
FAE SIK THE WORKNAM SATURDAY OCTOBER 9, 1926 THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS preserved Workman Stationery Store THE BEER wages Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
ja billes of Courts on iterumbmws were pre Fuller Jewelry Store in Ful estry on o Bros.
Among The English Deum Movie Download to the new race we the winners of Bolo Dr. David Smith and Wales tb y Miners.
have orerejme tbeir ograined reluctance to sceept rehet frou SNAKE BITE REMEDIES, the Guardians of the Poorth By HC WATIS quality of food receivea 103 nousebold can be made o saffice Dr. Smith the SnakeThe mining towns and villages OFfor all only with the most rigia bite Specialist of Gu bito, of England and Wales are not economy. Toen, too, the public Bocas del Toro, begs to beautifni Rw opon row of small authorities do not provide meals offer his professional Service cottag, well built but each exfor the children except on school astly like the other, give a moro days and this lack bas had to be to any patient. Wherever bony tbe doll streets; and behind the town looms up the IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF met by private charity. But the found, his snake bite remeappeals of voluntary organise dies have never failed to peat rubbish heaps of slay from tions have not fallen 00 deal effect speedy cure. The the pits, with the colliory chimears, and a good deal bas beeo Doctor also specializes in Dey belcbing smoke day and done to mitigate the distress by bigbl the welfare centres opened all other complaints such as UriEx Toally these towns aro deover the mining areas nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers pressing, yet within the little Vigilant inspecters of the land Obstinate Coughs.
stone cottage are to be found the Ministry of Health are on duty Should you need his promost sturdy section of the Britall over the untry supervising fessional services, do not fail isb people. They are a strong welfare centret, and the non to write or come to the Docand hardy race, as the nature of their work demands. They bave Suitable for Lodge Business official Society for the Prevenшару tion et Cruelty to Children bas tor personally when you can of the old domestic virtues tbat are forgotlarge body of offcials, who e be cured.
specil duiy is to report all casts Address: ten elsewbere. The older men AT THE are sterd but kind fathers, and of retfering amoogst childrer.
Mile for young chilu reo je pro DR. DAVID SMITH their young nen excl in all vided free by local authoi ties, Specialist kinds of spor. 8, particulaaly and these nm authorities. Guabito Bocas del Toro foo bai.
empowered to prov. de expecHard and dangerous as the life tant mothers with a daily quanti Republic Panama.
of the migers is, they bold them.
ty of Milk lves with an independence una noge among anggang ngayon With all these organisations found nowhere else in the indasfor the relief of the miners and trial communities of Great ittheir families, whether official SOXOS SEXO ain. For be miner has not the same fear of the spectre of unor private, it is idle to pretend that there is no discomforts in certainty that haunts the clerk, the households where for sixteen the door worker, and even the weeks there bave been no workers in the textile magulacbrought bome. But it is just as tarlog distrie:s. Tueminer idle to imagine that, because a knows that the ountry cannot SUPPLIED BY mission bas gone to America to exist without him, and is is this augment the strike pay reserves knowledge, no doubt, wbich gives of the miders trade unidos, the bire that outspoken independence miners and their families are wbich have found in twenty starving u stil that mission bas in every form can be seen yeare acquaintance with the been accomplished.
mining areas vf South Wales and here at its best See ou Yorkshire. cal strike of six een weeks Past Chief Rangers Wrist Watches bas left that proud independence of the glisb miner unsbaren.
Night, Bracelets So great is bis hatred of receivAng as istance from the public is brewed from the best Diamond Rings AT COURT PACIFIC No. 751 funds, tost be will endure untold bard bip ratber tban accept materials obtainable and a hundred other adornwhat he calis, charity bence Saturday, September 11th. ments and you ll recognize the recent wission to the United 1926 will go dowa in the History why this is the LEADING States, to sol eit funds for tbe It is specially suited for this climate of COURS PACIFION. 9751 ot badebt of the micers and their hu Anulent Order ot Foresters, JEWELRY HOUSE in town is superior to all imported beers sold as a RED LEITER DAY, for no ask prices and you ll find stil What actually happened is fe war tbas 50 Past Rangers, 10 another reason. that the reserves of the miders adition to. large here and it sells to the public at concourse trade guions are exausted, and Forester from th no more money is available for HALF the price.
strike pay.
And because confer to 89 Nie pola 122 Cetnral Ave.
many of the winers are relucPhone 629 tant to accept assistance from By noe, Nathaniel l oodas, the public funds, tbere ba, TRY OUR NEW BEER njamin Walkes, tbur been inevitable distress in some lis, Edward wbite, and Robert 000000000000000000000ORO, of the distriots affected by the Pale ut Court a ific. The TRY strike. Toe dis ress is genuine ball Was very beauti il y and enough, as it must be when tastefully decorated by Brother thousa ide of wage earners are and KRONEN BRAU no longer gatoii a livelibood.
Treasurer of the Court, and he Of actual starvation there is actually transformed the appen ance o: the Court into a veritable ON DRAUGHT Inte, if any.
TO ALL Kurden instead of a forest with For it is the function of the OR BOTTLES rose and Jasmine etc. from Guardians of the Poor, wbo are Brotber Atherley garden. OOVO DOV9 1000 100000000000 elected to oftice by popular vote, SSK SEXO The meeting was called to order to relieve the distress of all wbo to ren appeal to them for aid. The ai about 880 by Brother Guardians have no discretionary Green. Chiel Ranger, wo: WILKINSON power to refuse aid to the Deces.
after going through the Bitous; all they may do is to routine of business, turned the regulate the am not of aid given presidency of the Court over to Contractor to individuals, for which per Brother Joba Butcher pior sous on strike are not themPast Chief Ranger for the conand Builder selves eligible.
ferring of the degree abo above As each Board of Guardians tioned.
The HIGH COURT OF THE House No. 20 je an independent body, it follows that the amount of assieOf every ORDER WAS THEN FORMED description 28th NOV, STREET tance varies in different dis which consisted of the following SAN MIGUEL Oticers: Bros. Joho Boteber tricts. Cards are issued to those who apply, and these entitle ibe Chief Ronger, Robert Jones HiRb Sub Chief recipients to provisions of a cerJobo Box 411, Panama, DONE WITH NEATNESS AND tain value when they are preHeasurer: sented to be sbopkeepers.
Robert. amount tos varies, and in one tars. Jas. McPhunn, Bligh Plans and Specifications Free DESPATCH ce is district the weekly allowance Woodward A, MrM twelve shillings to the wife ata fredo. Smith High Senior First Class Workmanship rit, High Junior Woodwa Altour sbillibus for each child.
Some districts have given as Beadle, Codrington e 81 wie AT THE Junior Beadle, Alfred Riley, Satisfaction Guarantead much as fifteen shilliogs weekly to the wife, wbilst in otber Chief Berald, Alfred Rouget tricts the weekly allowance is High Chaplain. Brother Michael much smaller. For this is not Alexander, 1st President o muchos, viven grudgingly cut of the Panama Past Chief Rangers FLOWERS national funds, but the proceeds Court was given the seat of hovo out of local taxation to which on the left side of the High Cole Abogado. Attorney at Law bousehold«r is obliged to Ranger.
cases The Dedicatory exercises of OZFICE: No. 44, ST where they know wilful decepthe High Court were most beauti BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY is practiced, the Guardians before morning schol starta, fully carried through by Brutber TELEPHONE No. 1377 of the Poor bave po power to and a substantial meal at midAlfred Ril: y Chiet rald, refuse relief, when it is the right day, consisting of soup or meat.
by Bros. Chidord Jarvis of every necessitous person to with vegetables, and puddinge caulay Bayo. Fred Plack. Practicing before all the courts of and receive or froit. And, on the whole, the Edward, at the cuoclusion th Republic since April 1914 Besides this assistance from meals the children are receiving of wbieb the degree was public foods to the wives and at the elementary schools are conferred, and an add eas on them THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER are children of the mivers, there is better than most of tbe Chief Rangers Degree special provision for the feeding accustomed to get at bo ne. The was delivered to the newly made Dentist Howell of children, which is administer food is bought in large quantiWITHOUT AN EQUAL s.
by Brother Michael ed by an separate ties and well cooked by proAlexander, Past President Papa from and independent of the fessional cooks; It is excellent ma Past Chlef Ranger Court.
Guardians of the Poor.
HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Und quality, and it is served in RenDon fail to try it It was about 45 when the Education Act of 1921, erous portions. If there is any the entire assemblage wended CANAL ZONE.
every local education authority distress it is amongst those their way to the Banquet room. Opposite the Restaurant)
Io e a powered to provide weals waye eardior members of the wbich was also beautifully doco for children attending the pubhe family who, being on strike are No Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
rated and a table of 150 covers Office Hours: a. to p. m, elementary schools in thelr dis not eligible tor puthe assistar ce, was revealed to the eyes, and to p.
trict, whose education wlebt be have to depend upon batever still there will not room for all, DAILY hindered by their lacking food. can be spared from the buuseall the members of Court Pacific At the moment thousands ol bola sock of food.
bad to be contented with ADVERTISE PHONE 1941. BALBOA miners children are receiving space forming a guard ol boico two meals a diy at the elemen It is not a baby cor dition for or the vast assemblage. The Specializes in all the branches IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS tary school good breakfast such a study and independent. Continued on pig. 7)
of Dentistry, KRONEN BRAÜ SUPERIOR JOB. PRINTING menHigh Eastmond, The Douglas, High dis1 WORKMAN PRINTERY every bote. Except in 18 Contra Crespo claim proper Past Authority


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