
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1926 PAGE SEIN Cider Champagne perfect blend Take Notice Chesterfield Ho Ro Co Famous Producs Site impetry Interesting West.
Jewelry Shop Jump From The Bal EL GAITERO cony of An Alms THE ONLY ELABORATED House.
Demerara. Aug. At the Spanish Cider with its City Police Court yetterday fore His Worship Mr. JH.
own Carbonic Acid McCowan, as Coroner and man wamed James Hendy who bad been an inmate of the Almas House up to the time of his death on the 22nd Joly last.
No one tobacco by itself, no District lospec or Ashmore led the evidence.
matter how good, can yield the parled charm that makes Dorothy Spencer the first witURETIC AND REFRESHING Chesterfield unique among cigness said that she saw the Trade Mark arettes Assistant gbt Nurse in charge of three fine tobaccos of Ward of which Hendy bad last been an inmate. On the VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ.
night of th: 22nd July last, the But there is a certain smoothness and ceased sta td to t out of bin S, mellowness in the unique Chesterfielá bed between 10 and 11 o clock VILLAVICIOSA blend that distinguishes it from all other Witness told bim to go back whico he did complaining how SPAIN cigarettes.
over that be feit bot. few It is not merely that Chesterfields are minutes after the deceased bad ESTEBAN DURAN made of costliest Turkish and choicest returned to his bed, be again got up nd this time rusbed out on SOLE AGENT North American tobaccos.
to the balcony. Witness rao be: For the Republic of Panama Rather it is the exceptional skill by hind him and just succeeded in which the essenticl character of each getting her hand on his shoulder when he threw bimselt over the tobacco is retained, while yet blended railing and fell to the ground harmoniously to give that rich, spicy about 25 feet below.
fullness so eagerly sought for by smokers Witness than ran downstairs everywhere.
to wbere the deceased was lying and follod blm groaning. He was taken up and carried to another ward where he died about 15 Regular Assortment of minutes later. She knew the deceased to be suffering from Brights disease and general Anaema. He had been treated by Dr, Flavier wbo afterwards made fa post mortem exanimation on CIGARETTES SUCH ASthe body.
After Miriam Miller the Procipal Night Nurse bad given Tonics, Soaps, Vanishing Cream, evidence as to the fact that as she knew the deceased bad been Salve, Talcum Powder, Asperine quite Dornul in mind before bis death, and that she had been also Tablets, Shampoo, Hair Dressing, Manufactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO CO.
a witness of Hendy leap into eteroity.
etc. etc. etc.
The doctor report was read, DOCTOR REPORT.
The report showed that the décessed had been admitted into The Workman Printery (Continued from page 2) the institution on tbe 17th Joly last suffering from Bright decease. On the 28ad July last 93 CENTRAL AVENUE EL EXCELSIOR BRITISH GUIANA he had examined the body and found that besides two wounds Panama City.
on the face the deceased was Corner 12 Street East Avenue Colonel Blackwood bleeding from the cose and mouth and had sustained a fracBody Found. ture of the right bip at about We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also the neck of the thigh. The limh 21 watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Alter baving been immersed bad a shortering of about 24 in the Mazaruni River for two inches due to the fracture. and Workmanship is guaranteed.
days, the body of Colonel the Says Frazier bleeding from the nose and. uth bad probably General of Pulice and Com mat. by a fracture of the base of the DUBOIS LEADERSHIP IS TOO INTELLECTUAL TO Caosed dant of tbe Local Fore rapia WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED derth was due lamentable death by drownlig to his general health and death SATISFY THE MOB JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
took place early on Muoday in bis opinion, was due to the morning 15 b, inst, in the vicl injuries received in the fall from ARTICLE IN NATION nity of Setul ment as the balcony which was about 18 From this date on, he plunged from a rocky islet feet high.
lo an endea your to rescue Miss Addressing after sum (FROM PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE)
AUCTION SALES Boro kiego o operete or per M: ming up the evidence His WorNew York. ANP. Marcus Garvey, president general of Prison, ship said that it was ble opinion will be held every day from a. to p.
who bad got into difficu with the tide and to similare late, benefromette uvidence there was of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, now servnegligence attached. ing a term in the federal prison at Atlanta for using the mails was recovered at 45 tr. on Tuesday The jury then Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall returned to defraud, is a crank, according to an article written by shot distance from verdict in accordance with the Franklin Frazier of the Atlanta School of Social Service, the the scene of the tragedy. Diligent be pleased.
search bad buen made for the doctor report adding that the bodies, but that of Colonel Black decaased bad committed suicide article appearing in the current issue of the Nation. Frawood rose to the surface, wh le a depressed mind due zier writes: o bis ailments.
that of Miss King is still held by It is uncritical to regard Garvey as a common swindler the deep. Oar Baltica correspowho has sought simply to enrich himself, when the evident telegrapbing the news of dence seems to place him among those so called cranks the recovery of the body yesterwho refuse to deal realistically with life.
day morning stated that it was in good state of preservation. Havo you tried the Mr. Frazier believes that Garvey has included in his SIMPLE BUT IMPRESSIVE FUNEprogram of leadership more that appeals to the masses of now Boor Negroes than any of the other so called Negro leaders. Of Our Booker Washington, the Atlanta writer remarks: WashBartica correspondent Kronen Brau wrote later: The search for be AND ington could not be considered a leader of the masses of bodies was continued all day on Negroes, for his program commended itself chiefly to white Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Tuesday by the police. Several people and those Negroes who prided themselves. on their unsuccessful attempts were opportunism. There was nothing popularly heroic or inmade to dive them up the Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages being also raked.
ed. e use of Prisons, C. King, Ing spiring in his program to captivate the imagination of the dynamite near the spɔt where bem Goring, District Inspector average Negro. In fact, the Negro was admonished to play the tragedy occurred was resort Jones, Dr. T. Boyce, M. an inglorious role.
Summary of Contents: ed to but this did not achieve the Messrs Burton. assistant Of DuBois, Frazier writes that his leadership has been results required. Sbornly before e. Stuart, accountant. War been too intellectual to satisfy the mob, and even his th History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years of Colonel woud was seen to rise to the sur dens Nelson and Jones. glorification of the Negro has been in terms which escape Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, face of the water by Mejor The was borne by Lco the black masses. but Garvey, asserts Frazier, not only Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Widå up, Deputy Inspecur Gene Sergt. Major Harris, Lise Corpol. promised the despised Negro a paradise on earth, but he Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, ral of Police and District lospec Bentick, Wardens, Thomas Glen, tor Bovell Jones who were odle, Moe, Dalz ni, made the Negro an important person in his immediate Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Ket ping a close watch. The police Dad, Barrones, and Cummings. environment. He invented honors and social distinctions Players Mojur Harris in charge admist profound expressions of to make his followers feel important.
bo Policeman with Loe, Sgt. The Colonel was laid to rest and converted every social invention to his use in his effort Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and which was was nearby, made for the sympathy from the community.
He further explains the Garvey technique in attracting scene and socured the Colonel Agrosy.
Interesting body which was placed in and holding a crowd by pointing out how the imprisone Ly oliebed cedar afin made by leader built a sentiment among Negroes comparable to the Price 50cts.
Mr. DaCosta lkes ot Bardca.
Ku Klux ideals for whites; bow he made his followers feel Interment took place that some day, in some miraculous way, they were desabout an hour later in the CimeWhy pay double price tined to be of great service in regenerating the world; how tery at the Pepal Settlement. It was for Interior Imported simple but Impreesive certSecure yours now there will be great rush he gave them victims to vent their hatred upon, usually mony, the Rev. Papworth, Boor when you can the Negro intellectual because Garvey himself lacks for them, Chaplain of the Settlement, per formal education, and how he utilized the supposed forming the rites, Starting from buy a superior Beer religious influence among Negroes.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN the steamer the ci tege proceed such as BALBOA for1 Although a crank, Frazier believes Garvey has the Panama to the Cemete y. Those in attendance included Major Wiadup, halt the price. distinction of initiating the first real mass movement Messrs W, King, Inspeetor of among American Negroes.
Thinks Garvey is a Crank been Fore s, whose skull. The Pedal Doreen Inspector a STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History RAL.
spot cofia a high The


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