
Additional Church Services. Continued from page 2)
Seventh Day Adventist Church JAMAICA Future of The West India Regt. Band.
The Verdict of millions GOVERNMENT HAS SONE IDEA OF MAINTAINING IT AS SFE. IAL MUSICAL UNIT STREET CALIDONI ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA Babbath (Saturday) 945 sm, Eutpath School; 11. 15am. General Worship Holy Communion will be adain erud at 12 noon today 30 pm. Spanish Clone; 30 pm PM. Socisty, meeting 30 Junior and Seni Standard of tainment Class D. Vespers.
Sunday eveting 30 pm. Stereypticas Lecture. The netal public in cordially invited to turn out in large aumtere.
Doa forget the Sereoptican Lecture Sunday night. Come and bring friend with y u.
who know, is that the flavor they so much enjoy in Lucky Strikes ACTION OF THE MAYOR comes Seventh Day Adventist Church Because it toasted 3rd STREET BROADWAY, COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbath ichool; 11. 15 a, General Worship 30 p, Young people meeting. 30 Vespero Sunday evening 7, 30 Preaching service. You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your friends, Salvation Army Hall. Luckies are the only cigarettes out of over 200 brands offering you this costly, extra process. Toasting develops the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos. That why LA BOCA (03P3 30 sm, Knee Drill.
11 a. Holinese Meeting, p. Sunday School. 30 Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting.
We extens cordis ir vitato al The Salvation Army Luckies taste so good reason millions can resist PANAMA CITY CORPS, Service are folows:5 a. Early Prayer Meeting 10 a. Children Directory Meeting and Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11 st Holinees Meeting to be no.
ducted by by Comtasndant Martin, 3p. Y, Company meeting and Brigades Open sit. p. Junior Open Air. 45 m. Separate Brigade open Air 30 m, Big Salvation Meeing.
Other notices for the week wil be given from the pulpit.
used Meeting, LUCKY STRIKE The Church of God IT TOAST Persons in United States Are willing to Arrange for a Tour in That Country With regard to the future of the West India Regiment Band, the GLEANER learns that inquiry at its achcal cost of terance has been made by th Colonial Secretary, thus indica ting that the Government bas sme idea of maintaining th: and va a special musierl unit, perhaps in connection with the Police Force or with the local military forcee, It cost the Imperial Governmnt about 3, 000 year to maintain the West India Regiment Band, and the latter earn about 000 a year by playing bt special functions. It is thought by many persons tnat the band were conserved it would earn far more than 000 a year in in the future as, of course, 112 service would be more available for private functions than in the circumsances they er uld be in the past. It is felt, however, that the band should have some sort of milita y connection. It is believed that this mat er will be very carefully considered by the Government.
In a recent GLEANOR the announcement was made that HIR Worship the Mayor (in collaboration with Councillor in Alves) bad decided to take steps to induce the Government to sanction the West India Reglment band being taken over atd as a Municipal Band as soon as the Regiment is disbandej in March next.
In various quarters in Kingston the proposal has been endorsed; and the matter will probably be brought up at the next meeting of the Council of the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation.
Quick action will be necessary for is known that there are private individuals who are anxious to secure the intrumen ments aud to engage the bandsmen, It might be mentioned that a letter bas been received from Parties in America who are will og to make arrangements for the band to tour in the United States during the June rummer months of next ard those who have beard of proposai teel that the would prove very successful. be proposal is now being Robe into, audiuller details will be uede public later on. Claims of Caymanian Fishermen.
Land Settlement for Disbanded Soldiers. The GLEANER IS informed that the claims of the Caymanian fishermen against the Columbian The Glearer understands Government for their arrest that the question of land set and detention at San Andres tlement is going to be taken up on a charge of fishing in terriseriously in the next couple of toil waters has been forwardmonths in view of the early diled by the local government to bandment of the West India aba Claims will be presented to the Colonial Office in London: Dame Rrgiment.
and what can be gathered, the Foreigt Ocice. The men men are men being discharged well claiming not only for receive certain sums of money arrest and detention but loss of from the Imperial Government. occupation, and the atd it is considered a splend a which was on board thair ves.
of opportunity sels at the giving them a time they chance of settling on the land arrested, and becoming. Industrious clti When the Legislative Courcil zens, rather than spending out meets next month the Giverntheir money around Kingston to ment well be asked to lay all no advantage wbaterer. correspondence on the subj ct The matter, we understand the tabls of the house and will be brought to the attention particulars will be asked for 88 of the Government when the to the claima sent in, The Cay.
Legislative Council meete. manians have returned to their homes, but advances of money were made to them wbilst, they TENGD were at San Andres. Who will repay the amount? Tois What everyone is aco he question which tbe Government will be asked.
saying (Contioued on page 7)
KRONEN BRAU superior to all Rent Receipt Books In Span imported beers and English for sale at the Workvian Printery CIGARETTES tous Panams, Arosemena Strect, Huse 25, San Miguel Sunday at am Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am and 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 stim uy Meeting Tuesday st 15 pm. Young People Meetin: Wednesday at 731r.
Cuspel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 o.
Prayer Meeting BRO, A, C, PESSOA. is charge. Red Fank, Canal Zoue. Sunday Scho) p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ings at 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday School at p. Wednesday at 30 Goepel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meuting Bro McDONALD Hatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetings ut 11. 30a. and 30 pm Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 pm.
Goepel Meeting. Frid y at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro, GEORGE C, GRIPPITB Solon. and Strecta. Gospel meet ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sundsy School at 3p. Wedneday at 30 Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON C:00 C4 wcy Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD From the op their catcb Services of the Bethlehen Church of God Holiness were Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Diseases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
SAN MIGUEL Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting 10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Servier. Preacher, Supplied. p. Sunday School, Superintendent. pm. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 am. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. Preacher Surp ied.
OE 30 m. Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel revice. Preacher Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer.
All other potice for the week will given from the ulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor charge. in is For Sale at all Drug Stores And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT SOMOS SOOS


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