p. 8


from 110m or Last Sunday Races Lucky Strike Cricket CHURCH SERVICES For Full Steamship Contest.
Service Twentieth Sunday After Trinity It was really not an I race AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH meet at Juan Fracco track on (Anglican Cathie)
Between Canada And West As was announced in the last Sunday afternoon last. It was St. Paul Church, Panama Indies.
one of those meets without the issue of this paper, the first much liked thrills which are match of the Lucky Strike (Rev. Nightongsle, D. Rostor) Direct West India caile only assured from a card inter cricket competidon started on despatch from London, dated spersed with a number of lonk Park between Monday last at the Isthmian. AND a. Holy Communion Reet distance races. Long distances Millionaires CC. and resulted in Sept. 28 says:Acrobats and 10. 15 a. Matias Me. Atwell, Following the meeting at the Catechist.
were not even at a premium at Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 10 30 a. 1l, Eucharist semon, let week, Sir Eustace Fienn West India Committee rooms this meet, and the only event asmasbing defeat for the later which could be taken as such club.
The Bishop Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages 12 30 a son Haly Bap ism. The Reet Leeward was the feature race of one mile The British American Tobacco pm Chureb School.
Islands of today introduce 1or class imported thorough Company of this city, donors of Jenter bred borse, and this ended in a the cup were represented at the 30 Choral Evansong, serinon deputation of the Represents be Recor of and Wicddead beat decision by the ground by Messrs. Maban Summary of Contents: ward Isisuds to the Secretary of which was unpopular and Sam Young. There were Monday, Oct. 18th Feast of St. Sa e for the Colonies, to u ze the spectators point of quite a large nnmber of cricket History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Luke, Evangelist. Holy Com bin to request Car ada on their view.
enthusiants and others who turn munion at 6ain.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, bebalf to endeavour to secure the Jockey Baeza, bowever, bad ed out to witness the game.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Prec sly at 30 o clock the St. Alban Church, Paraiso resumption of the full atea na good day of it, for be upbeld ship service between Canada and Was spun and turced in Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, CANAL ZONE.
the con tidence his backers placed cavo the West Indies as existed in on bim by bringing in four win favour ol the Millionaires who Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual (Rev. P. NIGU TENGALE, July 1925 The Deputation was ners out of six mounts. It might sent their opponents to bat and Prieet in Charge.
Players smypath tically received well be said that he brought in the two umpires Messrs Towey 110. Loly Communion and sermon expressed the hope that followLieut. Coloael Amery baving five winners, as be rode Pereque and Maxwell took up their posiVáluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and p. Church Schol and Coifirms.
in the feature event and with tons at the wickets.
respect to the judges decision of Mr. Mabam In a terse ing the report of the Imperial tion Instrae ion Osborne, Economic Committee that Interesting Catebit.
a dead heat between Pereque speech bere congratulated the 30 Choral Ev noong and ad. established, the direct fruit service might be and Zambo, it was the prevail officers to the League on their drea Price 50cts.
ing opinion among many that efforts in so successfully bring opportonity was Mr. Ob (e Catechit taken to present to him a telePer que had the better of the about the competiɔn and arRram received that tooraing ranging the tifxtures in the time The Jamaica Producers St, Matthias Mission Baezı brought in Harold as they had. H9 wished each club Secure yours now there will be a great rush Association, inviting the symsuccess and the threw the ball winner of the first event of five on to the field thus starting the LAS SABANAS pathy and support of the ImFurlongs for class native for them. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, perial Governmeat for sucba ponies; ran out of the money on contest for the first season.
Priest in Charge service.
Novicii in the second event of In their lovings Acrobats put Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN pm Church School The delegation was comprised four furlong: for class up the total ef 63 runs for the Panama 30 pm Evensong and address of the following. His Honour e entire side while Millionaires imper ed horses; rode Arauca, could only master 21 the formar Mr. Richards. Catechist.
Mr. Robert Walter, Administrator of St. Vincent; the winner of the tbird evezt uver a distorce of four furlongs thus winniág by three to one.
Messrs. Bryson, Aenzen, Moody so for class imported horses; At the crnclusion of the match St. Peter by thu Sea, La Boca Stuart and Patrie Hay of Antia also Zipa ay winner in the San Young British fourth event, another four :ure American Tobacco Congratulieta British Navy to Wage American Episopal (Anglican Com: Rua, the Hon. Arthur Datis ond Mr. Bonley of St. Kitts.
mudio. long handicap for class both teuing on the sportsman like Mr. Rose of Dominica, Hon.
nativ punies. And in the last spirit manifested throughout the (Continued fron page 1)
Holy Communion a The Laffitte of St. Lucia, Mr.
Free Rector.
race of four furlongs for class match a. id wish them suce 89 man of Grenada, Mr. Algernon bative horses be brought in futuro contests. Both captains Itariat of the league of nations. No less a figure than Sir Holy ptistn 30. Aspinall, Secretary of in the wioner, Cococha. suitably replied Austen Chamberlain, secretary of foreign affairs for the BritThe Litan Holy Euch. rist ani sr. the West Iodia Committee, and Except in the third race wh President of the ague. ish Empire, has been in correspondence with league officials, mən 10. 1510. Toe Rotor Mr. Skinner, Private Secretary The la kers of Araucana drew Alfonso Ferrina bera statod that and in a very recent despatch set it forth as the opinion of p. Church Schol to His Excellency Sir Eustace the parimutuels 40 on it was the Lague intention to the British that the slave trade constitutes a crime against Choral Evens ag, seran. 30 Fiennes, each io vestment, this depart foster cleao sport, whib cwould the numan race, and the British government does not beThe Roc ment of the afternoon program not only be a credit to West bio lieve that the government of any civilized country would Monday. 0:1, 136a. Faust oi NOT FAITA HEALER tide.
Luk, Evan zelisi Joly Coming (Continued from page 1)
But even with other distratin noble British Empire on which wish to challenge this opinion.
ion at am what really cast a glow over for three chears for the British He then called RUN DOWN SLAVERS Confirmat 73) m. 130 custom of this wemon to demad large sums from patrons with the what might have ben passed o The dispatch was addressed to the secretary general of day Wednesday lut. servic: assurance that she could restore as another poor card presented American Tobacco Company and MULOARE, Priest la Castze. lo lovers and give mystic charms by the Jockey Club, there wa a crowning success for the com the league of nations, an was at once interpreted as a new spill in the last raco. Rialto, at: petition.
expression of Great Britain demand for an official definito keep new ones; heal by faith any clearing the three fub post tion by the league that would brand slave trading as a bodily ailment, cure any form of and entering upon the last crime against humanity. England, it is tne common opinion School and Evening Prayer will be she however bucked the bull Matins and Address, Church disease de do, stumbled and fell, the jackes fulong of a four furloug, rec: Sparklets in Geneva, wants mcre adequate powers for the British, neld at St, Barnaba Church, Em recently, when it is alleged that she fleet in dealing with slave trading Vessels.
rolling of his mount whose neck pire; St. Bartholomew Church extracted 850 from a man at Pueblo broken and had to be shot.
was The ships ef the slavers at present ply the Red Sea, and Las Cuscadas, and at St. Simons assuriog him that she Jockey (Continued from page 1)
Idalgo suffered off the coast of Arabia sheltering under flags that ren fer Mission, Gamboa, at the usual could cure his mother who was But Blai. mysterious spirits very broken arm and collar bone and the Salvation Army and another them immune from capture. If the league can be induced hour ty tho Lay Readers.
did received severe lacerations. organization represeating Protest to give this desired definition of their status, then these vesJT MULCARE Priest in Charge. man mother died. Blair could not respond this time and so the there was crowding of the four antism, am also a backslider from sels will ipso facto lose the protection of those states and starters from the tro furlong the UNLA having been a mem; their flags and become liable to capture under the acts of Chile and Peru ot Pay reported the matter to the police sive no material nor spiritual reason for her failure, and th: man post, and this having been kept ber when the Hon.
up until the spill, it was thought gan pis African campaiga piracy.
that tat was a contributory also held that unen viabl status Again.
cause it not the real cruse of in Severs Company, the gang British vessels last year, but by far the larger number were At least 100 slaves were rescued in the Red Sea by arrested and after investigation held in custody for deportation, the unfortunate accident, that ran 5, 45 and exe iped into the main carried in vessels sailing under flags that rendered them ington, states that preci forever rid of one of its many Wash. Panama is expected to be Offered 50 Pounds land of the United States The immune from capture, dent Coolidge, as arbitrator of the fakers and Luck givers who prey on. pleasant thing about my associaTa na Arica dispute, bas again the credulity of the ignorant and tion with these groups is that called on Chile aod Peru to superstitous masses.
alwaysy equitation keenin pace Crowds Getting Ready CUBAN PLANTERS. immediately deposit 10, 000 each (Continued fromage 1) with my. And so, bein the National City Bank to the No Races Until November It is believed. and quite righ y tween you and me, gentle reader, For (Continued from page 1)
credit of the disbursing Officer, am reslly sclined to consider the too that the author of the letter to defray tne expenses of the Third.
referred to above and the man who propos tion of the two Garveyites programme, sugar estate owners are Special Commission of Boundries attacked Miss Douglas is cne and but those boys must first assure on the look out kur labourers to until the end of this year and the same person. The matter has me that they have got their flock THANKSGIVING EXCUR Open work in can3 fields when grinding for the repatriation of the person. mr Jocky Clabbas decided to The Management of the Pandassumed a most serious aspret and in a rational state of mind so they operations are resumed next Jan: nel.
persons who baye heard of it are will be able tɔ approve my recon SION TO COLON wary. few days ago a a gentleman suspend racing for the next king what on earth can be the menda ion for the ai o tion of a arrived at Kingston from Cuba; three Suadays, and owners.
and in the course of an inte view. day Purchasing Week Wills Defeated trainer, jockeys and borses will in the life of the sales de les termen is er een seven day have a commenter udging from the culte that will en representative of this at Miss Dougls. It is in be given a holiday oot: November 3rd, the datfixed for the said that the writer of the latter and every year. That is, to have going the rounds large crowds of aal, he stated that by the first states that not having completed fact, and showing this unity to be run under the auspices of St. Sepublic will be pre and up to recently Dempsey ample time for trainers to overtheir entire membership united people are ge ting ready to take the week in January next one estate the job, he has not been paid in Harry Wils, the black panther next meet. Tois should affod wanted trip to Colon on the Excursion trais alone in the republic at least 1, 000 and hral their. he is pared is also said to have listed by purchasing from neile, til he care logical challenger for the heavy: ana. ping something new on the atteck grocery o e at Guachapali at cutters from The night following at the hands one Brd.
the house occunied by Miss commodity they must purchase workers who are active in pushing and from Cuba, barrack accommo of Jack Sharkey the 13th round St. John Pastmaster Conclave of Boston and Douglas is alleged to have been in their store, Such perf rmance, dation, food and a are carried in stock their sales, boonus on!
lost on a foul in stoned. The police were called with in my opinion, would be render other than the Panama Symphony the An entertaining orchestra, non every con of cane cat scheduled fifteen round en is uaderstood that yesterday counte And Grand Christian a view to affording Miss Douglas ing real service to the community augmented for the racesyonem the gentleman was making arrange night last. Wilis was budly bat counter at Brooklyn Tuesday Encamprent.
the necessary protection and they kept watch in the vicinity of the and to the race, will be exemplify dispense rich music. ments to interview one of the tered, according to cable advices residerce, but nothing has ing the spirit of organization and Game of cricket will be played principal officersbol the list Gov. received here, although weighing to All members of the St. John ernment the of since been heard in that vicinity best forward step too shorter the at the Colon Base Ball Park be large force of labourers being draft 2145 pounds to Sharkey 188.
Pastm seter Conclave and Grand that would suggest the presence distance to nationhood. At any tween the strongest combinationed to the republio earlv in January Christian Encampment No. 3cf of a person on ev. bent The rate, don let this little detrac from Panama and a similar aggre from this island.
the Independent Order of Mepolice ara endeavouring to solve tion from the main point obfus gation of Colon stars.
chanics, Preston Unity, are here. he mystery behind the anony cate your memory in connection Miller Bonds.
Persons who are planning to go by summoned to attend the next mous letter, ia fact the whole with the Musicale; half a dollar general meeting wbich will take atfair. Meanwbile, it is hoped, or less will make you eligible to with the excursion party are ad. Eureka Temple No. 309 place on October 17 at o clock Miss Douglas is enj vying her pass the duorman and enjoy a vised to procure their tickets chance in the cool climate of goud program.
early and avoid the rush during According to a published state for the purpose of tranthe last days of arrangemente, Mandeville, where she went a few Of ment given out by a representative sacting business of interest and of Lisman and Company of welfare of the order.
davre we ago, and will shortly be Remembering the magnitnde of New York, the Fulton Superior ATTENTION the last excursion run in 1923 by Grand Rally Sud Concert Court has appointed the Atlanta this Chureh, numerous friends are will be held on Saturday October Trust Company as temporary preparing to register for this ex. 16. b; under the auspices of trustees as well as the Folton Why pay double price The many friends of Brown, Bursioo which, it is believed, will Eureka Temple No 309. Improv National Bank, both of Atlanta for interior imported Have you tried the O, E. are hereby informed that break the previous record.
ed Benevolent and Protective Georgia, for certain buildings and Beer when you can he has been transfered from the Order of Elks of the World, at property against which new Beer Consulate General offica in this the Elks Ludge Hall, 23rd 24th Miller mortgage bonds are an buy a superior Beer city to the new British Legation Street Guachapall.
obligation. These banks heve such as BALBOA for Kronen Brau Rent Receipt Books In Span at the Exposition Grounds, and if popular orchestra will be in requested holders of Miller Bonds needed he can be found at No. sh and English for sale at the attendance, and a very enjoyable to communicate with them direct half the price. Street, San Miguel. Workvan Printery time is anticipated.
before disposing of their bonds.
Nuevo by Galve WAS their own, Paul Church, at rene win locally which of a on lady Mail.


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