
Georgetown, British Gulana, THE August 12. In connection with THE GIVEN ADVICE.
the decision at the last meetiog of the Council of the Chamber of Cow merce on Friday last to proDevelopment Should Be On test against the deliberate Line of Vegetables, Comment preach of falth by the Canadian Of Dally Chranicle.
Government re the curtailment of the steamsbip The Daily Coronicle of Britisb communication Guians of a recent date says: An This between Gulacs, Bud to call Among the visitors to the cooby during the past week wa on the local Government to Mr, C, Tomson, Manager of Invigorating Elegant Tonic action in the matter, on Tuesday the West Indian Fruit Company the foliowing telegram was for tbe of Paramaribo, Da ch Guiana, warded by His Beecretary of Governor to the and which handles large export Preparation State for the Colonies.
trad: besides sopplying local Your des patch of 11th June, wants. We bad the pleasure of an interview with that gentle Health Imparting is highly 186. the following has been reeived the from the Chamber of Com.
mao sbortly before be embarked with request that it be for.
on the Kon Wilbelmios on the orked to Canadian Government: bome ward journey, and regret WINE recommended to state tbat be was not very enGulsna view with grave dissatisBegins British thusiastic over the prosp. cts of faction and alarm the partial local fruit industry. Mr.
Tomson was of opinion that the in Debility, and possible total Industry, It started under good al of passenger service auspices, might enjɔy prosperity, which is Nervousness perhaps op paralleled prosperity Treaty still in operation and the for a period of about four or five promotes digestion hope essly unsuitable years while the bom was still which bave been substituted. The on, Ba, be thinks that after that improves Female Weakness Treaty ratified time tbe industry would suffer as expectation ibe result of tbe market being that Canada would live up to the glatted.
the appetite Impoverishment promise implied it not Of cou se, there is room for a expressed in Article 12 for tho continuance of divergence of opioin on that and gives tone existing service pending instailation of fall ser point, particularly in view of the of the Blood vice as called for Com report of the Imperial E2000mic and energy for by Treaty Committee on the marketing and service HEALTH strongly urge passenger be reinstated or efficiently subPreparing for market of loudto the and to build up a stituted as definitely promised to stuits produced in th: overseas IMPARTING our delegates at the Conference.
parts of Empire whicbwe Valcb We reEnds.
Much concern is also telt viewed a few days ago. Accordwhole system run down coostitution by gislature and by Executive log to that report there is Council.
abundant scope for the expansion In connection with the change of tbe truit market in the Uaited inform of the telegram from that and ample opportunity originally submitted to the Chamber it may be mentioned ducts, provided proper steps are that on further enquiry it was taken in the marketing of prolearnt that although the duce. We are happy to be able to Dew record, bowever, that the questreaty bed been ratified by both Mon of suitability of soil had DO parties it does not come into operation until a date bas pressed. Mr. Tom 200 was vu iniluence on the views be ex pera DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or upon by the contracting favorably impressed with the try parties and notified by proclama ter tion. We are therefore still types of soll be siw, and he bad times a day.
lug under the old treaty and it Dad an apportunity of visiting became necessary to aprpoach the Parious sections of our coas. lanus matter slong diderent lines. The and examiniog the soll, He seems Curtaiment of the service is not to envisagewies in the way of however, tremenJAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
new breach by Canada. but an dous breac establishing the industry and exaggravation of the previous WOK SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS breach and disregard of the the tiew that just as promise given to our delegates our sugar industry has met with serious check as the result of at the Conteret ca that the existcompetition with other ing service, or ope equal to it, more would be maintained until the prosperous countries so would a fruit industry sutter similar Dew service was foaugurated.
tate. For that reason he believes For various reasons it was considered loadvisable to refer to the the colonya agricultural deve ing of Empire produce must be sxs Xos tarifs under the new treaty at lopment would proceed Eversons; the reaction of such bus on the based upoo sound business reathe stage. Action with body regard to these will not be neces.
he said, bey have greater pro manufactured goods should be sary until such time as Canada pecu tban aayihing abroad. demonstrated. The house approaches us with a view to fixlog the date for the treaty to Your colony has a great future wife must be made to real 23 come into operation; when our in bis respect, and my advice what it means to the family budattitude can be defined.
to agriculturists and farmers is get or the in coming as well as to platt all kinds of vegetables on the spooding side. Another the soil is capable of proucing. point that is made to the useless the same quali y and variety of frult as few as five While this does not in any way pieces.
RELYING ON RRITISH MARKET. Dess of advertising on a large We wish to assure Mc. Tou scale roods whose supply 18 affect the intrinsic quality of the son tbat our farmers will not be quantity and supfront, states, it results in no little inconvenience With the improved facilities ibat ply shall alow In acting upon bis advise. tial that ad rertismead. The be.
are belog ofered through the necesitation de canned or bottled for distinctive marks arge catering firms and to with families of chilinauguration of drainage, ud fruit is als) emphaslaed aod the dren.
Irrigation schemes they will plant all kinds of vegetables: bat appeal to the imagination has not that An important will not prevent many of the pointe the been neglected, since it made is the necessity for repremore adventurou: dod ambitious pointed out that experience is definite from embarking on fruit cultivasentation in artistic labels Indeed the reporters regard tion. We do not lay great store make appelers such representation as pivotal buyer, our sapplies will always be at and in the wbole scheme of Empire United Kingdom reon the American marketio wbiobbe. psseri disadvantage, but prefer to rely el presentatives it organization for marketing. It la stated, bave is attention to this on the opportunities which the pald particular obvious, it is pointed out, that the overseas producer is unable British market particular matter as they real 23 that the to do the best for himself in a housewife of small weans is lookly if it is well ed.
One of the great difficulties ing for something attractive distant market and that his interest in that market should that we will have to encounter to when she buys a tip of apricots be watched by an efficient agent the present predominance of or peaches for her family.
or Organization. In that respect American and other foreign whilet on this question of British Guiana is pretty sste.
fruit, wbich pratically control, canned fruit which is important We already bave our Trade Comthe price at which sach comm 10 In view of the probably us missioner. in London and there dities are sold in Britiaa to day. early start we might make in that shoald be no pifficulty in securThat can be combatted by judi direction, it is desirable that ing his services in forwarding clous publicity, and advertise strict attention should be paid. the interest of British Gulana grading and respect the re to the packing port to which we have already re Marked trregularly in the con fralt when the time arrives.
As we mentioned above we ferred gives some very sound ad tents of the cans of a given brand labour under no delusions as to vice.
have on several coex usually resul. in the no populathe difficulty of the task that slons pointed out the futility of rity of that brand. In some IN THE lies ahead, but nothing ventured expecting the purchaser in the cases it has been discovered that nothing gained, says the old saw.
United Kingdom to show a pre cans of a particular fruit have In other words be who does not terence for Empire produce be been found to contain ten or risk seldom achieves.
cause of any obligations arising twelve pieces, and other cans of. Continued on page 3)
out of mere sentiment. The buy the sare size reputed to contain onts been Betull work: pressed the present It is essenGOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY the report Domberot porequire, regular. S port point that is also in the United Kingdom, that to to and their Only First Class Ones Need Apply ADVERTISE WORKMAN IT PAYS


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