
Additional Church Services. Continued from page 6)
Leventh Day Adventist Church ANTIGUA 114 Writing on the necessity of a club er Society in Antigua where the young people of the place could repair to after working hours and debate on political top cs or express their views on subjects of general the MAGNET says: Our sister Presi.
dency of Dominica has started an Association for the advancement of the Political aspirations of the people of Dominica. Are we going to emulate the example!
Antigua is headquarters of the Leeward Islands Federation, and yet in such things she generalls take a back seat.
Interest STREET CALIDONI ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 Bcb, beth School: 11. 15m, Genera! Wortsp 30 Spanish Clase; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sunday evening 30 Stereoptican Lecture. The general public is cordially invited to turn out in largo numbers.
Dea forget the Stereoptiean Lectura on Sunday night. Come and bring riend with you.
matum TITUTE LUCKY STRIKE Seventh Day Adventist Church ITS TOASTED GIGARETTES Brd. STREET BROADWAY, LON Babbath (Saturday) 45 a. Babbatb chool; 11. 15 General Vorship 30 pm. Young people meeting 30 Vespere Sunday evening 30 Preaching Servior.
You are cordially invited t)
attend these services and bring your friends, local syndicate is reported to be negotiating for the purchase of the Benuals Sugar Factory, which was offered for sale by The owners to certain partics in Barbados. As matter of fact rumour says that an option to purchase was actually held by an Individual in Barbadog, Our in.
terest in the affair leads us to honeth hope that whoever be the pur.
ct asers, the business will be o conducted that the resua ptica of operations at the Factory will result in stimulating economic conditiona.
MADE IN The Church ci God Mr. L Gilkes a former stc dent of Harrison College and a member of the Spartan Cricket Club of Barbados has recently joined the staff of the Antigua Grammar School.
Apart fon scholastic gualifications. Mr.
Gilkes has a reputation as a bowler and a ke. foot a ler.
Always Cool Smoking Panama, Aroremens Street, Hour 25, 3an Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Goepel weetings at 11 a.
and 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 730 Testimony Meeting Tuerday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting. Wedeceday at 30 Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 u.
Open air meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone Sunday Schoo p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Goepel Moe ings at 11. 30a. and 30 Suni ay Snhool at p. Wednesday at 30 Gogpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone, Gospel Mestingo at 11. 30a. and 30 Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 pm.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting.
Bro, GEORGE GRIPPITH Colon, and Streeta. Goepel meet Ings at 11. 30 a. 00 and 30 Sunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 pm. Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON CHOOSE a hot tropical day to make a trial of the Should the weather conditions which have been experienced for the past few days continue, the of some kind of atmospheric disresult might be a manifestation tur ance. The barometer has pt low for the werk; this indication coupled with the heat wave that bas made one ad all of us very uncomfortable, tends to produce a feeling of anxiety Sed uncertainty. LUCKY STRIKE BARBADOS when no cigarette is so desirable as a cigarette that smokes cool.
Then is the exquisite coolness of the LUCKY STRIKE most desirable. Then is its purity, its choice Burley, its superb blending most apparent.
Boon companions are quality and coolness, in cigarettes.
Boon companions are LUCKY STRIKE and refined palates.
The Executive Committee of the Workingmen Association of Rid Street, Barbados, ac quired the old St. Leonard Girl School in Westbury Road Road The price paid was rot diselosed.
This Association bas, says the Bardados WEEKLY ILLUSTRA TED Paper of Sept. 111h only been got vp together about four or five weeks ago.
Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness LUCKY STRIKE British Company has started drilling for oil in the St.
George Valley, Barbados. The drillers are Messre. Jackman of the and William Welch of Barbado.
10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Bro.
Webley. p. Sunday School, Superinterdent. p. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Preacher Bro. Reece, The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thureday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. Prescher 0, A, R, Small, ied. 80p. Bunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel te vice. Preacher Bro. Smali Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other notics for the week will be given from the Pulpit, Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
GRENADA sie Carvey Group Loses Holdings; Suit Instituted in Grenada, Sept. 13th Yesterday the centenary of the opening of the St. Georges Anglican Church was commemorated by an impressive parade service at which His Excellency the Governor and rembers of Council and other public bodies wer were present with detachments of the local forces orce Georges Chattendance. St was formerly opened on 10th.
reigo of Georg IV and the Governorsbip of sin Charles Campbell Rector the Rev Francis McMahon of whom one of the Interesting ancient memorial tablets in the Church records He was the sole survivor of the ambush of Governor Rime and a party of afficials at Guyave during tte Fedon ebellion of 1795 96. 04 September 1826 during the at the time KCM. The was GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted SAT ESPERANZA LAUNDRY SHERIFF SALE DISPOSES OF Have you tried the ORGANIZATION HOLDINGS; NIX AND RHODES FILE CLAIMS now Beer Kronen Brau Phila. Sept, 25. The entire office furniture and fixiogs of the Universal Negro Improvement Association at its office, 1810 South Street, were disposed of at a Sneriff sale to satisfy salary Inr: portant.
claims and other indebtedness amounting to 70, 000. The Hon.
Contributors in general Gabriel Johnson, former local head, who is now in Africa, bad and our Atlantic side writers in particular, are asked to bis attorney, Austin Norris, Esq. draw breath when writing order the sale. The real estate, and Condense their contribuwhich consists of property at tions considerably, to ensure 1810 South street, running through publication.
to 1809 Kater street, is listed for sale on Monday, October 4th, Negro Improvement Association next. The head of the local Nix and Rhodes, attorneys filed branch is Fred Toote now 1600 worth of claims for wages Actiog general of the Universall due employees; 0000000000000000OOO DODO, TRY KRONEN BRAU ON DRAUGHT Only First Class Ones Need Apply OR BOTTLES OOUOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOU


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