am and 30 Sunday School West Indies XI days.
33 Wednesday at 30 GogThe second and third games pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting would only require the selection SS (f one man to fill the eleven and ACCOACE Additional Church Services.
Bro. McDONALD that could easily be arranged as astun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meatino it is not expected that Trinidad, Seventh Day Adventist Church 11. 30 am, and 30 Sunday to be representative, would not School at pm. Wednesday 30 have one of th se personalities in Goepel Meeting. Pridsy at 30 the persons of Wiles and STREET CALIDONI ROAD Prayer Meeting. Birkett in their sides, whilst (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITH with Biltish Guiana they should Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab! Jolon and Streets. Cospel meet be sure to have one Bim from bath School: 11, 15 General Worship lngs at 11:30 am and 80p. Bunday Snottie Browne, Coddard 30 Spanish Clase; School at 8pm. Wednesday at 30 Chabral and Neblett, the coming left. band bowler and such great 30 Society, meeting om. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 30 Junior and Senior Standard Prayer Meeting.
of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON And if there should be any Sunday ever ing 30 Steredeticit in the side funds ain optican Lecture. The general public is sure Jamaica would agree to cordially invited to turn out in large Services of the Bethlehem make up that deficit from the numbers. sbekels that would fill their Church of God Holiness Recommended for Removing the Humors of coffers from the large attendane that would prevail, now the game Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Seventh Day Adventist Church No, MARIANO AROSEMENA St.
is holding Jamaica with such Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic SAN MIGUEL display against the last great enthusiasm, since the great 3rd STREET BROADWAY COLON Sunday 30 a. Prayer Meeting.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Distouring side.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath 10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
In case the rest of the West eases caused by Imų urities of the Blood School; 11. 15 am. General Worship Divine Service. Bro. Small Indies seot a strong representa4. 30 p, Young people meeting p. Sunday School, Superintendent. p. 30 Gostive body and they were the more An Alterative recommended for purify. 30 Vespere pel Service, Preacher Bro. Reice successful up to the end of the third game it would be sporting ing and enriching the BLOOD.
Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching The usual weekly services will be Service.
aad fairer perhaps to You are cordially invited to conducted on Tuesday and Thursday all parties to give the Guianese and Humattend these service and bring your night, at 45 friends, men, the greater preBEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting ference in the final match For Sale at all Drug Stores 11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Bro.
and think the result Salvation Army Hall. Webley tour if accomplished would be to 80p. Sunday School, Superintert create the best felling and good And ia Large Quantities by dent. p. Gospel service. Prescher will among the four colonies conLA BOCA CORPS Bro. S, Webley. cerned and serve as some sort of JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy 30 a. Knee Drill.
Thursday night, Bible readings and basis for the selection of the side Prayer, to tour England in the year 1928 11 a. Holinese Meeting.
AGENT 3p. Sunday School.
All other notics for the week will be 30 Open Air.
given from the Pulpit ADVERTISE 30 Salvation meeting.
Bro, WEBLEY, In The Workman It Pays BOSSESSE 83 Sei S3 SSO SE Wo extend a cordial ir vitaton to sk Icting Pastor charge. in from LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTED CIGARETTES Meetin.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD ning Bird mei


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