p. 8


betting out there night.
BRO. Exciting Races The four men Dative on windlog, second DOO waged a. 10.
be 24th profession, ment.
Last Sunday Races Farewell Service Tomorrow Races. Tragic Deaths At Sea most inpressive farewell Eight races are listed on Five of Ship Crew Killed by Last Sunday was cne of those service was given to the Elder the card for Juan Franco park Steam fron Broken Pipe great days at Juan Franco Parkinson of the Church of Park, more bandsome lumpsum: God in Kings on, Jamaica at the tomorrow afternoon, with the having been turned in to indivi Bethlehem Church of God in so main event to be five furlongs While the palatial ocean liner. purse 400, 00. The starters the Finland was lying at pockets of August, past meet. What account for this 1926, which was grea:lv enjoyed was that four outsiders in the by all present. There were repre JUAN FRANCO TRACK in this are booked as Reina Balboa on Thursday evening last out of the nine races og sentatives from other Churches, Mora carrying 126 pounds, waiting for her passengers who the program, turned the tables and a goodly number was TO MORROW Bolshevikſ 121, Dad 102, and were sight seeing in this city, to Brave Lassie 117.
and carried their colors dying which also took active part in elerea that leave members of her crew four shead of their fields to the makiac that service a su ces.
Another combination which were lying under the cold clay in annoyanca of the favourites Parkinson came to to these Sunday September 26th, 1926, promises to furnish a thrill is the Canal Zone cemetery at Mount backers, but to the rejoicinge shores about eleven mo. hs Sao Dandy. Infante, Burla and Hope. They are; of those who believe in that and was introduced to the Beth.
every man bas bis equal chance lebem Church, and during his stay Meddler. They are given 125, Harwood, James Young and Haruld Baoks. fifth, whose the was 125, 97, 95 pounds, respectjollowing name could not be secer rolling in of the big wads was boeren heb e of very great use to ively, over a mile and one tainad, died in tba Colon Hospital four furlong bandicap in the second evento especially there and his services eighth.
yes erday morning horses. Perkins was the Members of that Church, as well for will never be forgotten by the Another quadruple will men scalde lo Jockey. ndlewood paid 85. 10 the as the members of the venezer Races for Imported horses take on seven furlongs for the death whea the good ship was and 88 40 for place. Church of God to which he mide about 45 miles second race: these are Trans Thursday morning at about out of Cristobal op Rialto with Hidalgo up cam, lo bimself dear and for Native bred Ponies by his friendly, Godly late 126, Oran 106, La Garz. o clock.
and and Fatherly way of mov ng in paid 70 They were asleep in their Ia tbe na 126 and ſigre 118.
next race of the name and out among them. There were rooms when a steann pipe bursted distance Simon with Moore WILL BE RUN. OFF RAIN OR SHINE the platforin Five native class in a passage way near their many addresses rooms in the saddlromped home all stirring and very appropriate horses, zapo, Rialto. Chiqui. side by the death delivering steam.
and they were thereby pinned ioabead of his oli and paid 25 70, for the scuasion, as well as a few Fenomeno and Candlewood One man made herculean eforts to and 80 for plac, Fap camo solos and other pieces, sung by Another Big Day of Sport are booked to run the cur escape but when he showed his face in second and paid 70 and Choirs from other Churches also.
Ruso tbird, 00 which ad led greatly to the protain raiser which will be out the wicked dsatb carrying Theo Lucero in the seventh grám; but amonggst them we must over five furlongs; while the steam a furious come back race of six furlongs for imported not fail to mention solo which Everybody will be there. Don miss it. third event will include Olla, and he did in the struggla.
horses, class won bis field was sung by Mrs Odle wife of consisting of Col. Araogo who Rev. odle, which was greatly Spear Blade, Silver King, Col. Passengers coming into towa First Race Starts p. Sharp ut gave a graphic account abe bor Arango, Argentino, Titina and rible tragedy, how it threw as it Meddler aod Meelab, and paid place like home then came, Miss came to second, Sister Cecilia enjoyed by all The tittle was, No Marcela to run seven fur were a dark cloud on over the hap.
312 40 and 60. Col. Aranco Lavy, who to the delight and satislongs py time which was being enjoyed paid 60.
of ADMISSION all present sang the closFenomeno is again book by passengers and crew coming dowu.
the eighth race, Celia, with Perkias iu tha saddle, romped all shoes Wa salo entittled Lead me Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
to run five furlongs in the fourth eveut of five furlongs JACK DEMPSEY the way for waich she deserves the winner and paid 1700 the greatest cre lit; and we are hone ou each 2, 00. Li Vittoria against Don Simon, Fap, Dic.
sure that that dear man of God second 10, Translate third, went bome feeling that his stay on tador, Zapa, El Chichi, Harold (Continued from pagel. the and Ruso. He will take up scheduled ten rounds with both at all vaio, iutante, ridden by Codel, led and that he would be sure that ne CHURCH SERVICES Passed To The Great 126, pounds top weight in fighters on their feet at the finish.
the tield in the last event, with had a warn, welcome in the hearts this event while in the first No knock downs were scored. Of the other two ent ies olin and of the dear peoole bere any time he Seventeenth Su day After Trinity Beyond Poncho Roto, coming is in tbe felt race his weight will be 102 the ten rounds Tuaney gained to to shores order named. This was a seven. Brother James Webley, Pastor of pounds.
seveo and the other three were AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH furlong bandicap for class the Church presided as as Chairman, Miss Ethel Harrison, daughter of Dad, Carcajada, Zambo, even ta ported borses. Infante paid Elder Odle, the only presiding (Anglican Catholie) Mr. Charles Harrison and Mrs Mitzi and Aracuana are booked both men tasted blood and it was In the early stages of the fight 70. Elder of the Church of God HaliSt. Paul Church, Panama Lydia Harrison pa sed to the great to run in the last race, a fivein the con con la bandes para persoas con dibe lochanuse mari celo por: Buv. A, Niektengabe, Robot about seven monthe severe sufering furiong distance forjaas purse appeared Beyond, after a sericus illoe: of that noticed one of Dempsey ftth event, for class sent, and took active part closed. and bis face ved borses, the biggest race for in the program. goodly suin was cher. Holy CommunionCanon Me. She came three hundred dollars. appeared twice its usual size. At the afternoon, Dandy, with collected from the congregation of. jockey Hidalgo in the saddle, and handed over to. El Jer Parkio Catechist.
10:15. Matina Me. Atwell, time after becaber, 1920 Bord come! The line up is an admirabie she end of the fixht Jack wept and a member of the one and indications point to worries the latest of which attr buted lis defext to domestig won Pereque and From Frou, son, We wish Hm God speed.
Ebenezer of God, and we ridden by Perkins and Munce)
10 30 no. Holy Boobariot pôrmon, Elepeord Couches that lived an afternoon of real enjoy report the night before this on birth a respectively, The Rov. Canon Molcher.
life which testified ber to that his wife had which 12 Holy Baption. Canoš Meleber. She was a very active member, and THINGS TO BOOM Ocber winners were: Firet SEVEREST STORM caused him to lose four poundo.
race, Excuse Me first; Darda3 pm. Church School.
belda This probably accounted for the Dela, cond forlongo 30 Choral Broncong, cormon the church, and was beloved by poor slowing which it is alleged Fourtb race Zambo first; Car. Continued from page 1) be Rector and all; but the grimmessen. Continued from page 1)
Jack splayed in the riog.
cajado second and Titina third. perty loes is estimated at over two Wednesday, 29:b Feast of St. Mi ger, red ber a way to the great not yet come to an agreement.
who favours none, cama up and six furlonze.
hundred million dollars.
o sel and all Angels, Sixth race Tigre first; Oran Miss Gordon Loaves. 61. Holy Communion; 930. land of rest. She passed away on al o disposed to spend 500, 000 in The buricane destroyed, the tino; 30 Choral Evenreng and September 14th, 1926, leaving her Railways and new plantation in The United Fruit Company is second. Carlo 88.
major part of the United States Sermon.
winter playgrounds where millons After spending several weeks on vering tidlice reconhecer age should be the Rio Frio section of this countrv. the Isthmus, dunng which timo sto of dollars bave been expended of Heavy Seas. during the past four years. All the St. Alban Church, Paraiso held at the Bethlehem Church jealous sof. The funeral service was This is very significant when con endeared perself to all with whom of nuagnificent developments a she came in God, by the, Rev. Odle, Elder of fruit that their concession as contact, Miss CANAL ZONE, nearly all ruined and the real estate cancern expires in (Continued from page 1) booms which recently att attracted (Rev. NIGR PENGALE, the Ebenezer Church to which she Great developinents are expectedlthe, coloratura soprana, left on Price in Charge.
fully hot, so much so that some people from all parte of the country belonged, a most impressive addrets sion of the concession held by this Yoday morning last for New whero she expects to CODpassengers decided to get fresh air have been wrecked. Uowrecked was given to the Matine and addrere 11 a. Mr. which was directed especially to the country bas been mads by the tinue her studies in music, at all hasards, No sooner Ind they churches and private bomes have Odborne. Catechist by the Elder, wonderful development of the Miss Gordon gained fresh air did they and every been converted into bospitals. pm. Churob Bohool and Ca firme. Yosephine Roach, the organist of United Fruit Company, saya audiences in the city, the Canal ordon sang, to large The centres of devastation are tion Instruction. Osborne, The Ebenezer Church, and a special correspondent yet there are those Zone and in Colon, each occasion biog in the cabin received. DRENCHING OF SALT WATER reported to the Niani, West Palm Catechiot.
Beach, Hollywood by the sea, very much to their discomfort. Clewiston, Fort Lauderdale and Canon Melaher. 30 Choral Brenoong de sermon. the Organ ia a very touching man. the monopoly beld by them.
friend of the deceased presided at in iofiuentiol circles who are arguing saioing the full approbation of her audiences, She gave two recitale, During these prelous hours Cap Moorebaven.
befitting the Jae at the Paraiso Clubhouse in tain Swain was always on the bridge Assistant Pastor Recue and WEWDING, BELLS.
the Casal Zone and the other at issuiog his orders. He bad altered St, Matthlas Mission Pastor Griffith took part in the Colon premier Theatrethe Amethe course of the ship and ran be Mr. George Laynis rica.
fore the and LAS BABANAS.
galc. of young pretty marriage ceremony This journal wisbes her success in day when the weather lessened Leaves the Isthmus. Rev. NIGETENGALE, people attended the funeral, and Batarday her musical career.
Priest in Chargo.
Sender to Was o lovely proces ion. We was solemnized on both father and mother Sept. 11tb, when Mr. Fiz Roy The opinion of all the passengers pm. Church School our greatest sympathy, whilst the Matrimony to Mae Johann Dr. David Smith whilst we Sandlord was joined in Holy was that it was due to the excellent Mr. George Laynis, an old timer 30 Evoncong and address by seamanship of Capt. Swain, that on the Isthmus leaves today for Mr. Ricbardıateobist.
taaining which they gave her, and Alexandria Titus, they came through as they did. To bis native Island Dominica, 1, that they have no cause to weap Niebtangale, etor or is: sbow their Paul dum to Mesra Elders and Fyffes years in this Republic. During kid American Episcopal (Anglican Come with the Lord.
Mappreciation memorane after an unbroken residence of 19 Peter by the Son, La Boca because they know that she is the bride looked charming in SNAKE 31TE REMEDIES.
absent from the body, but present her wedding gown, was signed by all the passengers long residence here, W48 for worked Canal Commid to by ber maids o: Dr. Smith the Snakemunio. Settiog out their replay be ex for the honor. After the ceremony the bite Specialist of Guabito, Cap. various sections on the Zone, but 30 of bappy couple went to their nex Before the arrival of vessel lia his own business as cabinet maker mon 10. 45 a The Rootor in the latter years he carried oa The Litonu, Holy Eucharist and Ber: Lost Six Days. Rescued. Pendance at Gracbapali where) Bocas del Toro, begs to the Kingston a offer his professional service was made on in the city of Colon, toasts were collection was various given. p. Churcb Bobool Wong Chow, a Chinese boato board and valuable souvenirs were Mr. odiford is the to any patient. Wherever As an ardent church worker presented to the Captain and his Laynis was always identified with The Ree or Choral Evensong, sermon. 30 swain of the British steamer Sen chauffeur of the Constructing found, his snake bite remeNicbolas, after ting blown away Quarter master.
Oficers. They consisted of a gold the Wesleyan Church on the Isth FEAST OF ST. MICHAEL AND ALL when returning to his ship off many and dies have never failed to cigarette case to the skipper and and did much valuable service couga Bulbos, were effect a speedy cure. The silver ones to the officers Very as local preache, Sunday School ANGELS.
Maracaibo, Venezuela. and picked helped on blm by bla many li tle damage was done to the ship, teacher and Christian Endeavour On Wednesday next the Feast of almost up du during the sixth Doctor also specializes in state an friends by the steamer the only visible sigo being a broken worker.
drainsho ita.
acqpalstances This Journal wishes them other complaints such as Uriglass on the bridge, Obstinate e bay leaving them, Isthmas, which obene predion There will be a Choral ing At the Balbos Quarantine Sca successful and prosperous lite nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers he says is for goodLeynis takes Celebration of. where the British Consul Coughs.
Should you need his proTeacher McCarthy Returns church workers and a large number the celebrant. large attendance to his ship. Sent ashore with mail with him the test wishes of his ina at 7am. The Rector will be will see that he is safo y returnert fessional services, do not fail of friends which he made by is expected.
from bu ship, bo eccountered on Just as we were about to go to to write or come to the DocA pleasant caller at this office unaseuming and affable disposition. At 30 there will be Chora! returning, strong winds which press the glad news came through tor personally when you can venerday to be a par. Edpur me. This paper prishe bomo bon voyage Evensoor and sormon. cordis blew bin little boat away from land that Me Boul Espinosa thorough be cured.
with his invitation is extended to all, Carthy who had just returned from family at Dominica from whom he Trinidad where he spent several has been absent for the past nineand. bred horse Copiapo who was taken T. MUL CARE, Rector, the deep ocean without food for to the States a few weeks ago won Address: months with his family. Mr. Mefive days and in the sixth day was a race yesterday at Long Island, by DR. DAVID SMITH Carthy is back in time to take up picked up by the Maple Branch a leogth and one half in a field of Specialist At St. Barnabas Church, Empire and brought to Cristobal from eleven.
his position as teacher on the staff of the Government school at La St. Bartholomew Church, Las where he was taken through the Guabito Bócas del Toro Boca for coloured children Have you tried tho Cascadas: St, Simon s, Gambos, Canal and landed at Balboa.
Mr. McCarthy has promised to St. Jude Mission, Summit.
Dr. Wendebake Republic Panama.
give us some useful information new Boor Ma ins and Address, Church MEDICAL CLINIC gleaned during his vieit to several School and Evening Prayer and of the West Indian Islands, which Kronen Brau Address will be held at the usual Rent Receipt Books in Span 7, 025 Front Street Colon ADVERTISE we will be glad to publieb for the hour by the Lay Readers.
ish and English for sale at the OPPOSITE STATION In The Workman It Pays benefit of our many readers. MULCARE, Priest in Charge. Workerat. Printery one summoted OD a young Winifred ara are ner Occasion, Rer.
300 attended to in the face of the mus 88 day, in Steen years. PHONE 11


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