
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBE? 16, 19 PAGE SEVEN Heavy Storm Causes Considerable Damage.
11 ditional Church Services.
Seventh Day Adventist Church AT PORT OF SPAIN TRINIDAD Rallway Line Damaged Loss of Live Stock Added pleasure STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Lothia Park. PANAMA. Babbath (Saturday) 945 Sub the School: 11. 16 General Worship 30 pm. Spanish Clas: 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard fattainment Class p. Veapers.
Sunday evet ing 30 pm. Sterepticon Lecture. The getal publie je ord ally invited to turn out in largo emien.
Dra forget the Sereoptiran Lectur. Sunday night. Come and bring od with you.
comes to those who smoke Lucky Strikes. These fine cigarettes are preferred the flavor of the tobacco is superior seventh Day Adventist Church season.
ud STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45. Babbatb l; 11. 15 General Worship 30 a. Young people meeting. 30 Veupe Sunday evening 30 Preaching Servior. You are cordially invited to sttend the service and bring your Because it toasted in Laventile, Baralaromo parte.
Rreater. There riende.
several places bec breaking Salvation Army Hall, The water Of all cigarettes, Lucky Strikes are the only ones offering this added enjoyment. toasting develops the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos and that why LA BOCA CORPS 30. a, Knee Drill 11 Holin Meting, p. cu. Sunday School. 30 Open Air. 30 Salvation meeting.
We extend. cordial ir vitatos to al.
The Salvation Army Luckies taste so good dueted reason millions can resist PANAMA CITY CORPS, Services are follow5 a. Early Prayer Meeting.
10 am, Children. Directory Meeting aod Brigade United Open Air Meeting 11. Holiness Meeting lobe 20 by Commandant Martin, p. Y, Company meeting and Brigade. Open air. p. me: Junior Open Air. 45 Separate Brigade open Air Mooting, 30 pm, Big Salvation Meeting.
Other notices for the week will be given from the pulpit.
The Church of God (LUCKY STRIKE S TOMSTER beavy rainstorm lasting over two hours on Saturday morbiPR Sys tbe WEEKLY GUARDIAN of the 25: bulto, flooded the City Streets and su burban districts, causing considerable damage to the track of the Trinidad Guvernment Railway and claiming the lives of all mals and leathered stock Laventile and Barataria. Fou an early bour thick clouds bega to gather and brak ng sluit arter 10 o clock rele. sed a tor rential downpour which was regarded as the beaviest for the In the City the draios overflywed and, emptying them.
solves into the streets, made traffic impassable in bar and San Juan the dam streams and was much wah waterways which Intersect the districte in severa be came swollen and through prospective natural and artificial barriers, flooded the whole area extending from San Juan Railway Station to the Piccadilly Crossing, raced along the streams over the railway track in great fury, uprootio the balance stones and sand on wbica the railway sleepers are res ed and deposti: ing them in beaps at different sections along the course sad men At DOOD Wben the raio abated and the water began to subside the le sleepers lo many places were attacbed to the lines only by bolts by. wbien they are fastened.
Meanwhile tbe trails whicb tried to cross the hues ailer noon were compelled to use the great caution.
Tha condition of the lines was Communicated to the Railway Head Office and the General Manager, the Assistant Manager and Traffic Manager went to ibe scene and alter inspection stopped the traffic on the up main track and gave instructions relative to temporary repairs of the down main track. labour gang carried out the Decessary repairs so that the 85 Siparia train passed through slowly but safely taking witbit the passengers of the 29 lucal which was not run.
In ouber parts of the district the crops were seriously adected and several bead of cattle and pgs tethered in the food area were drowded well as many bouses in tbe lowlands of Success Village were also swamped and in sone Cases small ebore boats bad to be used to facilitate communication between the bouses and the main road.
WOODEN BOUSE DEMOLISHED Another beavy rainstorm sccompanied by ligbtniog, loud peals of thunder and strong winds occurred in tbe City sbortly before DOOD on Tuesday wben two bouses in East Dry LEGAL NOTICE River were removed from their pillars, and minor damage done. small old wooden bouse OD Notice of Pendency of Suit Sorvano land Mariquite Street, owned by Robert was demolished result of UNITED STATES DISTRICT being struck by a large plan COURT OF THE CANAL ZONE.
tree which was uprooted by was occupied by Balboa Division Noras Green, his son who works as baker at Arouce Green mistress, Ulica Mexi CIVIL No: 788 min, acd ber two children, tbree years and age eleven montbs respectively, were in the house FITZ BERESFORD BANNISTER at the time, Maximin ran ou Plaintiff, with the children just before the bouge fell and they escaped MERCEDES BANNISTER with a few slight injuries, but Defendant Maximin lost all her belongings Another bouse at No. David Rivorce Street owned and occupled by Miriam Richardson, was blowl from its pillars wbich gave way. TO MERCEDES BANNISTER: tree in Marine Square You are hereby notified that on Sept.
the Cathedral Was 28th, 1926, Fitz Bresford Bannister strack by ligitning and branch Aled in the above entitled court cr petition wherein be prays for an broke, damaging the telephone absoluto divorce from one on the which was 3000 statutory grounds.
repaired by number of em And you are hereby further notified ployees of the Company that you are required to enter your branch of another tree in the appearance in writing in the one of enclosure of the Red House was the Clerk of said court at Ancon, Canal Zone, and mak: answer thereto broken and three sheets of or befo re Novemter 4, 1926.
galvanised iron were blown from If you fail to do so within the tim the eastern portion of the root foresaid the said petition will be taken of the Canteen at Constabulary confessed, and the petitioner wil Headquartere.
take judgement against you by default and demand from said court the relief applied for in the petition. SHEIBLEY Rent Receipt Books In Span Clerk and English for talo at the DAVID LEON Workman Printery Attorney for Plaintiff CIGARETTES lowls. The Params, Arovemena Street, Houne 26, San Miguel Sunday at Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 sed 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Teotimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 Young People Meeting Wednceday at 30 m, Busel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Mooting.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Saboo P. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Bio. GRAY New Providence. Gompel Mooing 11. 30 am and 80p. Bunday Snbool p. Wednesday at 30 Gore pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone, Goupel Motion 11. 80 a. and 80 pm; Sunday School at pm. Wedeceday 30 pm.
Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 to Prayer Meeting Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITA Solen and Greete nepel meet.
lope at 11, 80 od 30 Bunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 m. Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON SKSS SW60x63x65xssss Green the wind. It Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Vs.
Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
opposite cable For Sale at all Drug Stores No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 8t.
SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting.
10 sm. Children Service; 11 a.
Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Bunday Sohool, Superintendent. pm. 30 pm. Gob pel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly service will be Ondueted on Tuesday and Thursday sight, at 45 tn.
BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 am. Divine Service. Preacher Sufp ied. 80p. Bunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel service, Prenober Sapplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other notion for the week will be given from the Palpit, Bro, WEBLEY, Acting Pastor charge. in And in Large Quantities by JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy AGENT


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