
FAGE SIK THE TRENAM SATURDAY OCTOBER 2, 1926 Weekly London Letter Doww roirobririboriboonorbitriliaribbาน กงาbitibibibility Cure of Year Old Be Prepare Boy. for that Pain THE ATTENTION You can stop excru (BY HENRY BLAND FORD. OFblone the day.
Friendly Societies and Secret Orders IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS Suitable for Lodge Business Workman Stationery Store each squares (PAINS ENEMY)
many of them sa THE BEER lished.
longer Since go The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Up to date Jewelry halter The new out in the street now playing wie Fuller Jewelry Store LONDON CIRCUSES ATTRIBUTED TO MIRACLE ciating pain instantly if you will only apply London is making a serious effort to solve the problem of SLOAN LINIMENT getting its ever increaslog tralNew York, Sept. In the fie to move faster. Not so top floor flat of Patrolman Joseph Sloan Liniment is it took over a quarter of an bour Ryan, at No. 907 Willow Avenue, pain greatest enemy, to get from one end of Picadilly North Bergen, the belief and is backed by 40 years to the other at certain times of is that Danny Ryan, five years of success the world over.
The meter of your old, bas been cured of double taxicab ticked 00 and the high hernis by a miracle. And once It is an invaluable romfares of London taxicabs are more it is to St. Micbael Mon.
ody for notorious but the large inexor.
astery in Union City that Divine Bh. Sciation able hand of the policeman beld healing is attributed.
See Throat Bachache you up. In the City it was even The last time there was re Sprei Brate worse. It is still a very slow ported to bave been a miracuChea PrNeck business to move about but you lous care at the monastery it was are not stopped quite so often that of Patrolman Dennis It penetrates right to the seat of trouble, or so long The improvement has been achieved by the adapO Brien of the Jersey City police warms and soothes the tation of the one way principle last, was an nerves and tissues, bannounced at the monastery that ishing pain.
to the peculiarities of the nar Patrolman Brien bad recovered row London streets Try it now.
It is easy AT THEto apply this principle and the the use of his legs, paralyzed by a bullet wound, after attending At all druggists and system of releasing traffic by the Perpetual Novena, devotional dealers.
blocks to New Yorle and other periods of nine days cities lald out in rectangles. But in London the streets eet ose In the case of Danny Ryan, as SLOAN related by his father, wbo is on LINIMENT another at all angles and in in augo nga ang magagawa naman ang mararanasan ang mga tao na nga ang mapango. de the north Bergen police force many places there are the child had been suffering small, where from double bernia for two years trattic enters from every loto the small Picerec BOKSAS NOSSOXESSO 803 tion.
and bad been wearing a truss constantly up to the time of his Circus seven streets discharu cure.
their traffic.
Trafalgar Squares 100, bas seven streets running The Isst me we went to a into it. At these and other doctor, said Patrolman Ryan, circuses baze points was wben te told us to make been estabWhere there is a cirSUPPLIED BY tbe boy wear truss.
cus tralliccinno ben be bas been able to play with the other kids, but it bas emerge from one street and annoyed bin and be bisou straight across to whichever strett the driver wants; instead, wanted to play much and be has Cried most the time.
it may go clockwise round the square until the right street is My wife went to the Novenas reached. This means détour. in for St. Gabriel and St. Paul at In every form can be seen Trafalgar Square it means a bix the monastery for twenty seven dutrur but e nfusion and here at its best See our DIR look weeks. And every time she went are avoided. The streams boy flows continually and there is a onesto e beri touch do with a relic Wrist Watches is brewed from the best nowo don know great saving ot time. numjust what the relic is, because Bracelets ber of streets bave al:o been materials obtainable there was always a crowd and made One way Diamond Rings streets, a number of priests cɔndacting Several of the streets leading the services.
out of Piccadilly have been treated in this way and the Oo August 16, when the boy and a hundred other adoroIt is specially suited for this climate woke up in the morning, we ments and you ll recognize system of controlling the traffic found the trass bad broken du; why this is the LEADING by coloured lights is also beicg tried in this thoroughfare. The is superior to all imported beers sold ing the night. And instead of putting on another, my te let JEWELRY HOUSE in town lights are on standards on the footpaths blm gº around without it and ask prices and you ll find still here and it sells to the public at aná not on eleyard he been all well ever since. He platforms in the middle of toe another reason. road as in New York.
HALF the price.
went to school to day, for the first time, as he he experiments are working well, though pedestrians constantly the kids. Always before forget the one way rule and TRY OUR NEW BEER when he took the truss off he got 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone (2)
step off the pavement without bad right away again, Iroking in the rixbt direction. Do Do you consider your son Then it is often amusiog to see miraele?
In portant.
the alacrity with which they. sure do! It one of te scuttle back wben some swilt Contributors in general motorist rusbas by. But we are paned, thing that ever bappromised a new and very cheaper Patrolman Ryan declined to and our Atlantic side writers motor car, wbich is to be sold at If this promise ut SUPERIOR TO ALL give the name of the physician in particular, are asked to wbo had examined th: buy and draw breath when writing tbreat is carried into effect prescribed the truis, and Condense their contribueveryone will bave a car and it is bard to imagine what he streets a 50 tions considerably, to ensure will be like.
publication. Great Figure WILKINSON great figure of the Britisb Empire bas passed with the KRONEN BRAU Contractor death of the Nestor of South African politics, Jobn vier ON DRAUGHT and Builder Merriman. He was intensely English to character and he OR BOTTLES might iave bad a great career in House No. 20 English politics but he preternd Of every description 0000 0000 0000 100000000000 28th NOV, STREET.
to pass s long life in South Africa. bere, in spite of bis SAN MIGUEL race and his Eiropean culture, his sympathies were with the DONE WITH NEATNESS AND helpful, ie now ing tired. P. Box 411, Panama, R, old Dutch stock and, in a det e party of forty school boys, drawn ent way with the natives. rather from public and DESPATCH iban with the people of his own condary Slood.
Indeed in the days of the schools in the British Isles, bas Plans and Specifications Free just left England for a tour of Boer War he thought the Duch Australia. The boys, who a are in were rigbt and his own people charge of a man who won the First Class Workmanship wrong, and he said AT THE great military decoration, the Merriman, bade romantic conservatism of a certain type of Eothe Great War, the Reverend Wictoria Cross, as a chaplain in Satisfaction Guarantead glishman the kind of man wbo Woolley, went off the ke ps the midern variant of blessing of the Prince of Wales nobless oblige alive. Such a FLOWERS Prince, who turns instinctively to the who speaks with quieter people of the country British Dominions) told the boys Abogado. Attorney at Law and is instinctively, hostile to dhe that the more the youth of this tbe qu cker life of the new OFFICE: No. 44, ST we towns and iny South Africa the youth of other parts of BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY most of the far era Wh are Datch away pretence, bad an incalcula the British Empire TELEPHONE No. 1377 townspeople The visit is, in a sense, a return natural that a man who was even those who most resented and Eaglish stock. It was only of the country. He was a type of of the visit a party of Aus ralia Practicing before all the courts of bapplest among the vines of bis his attitude during the Boer War Similar visits to Canada and other boys recently pald to Eoglaod.
the Republic since April 1914 beautiful old Dutch homestead bave long sinca forgiven him at st llenbo ch should bate the and the British Press bas been THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER the Empire are being arranged. When the boys retur somewhat garish life of the pros full of tributes to bis meaory.
from Australia at the end o!
perous mining towos, Merriman Dentist Howell WITHOUT AN EQUAL December they will return to had a bodo strong independent mind, well scaso :ed with scholarship Chances for English Boys school for a boys the benefit of their experito give other he had rare honesty, hatred of Don fail to try it oppression and bypocrisy, great The organ zation for the proviences. Then they are to be giver Iver HOUSE 912, LA BOCA candour and brilliant wit, These sion of homes and careers in the free passages to Australia and CANAL ZONE, training in farming. when they qualities strong oppover te, vacant spaces over the seas for get there. When trained the (Opposite the Restaurant)
stronges opponent beldur ose growing up in over populat bim in high respect and he bad ed e gland is being steadily exwill get 50 each and work wil)ffice Hours: a. to p. m, No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required. be found for th. to p.
few enemies. General Smuts panded and perfected.
described bim as the greatest must be trained if they are to DAILY Parliamentarian we ever had, suced in the Dominions and only But his influence extended be suitable boys must be selected: ADVERTISE Rent Receipt Books in Span PHONE 1941 BALBOA yond Parliament. Bis broad cul also plans must be made for plac sh and English for sile at the Specializes in all the branches ture and integrity, helped by Ing them when they arrive. IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Worker Printery of Dentistry, the sharp wit by which he cut new experiment, which sbould be cure KRONEN BRAU 04 100.
000000000000000 2000 2000, TRY JOB. PRINTING Odos vobe cooc.
be said so vigorously WORKMAN PRINTERY off with 60 The the better.
Contra Crespo parts of ar made but his Boys


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