
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY OCTOBER 9, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Large Sword Fish Attractions at the Theatres much cause is Book Binding!
in that Indian domiciled in en Draws Curious Crowd To Colon Beach CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND Colon beach, in the vicinity of the Strangers Club was the scene of a busy but curious crowd on PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON Tuesday morning last, the attractioo tsiter being to get a glance Today Saturday Oct, 9th Today, Saturday Oce, 9th Today. Saturday Oct. 9th Today Saturday Oct. 9th at an usual larga haul which and Wm. Fairbanks in Wm. Fairbanks in THE GREAT SENSATION Raymond Griffith in bad been made the night before THE NEW CHAMPION Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 10th WET PAINT by Captain Bane maica of the fi bing boat pus Lon Chaney in Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 10th and bis partner Jules Massa, Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 10th THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 10 th Marte Prevost in Martiniquan. BOBBED HAIR Anna Nillson in Pot Malley in The sea monster turned out Monday October 11th HER SECOND CHANCE MY OLD DUTCH to be a huge swordfish which Pat Malley in Monday October 11th measured 15 feet from the fan Monday October 11th Jane Novak in Monday October 11th of the tail to the tip MY OLD DUTCH of the John Harron in Wm. Fairbanks in LURE OF THE WILD mouib, and about feet in zirih. SPEED MAD BELOW THE LINE Tuesday October 12th Jhon Harron in Tuesday October 12th All Star Cricket Match Tuesday October 12th Art. Acord in Tuesday October 12th BELOW THE LINE THE TERROR Diana Miller in Lillian Rich in FLAMES OF DESIRE SEVEN DAYS BETWEEN PANAMA AND Wednesday October 13th COLON Lillian Rich in Wednesday October 13th Wednesday October 13th dnesd y October 13th SEVEN DAYS Ramon Novarro in Lon Chaney in MIDSHIPMAN Anna Nillson in An All Star cricket match is PLANTOM OF THE OPERA HER RECOND CHANCE slated to take place between a Thursday October 14th Thursday October th combination from apams and a Anna Nillson in Thursday October 14th Thursday October 14th select pick from Colon, on Leatrice Joy in HER SECOND CHANCE Pat Malley in Wm. Fairbanks in Thankegiving Day at the HELL HIGHROAD MY OLD DUTCH SPEED MAD spack. us basebali Diamond Broad wav.
Friday October 15th Friday October 15th Friday October 15th Friday Oc. obar 15th The proposed mateb is eating Wm. Fairbanks in Wm. Collier Jr. in John Harron in Diana Miller in great enthusiam among all con SPEED MAD THE RAINMAKER BELOW THE LINE cerned and there is much specu FLAMES DESIRE lation as to the outcome. It is Saturday Ociober 16th generally believed tbat Colon at Saturday October 16th Saturday October 16th Sturday Octobar 16th Richard Dix in present can boast of a Lew Cody in Lillian Rich in Lon Chaney in stronger aggregativn of cricket SAY IT AGAIN TIME THE COMEDIAN SEVEN DAYS THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA ers tha Panama can put in the field and th for hehe!
this that the Pacitie side cricketers during the past ley years ars have lost all interest io tb game. There are however a large Monster Gator Eats through mud and water to enter Echoes From The Imnumber on this side who th nk their houses, through the assistthat despite the long absence Victim.
ance of the association the Goveroment has erected permanent migration Bill.
from the popping creasy, there combination can still be raised concrete walks. As an intelligent Panama which will give a good The news was received in Colon community these improvements Due to the fact that the new account of its It and may sp. ing on Saturday last, from La Papa, Why throw away your old, but no should not be overlooked tbey Immigration Bill whish has passed a big surprise on the boys at a small settlement on the north did not merely coms about be is third and last reading in the nar the Windy Cay: shore of Gatun Lake, of the dig. doubt interesting, books when you cause the government realzed National. Assembly and, if signed It is stated that two prizas appearance and horrible death of they were needed; they by Preside it Chiari, will affect to will be given, in be form of bats, fifteen year old Panamanian can have them neatly bound at were brought about through the some extent every West Indian for the highest individual score boy named Augustine Mecha energy and Initiation of the Negro, Chinese, Japanese and East and for the best bowling average who was krabbed and taken THE WORKMAN members of the Association.
the Republic, it in the match, this is inducement away under the water by a monmeeting is the most discussed question of Nxt Friday nited did and eter alligator while he and his eocugh to enthuse each should be well 93 CENTRAL AVENUE every cricketer listed to take year old brother Antonio were the a proper si irit should kept be streets od in the daily papers. The moment in humes, on the part in the big event, bathing in the lake.
up as an indication that as a com dificulties attendent upon the Tbe Excursion Traia which is According to the story received Opposite Cecilia Theatre munity we are not sleeping but forcement of such a neesure if expected to be run from Pan the tragic death took place on wide awake, watching and keep signed by the Pre ideat bave been ama to Colon on Thanksgiving the 23 of lust month. Augustine ing up with end of events, more or less clearly defined by our Day, under the nuspl 8 0f ws a short distance away from contemporary the Stard HERALD Paul Churco will take ca e of his brother who was was resting on a More Quarters 10 its Elitorial of the fifth ist.
the largº crywd going over acas. joying himselt on the The STAR HERALD commented, CRICKET it is predicted that the entire float, bis Razz was suddenly inter a ia.
snorting world of Panama will attracted by a shrill cry to Improvements are being conbe emptied into Colup on that spot where his brother was just West End Victoria Clubs inet tinued in living accomodations IMMIGRATION DIFFI. day.
in time to see the tail of a huge here. few bacbelor quarters CULTIES. alligator stuck out of the water LA BOCA Meet To morrow.
which have been remodeled into It is natural that the immigraand the suddenly disappeared family quarters are in way of tion law which passed the National Benefit Show Attracted to the spot by An progress; the third last tonio screams, several residents According to latest informaincluding the boys patients. tionc carloat the West Bed and Employees to Meet being installed. In the very near Saturday and notwr yeding leade Future many more families will President for discussion onside AT CRISTOBAL SILVER gathered around the place but Victoria Cricket Clubs a scheNext Friday.
be accomodated.
cause no end of Augustine was no where to be duled to meet in the league ly among the foreign population CLUBHOUSE game at the Colonial Bas ball New Commissary that will be directly affected by the Park tomorrow afternoon, Sun.
day the 10th inst.
Announcement was made yes.
restrictions. That these people will The All Star Colored Comedy Tbie watch should bave terday that the regular monthly In the not very far distant date protest is certaju. It is not likely Company of lon is expacted to appear in a busetit show as the the twentytwo points. Carrera taken place on September 12. meeting of the La Boca District La Boca will have a new up to that Governments like Great BritPanama Canal West date commissary. The building aia and Japan will let the situation Cristobal Silver Clu house, Dext of the Excelsior also did good last, but was unavoidably post of the Indian Employees Association wbich promises to be most pass without notice.
Tuesday night the 12 inst, and work for his team by registering poned.
will be held at the Clubhouse imposing structure with many Horever, the main difficulties also res judging from preparations being five field goals and was conveniences is bext Friday evening. Under the modern pro will arise in the enforcement of the made it is anticipated ibat this nible for ten of the seventien company will ex sel all previous points scored by his side. Friendly Game Postponed good and welfare of the Associa gressing rapidly. This will be provisions of the new legislation the commencement of the gam To 17th many after they hive become law.
on some interesting discussions great welcome to the. So The bane will be brought up, as there are patrons as the inconvenience of far as the Chinese are concerned, as underlying the the visitors darted away from clear indications that things are the present their opponents and on the blow.
commissary they have been excluded for of this ebow is indeed friendly cricket up many years.
on the workers annoying.
But this law in not worthy one viz; for the purpose Ing of the whistle for time, the wbich was billed to take place and facts are more and more so drastic as to prevent the retura of raising funds to provide musi. score book read 5.
Ken contest was to between the Wanderers and Sus: staring them in the face that U, ARMY this cal instruments Republic of Chinese persons noticed sex cricket teams at the Baseball they are absolutely the only and Joured boy band. Tnis is during the second lap of the Park tomorrow has been post community on the entire Isthmus born here or of established legal residence, whea such persons leave cause bat should appeal to every game when there was some poned to Sunday next the 17th of Panama that is not organized (Continued from page 4) the Republic on a holiday or on Atlantic sider who should mani very accurate passing, Roll zipst. This postponement is is for concerted action.
jest his or her interest therein by and Carrera did the uphill work stated has There are would surely make the marks business, been caused on numerous turting outer to the Clubhouse for the home team by adding account of the West End Victoria working and living conditions more than that. Be surprised the tration and taking out residence improvements in man rating, at least. He did The provisions regarding regisbuzuna esday night and help to eight points to their score wbile game which will occupy the Park which could be brought about entire regiment, the 29. Infant certificates have been to force for swell the proceeds.
their opponente only both by the employees them ry by not only passing the score aumber of years, and a number of muster three. At this point the tomorrow afternoon.
selves and the Government, but set for marksmen, the lowest times the Chinese resident in the score read 11 10 in favour of is hardly possible when qualifying point, but also passing Republic nave paid the 10 fee inten minutes visitors Game.
added four more tallies while the homes ers (Continued from page 4)
succeeded community spirit wbich makes points more than required, army again. Of course the Chines ate In scoring only three. The score at place they ever had an aristo: reason why the La Boca District for progress, Toere is no. gical authorities say.
thrifty and provident race of of people In proof of Earl accomplish and they can andoubtedly dig this stage of the game was 17 14 crack was in Austria, bared what of the Association should do tbe ment Brigadier General Edgar another ten dollar bill. it it is reTropical Five Wia From in favou of the boys from the aid they do? They bred ball the most Hourisbing, considering Collins, commanding Fort Benn quired But in case of the West Excelsior.
Lock City, Thu final quarter witdessed some It was at the close of the inter the fact that at this end the log, yesterday pinned on bis Indian Negroes it will be more diffiExecutive beast the official medal awarded cult. By bature they are not so very fast playing, both teams tryio view when photographers step majority of The Cristobal Silver Clubhouse for victory, but se well and Wood. ped forward, that Lady Astor cers of the Association are to be sharpshooters by the War thrifty nor provident as the Chiese. Departmentand ment on Thurs las night when too much for the Elcelsior boys was the scene of great hexciter man of the Tropical Five proved became remonstrative. a And in addition the people of Lathe general said, will be called and they have not been paid wages the Tropical Five Basketball 100 more thible and re xistered eight more points news picture, she exclaimed in Boca bappen to be the most upon to remedy the detective that would enable then to have necessities of team from Gatun won from the to the good of their team at the expostulation, look like Jang fortunate in enjoying the fruits eje.
life in the majority of case. It is Excelsior in what must be termed same time holding the Excelsior Capabed when she was locked of the Association. The women, very hard to see how West Lodian one of the most thrilling game down to only four when the the for the twenty eigbth time.
who during the saspension of Neuro, working for forty or fifty ever witaessed, when at the final whistle blew, for the final.
route busses entry into this com dollars a month and with a famly the score read 22 17, The Exmunity had to contend with The game was witnessed by a Why pay double price of six children, can afford to pay celsior though playing up o its to larga crowd which packed the beavy loads and in rain or the for interior imported the ten dollars fre for each mem usual form, looked an entirely Clubhouse to its capacity, C, B, burning rays of the mid day sun different ber of his family.
combination on Thars Prescott refereed.
Have you tried the Beer when you can make connections with these day night, yet their showing bussed at the Commisary, now Boor buy a superior Boer was remarkable.
now enjoying the services of this For the Gatunites Sewell.
Rent Receipt Books in Span bandy form of transportation, such as BALBOA for mirited the greatest share of the Ish and English for sale at the Kronen Brau inrough the instrumentality of ALL ROADS WILL LEAD TO half the price the empl yees Association, and victory. He was indeed marvel THE POPULAR HIPODROME Og bimself contributing eleven of Worker Printery where the people had to wade JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
eru to the CANAL ZONE NOTES should especial seen.
is a race prompting of match rightening 80 this Exciting Basket Ball Bat balor. During the LADY ASTOR FIRES. analise handle obroberende eller ander mense se bori se they deserve to do siz a up Are


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