
THE WORKMAN THE PROSPERITY TAILORS CLEANERS DYERS io not hesitate complice VS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 ws context.
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1926 Lady Astor Fires Parting Shot At Yanks.
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applie a BAYS GIRLS WHO PAINT LIPS RE.
WALROND, the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
SEMBLE LAST DAYS OP POMPO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be PRII JAZZ 18 NEGRO MUSIC written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of PLUS 1926 WICKEDNESS, One Year Bix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 800.
We do not undertake to retura roNew York, September Lady On jected correspondence.
Astor took a swing at Yankee potions yesterday and declared The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNUIS the British people were the BATUBDAY OCTOBER, 9, 1926, most bumorous in the world, husband she will sail on the Olympic WEST INDIANS AND THE IMMIesrly to day to take her seat in GRATION BILL.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING the House of com of Commons when Parliament conveDes Lady stor aired more of her Since the first days of the coming of British West Indians to the Isthmus of Pajama there has not been such OF THE HIGHEST ORDER views in the first American interview sbe has giveu since 1922, her last visit. She said the war stir among them as is now apparent on account of the new had proved the superiority of immigration law just passed by the Panama National AssemBritish humour.
bly, the text of which, with its corrolary, connotes a serious Work Done While You Wait The Irish are fuonier. sbe aspect for the future of our people in these parts.
confessed, on question You West Indian constituency on the Isthmus is made up laugb barder, may be. But you mainly of British and French subjects: while the acquisilaugh at the Irish and with the tion of the Virgin Islands by the United States throws into English. You can beat tbe the group of colored Antillians a proportion of people in TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED English for real humour abywbere in the world.
whom American interest can, by no means, be negligible.
For the most part, these ebony hued residents of the Alter. tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices Lord Astor, a tall man with Republic migrated into this country on contract with or black mustache bristling with invitation by the authorities of the Canal Zone with Ladies Garments carefully handled dignity over a grave, firm mouth, the full endorsement and approval of the Washington Gov.
sat beside his Lady on sofa in ern. nent together with the generous agreement of the the Hotel Plaza wbije she rattled Government of Panama, and for eighteen years or more away at a eat rate to the ball moon of reporters wbo bad their contribution to the prosperity of this country has been REID Manager gathered to question her on tbe established beyond a point of controversy.
tew topics wbicb sbe omitted The inadequacy of housing facilities on the Canal Zone from beraddress in the Waldorf.
has been a cause of inanifest benefit to the real estate in xoxis CSKOS Astoria the previous nigbt.
vestors in the cities of Panama and Colon. The busy scenes Lady Astor gave sway the at the markets and in the stores have always had a heavy silent partner in Lady Astor Co. for the first time. She was number of West Indians in their make up; while, in recent asked whose crafty idos It had years, the operators of sugar and banana plantations have been to slip into the United Torked with both eyes on surplus West Indian labor for States unbeknown to any body service, without which, it is difficult to imagine what and keep mum noul she got ready measure of success might have been achieved.
to return to England, and then If no other argument for the residence of West Indians get her ideas before the public in one picce lo their proper on the Isthmus can be adduced. this, that they have established an unquestionably utilitarian domicile is sufficient to That bat was his ides sbe said off set any expressed sentiment as to their undesirability or Crouklok forefinger at incompetency. And if to this point is added the fact that ber bu baod, wboxe dark eyes they have introduued an acceptable brand of European Lwidised Most of my ideas are 11. ideas.
culture which they had imbibed at home and brought with She was asked about jazz, as them into this growing republic there remains not the faint.
one of the conventional topics est reason for their economic, social or industrial ostracism.
sbe had missed.
West Indians are at one with the Panamanians and all ll say this only, m dovoother residents here that the labor market is seething with ted to the Negroes. And love their soup. The darkeys are an excess a fact which creates a problem for the National ATsingers of spiritual Government. It is aggreed also that it is only rational and songs.
They re spiritual beings, always right that the natives of the country should receive the reaching out for something bes udious attention of the authorities in connection with yond in their singing. Well, their future welfare, a matter of primary importance to the you ve taken the darkey music law makers and native industrialists; but it cannot be admit and worked into it your own wickedness, and that jazz. It ted as just or reasonable that a colony which has estabnot Negro music jazz.
lished itself per force of its ability to earn a decent livelihood DOESN LIKE PAINTED LIPS.
and by virtue of its competency in all lines of economic life Sbe laugbed at the story that should, through no blame attachable to itself, lose priviliges, she had once, in Virglaia, with rights and facilities which in the past have been enjoyed her handkerchief wiped the with general :ppreciation.
paint of tbe lips of an unknown girl.
In fact, it is fully known that West Indians in an allinclus ve sense have always expressed their pride in cooper SSKOKOSOK It none of my business it women want to make the Last ating with the people of this nation in all affairs relating to Days of Pompali out of progress and advancement. This is their land of adoption; their faces is it? But do this is the land in which they seek and find their bread; this tion and focus upon the destiny of the country as wrapped Army Informa think it ridiculous, Now, it my dilapidation to try is the land in which they spend their earnings and invest up in the future with its store of abundant and glorious tion Service it there might be some sense in their savings: this is the land in which most of them have opportunities, and let us hope that this will be done.
spent the greater part of their lives and have learnt to obey It was an airy pouf, and its laws, and this is the land which owes them, in return, Colun. bus, Gs. Oct. Edward with reason, considering the the application of the inciples of its admirable constituThe Negro Hope Earl wanted to be a sharpshoot sparkling blue eyes and flying tion rel ting to foreigners.
er. Air Ruc. and fierce brown hair and trim youthiul The stir created by the passage of the new bill might be Under the above caption The Atlanta Constitution Indian gbts with boybood ilgore of this mother of six.
friends palled, rifle club in She told the circle they had no the cause of uneasiness but should not move to excitement proceeds to urge and admonish the Negro to heed what it Atlantic City refused bim admit idea how democratic England the West Indians whose number is proverbially legion. No interprets as Prof. Kelly Miller advice and return to the tance because he could become days.
doubt, something must be done to safe guard the interests farm.
atford the required fee. Deterthe of the Panamanians in their own land, and it would be well Expatiating somewhat upon the Negro migration it says: mined to realiz, bis ambition, States, she said. In the House for natives and foreigners alike that a sharp and enforcable wit is gratifying therefore that sound and thoughtful Young Earl eal sted in the ore Posters and in Dukes and bootrestriction be imposed upɔn further immigration from the Negro leaders like Professor Miller are determined it possi arm flore blacks. Fort Benning, Ga. a gr ment can be called to account as West Indies; but to restrict th: movements from and back ble to arrest this movement, and turn the Negro tide back to zled old Sergeant wbohad any moment. The Premier can into the country in which those now resident hide esta rural life.
fought against the Moros in questioned every day, blished indisputable du nicile is a question that baffles in Of course Astor Kelly Miller in advising Negroes not to Phillipines took, him in band Lady talking about tellectual comprehension.
abandon the farm had no intention of arresting the move from him. At last the day came uion, declared she was for obeAnd Earl learned about shooting children and the young generaThere is another anole to the question. The commer ment of those who left the farm for the purpose of bettering when he went on the range for alence even if It required the rod.
cialiats and landlords would be made to face a condition their condition.
ble first tryout. He squintea She had no patience with the tremendously prejudical to their iines of business if the No one acquainted with labɔr conditions on the farms along the barrill of the Spring parents who say they cannot who form the greater bulk of the colored foreign population small tenant Negro farmers to return to those conditions. Why can see the target, vigilance on the part of parents bill just passed really became law. British West Indians in the cotton States and the exploitation of the majority of del ritle, eager fingers ready control their children, insisting to.
that discipline must be a constant and whom the operation of the law would gradually remove No one happening has contributed as much to Negro better. be complained disappointedly from the cradle up, and then from the Isthmus are the general patrons of all businessment than the several hundred thousand than the migration: to his coach.
there will never be any getting here. The financial loss that would be felt by the departure it was an emancipation of condition of semi slavery, worse visit to the hospital reveal out of band.
of this section of the population would, in effect, be tanta in every respect than that from which their fathers and ed that the ratlog of bis rigbt YOUNG AMERICANS TOO OLD, mount to wholesale business depression, and the gove. grandfathers were emancipated fifty years before.
only 20 percent of Not to teach obedience is to ment itself would be made to face a crisis by its physical forces better and more elightened treatment of those who this company commander and added. The trouble with Amertnormal. He returned surtowfully be cruel to your children, she inability to collect from stagnant commerce taxes on which remained on the farm and in other fields of labor in the reported. Oficial requests to can young people. think, 18 the revenue of the country is sustained.
South, and those who migrated comprised a sufficient num have blm excused from further that they re too old for their age.
It is plainly obvious that the question is one which con ber who have proved that the Negro can be used success shooting were immediately made Toe topic turned to aristocracy.
cerns the West Indian people, the business men and the fully and profitably in every department of industry in to responsible authorities. While It all depends what you government; and in its three cornered aspect projects a which other races labor.
the papers were going from mean, she cried. IC office young you mean shadow that suggests serious reflection. progressive nation that bids fair to rise high in the estimation of pros to abandon the farm unless he is exploited, paid starvation lower bis company eficiency England that hasn married We, like Prof. Kelly Miller, would urge the Negro not that his failure to Getty would aristocracy of birth, there isn isn a family lo pective investors and upon whom the eyes of the world are wages, or finds himself unable to make a living as a farmer. rating in the War Department, in common people. And jolly turned for various interests, can ill afford to construct im There is no occupation more honorable, or more inde himself to sboot left handed. strength. told that to an All summer be labored to teach good thing! It given then pediments for its own retarding. The thing that is neces pendent, but should be followed intelligently, not blindly, week ago he went on the range American woman once and she sary now is to view the situation with a steady gaze that and success and profit will furnish sufficient attraction. again. His buddies told bin 19 nearly tainted. But the only can pierce sharply through the hize of present misconcep (PHILADELPHIA TRIBUNE. Continued on Page Continued on page 5)
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply DOL bas More these tban Uulted the It eye was Earl learned


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