
Attractions at the Theatres AMADOR AMERICA STRAND Society a specially different participated; giving On Wednesday night Nov, 0, the Baptist Young People Union of the Cristobal Colon Baptist Church visited the Colon Metbodist Church and the Christain with prepared programme, The chler feature of the evening was a dis.
cussion on gratitude. in which several members of the Union phases to this splendid trait The foundation of thel 100 their argumenta were from St. Luke 17th Cha ter, verse 17 19. The speakers dwelt chiefly on the only leper who returned to give thanks, after ten had been cleansed by Jesus.
Other items worthy of mention are:Song, when your life rings true By Juniors of the Union: Song, We study to serve By the Union.
Quartette, Wonderful Name. By Misses Morgan, Noble and Messrs LA Noble and Fuller, Solo, Dear to the heart of the Shepherd By Mr. Noble.
The meeting began at 30 m. Mr Drummond President of the Uion presided; and it is needless to say an enjoyable time was had by all.
CECILIA PANAMA Today Saturday Nov. 6th and Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 7th Gloria Swanson in FINE MANNERS Monday November 8th Virginia Valli in WATCH YOUR WIFE Tuesday November 9th Marie Prevost in SEVEN SINNERS Wednesday November 10th DOUBLE PROGRAM Leatrice Joy in MADE FOR LOVE and Bebe Daniels in VOLCANO, Thursday November 11th Marguerite de la Motte in THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER Friday November 12th Viola Dana in GREAT LOVE Saturday November 13th Lois Moran in PADLOCKED (PANAMA)
Today Saturday Nov. 6th Vera Rainold in WITHOUT MERCY Tor orrow Sunday Nov. 7th Jackie Coogan in OLD CLOTHES Monday November 8th Bebe Daniels in VOLCANO Tuesday Noven: ber 9th Art. Acord in THE RIDING RASCAL Wednesday November 10th Conway Tearle in THE GREATER GLORY Thursday November 11th Jack Holt in BORN TO THE WEST Friday November 12th Monte Blue in RED HOP TIRES Saturday November 13th Leatrice Joy in THE WEDDING SONG (COLON)
Today Saturday Nov. h Special Cast in GRASS Tomorrow Sunday Nov, 7th Marguerite de la Motte in THE UOKNOWN SOLDIER Monday November 8th Viola Dana in GREAT LOVE Tuesday November 9th Buck Jones in HEERTS AND SPURS Wednesday November 10 Gloria Swanson in FINE MANNERS Thursday November 11th Virginia Valli in WATCH YOUR WIFE Friday November 12th Marie Prevost in SEVEN SINNERS Saturday No vember 13th Leatrice Joy in MADE FOR LOVE COLON Today. Saturday Noy. 6th Pola Negri in GOOD AND NAUGHTI Tomorrow Sunday Nov 7th Virginia Valli in WATCH YOUR WIFE Monday November 8th Marie Prevost in SEVEN SINNERS Tuesday November 9th Leatrice Joy in MADE FOR LOVE Wednesday November 10th Marguerite de la Motte in THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER Thursday Novembar 11th Viola Dana in GREAT LOVE Friday November 12th Buck Jones in HEARTS AND SPURS THE OPEN FORUM We do not hold ourselves responsible for views expressed ia these Columns Saturday November 13th Gloria Swanson in FINE MANNERS 74 GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted the boycott.
Sous feet ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply and inspirCreme Blanc Mirette The Amalgamation Skeleton Found Of Man of West Indians.
Monthly Program of tos Who Disappeared Atheauem Culon, Rep. of Panama, Only the skeleton of Alexander Douglas, West Indian, of Silver This month program at the Athenaeum will be as follows: November 2nd 1926 City, Cristobal, was found after First Tuesday Readings, Short To The Editor The WORKMAN: he had disappeared for seven Excerpts. Clippings, etc. InterDear Sir. Teel it a source ce months from his wife and children. The white bones ali spersed with musical numbers: pleasure for me to be in the bleached by sun and rain were second Tuesday. Address by community at this time.
Mr. H, RussullPhillips of Papa As a all that were found of the member of the Negro Race ma; third week Juniors Ever. feel it my greatest duty to give who for some time suffered from ing: Fourth week Round Table can and bad. Discussion, the subject selec presumably, to lay down in the o urgentis needed.
Icdeed a ed being the advantages ard a woods and dia from discauragegreat Hocour was bestowed on ment through bis inability to disadvantages of the ine (though not in a personal maintain his family. Douglas The management of the Society meet at the Clubhouse this even way. but bad to feel that way akeleton was found a week ago due to the fact that my idea of on ATing to discuss important matters including the making of tentatire an amalgamation of all the West on a bog farm about two miles plan for a juniors Play.
Indians on the Istbro us throuet Cristobal; the bony bands were folded together and the the medium of the various crossed, apparently just as Lodger, Friendly Societies, Assc: he laid down seven months ago Confirmation Service not fall sbort after a lapse of a tons were the means whereby ciations, Unions and Clubs dia belt buckle and two gold bu:AT ST. PETER calender year and three months.
08. the dead man wifa identified The issue of the WORKMAN the skeleton as that of her husof August 1st 1925 bears testi band: Douglas was 56 years old.
The Confirmation Service held mooy to an article published at St. Peter La Boca, last Suncalling the attention of our Woossos day evening was most impressive Leaders pointing the necessity acd well attended. As usual the for such a body delegated from Mere Intellectuality Church was crowded to the doors the with attentive tunately very little attention was members ard friends. After confirming the paid to that, except the Continued from page 4) CANAL ZONE NOTES Class, the Bishop before announc.
at their annual Convention proWHITENS THE SKIN ing his text, deliveied a short ceeded partially along that line reason from the seen to the unbut very sppropriate The fact that now we are bard seen, from the sa which we ing address to the pressed it is found expedient to experienes to that which we can ed. This direct way in admired newly confira only conceive? If tha known osticated carry out what pro LA BOCA for the future.
to a Class was greatly effects are unredeemed, the suspiA Marvelous Cream and higbly appreciated by the cion is not annatural, that so are Imprimis the Immigration law the unknown.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, congregation. After the address the Bishop went into the pulpit recently promulgated by the Legislature gave us the incitant It is vitally essential, iwe Alliance And sun tan, and other skin blemishes and preached an inspiring serto show our importance here. As mean to achieve permanent suc mon based on the 15th ve se ot Sóciety have already been pointed out by cess, to eradicate these peucile, the 17th Psalm. Tne sermon was SOLD IN DRUG STORES certain influential natives this sentimental and traditional opinintended to sbow the importance law is inapt for Panama at this ions from our minds that tend to of All Saints Day and to impress time. though it is fitting to re weaken or make ni compoops WINS ATHENAEUM IN BIG the death of the late Rev. FredIt the blood of Jesus is member to prevent the inflow of of us.
erich Cbdrles Meredith, Dean of DEBATE safeguard necessary for our so absolutely Employees Association immigrants the generations. and salvation, Why is it that Jesus Pleasant Visitor St. Luke Cathedral Ancon, Canal Zone.
ing the coming this we we all to escenare placed in a very about whawhio de beheject Released that compul ma Canal West Indian Emdid tell In the big of the sub The local PanaA very pleasant visitor here peculiar position young lawyer to and Providence must lead us order to gain life eternal? Why sory Military Training is detrt ployees Association will bola Miss Lillian Welch of silver Harvest Thanksgiving Át St. Peter from his predicament did he say that with what mental to the Peace of the their regular monthly business Clus, Cristobal. who is spending felt indeed pro Clubhouse measured to you again! And that ourday night last, the Alliance to doubtedly, this will be an en the residence of Mr. and Mrs, again reminded of the annual last Satur measure se meet it shall be World beld at the Clubhouse on meeting at the Clubhouse on Frisome time with Mr. and Mrs.
day night next the 12th instant. Miss Welch was entertained at Armstrong of Jamalca Prado.
Members and day night at the friends when it was announced by Mr. unless we forgive our fellowmen Literary and Debatingose, Itbuslastic meetipsis from their Jump on Sunday evening last by Harvest Thanksgiving services their debts, our Heavenly of the White that a Committeell not forgive us our tress cbampisning the Cristobal ative, previous meeting the attendance several of ber young friends and coming off at St. Peter og Sún has a increase out my idea originally defined, whatsoever after over those of several months. In day, the 14th inst: Instead of the usual Flower Service, a Grand come into being. It it materiaitzs that (as sure it will in a few years that shall be a mansoweth who spoke for the negative, the dications also point to the gather Life Problem Clubs Bazaar Harvest Musicale will be held at reap? Is man both sides bad responsible and most discussions ing into the fold of many more 30 under the auspices there will be a decisive change a personally Postponed, West Indian people morally accountably creature, or characteristic of debate ever members, due to the fact that among the the large Choir, assisted by the Do not all these and held at the Clubhouse since the the entrroce fee which was 1, 50 Panama Symphony Orchestra, Abiding citizens from the differ many otbor statements, in the cover of Nely and o. bas baen reduced effective the here. Now my readers as law is be not?
The Grand Bazaar which was We expect YOU. to be held during the month of men, women and children to man is here to achieve and les. The Oristobal Society was Secretary King informs that December Dext by the Woman attain materially, mentally, represented by Messrs.
Pleasant Callers Rally and, all round your leaders orellow beir advice and, morally and opiritually through Waitingham, who led for the among other business which Life Probleme clothes Wome affirmative, Blake and need immediate attention is a postponed until esrly in the com.
the laws of the land as bis own indefatigable efforts Moulton. The Athenaeum was Death Levy which is to be collecting year. This postponement is Mr. Lawson and Miss represented by Messrs. Clifford ea nct later than this month for does the lowed. primarily to the Morrell. the former leader of the For the good that needs assistfact that much of the band made famous Atlantic Orchestra and Sewell, leader of the negative, the purpose of having saine in the works which is to be exhibited the latter a member of the Colon ance, For the wrong that needs Dr. Wendehake William Jump and Cyrus, hands of the general Secretary to for sale will not be prepared Glee Singers that gave a success resistance, For the future in the distance. And the good wo alt MEDICAL CLINIC Klog of the Athenaem be turned over at the earliest in time.
fal concert in conjunction with ean do; by our unification, was Timekeeper. The following opportunity to the representative the Colonial Classical Orchestra 7, 025 Front Street Colon jndges deliberated on the out of a deceased member who was Rent Receipt Books in Span short time ago were pleasant remain at the Variedades Theatre Yours truly, OPPOSITE RR STATION come of the debate: Messrs good standing, and connected to ish and English for sale at the callers on Wednesday 1, Pano PHONE JOSEPH INNOCENT.
Bolt, Reed and Taitt, the Cristobal District.
Workman Printery.
atna Independence Day!
are Father of to brilliant of


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