
PROSPERITY TAILORS are THE CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue Opo Year.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING such an to Praise to mere intellectuat mess and The without alists marly sbowi is over Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD nePAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1926 Mere Intellectuality.
THE WORKMAN BY THOMPSON Recent happenings, we glad to nose, are enabliog Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaour fellow West Indians WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central ton. Correspondence on all mattes!
to realiz) the vital necessity of Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
uolting and organizing their All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Params pote forces for tbeir better written on one side of paper only, and went and advancemant than over Ratos. of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of before. It is indeed extremely 40 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publicamomentous that each efforts Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
abould be made; but we are Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return reabsolutely certain that unless 25.
One jected correspondence these organizations etc. are PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 permeated and actuated by the The Liberty of the Prens is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS divine principle of Love, the chief corner stone and permanent SATURDAY NOVEMBER, 6, 1926, foundation of all enduring structares, which seeketh not its own, vaanteth not itself, envietb not PLANS FOR RACIAL CONSOLIis not puffed up, is kind, doth not bebeve itself unseemly, they DATION.
sball inevitably share the same fate which their predecessors OF THE HIGHEST ORDER encountered.
One evident effect of the joint meeting of representaHistory has informed us that tives from the various fraternal and friendly societies and there had been very few in all other organizations held a week ago, was the unanimity ages who perceived or realiz:d Work Done While You Wait the with which the proposal to establish a central or consolitruth which makes for true and permanent success. All the dated body for the propagation of West Indian interests, great Seers and Masters like generally, and the efficient handling of affairs of specific Confucius, Buddba. Krisboa.
character was received.
Socrates, Jesus, Mohammed and No better plan could have been conceived for the TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED others, empbasız ed the imperafusing of the various forces of our community. It is not tive importance of attitude of heart and mind. It only in keeping with good commonsense but it offers a seems Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices forceful solution to the difficult problem of racial consolidame that modern wouldbe leaders and others, are too tion. We are potentially and practically capable of sound prone economic organization, but our forces need drawing together Lúdies Garments carefully handled tellect is indeed a wonderful in within a more compact area.
strument, but the Our fraternal and friendly socities are so vastly numerInfusion of the feeling o! the ous that the plan to get them tegether on a sound economic REID Manager heart, call it love or religion, it basis along with the several other organizations may seem, is only a power to do evil. The Chinese and some other at first sight, to be rather stupendous. But close scrutiny races will lead to the conclusion that a more facile and workable XXIS SOSOWISKO are certaicly not great intellectuas we are, yet they unite plan could not have been suggested.
and are loving and altruistic.
The societies and other organizations are already regu.
This clearly that they larly established institutions with long lives of varied exdepend more upon the heart, the experience. Their machinery is good and in proper feelings, than merely the Intellect. There no desire working order, and they are functioning, with ease and amongst their leaders to put it confidence. It will be seen, therefore, that very little, it on the masses for their any, difficulty lies in the way of the bringing into realizaown selfsb aggrandiz ment.
tion the proposal as advanced.
It is my sanguine conviction that this world of ours will never We are certainly in need of a central organization. At be better until mankind realiza present, it is impracticable to get our potent forces together the lodubitable fact, that the for the management of an emergency, not only because it latent and dormant principle of means mnch undesirable publicity, but also on account of LOVE whiéb inheres in our na the fact that considerable time may be lost in working up ture must be zalously unfolded and developed in order to.
the programs and gathering the forces together. Much that domi nate all our thoughts and actions should be réserved as internal matters might have to be and thus establieb universal related through the press to the detriment and insecurity of peace and good will amongst the plans which would, in that way, become known to all Recommended for Removing the Humors of humanklod. Under existing con who are disinterested in and indifrerent to the project.
ditions it is highly necessary for It should be thoroughly understood at the very outset Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, to and 0110s here forces; y Totters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic that no little amount of care would need to be manifested Bi yet, also hold that, no man or com by the committee which has introducted the proposal and Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disbioation of men can consistently, which very likely will manipulate the organization of the intelligently and successfully body. Great caution should be exércised as to the delineacases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
acbive anything of permanent tion of the scope, extent and operation of the organization.
consequence, affecting An Alterative recommended for purify.
present od future There should be a clear and definite outline as to what dua features of representation and protection should be included ing and enriching the BLOOD.
attention as far as to the welfare of others. This idea Car as possible, in its program, with the recollection that there are other is founded small bodies at work which, in their own peculiar and effecre is one unitary organism tive way, are rendering our community laudable service.
The failures of past sod present No doubt, the question of maintenance and management individuals and nation are in will form the basis of all preliminary discussion, and it may consequence of the deliberately even prove necessary to make arrangements for the exact And in Large Quantities by ignoring this fundamental fact. Let us remember how great the manner in which the representations will be made, But ancients Were; and especially bow whatever is done at the beginning it should be borne in JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy the Socratic school holds up to us mind that a serious attempt is being made at the establishthe source and standard of all AGENT ment of a working machinery such as has not been known life and action, and bids us not indulge in empty speculation, among our people before, and that the inevitable jarring but live and do.
which is consequent on the breaking in of new mechanism should not be allowed to operate as a setback to the pro According to the gospel of our ject.
not orthodox friends, Jesus bad fought and finished the battle of We should like to see the whole project materializa.
HUGE BANK MERGER IN hou meanity once for all. If it were and that at no distant date. All that seems necessary is for in reality true, it would in the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR UNITED STATES very nature of things ba bad the people to study the question from a practical point of logie to that such a 09 vjew: with open and receptive minds. If we are in earnest ground now exists on this.
it will not be hard for us to see that the success of the Direct West Indian Cable By undertaking is already in sight and that its future as a perdespatch from New York dated could it be consistently said that.
October 14 says:after man or god has commanent working force is assured. bank merger combin othe pletely accomplished job for No hot irons or special combs required Although not now apparent, and because it cannot be ing the Irving Bank ard Trust others, they still have to go and publicly aired what the program may be, we are certain and Company and the American Ex perform that task for them confident that the best interests of our people will be served salvaSOLD IN DRUG STORES charge Pacific National Bank dvou! And if this proxy is a fact. why is it necessary by the organization. All people throughout the world are to mately 735, 000, 000 dollars was organized and they operate without revealing their internal have so very many preachers affairs and system to the public, and if we are to hope for approved by the directors of both in civilized christian countries?
Institutions to day. The Not to speak of the thousands any economic preservation and prestige it will be necessary ADVERTISE for us to follow the same lines of procedure.
Bank which will be known as the that are continually going to 80American Exchange Irving Trust called heathen lands! The stoneIt is expected of all the various organizations that they Company will rank as the tbird went is thought to be, in respect IN THE WORKMANJE PAYS largest in New York City, being the fall: the efects of the fall are to all believers, reversal of will lend hearty cooperation to the scheme and come toexceeded in size only by the gether in a relationship that bids fair to show to the general National City Bank and the Chase partly vielble and temporal, public that what others have been able to achieve for themNational partly invisible and eternal linked however, together as inseparselves, we, as a people, can and are determined to ac. advice given us by our white neighbor. The lack of opporabla portion of the same penal complish.
tunities for high classed employment has greatly limited Removal Notice system. Now it is evident, that our efficiency along many lines. We have set no racial David Leon, Attorney at. cross has left precisely where the supposed redemption on the Snapshots from the Coloured Press.
standard of progress. We have aspired to no special fields Law, has removed his offices they were all the visible efects of endeavor other than those open to the use of muscle and to No. 175 Central Avenue and toll are the lot of all, as they of the first transgression: sorrow brawn. OKLAHAMA EAGLE. upstairs Sealey Photo Stu have been from of old; the bapMost people are other people their thoughts, ideals. Any fool can tear down, but it takes energy, pluck and dio. tized lofant utteres a cry as sad ambitions and lives are patterned after some one else. We perseverance to build. Let the sycophants within our as the unbaptized: and between live by example. Nothing is more rare in man than an act group realize that not all is gold that glitters, and when we. New Paper.
the holiness of the true believer of his very own. SHEVERPORT SUN.
have come to this realization and guided our actions in at the worth of the devout bereIt should be of interest to read tie, there is not discernible such accordance therewith, we shall reach the heights that we ers to know that the JAMAICA diference as there must have Our racial progress has been greatly hampered and so confidently hope for, but not until then will we be able to MAIL can be had at the WORKNAN been between Adam pure and hindered by our own ignorance of our economic strength and make any appreciative progress. hint to the wise should three times a week and is very löst. And is it presumptious to Printery. This paper is published perfect and Adam lapsed and worth, and because we place too much confidence in the be sufficient. CALIFORNIA VOICE.
newsy (Continued on page 5)
conserve their welfare, consideration apon the fact that all humanity land For Sale at all Drug Stores Contra Crespo argue that su wbat parkly of of reasoning buge with total resources of of approxition 18


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