
Today Saturday Oct, 23rd Wm. Fairbanks in THE NEW CHAMPION Today, Saturday Oct, 23rd and Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 24th John Barrymore in THE SEA BEAST Tomorrow Sunday Oct. 24h Anna Nelson in HER SECOND CHANCE to Monday October 25th Jack Holt in BORN TO THE WEST On Sunday night last a thief entered the agricultural department of ihe Colon Boys Institute and carried away over 300 pounds of sweet potatoes, according to information received curing the week from Watson, Commauder of the Institute.
It was on Mcddy morning when Mr. Reid who is in charge of this department of the Institute went into the garden do some work when he discor ered that over sixty banke of sweet potatoes have been opened during the night and the potatoes part of a most promising crop, Watson, to fix a correct estimate of the amount of potates stolen, he ordered dup up ten other banks from wbib was tak s xty five pounds of produce. It is therefore almost certain that the thiet got away with over three hundred pounds Later in the morning the Police chased about a dozen grain blers wbo were located to the back of the Institute building, but wbo, although tired at by the police, made their escape in the nearby busbes.
It is certainly a disgrace for anyone to rob from the Colon Boys Institut, and severe puoishment would surely ben tid cut to Sunday night thief if he were caught.
Monday October 25th Wm. Fairbanks in SPEED MAD Tuesday October 26th Diana Miller in FLAMES OF DESIRE (COLON)
Today Saturday Oct. 23rd Vera Reynols in WITHOUT MERCY Ton orrow Sunday Oct, 24th Jackie Coogan in OLD CLOTHES Monday October 25th Bebe Daniels in VOLCANO Tuesday Cctober 26th Art. Acord in THE RIDING RASCAL Wednesday October 27th Comway Tearle in THE GREATER GLORY COLON Today Saturday Oct 23rd Richard Dii in SAY IT AGAIN.
Tomorrow Sunday Oct 2ith Jack Holt in BORN TO THE WEST Monday October 25th Monte Blue in RED HOT TIRES Tuesday October 26th Leatrice Joy in THE WEDDING SONG Wednesday October 27th Jackie Coogan in OLD CLOTHES Thursday October 28th Bebe Daniels in VOLCANO mander ot potatoes Tuesday October 26th Mote Blue in RED HOT TIRES Wednesday October 27th Leatrice Joy in THE WEDDING SONG Thursday October 28th Jackie Coogan in OLD CLOTHES Friday Cctober 29th Bebe Daniels in VOLCANO Saturday October 30th Pola Negri in GOOD AND NAUGHTY dnesd. y October 27th Lon Chaney in THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA Thursday October 28th Pat Malley in MY OLD DUTCH Friday October 29th John Harron in BELOW THE LINE Saturday Ccto bor 30th Lillian Rich in SEVEN DAYS Thursday October 28th Jack Holt in BORN TO THE WEST Friday October 29th Monto Blue in RED HOT TIRES Friday October 29th Art. Acord in THE RIDING RASCAL Saturday October 30th Leatrice Joy in THE WEDDING SONG Saturday October 30th Conway Tearle in THE GRATER GLORY Take Lanor thinking played, dren W: must Lafter a Creols XI vs. Barbados Correspondence Birthday Party For Ruby Gardiner CANAL CRICKET TEAM ZONE NOTES dadi nga edhe ce di morte convincibx MUSICAL PROGRAM AT having adduced Gatun Lake, arguments in support of their A, side.
On Sunday October 31st and Canal 7one, One of the delightful parties November Wednsday LA BOCA d.
Nov. 12, 1926 of the season was held at the reDue to a wirdy morning with Crieket Fans on the Atlantic TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: dence of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bolt Speaks on Scouting attendent showers of rain and an side will witness one of the Gerdi er, Colon last Monday The Girl is Intellectual.
afternoon with threatening dowofinest displays of cricket ever in honour of their little pulled off on the thmus when am of the opinion that its one Sir: As you: paper is read by ergoter Miss Ruby Gardiner when so many of us (West Indians Clifford Bolt of Panama, one pour of additional showers, with intervening drizzles, the the following players re resentTbe ly the Equal of the Boys the leaders of the British Boy at the Hall of Diviyoung lady received many ing the BARBADOS XI, will of the medium through which congratulations on the eighth an Scouts Movement. made a force sion 17 on Sunday evening last grand agaust the CREOLE and for these reasons beg many friends present. Dancing RL DEBATERS SHOW Tuesday eveniog last after the wos presented which consisted of ibe bield defence of Little opintons can be easily expressed; ful appeal to an appreciative was not well atteuded. Notwithniversary of her birth from the audience at the Clubhouse on standing this, a space therein for publication of a good program From present form and prac went on in the usual way unul the following: There is in the scientific world which brought the party to a the wee small bours crept in juniors had closed their debate numbers by the Colonial Classical tices there should be an interesThat the girl is intellectually on the ental equality of boy Orchestra. vocal solos by Mrs.
a saying tects are the results close.
and ting match.
the equal of the boy was brought girl.
of Causes. Toere has not up to Olga King, Misses Gertrude Benthe seen this time been any. many friends out the oa Tues Mr. Bolt out that and Lena Moulton and Mr.
on the Sussex Oral Layne, Lyla to las muchas never gestradiction: sent were the misses en Robert a day evening last at the society scourdom is character building. John Dar, hent Mopinion are elibera too, Porter, Clarke, Nurse, pening is reading traced 188beco: Mr. Bannister, Miss Junior Night Program when Miss and should be the goal of every by Miss Lydik Holder the elever to speciJam and Miss Atberley Blave, Colleridge to causes. The attitute of those Irish, Sylvia Beresford, Ruby Smith, speaking for the affirma. endorsed by Secretary Naely Mr. Agard, member of the Edna boy. His arguments were fully young pianist, a cello number by Farrell, Cooke. Niles, Harding in yne and kr.
Bowlers in whose bands the destiny ot pse Beresford, Morris, Enelda this blessed country at present Callender, Mr. and Mrs. Golve on the subj ict Resolved: who promised after bowlers failed to pass the tests, line so far as it tree rast riquez, Mrs. Hing and daugh That the to give him all Orchestra, and trio by theło defence of Narse, Belgrave and Indians domicilled bere is in no ters, Ms. Bowa dod dugb scae mental capacity of the the possible aid to carry out other members of the Orchestra, zirl is equal to that of the Boy. such good work for the batterAtherles, with ti e deldinx abilits way, an exception to the estab ters Mrs. Benedicama Bayne and Basil Whyte, suppor nity He believes that cold rowo, daugh ment of the boys of the commu.
Herman tara of the other players; and the Cosperity gains friends, while Mrs. Macleod, Baresford Pol little debate which brought endorse such Jaw: as quoted above Mrs. berts and children ters of the negative, in a delight: ena should also amount of bowling talent disRed Tank Clubhouse.
this match will worth movement and Boneca moltes com sely as the Wan boys to fall in regular monthly legers Messrs. Meren and we are no meado con el cu Betablo B: Sandios. La FranciaA Gas the clubhouse to listen to the end racelerate to buiia up their will be before then really cott have promised to bring back of adverse circunstances. Erabrencis and young debaters ll.
Clubhouse on Saturday, October Cricket to its former place in are not hopeless, becue others.
shines for all decision sun West Indies Circles 23 rd. The Fanny Coppin Telon the because of the stubbornes of President Naely of the Atheangle of d Tank bas the proIsthmus.
facts agree that whenever the, THE IMMANENCE OF aneum called th meeting to Successful Musicale at St. volley ball game between the gram At o clock there will be of is order and vacated the Cbar to Judge Murray Visits Institute gard, there is always present the Miss Undine Sanith. president of Barnabas. Empire. Fanale Burroughs Girls of (Continued from page 4)
reverse side of the condition in the Juniors for this term; and Cristobal and the Marie Balwin Girls of Panama plano selection by Master is an age of waters of the On Monday last at noon Judge inateriality. and it counts ex book of wisdom written, closed Bynoe and a reading by Master Under the auspices of the All Girl Reserves ara urged Murray of the Cristobal Magis: tremely in the classification of and sealed for all eteraits, or is followa Girl Friendly Society a very to be present.
trate Court visited the Colon Boy InstituteDe looked over the ably to state that anti West with the blood and tears of striv. the Juniors Secretary Miss Fior? in St Barnabas Charcb, Empire very advis page page being written of news of week was general line of work and question Indians who are kely not to inx meo? Do. Draper in bia Hisence Dixon, Miss Smith announ beraten Tvarda coreening ople NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES every of Enpire system of ruolog the place. He permanently be removed from tory of the Conflict Betweened the suhj ct for debate and und Las Cascada3 ta ned out in also looked over the agricultural de Country give a very keen Religion and Science, and DI Stewart and Portage as pointed Messrs Clifford Bult, and Andrew Waite in bis History show that attention to real and material Andres large numbers to Continued from pige garden and aeem pleased with acco the way tbioks are being carried accumldation, will we ever iad aj ot the warfara of Science with ljuges, and Mr, Kington, 80 far as the Wast Indian (ing house at the time of his cothough reduced to a mere skelechaoged attitude which in turn Theology, have tog ther demon Timekeeper.
and that on.
God will element of its population goes in version; will dition. Such a desired condition there two great interests have leaner Jamp, used as its qurta social life and power.
bring about a changed con strated that on every pöint where The affirmative, ad by Miss Empire, there was still much abundantly bless Rev. Surgeon for pointing bim to the cross of Another Inmate however will better be brought joined battle, science has emerged of 20 minutes (10 for the leader.
about through organized efforts orts triumphant. for the supporter and over de Tae program, consisting of Jesus Christ.
His funeral took place on Satas is. the religion of tomorrow, uulike by the Milton Lazarus, 15 years of the colon Communityra toca the most of the religio rahiday. kebattal) less one minute. Miss lently executed by the Girl urday 16th inst, The ceremony age, was sent to the Institute West Indians known as the going to recogos and acclaicua Jump shwed marked ability in Friendly, assisted by st. Berna was conducted by Mr. Turner day last week from the Cristobal A, of Oslon. The Uaided acientitic religion.
Loftus Magistrate Court by order of Negro m Toe New bilosopby of Life is Siraneating ber points and de non bay and St. Bartholomaw th: Chapel Steward.
signs of having given Choirs. Mr. Norman Haynes of leaves three sons bere, Philip, Judg of Colon Provement A330cistio diligently engaged uader in have shot one of his lident of Mr. Hector Connor, against pro, bad the fight careful study to the sunset. Her e Boca won great applauso for with his family. Albert and some time ago to conditions equally prepared his clarionet solos. Too mach George; and one daughter, Henpeople can create for them of labour, used up her exact quota of of praise cannot be given to Miss rietta, le Panama to mourn their He will be selves Celestia) eyes and menwag s, boy companione.
men tenemanis, cum inercialised vices, five minuter. This side made Wallace, the Prosident of the loss; to whom we tender our kept under strict supervision several and made to do some hard ltality. a changed condition caarotten policies, selfish business their contention that the girl, trainer of St. Bartholomew bereavement. RIP)
comparisons to support Society, Mr. David Skeen the heartfelt sympathy in their sad work be brought over aight. Condi ingaisabla taxatin and Commander Watson has been the Church Choir. and Mr.
requested to report to the Magis: ihope that will make us desirables with the social environment watch who really develops into in general are what we stand most bas so largels made the indivi woman, has demonstrated equal Johnson, Direc:er of St. Baraabas Church Choir, for the the masterly way in which beh viour which, if cet salis. do not know if can advis: not at all concerned with a king and boy are given a fair start, Master Bayne introduced bis pieces were rendered. The Rev.
factory, be will b: taken away better than to advise a sudden dom of heaven in the distant LEER EERSTE 24 from there a pd. tried out tbe close of ranks, so that wa nay skies. but wish the king lom of subjecking proper manner but Mulcare, Priest in Charge What everyone is Canal District for start taking and acting uni beaven (harmony) to be estab several times drifted from of both Missiɔns, prezided.
saying of writing the take this opportunity lished right bere and now upon equality to the superiority the whole a most enjvyable time the various Colonies the earth through the divine help of the boy, but at the same time was spent and all went home Indians to the undreamt of the IMMANENT GOD, THE carrid a few convincing points, apparently satisfied possibilities of the Uoited GOD WITHIN US ALL, KRONEN BRAU ates of using six minutes his allotted Negro Improvement Association ten; wbile his supporter Master Why pay double price of Similar efforts should Coloc.
Whyte took bis tive minu es to superior to all for inferior imported be vadertaken among the other point out the intellectual inequality of the girl. He said that Notice to Correspondents. imported beers Beer when you can colonists that are too far to Dr. Wendehake come members All that are both bad developed into adults buy a superior Beer necessary to succees are honesty MEDICAL CLINIC and for centuries the boy is the Contributors and correspondents such as BALBOA for and intelligence.
leader in literature, science, etc. are asked to send in their contribu7, 025 Front Street Colon Rent Receipt Books In Span half the price.
Yours truly, The judges credited all the tions not later than Thursdays to OPPOSITE STATION debaters for such good showing insure publication. This is impera: sh and English for sale at the JOSEPH COTON, Workynan Printery PHONE 11 in their fiat attempt, but deci tive apd must be adhered to.
Varnon Smith, by a last from thelf the able manboy supporter was lodecent and trial formis of of


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