
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 6, 1926 THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS it அய யய யய யய Workman Stationery Store the year cober THE BEER Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
then varies in hente in coordance Fuller Jewelry Store British Finance And wie wir von Winter Wonderland VOICES ON SCREEN Dr. David Smit Commerce.
Dr. Smith the SnakeThere are many ways of jadz OFLondon. Oct. 28. mar (bite Specialist of Guabito, ing ibe position of a couotry it.
waliced on the screen at the Bicas del Toro, begs to dustry. Rougbly these ways Capitol Theatre yesterday afier offer his professional service fall into two clashes positive coon and exchanged gags and negative. lo ih possitive with a member of tbe audience. Ito any patient. Wherever category my be placed the statistics of imports and exIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF Why don you go hoine found, his snake bite remeports; taxition figures; the said the screen figure, in voice dies have never failed to volume of bank credits and disthat rang through the theatre. effect a speedy cure. The counts; new issues of capital Haven got a home to go to Doctor also specializes in answered the man in the stalls. Other complaints such as Urirailway traltics, and so fortb.
The negative citegory Inelades This reply gave the screen nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers statistics relating to labour and figure a musical cue which be au and Obstinate to unemployment. Both have Coughs.
once proceeded to play on bis Should you need his proibeirts The negativa ap.
accordion proach is perhaps less usual, ba fessional services, do not fail is the one one proposed to be en That incident, perhaps, sigol to write or come to the Docployed Dox.
Suitable for Lodge Business des the remarkable possibihotetor personally when you can of Dr.
Not: two documents are more bilms, in which popular vocalisis, be cured.
useful in this connection than comedians, jazz orchestras, and two official publications recently Address: issued. The first is the annual AT THEinstrumentalists of various kinds do all tbat they do on the stage DR. DAVID SMITH report, for 1925, of the Chief Inspector of Factories and WorkThey are larger ttan life and Specialist shop, le sued by the Home fic horlou. er than basural. Guibito Bocas del Toro The second is the report. also There is an occassional diftRepublic Panama.
for 1925, of the Ministry ulty in pronouncing the letter of Labour. Toese reports se caga. 00900 nugo anggaran go go go gogoango go go googga mga nag mag and in the silences one car the usus documents that Lear the faint whir of mechan one expects in the cise of offical ism, but olour ise be thing is publications. They are not given DC SOS 3:05 periegi.
to much speculation, but a study of their contents c3o be made to By means of this wonderlu device which is launched by a yield facts of interest.
British company, one could pu.
Let us first examine the report a complete London variety enteron factories and worksbope. The tainment revue, or Follies immerse activities of certain SUPPLIED BY stow into the smallest village trades and the acuto di pression ball.
In others are sbewn bere Certalo facts seem to stand out.
The Marvellous nature of Dr.
Notable is the remarkabld. velde Foreet juvention may be opment, that is now taking plice, gathered from the following DOG in London and the surroundin, techjical description.
In every form can be seen coustry as an industrial area.
The basis of the sound recordAuother is the effect of fashon here at its best See our ing aparatug is a small, gas fillon industry. Theo, too, will be ed lamp, lit hy electric current. Wrist Watches, remarked the continuance of the Ttis lamp is immediately in front change, gong on now for a numof the lens in the camera, acd it is brewed from the best ber of years, of ibs workabɔp in Bracelets tbrows a tiny pencil of light on to the factory.
the margin of the film.
It is natural that in certain materials obtainable Diamond Rings This illuminated margin is countries, encb, for example, screened from the light that and a hundred other adornFrance and Denmark, wbicb are passes through the camera to the ments and you ll recognize predomiaently agricultural, that It is specially suited for this climate rest of the film.
tbe balk of their factories should Th. person who is beinfi filmed JEWELRY HOUSE in town why this is the LEADING be situated in or near their captals. But in the eve of England is superior to all imported beers sold speaks sings at a kind of the chief Industries are located micro phone which causes a tele ask prices and you ll find still ni the midlands or the north. The here and it sells to the public at pbonic current to pass througb another reason. reason for this 14, of course, the lamp, the ligbt from which need for the heavy industries to HALF the price.
be near to the fields of iroa and the telephonic impulses.
coal, an 1, in the case of cotton AMPLIFIED 122 Cetnral Ave.
the bumility of the Phone 623 TRY OUR NEW BEER These impulses would not be Lancashire atmosphere is agit apparently not to be even imitat strong enough, Unaided, to reed artificially elsewhere. Taerscord themselves on the film, su fore Londou and its neighbourtheir original electrical strength WILKINSON hood has remained largely mer in amplitied 100, 000 times by cantile, rather than izdustrial.
means of a device called the audion (which forms the basis Contractor Yet a change is coming, due, of broadcasting. It may be, to increased transport SUPERIOR TO ALL Taese yariations in the light of and Builder facilities and th) employm: nt of the lamp are recorded in the electrical pwer in this district.
form of innumerable bands of The Chief Iospector notes it, and House No. 20 light, of diverse strength, on the also in other parts o! the country antry so se filu margio, and they appear as 28th NOV. STREET, centrifugal movement of ioduifaist wavelike margins less than SAN MIGUEL tries from the larger towns to the oce eighth of an inch wide.
outskirts. He rejces over this is a highly benencial movemen.
The film carryiog a sound and Box 411, Panama, Prominent among the new indapicture record is developed in the tries of the London district are usual way, but a special developthe manufacture of motora, er is used to bring out the sound Plans and Specifications Free electric and radio appliances, and record on artificial. silk stockings.
machine used to preserve the sound record in copies taken The last named commodity from the original nagative, First Class Workmanship brings us to the effect of fashion on manufacture. In addition to Of every description The film is proj cted in the Satisfaction Guaranteed artificial silk bosiery and other ordinary way, but attached to goods of the same material, felt he projector is a small appara.
hat making for women wear, Lus wbich includes a tiny incanand the section of the boot indus descent lamp and devica alled a making Russlad boo try photo electric cell. FLOWERS been except onally ac lve, Othe The film passes between the other hand, there has been DESPATCH ao lamp and the cell, The light Abogado. Attorney at Law marked decrease in the demand from the lamp passes through for bairpios, buttons, books and the scund record on the film and OFFICE: No. 44. ST eyes. Owing to the the decre 18e to tbec ce to the cell. BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY hose transport, ong district has AT THE Variations in the light caused TELEPHONE No. 1377 experienced a decline in its old saddlery Industry. the factory by the variations in marking on occupiere turning to oh. the film set up corresponding Practicing before all the courts of branches of the leather trado.
changes in the electrical resis the Republic since April 1914 The great increase of iaterest in tance of the cell, the basis of which is selenium, metal which sport in many cou atrie keeps has the sports goods particularly ac:ive.
The number of registered These variations in the elec.
factories has again risen ana ing report. In 1925, the number trical properties of the cell are now stands at 141 361 compared of accidents reported. 159. 693 CALL IN AT transferred by means of a small HOUSE 912, LA BOCA with 142, 494 in 1921. lucther includida 944 fatal) showed a battery to a current conneeted with loud speakers or stentor.
decline has bean witnessed in decrease of more than 10, 000 on phones behind or alongside (Opposite the Restaurant)
the number of workshops, which the figares for 1924: the screen.
in 1925 were 128, 793 is against Nut much room is left for Office Hours: a. to p. m, 133, 729 In the previous year. comment on the Ministry of The current thus becomes teleThe introduction of power Labour report. It is gool to repbonic again, and as it is ex, to p. steam, electrical, or gas, or oil mark the steady growth of the tremely weak It is amplified DAILY engine) transforms a workshop work of the employment exseveral hundred thousand time into a factory changes in obtaining and filling to the pitch of audibility re PHONE 1941 BALBOA sbow the evolution orary Vacancias. In 1925, 430. 820 quired.
Specializee all the branches from hand to machine produc vacancies were notified and In this way the sounds appear No. 93, Central Avenue tion. Apart from this fact, bow. 1, 279 292 were bllod. This ladiof Dentistry to come from the person wbo is ever, there is going on a on a definite cates an improvement in the closing down of village mlillnery, methods of the Department, and occupying the screen, and the ASSORTMENT OF synchronisation of sound and tailoring, ane saddlery work growing appreciation of its movement is, of course, exact.
shops, due no doubt largely to work by emyloyers and employHave you tried tho The company proposes to the charges of fashion aforesaid ees.
GOOD STATIONERY There were last year just over charge exhibitors 2, 000 per now Boer annum for twenty films, the 27, 000 millinery acd dress Rent Receipt Books in Spaninstallation being supplied by Kronen Brau making works registered, fall SOUVENIRS, the company, and it is anderfrom nearly 36, 000 sinee 1907. Ish and English for sale at the stood that a number of contracts One final fact from this interest. Workman Printery.
bave been already made, textiles, KRONEN BRAU a JOB. PRINTING DONE WITH NEATNESS AND boos bay WORKMAN PRINTERY citive to operty of being senDentist Howell The Workman BOOK STORE of these


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