
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Lord Darling Says Britain will Stand Additional Church Services.
NO NEED FOR AID Advises Canadians to Stay In Their Own Country Whether There Are Jobs or Not.
an you tell STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (bear Lothmina Park. PANAMA Pathath (Saturday) 945 Beb bath School: 11. 15. General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Class p. Vespers.
Sunday ereting 30. Stereaplican Lecture. The genetsl publie cordially invited to turn nut in large aumer.
Don forget the Stereoption Lectur on Sunday night. Come and bring riced with you.
Seventh Day Adventist Church Brd STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Babbath Sobool; 11. 15 General Worship 30 Young people meeting 30 a Veepers Sunday trening 7, 30 Preaching Servier You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your riends, The Church of God Because it toasted Paname, Arouemens Street, Hoore 25, San Miguel Sunday at sm. Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
sod 730 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting. Wedeceday at 30 Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zoue, Sunday Schos P. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm, Sia, GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ing at 11. 30. and 30 Sunday Snbool at pm. Wednesday at 30 uo. Gore pel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetinp 11. 30 am. and 30 Sunday Behool at pm. Wednesday 30 pm.
Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro. GEORGE C, GRIFFITH Colon. and Stroete. Gospel moet logo at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Babool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 om. Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON costly extra VO Toronto, Ontario, Sept 30. Hard work and self reliance, why cigarettes differ or with ever a mind to their great beritage in the British Empire, are similar? Some men is the advice wbicb Lord Dar.
ling, of Lanban, the British bachelor Judge, urged on Cana can. They know that dians in an address to tne com.
bined Empire and Canadian Lucky Strike gives added clubs bere, today.
He advised Canadians not to pleasure.
leave their country because tbey were out of work. Don go to another country, be said, ard try to get a job oder another flag. Stay in your own country and make use of the resources at your own door.
As to one without a job, be quoted, the words of Baron Bramwell. If a man has the misfortune to lose a spring of water by another digging a well, be must dig his own well deeper. If you are contented with what you have. be declared, speaking of socialism, it is very foolish to adopt a philosopby to make you better.
Again be quoted Baron Bram well: Socialismiwill never do until we are all as bonest as the bees. believe that to be profoundNothing vague in such a ly true he added. Ii we were all as honest as bees what would reply, nothing indefinite.
we do? We would do wbat a great number of these people Lucky Strike is the only desire not to do work for our living, not what we have seen in cigarette with a definite.
Russia; we would see what the working men of Canada are reason for its superior doir We shall always bave among flavor.
the bees a certain number of drones, and the most of them will be public orators. We have to empty sir and live on it our own remedy. Let them talk He mentioned the fears of some people that the empire 18 growing feeble. think the people who imagine that of the English are baking a great mistake. be said. The people who rejsce to think that England is is poor are rejoicing over mat er which fbrul can imagine nothing worse tban an Errland reduced to poverty fioding itself surrounded by but toasting brings out rich neighbours.
had hetter take care to leave the the hidden flavors of the English a fair share of the world and what is in it. used the world finest tobaccos.
sword English, but would say tbat especially of the Se teh. But it some of us are werk and in peril we bave strong friends.
He recounted a story which grew out of the Washington Con.
ference for the limitation of armaments. The result had been, be said, tbat Britisb battleships were built smaller than tbey bad been Do you know what they call them in the Britisb Navy? he said, They are called the cberry tree class. asked a sailor why they were cail that. Oh. said be, we call the that because they were cut down by Washingtoo.
Hetten referred to statements that the United States would proteet Canada Uuder the Mɔroe doctrine. didn knoz the Monroe Doctrine covered Canada, he said, but m glad it does, because Canada is a part of the British Empire, and therefore take it that the Monroe Doctrine covers the whole British Enpire. In view of that am hoping we will need no soldiers.
When people come to blow up London we can use the wireless to Washington and say, Here, what a terrible thing! and they will flash across ibe Atlantic to repel tbe attack. It were talking politice, cu ht British battles in France while on the bench that the be declared, would advise you against the Germans.
defendants themselves acknowCanadians to trust yourselves, Speaking op British justice, be It they were in difficulty 10 to ledged they were fairly treated.
ADVERTISE not to any Monroe Doctrice. said: Whenever Britisb subjects were what to do. have known them in trouble their best reliance want to say on behalf of to consult the Judges as to IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS was on the type of men wbą bad Britisb justice, always found waat their cɔurse sbould te; process Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness should for the rest of the People it toasted No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting.
10 a. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Bro.
Webley. p. Sunday Sehool, Superintendeat. p. 30 pm. Giorpel Service, Preacher Bro, Reece.
The usual weekly service will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 Prayer Meeting 11. Divine Service. Preacher Bro, Small pied. 80p. Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gorpel telvice. Preacher Bro. Small Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other botice for the week will be given from the Pulpit, Bro. WEBLEY, Aeting Pastor in charge. reason millions can resist LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTE Why pay double price for Interior imported Beer when you can buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for half the price.
CIGARETTES In portant.
Contributors in general and our Atlantic side writers in particular, are asked to draw breath when writing and Condense their contributions considerably, to ensure publication.


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