
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Attractions at the Theatres Carnival of Flowers, Flowers.
Ice Cream Factory exciting October We wh force of Grand Carnival of Flowers will be beld at the Wesleyan Metbodist Church. Colon, on CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND dnesday 2016, of October at 30 PM PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON For the information of the public we wish to say what our Today, Saturday Oct, 2nd Today. Saturday Oct. 2nd Today Saturday Oct. 2rd Today Saturday Oct, 2nd Carnival will be like There is a and Dorothy Revier in Lew Cody in beautiful Children Day CantaLeatrice Joy in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 3rd ENEMY OF MEN TIME THE COMEDIAN ta enti led Carnival of the HELL HIGHROAD published by Judefind Sydney Chaplin in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 31d Bang, Baltimore. S. This is Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 3rd Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 3rd Norwbat we THE MAN ON THE BOX Belle Benett in Conway Tearly in Hoot Gibson in we are baving. THE RECKLESS LADY Our Carnival is a story of the THE MISTIC THE MAN IN THE SADDLE Flowers caet in the form of a Monday October 4th Monday October 4th Pagrant at which the members Raymond Griffith in Monday October 4th Monday October 4th Fields in of the great Floral Common WET PAINT Lillian Rich in Wm. Fairbanks in IT THE OLD ARMY GAME wealth will elret and crown as SIMON THE JESTER THE NEW CHAMPION Queen of the Flowers one of the Tuesday October 5th following candidates. s. Lily, Tuesday October 5th Eleanor Boardman in Tuesday Cctober 5th Tuesday October 5th Jasmine, Orchid, Hibiscus, Violet Hoot Gibson in Bachelor Conway Tearly in Buttercup, Merito a coxcomb. THE ONLY THING Carnation, Hoot Gibson in THE MAN IN THE SADDLE THE MAN IN THE SADDLE THE MISTIC and Coffee Rose. The following Wednesday October 6th Wednesday October 6th is a brief outline of the PageWm. Fairbanks in dnesd y October 6th Norma Shearer in Wednesday Ociober 6th Lillian Rich in 8: THE NEW CHAMPION HIS SECRETARY Sydney Chaplin in SIMON THE JESTER PART ONE THE MAN ON THE BOX After the opening exercises, and Thursday October 7th Thursday October 7th during a Royal March, RH Conway Tearly in Thursday October 7th Thursday October 7th Matt Moore in Prir ce Sun Flower will enter. THE MISTIC Eleanor Boardman in Raymond Griffith in proceeded by the Royal Herald HIS MAJESTY BUNKER BEAN WET PÄINT THE ONLY THING Mr. Trumpet Flower, and folFriday October 8th Jowed by the Prime Minister Mr.
Lillian Rich in Friday October 8th Friday October 8th Friday Oc ober 8th Geraulhe quer Sir. Dandy Lyon.
and the Chancellor of Alice Mills in the SIMON THE JESTER Eleanor Boardman in Sydney Chaplin in th Tie twelve candidates will wel. DAUGHTERS OF THE NIGHT THE ONLY THING THE MAN ON THE BOX wwe come the Prince in unison, Saturday October 9th. and the Prime Minister will deliver Saturday October 9th Saturday October 9th Saturday October 9th Lon Chaney in the augural address. This wil Wm. Fairbanks in Wm. Fairbanks in Raymond Griffith in be followed by a short speer by THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA THE GREAT SENSATION THE NEW CHAMPION WET PAINT dy Cox comb on behalf of all the candidates, after which the Prince will deliver his a dress.
PART TWO After a song by the fol Musicians to logical but in keepirk witte la CANAL ZONE NOTES Contest gine: Wanderers Kent facts. La seemed The Herald wil at the con mud Cricket Match THE ACME to be the next lowest in the order the Prince take up his pos nt Pof evolution what is the harm in tion, and will summonih cind LA BOCA dates supposing that man bas, by proJe the platform (a sp cirl TERMINATES ABRUPTLY platform will be erectec. ona ty per melbode of development, LAST SUNDAY AT GATUN. CORNER 23 24th STREETS CALIDONIA come from this lower state of one; and each in ber urn wil earthly organization. Surely every Government School reset forth her claims to le thron, and deposit her vistes with the BELOW THE ELKS LODGE fact would absolutely confirm Opens.
Chancellor. Lidy Vir et will be terminated in a What would have to trubtedl, such a theory if history or geokgy most the sixth in orde, ad after her finish between the Wanderers are at all reliable. We read about Solicits the patronage of Lodges, Wedding Anniver primitive tribes and cavemen; The Government Elementary peech will be a sole and chorus of Colon and the Kentu, of saries and all Social Functions, also caters we dik ic to the earth and frd School for Coloured ebildren entitled Keep the Rrses blooming Gatun, on the ground: of the the ciude implements which they re paned yesterday, in some beart. When the last latter, at Gatun, on Sunday 1st, to a daily trade with all.
used for candidate Coffee se has spokea had a most abrupt enfin en the purpose of com. first, ending the three month Manufacturers for Wholesale and Retail trade the cholr will sing again, during the homesters were at the wicket.
witting murd ror in the nur vacation which commenced on which the Chanc llor will suit of game. We know positively July first and commercing the He will then announce prepare The game started in the best of Delicious Cream Cakes and Cool Drinks.
his report that these men were in their day, regular nine month school year hardly more lateliigeot tban cb will end June 30, 1927 the winner of the contest and the sporting spirit The coin wis spun end brutes which preceded them, There is Prince will clare the wioner and resulted in favour of Kef who reserved a Call and be Convinced and in Mail or Phone your orders and io tracing the pages of bis ten teachers, including Queen of the Commonwealth of sent their opponents to bat With the crutions play the Winderers put we can dises rn the Flowers.
gradual Principal, Phone No. 1253 Box No. 809 up the score of 80 runs fo: the develonment of life among those and one new member of the Panama PANT THREE Anoon, entire side, Cook being top scor primitive tribesmen rigbi up to staff, Miss McKenzie.
Part three is the coronation of with 23 PYLE, General Manager The others who make up the the Queen by the Prince, aseistAfter the customary recess, Kont ed by the Prime Minister and took their turn at the sticks bit Prof. Goldsmith says: Before teaching stalt are: Clarke, considering the meaning of evc. Wa ker, Reynolds, two of the candidates. All will tarted disastrously loosing lution, may be well to empha. Haater, E. Mc.
then pay homage to the Queen: wickets for runs with extras after wbich the candidates will and this is what started the siz, the fact that it nel her Carthy, Smith, Lewis, farm circle around the throne KENT thful into d lgbtful state of eliminates God, nor does it teach Harry and Raed.
trouble: the fall of the thi J. Baker e Hoecker Reid. cum until the storm bas blown that monkeys are the ancestors a.
They an tben march ift in order wicket when Earle was um. McAllister Ibweb Hocker. itself ou. P0. Henry o of man. Another great scientist in twos, while mark gal ir cesed by the wicket koeper an! given D, Carle, sted wkp boecker bonc, Director of the w York bas said, with regard to the BIG DEBATE EXPECTED sional ts being played out by the im ire he refused Il not out.
Lacts of evolution there are now 19 um of Natural History. hac to leave, become indignant and Extras.
says, would like to state no dissenters pos!
among thinking NOTE. Al mission will be bye sat down in front At The Athenaeum thousand of the wicket similar tively, as a result of twenty ne Collection at the doors, not while other members of his team. 14 years of a sinu le research to the distinguished the world by ticket; but Total liberal offering shouted to him to remain there.
United States Gological Survy, mathamaticians, The long talked of debate be is asked for 10 lp us liquidate At this point it is alleged that the astronomers, Selecthe loan on the chuch. Everyone batsman, J, Bell, who partnere!
ibat in my opinion Neoprevo fatto archaeologists, and geologists and the Cristobal Silver Cuba anthropologists, tween the Li Buca Athenaeum M, Llon is the only cause of evolution might be added to the above, house Literary Society is ex a tend ve sboold wear a fower Earle approached the umpire and Rrid.
to ad Icharm to the occasion. 1 i which has thus far been discover without 03 ed and dem jnstrated. believe walch would com letely refute pected to be beld bere at no far Como muc me esrly. October with the time elightest pro vacation Hoecker.
several his there are many other causes she misleading statements of distant date, according to deve 2) b, 1923 730.
bat. This caused a a general mix up which remain to be discovered. pseudo preachers and writers bpmenis at Tuesday meeting in which it is alleged that several Os efforts to Hurt Several. Fined 25 persons were painfully wounded.
Evolution a Biological borne, we see that there is more trom gaiolog ko bledged Debice of the Atheazean. The Manages At the time the trouble started which ment Committee of the Athethan one cause to acc unt for infinite benefit to the the game stood as follows:Having used his cricket bat (Continued from page 4)
evolution, yet Biblislaters insist human race. The Indisputable Parede becommended the subject proclaimed that the whole of evclution re fact is being WANDERS by and it was approved at desany too freey and severe on the Uo.
celebrated scientists and philo meeting; the Sacretary is die volves about a sirgle theorsthat climb by the man in the. that pire of the Wanderers Kento, McDonald Baker.
sophers throughout cricket game as well as on other J, Cook e McAllister, Lynton 23 Street, is Progress. Science calls min bas spring for a monkey that evolution is at once and for arrangements for the meeting of the world rected to make all necessary thus making it to appear persone during fight Peters. e Biker Lynton. it be a boltand more befitting serious Body of evolation on the all time the very backbone upon the two literary Societies. AcLengue match which was being the Baker.
e Eurle Lynton Dame Evolution. Most of of the part of the seeker after truth is which the structure of the entire cording t) the recommendation cburches together wit with certain hoc played on the Cricket over be is give. se has been He of the Committee, the debate will at Gatun on Sunday afternoon Reid e Erle Lynton 13 pseudo preachers and writers a lie which needs immediate refu who would, to the face of the be decided by three judges, two last, Bell, Gatun cricketer, Cohen, e Earle Lynton.
Baker Lynton. o but a theory; a theory formula as it does the whole lifelation is not a proven and easily ducted by alx members, three are endeavouring to make it Evolution is nothing it being plein that the overwhelming facts al existence froun Cristobal and one from Li was made to give an explana Hamilton not out of evolution is so vast, proclaim to the world that evo Boca. Toe debate will be con tion of bis unmanly actions, to Hoecker Murray in the Cristobal Gerald, Earle Bell 16 in the rash brain of society. with 15 Bagistrate Court on Wednesday Total.
Darwia who, they insist in teli of this planet and in fact of the demonstrated science in this from each ing us, bas stated tbat man 80 sprung from a monkey. Io tito interpretarse, that to attempt lite, is either a fool or a narrow minutes alloted for the argue evolution in terms of lo in terms of bigoted fanatic.
ments of leaders, ten mi. utes for lah Bell defence of his to run amuck with wegBJWLING ANALYSIS interest of Truth it must emnkeys and men is Is to reduce arguments of supporters and ten pon to commit great bodily barm positively declared that no more and intelligence to a stare border be Reason to the level of stupidity, minutes for rebu. al.
and letting them loose on other persons was too flimsy for the Bennett 2013 dawnable twisting of facts: no ing upon insanity; in sbort it is. 12 25 Lynton.
Judge to allow him any credit for Why pay double price greater version of logie, no Orpheus Club to Meet Next 08 bravery but fined bim twenty D, Earle.
masculation of justice could nobortive attemp. to make the for inferior imported 11 29 ever exceed this stupid and mali camel of common sense pass Thursday.
five American dollars which he Baker 05 Boer when you can misrepresentation Ocious byth oigh the eye of delusion, naid to be later deposited into the E, Rankio 0 Christian preachers and writers The fact of the matter is, that buy a superior Beer Treasury of the Government of Bell of the doctrine of Bvolution.
The Orpbeus Musical Club Abe United States, evolution teaches,. and every such as BALBOA for will hold a general meeting at The churches are ruled by two single thing in existence bears half the price.
the Clubhouse on Thursday Aged Butcher Drowned passions Fear and Greed. Thəy testimony to the fact, that all evening next the 7tb. October then immediately go under as consciousness to truth and facts; other celestial spheras, bas proin to thr up bis arms ard fear the awakening of human life, bath upon tnis planet and begioning at o clock. The Club will then be winding up its busiGeorge Desport, 51 years old it be had taken dive, He how and they are greedy lest, in that gressed or has been veloped ness for the year. Since the Jamaican butcher, lost his life by ever failed to return to the sur awakening they might locas a from the life which immediately To Panama Viejo.
and drowoing at the West Indian face within a reasonable length single soul. Therefore, when preceded it and that the Ife of Successful presentation of The Path bathing pavilion at Cristobal at time and after assistaace was truth appears, no matter in what today is but a development of Across the Hill a comedy drama about on Thursday rushed to him it was found that form, it becomes at once the sul the life which passed away yes The La Boca Benefit and in three acis, the Club bas marding last. Despor: had gone he was drowned. He was accom emn duty to the churches and terday. The possibility that man, Friendly Association is initiating done any active work. The dana not for a swim. and made his way a panied to the Pavalion by his son their henchmea to spread abroad at some time in his early deve: plans for trip to Panama Viejo gement, however, decided some short distance from the shore and there were several other a false interpretation of that lopment millions of years ago on November third robusseserto. weeks ago on re aaming it he when he was seen by other per bathers there. Beside his son bejuruth to be cload the brain of the. might bave spruta from a take the from. sons who were also at the Pavi. leaves a wife to mourn his love. Inquirer, and mesmerizs the lower order of life is not only leaving at eight in the morning. Continued on page Walters, Silver from BOWLING ANALYSIS be reared.
14 appear that has entire preparation of o clock


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