
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDA) OCTOBER 23, 1926 anamumunuan THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders purpose for MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS of மல யய யயயய Workman Stationery Store the sanctity of bigber.
THE BEER again, in the of Den Up to date Jewelry of falls of earth, andeks after The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
will be to este mes or women per the pre Fuller Jewelry Store British Finance And Dowd down to French Police Use Dr. David Smith Commerce.
TO TRANSMIT FINGER Safety First is a slogan well Dr. Smith the Snakeknown to all English speaking OFPRINTS. bite Specialist of Guabito, people, In London there exists a Bocas del Toro, begs to strong and representativa CousParis. The French Po ice. offer his professional service.
cil which has spent many banalways famed for the perfection to any dreds of pounds in populariz ng patient. Wherever of their organization, are now found, tis snake bite remethis watchword. The which the Council exists is the IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF using the radio to transmit pie dies have never failed to prevention of accidents in this tures of fingerprints of wsbted mdern world of fast moving persons and criminals, as well as effect a speedy cure. The trattic of every kiad. Pade.
their general description. Belinc Doctor also specializes in trians are exorted to be always graph transmitters bave been other complaints such as Uristailed ia the Prefectur. of lice nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers ор the lookout. Drivers with which photographs of tip and vehicles are enjoined to place gerprints can be flasbed to other Obstinate Coughs.
safety befora speed. No:biog French citles either over te tel. Should you need his prosbould be left to chance, Safety graph wire of by radio in a few fessional services, do not fail tire. iconds.
to write or come to the DocNow, though this slogan has Suitable for Lodge Business Speed is one of the most im: tor personally when you can been, Dot unnaturally, the butt portant factors ia the battle ol certaing witticisms, the intenagainst crime, and the detective becured tion of the Council is excellent.
More, the Council may be said to Address: Department is coufident that the AT THEins allation of the bel. nograph DR. DAVID SMITH be the embodiment of a spirit will make the crook job considwhich bas always animat:d erally more zırdous.
Specialist British industry. In no country, It is understood other countries Guabito Bocas del Toro surety, has the buman the desire to avoid tho e art, launing to follow the Frenih lite, and Republic Panama.
accidents inseparable fro exam ple. This should be the ranked agomgomgomgoggagoggagoggagngang mag alagangan police to caich Internationa, Blond odustry, series of Factory Acts criminals woo Lave been abl to and Home Ottice regulations on escape scores frontiers by using the fencing of macdinery and od SSX rapid transportation before the descriptions could matters are evidence of reach the kindressay first ideal. Then, frontier statione.
this British coal fields are large numbers men em ployed the Safety Met whose Short Skirts Sensible sole duty is to secure the proper SUPPLIED BY upkeep and safety of the mines DOCTOR PRAISE FOR SCANT and, tberefore, the health and safety of the miners. These CLOTHES safty men deal with the danger of flooding, of uoxious gases, In every form can be seen of earth, and so forth. Fashion for the moment bas decreed tbat women dresses here at its best See ou Even now, elehteen weeks the beginning of the great stopshall be sensibly scanty. Wrist Watches.
women are page in the British pite.
tbese men go about their daily labour, Dowadays far more bygieziesi!
clothed than men, especially it Bracelets keeping the mines sate and in the summer.
17 is brewed from the best good working order against the hour when coal getting Diamond Rings Dr. Graham Little, resumed And the point materials obtainable expressed this opinion at the and a hundred other adornmember is that this safety work apr. nal conference in London onments and you ll recognize is done with the toll concurrenc the Faculty of Insurance.
of both owners and workers, It is specially suited for this climate Sɔme of the disappearing why this is the LEADING The owners are drawing no divi diseases be continued might be JEWELRY HOUSE in town dends and the miners do wages Jeg due to a change in babits or even ask prices and you ll find still is superior to all imported beers sold during tois prolonged dispute.
to the cbangiog fashions.
But safety first is the ruling here and it sells to the public at There can be little donbt, he another reason. idea in this the great basic Briadded, that babits Lisb industry.
It is, however, in the domain of HALF the price.
day bave tratfie that the slogan is now increased the bealthiness of the 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 623 most needed and most loudly female sex.
sounded. With the kieat and TRY OUR NEW BEER With regard to the men, the growing increase of motor vehicles the toll of road acciderts in remarkable improvement 00000000000 000000000000 our great is countinually babits of temperance both in TRY The most; strenuous eating and drir king bas practipolice activity in tradic direction cally banished from our midst and the expenditure of millions the important group of diseases KRONEN BRAU of pounds on widering and imwbich went by then me of proviog roads have yet material gout and goutiness, ON DRAUGHT Iy to reduce the figures of road SUPERIOR TO ALL ly He described bow few days accidente. The problem, however, ago he saw a most depresiog OR BOTTLES is being resolutely grappled sight of 100 schoolboys betwein SSSSSSSSSSSSSES the ager of snd 18 dressed OOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000 It is interesting in this connecalike in bard boots, stift Eton tion to examine Grest Britain s collars, and heavy drab clothing record so far as other mojes of from head to foot, altogether WILKINSON travel are concerned. Receutly a about as idiotic a uniform of return urn was made by the Ministry unbealthinses as could be cooo: Transport on the safety of trarceived.
Contractor el on the British railways. It is and Builder 84 remarkable truly one passenger 000. 000 was reduction of wrecks and casualkilled in a train duricg ties and the tonnag of vessels the year 1925. Immunity from lost decreases from year to year.
House No. 20 serious accidents, or any large Last Of every description year showed loss of life, bas been a feature of decrease of 136, 073 tons for 28th NOV. STREET the operation of British lloes for steamsbips and moto ships lost, SAN MIGUEL many years past. This tipe record and of this decrease the British is, of course, a thing that bas bad DONE to ba bought by heavy expendsection by reason of its size was Box 411, Panama, responsible naturally for tbe devices to ensure lion sbare.
No DESPATCH 000. 000 year has been ex Ar bas been ex port systems has an equally reby the Tailway managemarkable showing. This month ments on the maintenance of ng quipment. Other in First Class Workmanship has seen the seventh a Britiei of AT THE the Institution of in this conneccross Chaopel air services, the Satisfaction Guaranteed re: permanent way renewfirst passenger air rair express ronual average expenditure flow Hounslow 18 millions; mainteta. ce and London) to Paris on 25th August repairs of locomotives and rolling FLOWERS stock, 24 million a signala small twc seater, converted department, gate wages. milion per annum.
of 360 war aeroplan horse Abogado. Attorney at Law power. be latest airliners of Every ytar sees an increase in Inperial Airwass, Limited, the OFFICE: No. 44 ST the installation of automatic British Consulate Notice British company engaged in air BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY devices to minimiz: the risk of transport, are twenty seaters, TELEPHONE No. 1377 failure of the human elemen driven by three 400 Older than raliway travelling is The British Consul at Colon aree 400 P, engines This company record for safet Practicing before all the courts of sea transport, and here Oace mure would be glad of information as is great. During the year ended Great Britain record is con to the present whereabouts of 81. Marcb. 1926, no alrcraft the Republic since April 1914 spicously bigh. There is no need Constantia Violet Bennett, dressnor space, to tell again here the maker, a native of Jamaica, who THE HAIR STRAIGHTENER Limited, met with a serious aces: story of the adoption of the at one time resided at Muller dent. In aircraft registered Plimsoll line on all British Building, Fourth Street, Colon.
the British Isles was a single Dentist Howell WITHOUT AN EQUAL mercbant vessels, the line prefare paying passenger injured.
venting the overloadiog of a ship.
Those who know with wbat care The high standard of safety reDon fail to try it British aircraft are regularly quired before Lloyd s, the great mbled will perhaps not be HOUSE 912, LA BOCA insurance corporation, will grant What everyone is at this magolicent CANAL ZONE.
certificate of complete record. British air travel is, it worthiness bas resulted in saying (Opposite the Restaurant)
would seem, the safest form of the symbol A1 belng reNo Special Combs or Hot Irons Required.
travel, but, then, the Imperial Office Hours: a. to 1p. garded the world over as the KRONEN BRAU Alrway company believe in to p.
and equivalent of first class. All Britpractice the injuction DAILY Isb passenger vessels are requirSafety first, ed by law to be fitted with radio superior to all telegraph instruments and to Rent Receipt Books In Span PHONF. 1941 BALBOA carry a competent operator. This imported beers ish and English for sale at the Speciallzee all the branches bas been a a great factor in the IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS Workrian Printery of Dentistry in cities mounting KRONEN BRAÜ with. o records only JOB. PRINTING world WITH NEATNESS AND iture on the safe less than Even the infant anong trans Plans and Specifications Free tion xpress baviug als, from WORKMAN PRINTERY ling a year; anda!
bal aggreContra Crespo מו веADVERTISE


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