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NICARAGUAN Distress of Jamaicans On Isle of Pines, Cuba to IN war. es hectares We do not hold ourselves responmorass, Paris, Wook is very NORWEGIAN Trans Isthmian Road COLONISTS HOSTILITY Proposed by Panama Pact May Sottle in This Ro. To West Indians Generpublic is Rumour. ally And Jamaicans Long Urged by Army OfEspecially According to report from a reli.
The Majority of Destitutes From able sou:ce, Norwegian colonists ficers Guarding Canal Treaty The follwing is taken from a may, in the settle in this Republic in the 23rd Storm on Island are Said to very near future. Central American paper of Oct Awaits Approval.
Darien rgion bath of these be West Indians.
pople were supposed The traditional hostility of Nicabe Under the above captions the following appears in the istined for the Gal pa; c8 Islands raguan Spaniards to ards the West off Ecuador to take up colonizing takingetinite form in the Chan residents of the Isle of Pines to the number of 1, 400 are Indians, Havana, Cuba, October 26. American and British NEW YORK TIMES of Sunday October 31st:offer made by tne Building transisthmina high some Panaman objectors to this af Ecuador. Mut whose 690 to gainola section, and if the locall urgently in need of shelter in consequence of last week way between the cites of Colon and highway cause of the trsa y, and ship on which they were travelling government fails to adopt stronz hurricane.
very serious develop Word to this effect was brought here to day by Mrs lantic seaboard with the Pacifi simply an Anien minoivre to thereby causing a lialt to their ments.
dian labourers are constantly mol.
Ocean, is one of the most import provilo adeqnite transportation voyage ad their forced stopf he eated by these people, who with Hughes Hallett, wife of the British Charge Affaires, ant proposals in the new treaty facilities in the event of in the vicinity of Panama, pending between the Republic of Criticism of suh nitule is some leader of the colonists is reported any provocation whatever from who returne from a trip to the island. Of the 1, 400 she fight.
said, 800 are at Nueva Gerona, 300 at Santa Barbara and The treaty has be signed by Seres in an her clause of the same spent for permission to settle in As a tontter of fact trouble very 300 at Santa fe.
Between 300 and 400 are white Americans or Canatary Kloze and Francis Write treaty it is spe vil that is the this country. Besides the members often arises out of eneronchments the United States and by D: case of Pan tan bing naced by of the crew of the ship they are made by Nicaraguans, wbn have dians. The majority of the destitute on the island are Alfaro an Morales for Panamı. Finalas instelligerent nation the Unitei said to number 28 males all stranga liking for the domestic Jamaica negroes.
cootrivalces provided by the is awaited by the Seastaan Ilboth rely to her assistance bachelors with one female who is Westies for their own comfort, While lacking housing protection, she said, the resirally and pbysical y. Also said to be the Captvin wife dents have ample supplies of food and medicines. The Natio: Assembly of the respectiv (the advantages to Paume through The following tentative pl ns Iaeted, therefore by purely pie American Relief Committee in Havana is making strenuous countries, the hig iwy o Janing Ercept the Panama Canal itself, of rich jungle lan hp thousand have been reported to be under datory iostincts, these people on efforts to get tents to the sufferers.
acres suitable way for the permanent settlement Friday night October 8th, de nothing has been projected that for banaan, pi eipple and coffee of the colonists in Panama: Captain such a form dable attack on their 10 AID DISTRESSED JAMAICAN IN CUBA.
would give greater impetus toward plantations, ire a potentid econo Duc, leader of the party. requests West Indian neighbours that: The GLEANER understands that the Government have tae development of the Istima: mic asset of dr at value. that the Goveroment grant squad of lice had to be drawn received advices from the British Minister in Cuba stating than this highway Talk about it For impr: Vement and growth cach colonist ten op from the Guabito stay to subiue has been in the air for the last following th: creation of tran por land; the privilege to land then. They could assign no renso. that as a result of the recent hurricane which struck certain fifteen years, but it remained a roay tation aven as one need not look their cargo of farm implements, able cause for the action, we are provinces of the republic several Jamaicans have suffered, dream or was quashed by aggressive beyond Panun. City itself. That (Contined on page Continued on Page 8) and it is necessary that some aid should be given them, opponeats, who heli that the metropolia of the Isthmus has Accordingly the Colonial Secretary has given notice of a road was sufficient for all transpor grown since the construction of the tation purposes. At present the Canal from little more than an in resolution in the Legislative Council by which the House traveler or tourist may crose the significant Lolian village to a SPARKLETS will be asked to vote a sum of 500 tu ai1 natives of this Isthmus only by boat via the Canal thriving city th ved streets (By CK)
colony in their distress in Cuba. The financial assistance or by train on the Panam Rails that are well lighted good water which wil be given them will be tendered through the road, the latter rua by the United and a first class sew exorbitant rates for both passen at the time of her seperation from States and charging, it is claimed, Public schools which were negligible Shaking Hands with a would magnetise all the strong wba British Minister in Havana.
would in turn volunteer to be his 2000 gers and freight.
Lodeed, it asserted that the in Colombia, ara now a prou factor land The outstanding his ways of defendine us for our Rings. priucessus and presiden Though disagreeing with foirmo ir spring up within that great empire THE OPEN FORUM PANAMA FOLLIES isthmian railroar charges a higher achievement, of course, is sanit freight rate to trausport goods froina tion From a pest rid len, diseased inability to do big business hers. Industry and relerio who would gible for views expressed in these To Be Staged Monday And the Atlantic to the Pacifio dis.
Panama City emerged free now shake my journalistic hand.
the Columns of with the Eliter of the Sec In view of all this there milariayellow fever an some fifty eight miles of Tuesday Next, than is asked by Steamship lines bubomie prague Poloere are no festion of the Star HERALD for Title in any inducement for thi To The EDITOR THE WORKMAN: to carry the same merchandise from or mosquitos. Proin a dreaded spor the imparti manger in which he weak and the worse is that there Germany to Panam. If the new of contagion the country has be with the Garvey Leacock me is nothing tangible offered him in Dear Sir, rad with interest It now appears that the Pana: her a ter that he could now the proposal in your last issue for ma Follies, local production methods and costs of transporta this trawieran ation mwy be traced a case to be treated in the Press use as a temporary bolster up. the am lgamation of West Indiaus written and direeted by Dap.
tion will be revolutionized by the directly or Fadieely to the build otherwise, am a firm dissenter Placing this before my lilimutan on the Isthmue. As a matter of Leacock, which will be staged Ali just as effective motor ing of the Ceval on the adoption of any idea which friend, al hough a churchman, he fact, it seems to me that this is the Varieds des Theatre on Monday truck.
tends to uphold units of our is Pana ni City hopes. and it is not likely the che pspchological moment for such and Tuesday rights of the coming The Uaited States agrees ia the note. calibellion peopriation one from there huel missiles into our complete destruction of all thieves: tion.
picture to look an undertokig; it seems also to week wilt undoubtedly be greeted munity in imbing on the veranda and the. as boast o nchievement toj of the other fello ws house and any less Blecht suggest is the las a race io this land of our adopand reinedy he the mean now or never in our bistory by Lord Newcomer, well known pri posed highway to the extent of of these days and it will be as ranks That is almost dangerous liars, parasites and profiters in 1, 500, 000, anth is stipulated th: knowledged that such a highwayļas joku, if joke is at the bottom of tita ocher words, clown the slate and throughout the Istha us since he her quota of the undertakin. shull bas ben proposed in the uew it To amalgamate will be a great ayed a most brilliant part in the of be buils from PanumCity to treaty is a vital means to that it can be a cui ecuring buckets over to undertaking; but if the best inteli Prince of Wall Street, will be Alhajuela (there is already a roa gence of our race is sought out play ng a prominent part in the dvel ponent.
then turning around, not only again turi the world between Balboa and Simnit in them over but deli monkeys for another trial.
sad put together plans may be Follies; while Miss Eudora Reed lantic ride she is willing to con highway is of paramount interest disinterestedly on these issues or that there is ur to. now one die of us. We have spent much of Ouris George who pode red Though the clauze in the treaty berately punch little holes in the An Amendment.
this stretch. and that the At groviding for this transisthmian buckets. We should learn to write. La brightening up remember which onde pe xecution generally conceded to be the equal would be beneficial all coloured Porto Bella, Parama part of the are oth or items of sig ufisaat im comannity welfare workers, struct the section from Coloa to to both coun ries concerned, there refrain from writing. We are all senting vote registered from the time, energy, and service, and ev a for job is to be the link between Porta port in the pact. Tuus, at Arba of the chose few whom to pinned my faith for contributions de telesneiding four blood for superb acting in the Princeber of others. be playing Bella and Alhajuela, and for which jue the United States proposes to am Despondent.
AN my propo. ed volume.
in the Follies which she inust provide the funds, ereet a damn and storage reserv it PROS AND Cong or Highway. to feel the Punimi Canal in ex been misrating mankind had al language of Mutt and Jeff. Nix Feb. 22nd last said among other among playgpers for this season.
el recently discovered that had Mizor. Bil has replied in the Excellence cover overed modernen in the an address delivered here on prumuse of making a wonderful bit As was to be expected, there are (Continued on page 8) ways thought that at least there Nix to my, suggestion that she things that the Panama Canal were a few of them who were really write an article on Soinister 109d. was constructed by French braio, Theatre a few days 130 the Foldress rebearsal at the oooooooooo true themselves anybody other than should have known that men are American money, and West Indian lies girls displayed the effects of in helping freely the. if ever for the benefit of others, and very dancing numbers; and it is becond mao without having some indirect decide to publish the took, Miss little for ourselves.
lieved that the fancy art dancing Subject to Abuse motives of nersonal gain. Things Bell will be given the option of Now, it is imperative that to which will be introduced by this what they seem and selecting her subject for contribu live in this country doencandent. Man, it is riebat as West troupe for the first time to a am tion theret, under the caption India as we must residence tax coloureJ aunience ou the Isthmus, rumcur has been rife around this city during the cannot ie tamed! Io the premie Little Lesson on Living claimed, is the only animal ind we must pay it or pay the and which is to be preformed by No. Tunod up.
past tw) or three days to the effect that West Indians over gentle readler, am of the panalty for disol eying the laws of a specially trained member of the opinion will bring down on the Atlanti: side are greatly ircensed over the many that for a little self help we sho The Atlantic side boys have the country. We are estimated to troupe, should inst inces of abuse, insults and, in some cases, maltreat all prepare for battle; who do not always presented a strong front, be 50, 000 I, on the Isthmus are doomed Aside from the gay side of the ment to which certain of them have been subject at the ents. From another angle it intentionally led them into trouble 950 yoor meine hedhuge selbe Play, the Follies, also carrice to serious disappoint Even when Severs Compaav had and a tax of five dollars. 00)
hands of the natives (perhaps some of the more ignorant seems that for the weak to be able some vears ago they were of 250. 000 to the credit of the moral which will not fail to appeal an irresponsible ones) since the paasing of the Immigration to accumu a little strength it is stronger aggregation than those on National Treasury, let us obey the to Isthmians in all walks of life; as there will be brought out a well Law the general opinion being that grave consequences pecessary that he mingle frequentatoer Brotherers toutes troberen this end who were under the very laws of the country, are likely to follow if a stop is not put to such pernicious with directions tribute to things always be title secret under reach during the same period of one year liono cale they are likely the appear Now, balanced story portrayingand disagree able practiices. The opportunity has not been at that time to rise the ire of can. ire of the temporary successes. boys raise do business. This story afforded us for investigation so as to give definite informa strong against him. But still from from the city are always tuned up. something for ourselves. If out of (Continued on page 8)
to our readers, but we want again to warn our people and another angle am convinced B. Neely et al, representing the the 50. 000 West Indians, one. bali to vise them to exercise due patience and self control under that the strong is bent ere de shoppes debate some years ago, defeated house. wives, and one twentieth and when we realize also that it in are children, and one fourth are the conditions at present existing, making sure in all cases ing the week, hendre en Brest hopes the La Bore Literry Society and are disinterested and dispoyals, let will be cowing seeds with tbe hope that they adopt only legitimate means for their protection of the weak except that they are caused and other La Jus see if the rem ining one fifth reaping grains for the benefit of or to bring offen ters to punishment.
We are certain that alwave in the majority and in these Bocans to get off the train on their cannot subseride the amount the British Welfare Committee over there is capable of days of mass movements and rubers reaching Balboa where they inten with; the amount may seem to be tered upon any such cudertaking we ought to do so gladly way station before suggested, viz. 25, 000, to begin and willingly. We have never eohandling the situation and their advice and assistance production force of numbers should be sought in all cases. At the same time we wish counts If we change the scene and ded to have disembarked. At that incredible. but when it is realized before but the possibil. Lyders oking to bring the matter to the attention of the proper authorities picture that we would elect a king memorable debate noticed that the that it is only one fifth of the Let us be at it, all at it, and always or president to direct our destiny Cristobalities were in a higher de amount which the same number of at it.
who we feel sure, will do all in their power fo administer and pledge to submit to his in bating spirit than the La Bjerns. people will have to pay into the remain yours sincerely justice and so avoid any disagreeabl7 :vents.
partial dictates. in a little while he (Continued on page 8)
Treasury without any alternative, I, MARKHA, a con cheaper and only canacity houses, wilfully kick to the entire ou lethmian give every In a Rumour, West Indians at Colon their love to prove Kroghere for a londinenstore in are not the a bouse.
he 15 ourselves,


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