p. 8


The BE, is most to Moore would to the departurearty be of to Water skinned man, a not con an co the kin be few if it it nos very likely SO change who The Rector Lucky Strike Cricket Laborer Worthy Chiari To Be Nominated SENSATIONAL CASE For Next Term League IN CITY (Continued from page El Centro Christa de Cari The Panamanian has all the ad tanes on Thursday last received Detective Nab Man Writing CHAUFFEURS DEFEAT vantages. He is equal to the West the support of twenty seven memBARTENDERS Indian and the Chinese in being a bers of the Notional As embly to Annonymous Letters.
e ill of the climate, in ancestry, petition the Liberal Directorate to in education, ia opportunity, and convoke an extraordinary session The second latch la consec why fall down in open competition?
of the National Assembly in DeLast night events took a sensa. AND tion with the Lucky Strike, Why be so fearful of his genius, mber to formally receive the tional turn in connection with the Circket competition was played and have so little elf reliance on Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 launching of the candidacy of Den sending out of menacing letters by last, the his home Rodolfo Chiari for President of some party or parties in Kingston.
between Ch suffeurt and Bartea and its products, True, the Republi the Republic during the term 16h inst.
Says the JAMAICA MAIL of the ders and resulted in an lic is young, but youth should be Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages 1928 39.
verwhelming victory for th ene firmer club energetic, thrifty, economical, perYesterday Mr. Louis Hamilton, serving. The best asset that any the well knowo city busineseman, Baptisto And Davis Captaiu Phillips of Bartender country can have is plenty of Summary of Contents: received a letter in which a demand baving won the toss sent bis laborers. Production is increased.
was put forward of a loan of 100.
opponents to bat on what was The drones are eliminated and His ory of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years considered batsman wicket. progress goes mareling on, always The reJoubtale Jamaitan cyclists. The letter was delivered at his reBaptiste and Davis who so splen missive was handed over to the sidence Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ia Charlotte Street. The The game started disastropsly carried on shoulders of didly represented the Isle of for the chauffeurs, who lost six labor. It deedless to repy on Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Springs in two meets on the At Pith that of handwriting tallied wickets for the meagre total of the sentiment so qucikly exiled, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, lantic side a month ago, will short with 21 ruos; but at this stage Cap. by ingratitudo, that the West ly leave the Isthmus for their seat two letters party who had to Mis Annie Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual uain Patterson recalling his old Indiaus have furnished the princi homeland. Before kaving they Douglas, are Matron of the time prowess of the booked to make their last appeark was game pal labor of building the Canal and in Players Public Hospital which that lady sertled down and display some thus putting Panama on the map.
blackmailed in a atrocious very fine strokes and added 41 It useless to say that the Chinese, Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and ames. com tomorrow afternoon, manner, in addition to 50 and rung (bis Individaul contribution) on account of their Interesting Arraugements were under way being demanded of her.
before be was bowled by genius, bave brought commodi for them do their stuff a. the laid their net for an The lice laid of the Republic to every quarter Isthmian Park near to this city but. it haveing been the Price 50cts.
en account of incessant rain which stated by the writer of the letter to figures of the Chauffeurs and at the question wao will do fell during the last few days the Mr. Hamilton that a bearer the all of the 8th wicket with the things so beneficial for the couotry, track could not be made to pr gant be sent to his residence in the score at 86 runs Captala Pitter in the line of labor and storekeepa suitable surface for racing. evening for the money. Detective Bon declared ing, if we eleminate by over taxa Secure yours now there will be a great rush Lewis was sent cn duty in lower Bartenders now had their turn lion or unjust taxation three eleChorlotte Street. Shortly after a for them, at the wickets but despite care ments.
To Debate Important boy appeared and asked for a reply jul playing the cocktail mixers The Negro element has its rn.
letter. He was given an Question.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN could only muster 43 runs for cial traits well stamped and imen welope addressed to the Their entire slde, as the bowllog pressed upon a very considerable Panama and as The La Boca Athenaeum is to was shadowed by the detective.
Chauffeurs did not allow of ory Panamanian republic, and many Blackman and Biron of the number of the inhabitants of the be represented in their coming The boy proceeded liberties being taken with it. of this race have indeed affilia debate against the Literary Society Lane and Fleet Street, and deThus the second win in the tions with families of long standof the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse vered the missive to dark competition bay been scored by by Messrs. William Jump, Clite The detective Com a creure, Who put it over their content anderledes bent claroughout CHURCH SERVICES Sparklets Central America The Chinese ford Sewell and KL. Cyrus, dabbed his man, and there ensued opponents by two to one, have entered into family relatio Twenty first Sunday Afler Trinity Mr Jump, it is understood, will a desperate struggle, during which ships with a large portion of lead for the negative, the side the man dealt the detective a (Continued from page 1)
amanians, and hence it is which is alloted to the Athenaeum, stunning blow on the jaw, and Amended Law genial to good AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE fection, to happiness, and ultimate: The debate is scheduled to take made the miscegenous poput of the amongst puede condomiserang, leaving his (Anglican Catholie. by. drastic and St. Paul Church, Panama the scavengers could feel as de on Saturday evening next the During the scuffle the man drew (Continued from page 1) penal laws upon the of a large 30th inst.
about the situation, in revolver from his preket but the there The observations advanced number of Panamanian citizens (Rov. Nightongalo, Roctor) short time would werpun fell to the ground. It was with reference te Article twenty If it a question of self protection a. Huly Communion Rect. any scavengers. But as it appears recovered by the police, who found four, is correct. This provision has then then why not begin at the top contained five live 10. 15. m, Matins Mt. Atwell, that there is no likelihood of all INTERESTING LECTURE. but ubo co Catechist been frankly objected to as uncon. instead of the bottom? Why the Browns feeling as do about cartridges stitutional and it in effect, in eliminate the those racial elements 10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, it, many of them will Teacher Elcar McCarthy of The man in leaving his jacket in the form in which it is crafted. But that are exploiting the country The Retor.
be pre sed out of existence, leaving the Li Bica Zone School having the hands of the detective furnishif in order that the objection dis wealth, first of all: There are 12 30 D300 Hsly Bap ism, The Rector the fittest to visited some of the West Indiar od the prliee with the clue they 39 Church School it will only be necessary to monopolies, enterprises. persons zato take up positions as seaven. Islands during bis recent vacas required. Acting detective Inspecappear the term from to return to and classes, of what we ight call 30 Cboral Evensong, sermongers and scientistt inyentors; as tion, will deliver a lectu eor Murphy, Sergt. Major Giyle the country. to read to come to favored races and nationality, there must be some in each class, Geddes Hall East 15 Street in staff Sergt. Major Higgins. of the the country.
sou have a free hand in Panaman interrupted.
Thurs luy 28th Fenst of Simon Having stated our opinion re petition, and yet are not near as de ly Communion at sm. No, Brown this city on Saturday the soen depot were soon on his track and again corrected, jocularly, meant to have told in the lastant on bie observatio shortly after midnight they lauded garding each of the objections of necessary for the building of the the Executive Power, it only rethe prisoner under present conditions St. Alban Church, Paraiso beginning was that when those mains for us to manifest that on a as are the members of the lobormany changes and improve nents Pullips, a student at the Public us who are incapable of advance that have taken place during the Hospital. and whose father is a CANAL ZONE.
es in separate sheet we are presenting ing classes. It is a. of the modifications which we deem and requires in ich study, especial. Rev. P. NIGA LENGALE, the Gitext will all theaba in homes. The lecture will be illa service. Pola cas locked up cao past few years, in the island principal warder convenient for articles One and ly so, since heretofore there is not Prient in Charge. see, this of blackmailing Mr Lewis a. Holy Communion The Bishop And what will be theredly be very entertain mined with minic lintera views career Two of the Bill also two new a nation of the world, that has then be transformed into heaven! of st of striking places scenes incidents Hamilton to shoot articles, whose study we recom not stood in its own light, by the exclusion of races well known for tion lastrue ion. Mc. Osboror, eliminated? the unfit of the various Islands, and will Detective Lewis. The police are ning coufident they solved the In view of the reasons hereto labor and thrift.
Catechiet. guerried.
mystery which surrounded the fore mentioned we propose to you: Whether the West Indian 30 Choral Evernong and.
Brown snapped in, senting of the letters to Miss The objections of the Executive Coinese will be able to effectually dre e.
you had already answered that public is invited to fill the hall.
The Lecture wiil be be charged Power to the immigration bill are resist, the encroachment of laws Mr. 0. re Catechit question; Lave been reliminat der the auspice of the Is balan for black mailing Miss Douglas.
bereby declared partly well found againt their races, they will know et; they be no more; they Lagus of British West fadian, la will not be remembered neither aid ed; therefore the project is returo nevertheless the nature On Tuesday the Mail stated beir is on St, Matthias Mission will they remember. The whole the benefit of the lodigent poor. de ville where Douglas at Mantheir Dorcas Society for exclusively that a second letrer had ed to second debate for it legal ef side, and that the revenge of nature been seat to Miss LAS SABANAS fect.
thing to be rect.
feared by thing in a nutshell, he the There will be no be continued Admission is recuperating (R:v. NIGH TENGALE, the fi test will survive ia tee, but a silver collectian will from her terrible experience with Priest in Charge.
unfit ten years or more, and who can heveu; the organized. So far they have and be be taken up is and every one a burglar at her prove this as well as their good little backing, but they have that 415 pm Eventong and address 30, few of at night pm Church School forgotten.
of 48 who asked to give his or her mite to and the subsequent receipt of let.
conduct, with irrefutable evidence. which is the most effectuul src now occupying space in this help the Society to provide some ters blackmailing her, The latzst weapon We agree with the Executive of the laboring man at the present Mr. Richards Osteohist.
muadane sphere will survive and thing for the poor.
development in that particular Power, in the time limits sti day, the boycott. There more than enter heaven! conjectured Djors open at pm case was that on Wedaesday You are right, Brown concluded, pulated by Articles Nine and Four one way that it can be enforced. It Peter by tha Ssa, La Baca too few of us Browns are worka boy took a letter to the hospital teen are wholly inadequate for car is always peaceable, ia harmony American Episcopal (Anglican Coming for heaven, hence the drones addressed to the assistant Matrou.
rying out the census of the Foreógn, with economy and a most effectual He was detained and handed over ers included in the prohibition, and means of bringing injustice to its munio. will sooner or later be no more. SHIP WRECKED. to the police. The you said he accordingly recommend the modi. knees. None can say whether or Holy Communion 30 am. The It was a dream!
was given the letter by a man fications proposed not it will be necessary to make Rector.
along North Street who offered We consider as just, the use of it, but all can say that if him (Continued from page 1)
sizpence to take it to its Holy Baptism 30 a. m, Jamaican Boy Drowned modification made to Article 10, any large part of the working class destination. The boy was detained Matins and ddress 11 am, Mr.
along and although at night in jail that night. Next morning be in the sease of reducing to Five of it then the wheels Balboas, the cost of the revenue progress will be brought to a stand SO Hunter, Lay Reader.
of Sven floating near Submarine and dark the lights of the boat was released as the imformation stamp which should be attached to still. There is no danger of one p. Church Schot plainly visible, and the which he gave the polica was not 47 which was tied up at Dock course the steamer was on would conclusive.
the Certificates of Residence, workingman towards another. The The Reo or Choral Evensong, vermon. 30 14, Balboa, Wednesday afternoon bring it very near. The men on With ragards to Article 20, whole danger lies to the lazy man, was the body of Leslie Anderson, the small boat set up a concerted dealing with the transit of Foreign that doesn want to throw himself Confirmstion Class 730pm. Mon 22 years old Jamaican, lad who, bail, and it was with immense An Appreciation.
ers whose immigration is prohibited into competition with the honest day Wednesday after Wervice. while supposedly seized with relief that the answer finally came we believe that it is inconvenient laborer. Laborers have enough to MulCare, Priest in Charee esileptis filered. Felipe Piemon, back We bear you.
and that it should be modified in do, to fight off monopolies with ut he fell off 18 Roderick Tuain and fa nily accordance with the suggestions being warried hy governmenta!
Monday afternoon and was The men were soon on board, throu zh this medium to sin the Executive Power We saould tactic. If lsbor be stendy and pur.
given a good stiff drink, and the carely thank all those elured St. Bartholomw Church fed.
Anderson sat on the pier with of food or a drop of water for two whose financial assistanee They had been without a not nd cannot impede freedom of sue its course, the high ideals of workers in the Ancon Hospital LAS CASCADAS transit through our territory to any service and liberty, o entangling some fruits, of which he ate and day and nice hours. They were materially Iped to ma the person itself in the meshes of polities the The Litany vly Eucharist and Ser was tossing the others to seamen fearfully thirsty, but not especially expenses of his recent court Though the Executive Power majority of property owners, tax mon 13. 15 a. The Rector on one of the Luckenbach steamers hungry, The Colac kept on her trial.
has already taken steps to expel payers, and meu who have set Church School 31 pm.
which was tied up opposite him. course for the Canal, and landed fro:n the country those Chinese their faces towards national proThe facial expression of the who came bere ne agriculturists and gress will be always on its side Matins and Addres, Church tunate boy was en to be changed, the survivors on Tuesday night.
Died Suddenly.
have dedicated the effo ts to The accideut occurred, as far as School and Evening Prayer will he after which he suddenly thsew up other activities, we consider that neld at St. Barnaba Church, Em his hande over his head and fell can be stated, about 110 miles Article Twenty one though dePhillip Sanchez a member of clared unnecessary should be re IMPORTANT.
dies and St. Simon Mission, over into the water between the from Little Corn island, and when Gamboa, at the usual hour ty the ship and the dock and immediately picke drum torty were abou 170 the Life and Li Benevolent from Colon.
tained, because it is ind spensable Lay Readers.
sok that there be some legal provision Anderson lived with his parents ed many, many miley had drift Friendly Society, died suddenly in the 57 JT MULCARR Priest in Charge. special meeting will be beld last evening and will be buried on that so establishes it, considering hours in the open brat.
at Street in this city. Capt. Frank thinks the sloop will leave the Future Hope Lodge Sunday afternoon. The cortege that all other laws affectiog the tomorrow Sanday the 24th inst, question will be abrogated by this beginning at o clock, puncta lly New Paper.
sunk, as it appeared to be going Hall at o clock sharp. Members the Forester Court at Cris.
one, down steadily when abandoned of the Society please be guided tobal Canal Zine. It is expected It should be of interest to read The Dramat Show The drowned men were residents accordingly.
that a large and representetive ers to know that the JAMAICA of Colon. One of the mate was Rent Receipt Books In Span listen to the outlines of a scheme Printery. This paper is published will be on sale at The Workmanother, the cook was named Garigathering will be present and Mail can be had at the WORKNAN Tickets for the Panama Follies nemed Max Sherlock, and the sh and English for sale at the that will be to their mutual bene three times a week and is very Printery from Monday next the baldi Neill. Neither were marADVERTISE Work 71a Printery fit, newsy, 25th inst.
ried, it is said, In The Workman It Pays com Sre! Republic of and gathered. is a serious ques prison You an attempting mend to you thet have easy. and under will also they will by is the one ele se is and be in die and be her residence also mykes use were of 80 unfor

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