
THE PROSPERITY TAILORS CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Avenue, Panama, de One Year Six Months 20 these On)
25 in DO DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING man to which breaking the through brin Oaly constructive each on.
In this world we find two Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applies WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tlon. Correspondence on all mattes types of individuals; one is gifted of public interest invited.
with a fair gree of Intelligence and makes proper use of his with PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be reason and learning; the other, written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription and by far the more abundant, must be accompanied by the name of 1s that type of man who, gifted 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicareason and intelligence, is tion but as a mark of good faith.
content to allow to le Three 60c.
We do not undertake to return redormant and wbo takes jected correspondence.
PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 everything that is told bim quite contentedly, with no desire on The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS bis part to question the truthfulness of the statements thus SATURDAY OCTOBER, 2, 1926, imbibed nor to make use of his reasoning powers in an effort OBSERVATIONS ON THE PROto determine the exact worth of allegation.
category we must place the Average man; for, it is the OF THE HIGHEST ORDER average man who constantly commits tbe As there is so much discussion pro and coni anent the un pardonable blunder of accepting everything New Immigration Law now before the National Assembly, that be bears from one supWe think the following brief observations thereon by a posedly in authority without any prominent Panamanian, which appeared in the Spanish Work Done While You Wait question at all as to its validity.
section of the STAR HERALD on Monday last the 27th This type of individual needs ulto. is worthy of reproduction particularly so for the tone to be awakened to realization of impartiality which peryades the entire article.
that only by doing his own thinkHere is what Mr. Ricard) Morales thinks of the new TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED ing can be ever hope to avoid tbe pitfalls of which there are perposed Law: by far too many in this life. No one will deny that the immigrants into this country, Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Sueb a man is really not a from the Independence of Panama to the present day, inat all in the strict definition of stead of resulting in a vigorous impulse toward a superior the term; be bis but poppet Ladies Garments carefully handled whose spiritual and moral progress for the country, have only emotions and desires, aspirations and ideals are held in served to submerge us deeper and deeper into a state of the bollow of whatever hand economic depression and develop in us a state of continual happens to hold sway over bim moral worry. REID Manager and who to who may be made stand If therefore, our immigration policy be not changed, if firm or bend according to we do not hermetically seal our doors against the entry of string is pulled by the manipulator undesirable elements, if we remain inactive and do not assiseseisisse strings that blod man to some develop our immigration from among the virile and cultured 80 called authority can be be: and by clear type of Western Europe, upon what firm sociological basis must we lay the service to The solution of the problem which confronts us has Disbandment of To Dr. David Smith and to the community: The prin.
both a negative and a positive aspect.
which It is not enough to SNAKE BITE REMEDIES. society is founded. demand that modern merely offer the obvious solution of absolutely prohibiting End By 31st March Next one should do no.
Ona thickthe entry of a specified element. This will not produce the Dr. Smith the Snake ing end give expression to that desired end; although some measure of the kind is necessthought in every form; otherwise ary to regulate and govern current desirable immigration. Col. Commandant Mudge Addressed Parade bite Specialist of Guabito, society would degenerate into a Bocas del Toro, begs to by and the National Assembly is at present considering a proof Regiment at Camp Yesterday Morning offer his professional service some lucky despot who holds the posed law regarding this matter.
ito any patient. Wherever minds of men within his grasp. The proposed law, which has already passed a second Economy in Expenditure is Sole Reason for found, his snake bite reme In every field of human enreading, prohibits the entry into the Republic of Chinese, Japanese, Syrians, Turks, East Indians and West Indians of Step Gonditions of Disbandment Will dies have never failed to deavour, in large chemical plants, effect a speedy cure. The electrical laboratories, massive the Negro race, excepting Cubans, and establishes, in addiArrive by Mail.
Doctor also specializes in buildings and other gigantic an tion, that members of the aforementioned races will be preother complaints such as Uri torn of dertaklogs should some strange vented from re entering the country once they have left it, nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers reason from the grasp of man.
tarn fate The proposed law also contains certain dispositions regard MEN WHO WANT TO GO CAN DO SO AS and Obstinate Coughs. In two seconds the havoc wrought ing immigration in general and imposes heavy penalties for Should you need his pro upon fessional services, do not fail far hand he io spite of this sido would mount up infractors thereot.
SOON AS THE TERMS ARE KNOWN. submit, however, that the proposed the powers of teslaw in its present state is not sufficiently comprehensive, to write or come to the Doccription and embodies several errors which must be corrected. In the first place, it looks at the negative side of the yesterday, says In all quarters of the city recommended to His Mająty tor personally when you can lose buvo did not at no eloqner bas borderland of Religion been the Jameica the King that the West India be cured.
Teached than man problem as a purely fundamental question, without giving GLEANER of the 16th inst, ex: Rugiment should be disbanded, Address: flings companionany thought, as it really should to the immigration of desir: pressions of regret. Were heard and His Malists with very very DR. DAVID SMITH able elements.
Reason, to the do, planging in that it has been found necessary great regret bad to accept beadlong and swallowing every In the second place, immigrants who are affected by ment, which for generations be it be perfectly clear mocovery Guabito Bocas del Toro soiitary thought of his own, or to disband the West India Regi advice and recommendation. Let Specialist thing that he has been told from Republic are subjected to penalties which our laws and con tistices and of the Enpire tla iba island, and every inbablthis law, and who have acquired legal residence in the been closely connected with the soldier of the Regiment, to of tbe colony of the West every man, woman and child Republic Panama. propounding a single question!
stitution do not sanction.
Indies Article 76 of the Civil Code establishes the following: Whole whole.
tant of the whole Britisb EnComing to the matter of Evo The legal residence of a person is the place where he is.
At one time there were three pire, that th, sola reason for todos voluntarily as soon as the lation, we all admit we are more habitually employed, exercises a profession, maintains an Ist, 2nd, and 3rd. The Regiment cutting down, expenditure battalions of the ciment the debts interna was the endiselt tas arst to go. His Excellency the having used it upon various occa.
for conditions arrived would be the or less familiar with the term, industry, or where he has his principal place of business. was then reduced to two bat hanyal theme kuboreles ens how very sorry indeed he was which enter into the web of As Goveraor had told bim to say sions to describe many thing Authorities bid. of an individual is not removed by the fact of his having Leone on the west coast of Africa. every direction to the cataly nate between Jamaica and Sierra bad to reduce expenses at the parade well mosaing. His from the start that there is lived for a long time away from it, whether voluntarily or Evers three years, one battalion koowa tbat, unfortunately, five Excellency would certainly have thing as evolution, for we have such business are maintained in the former place. Thus, if he be otber in Serre Leone ibat is, Britof the Rɔyal Artillery, come but a long standlog oficial read articles in our news papers forced, as long as his family and the headquarters of his would be in Jamaica and the waits.
engagement at the western end and Infantry other of the Island necessitated his evolution of the and perlodicals, dealing with the confined by judicial decree to a specified place, he still re when the lat was here the 2nd British Forces all over tains his former legal residence, so long as he maintains would be in Africa, and when the world had had to be reduced going off there already. His Ex evolution of the supermobiles the. 1st was in Africa ihe 2nd would solely for the reason that extremely sorry be was at the phone etc. We even admit we cellency told him to say bow ex steam engine, the wireless tel.
there his family and the headquarters of his business.
be in this island. It is lawful then, that an individual, after acquiring pan ses must be cut dowo. The Tadla had told him tə Subsequently the Regiment legal residence, to lose it by the mere act of temporarily was reduced to one battaliora much loftier concepbut the sympathy, not only of himself, tion of leaving the territory of the Republic? Let us consider a the 2nd West being fused into 1st the lot escaped what bad been Vey to all ranks big very sincerel pressidore today, and give ex but of Authorities had settled that the official and civilian, at tha con we specific case: Jamaican, married, let us say, to a Pana West India giment, which is the entire colony, grandfathers; and what is more, could, unto:tunat 19. Clusion of a very long period ta grandfathers were far advanced readily admit our manian, owns property and is engaged in business in thls now to be disbanded.
great country. He is obliged for one reason or another to leave the country. Will he by this fact lose his legal residence? bandment of the Regiment is the very pleased with ibe Regiment bad brought honour to the colony astronomical data. history and The only reason for the dis 140 longer escape; they were which their historic Rment in their knowledge of ecleoce, and units and the way in which Is the law to be understood to mean that he cannot return and following come line of policy: for over 1500 years there and that expression of my opstby the ledge of the Romana desire to cut down expenditure, as well as to.
to be united with his wife, and that he wonld have to dis. tbe Imperial Authorities have of the Empire with their devo himself not only himself, bot be portrayed to him through the beyond the knowserved successive Sɔvereigos eigas wished most closely to connect the King of Persia or the IsraeEmperors, pose of his property and liquidate his business?
Would been reducing Forces in all parto cion, bravery and loyalty of the Empire. Toe giment now the most dificult and sad. and every officer and man of the medium of the motion picture, the this not b: a violation of the laws abuve quoted?
who have not bad vividly Bat was sure that the whola Garrison The Republic, by way of safeguarding its vital interests, Isb Government.
has been maiatalned by the Brit dest bour of the may prohibit the immigration of certain aliens, but our conThe disbandment will be com per festly confident that the mea history bad come, and he felt the British Armee sy papathised slow development and stitution definitely states that strangers within our territory, pleted of the 31st March next. would accept this hard decision deeply for the felt very very mon thing as a shoe from the whatever their nationality, are, like Panamanians, equal The conditions are not yet known. with the same ready obedienc.
Col. Mudge left immediately army boot, the slow rise of the primitive sandal to modern before the law, and it would be neither just. equitable, nor His Excellency the Governor and which had been so characteris Magar Groomed Leden doord his speech, attended by Marchant Marine from one constitntional to imprison for all time within the iron bound the General Officer Commanding tic of the British Army, thousand too sailing Vessel to aries of our frontiers any particular set of aliens.
the Lt. Col. Miller then briefly ad the modern Imperator will get the terms by matter whether things and We understand that the Secretary of Foreign Relations will be decided what is best to do whether thlags were not Roop dressed the men, asgaring them Majestic?
post, and as soon as they arrive it golo golog well with tbem, be felt the disband ment as expects to ask the National Assembly to return the proposed for the mer; also as soon as the well with them. As yet he knew hobb be themselves balada All of these scenes reproduced certain amendments and insert new articles with the view who wish to leave at once will be ment.
law for a second reading, and that he intends to introduce terms are made known, those men no conditions of the disband though he had been in the island with precision and attention to short detail of the of eliminating from the proposed law its present unsatis allowed to do so.
come to know the officers and motion picture producer, sb)
factory features.
The men were drawn up in The cable wbich His Excel men and regretted the dis band us that evolution has been at smart style, forming three sides lency the Governor and bimselt ment.
work down through the ages, Before concluding these brief observations, it is but of a square. The Col. Command bed received merly said that the The parade dispersed.
and that both men and nations started from very crude just to concede that the action of the National Assembly, in ing arrived at 30 o clock and conditions would follow shortly ings and have worked steadily considering this very difficult problem of immigration, is received the salute. by post, the cable further went award until they bave reached based upon purely patriotic grounds, worthy of unanimous himselt would setule how those on to say that His Excellency and their present state of develop Have you tried the Col. Mudge, addressing the conditions could best affect them applause, as our deputies, especially the Honorable Batalla, ment. Ch multoa pictures tell has succeeded in foreseeing in the distant future spiritual men, said it was very sad to subject to the one condition that now Boer us better than any other medium, complicatio. us of the country, which have a tendency to deration by the Colonial Ofice, was to be completed by the 1st hear that after very full consi tbe disband went of the Regiment of the long up bill climb that sadden his soul. Kronen Brau bas baen in de since the dawn of by the War Otice and the Im March next. It was fu ther debistory, and the name given to RICARDO MORALES. perial Authorities, they bad cided that those men who wished (Continued on Page 5)
suddenly strike bis guide and bogom And Regimeat had news, hitherta intelligence both than did our Ragiment entire such a comafter Troops no were beginADDRESS OF THE GO


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