
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC alleged polsoning in well to do middle obdeo and fairly Mrs.
should ter by first marriage, allered XIN Away INVIGORATINE AND Aced to pay in WINE a OctoJAMAICA. borgerforef 41 24eff BARBADOS The Clarendon Mur Unique Murder Case derer to Die On In Barbados Callows.
Not a little sensation bae been THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD created in Barbados, over the JEALOUSY THE CAUSE, charge of murder that has been brought against Mrs Augusta Clarke of Puur Cross Roads, St.
Facts of the case. To be John, for the Hanged in St. Catherine Pri.
of ber father. Mr.
son on the 9th Prox.
abopkeeper of tbe same risb: The case of Sidney Price, who The prisoner belongs to one of An This was sentencer to death at the the most respectable recent session of the Clarendon class Circuit Court on cbarge of the island hence the un unusual inter murdering his fora e: paramour, Invigorating Elegant Tonic est centered in the Clarke at the prelim. ID Agatha Elliot, was considered by His Excellencey the Governor vestigation, has has been con committed and the members of the Privy and Preparation to stand her trial at tbe Court of Council a few diys ago. After Grard Sessions on the capital reviewing all the circumstances charges. The motive for the alleg.
the executive came to the con Health Imparting is highly ed crime, is said to centre arou a clusion that the Liw a matrimonial union which have its course, and on the the prisoner father is stated to morning of Tuesday the 9b November, the cord inned man WINE bave been contemplaing the recommended proposed partner, beiok a wowill hanged between the walls man orignally employed as bis of the St. Catherin, rict The prisoner, his daughPrison.
in Debility, is The crime for. wbi:h Pica will It to have been uncomprcm:singly the ext epe penalty was a opposed to such a union, and the pay brutal one. Both bimself and the Nervousness father sudden death by arsenic deceased had lived together as poisoning led to prisoner arrest promotes digestion map and wife, but in consequence after due investigation by the of a quarrel they separated. Th police.
Female Weakness improves woman, however, conticued to rəstde at her father home in a Retired Magistrate Passes district about fur mils from the appetite Impoverishment May Pen. Price bow roku bis habitation on premises adji ing, and although the ca ed and gives tone The death occurred last Friday of the Blood and blmself bad separated, he at bis residerce in Strathclyde, and energy HEALTH St. Michael Barbados, ot Mr.
ber his attentions. Audearently and to build up a Ernest Pedder Boyce, retired there was no reconcilation for the deceased woman transle. ro to the IMPARTING Magistrate of Bridgetown. Mr.
harri ctions to a Ober in Boyce had a successful career in 08 the Barbados Civil Service which Sur day evening in whole system run down constitution menih The joined in 1878 as a Superoumooth of the wesely, Pries Dall visit merary Clerk in the General Post Ofice. He received his first bope of meeting ber. nding the substantive appointment as apartment in which she lived Clerk in the Public Library in was closed, be kucked it the 1880, ad rose step by step door and she came out and rethroogh various offices to monstrated witb bim as to his Magietracy in Bridgetown 10 mo worrying her. The condemned ted in bicb he was apresiously filled ber 1913 He had man would not go for many years the post of Clerk the room. Hy saw the man to of the Court of Appeal. Two of whom the woman bad trans DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or Boyce sons ferred ber affections and became Trinidad Aubrey Boyce, e soos are resident in irate. He then left, arıed bim bis eldest son, who is a direc or sell with times a day, cu lass and made up of Canning Co. and Mr.
bis mind to take the life of his Bovce, of the International former lover.
Drug Store. Mr. Boyce had just The WOWAD drive JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
coupleted bis sixty sixth year In some Rosts longitg to ter father, and as she was returning SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Death of Noted Lawyer to ber tome, Price attacked ber with th sharp cutlass and acto Jly outchered ber.
Baroados has offend the loss woman died almost instant. 11 of one of its olie and most adecu ly from the wounds she erec ed members of tbe rin received. After completing his the person of Mr. Jobo Philips Hepdish act, Price went over to Grant Howard Ellis, who died at bis house and attacked one or TRINIDAD two persons includiis an old Land Settlement And An Alleged Gase of Attacked by Masked on the 17th instant, at the age of bis residence in Bank Hall Road ar from bis 59. Mr. Ellis, who had an extenroom and went back to the spot Housing.
Suicide Men.
sive practice in their criminal where he bad laid low the untorA Drowning Incident.
dlvil matters, and had the dis; courts tunate woman and with the weapon be slasbed her throat The Linstead Correspondent to tinct! on of from far to ear. He then ran representative of the YOUNG JAMAICAN RESIDING IN The Port of Spain GAZETTE of his clients judgement in the sum GLEANER was speaking to the CUBA GETS DISAPPOINTING the GLEANER writing on Octobr away and after remaining in bi of 3, 000, the largest au unt yet ing for a few days be delive ed Hon. Dr. Melai recent 26 stater that Mr. Jobn Kendly the 26th ulto. says NEWS AND IS SAID TO Aspectable ot resident ly with reference to his motion the On Sunday afternoon last, a awarded in any of the Courts of himself up to the police.
HAVE TAKEN HIS LIFE, to the Legislative Council on the Barwaddy District, bad a very young man named Tađord Niles that colony, He was a prominent TRIED POR MURDER.
ex iting time last night. The theme for en losed wateporters at Club, and had acted on several member of the Barbados Turf the previous day with relerence bin was tried at the Clarendon establishment of community life. tbe island during the past week, Mr. Kendly was absent from while on bathing expedido and Solicitor General.
The charge of marder against to housing From information received to allegºd facts are: During the day the Customs meta Occasions as Police Magistrate bad butore die Ann ur ar Justice held that in connection with this young Jamaican who was well evening be was told by boy been with the rest of his family de Freitas with Rad community life his vi was that Attorney geral prosecutlog landbo Rood RiVOR people known, and wbo was residing in who be left at his premises that with whom be resided at No. WOMAN JUSTIFIES HER Avenue, Cuba for some time died under he had visit from iman dor Arispita assis ant to the it VERACITY.
did not house them, rather cad chicumstances in that ing. Kendley e absence who fortal we bave been able to a4The prisoner defended by because in the outlying arts republic, Mr. him been Mr.
Kendly did not pay any par: drinking rather heavily King. The defence that of the parishes they would not his Counsel put forth was that get people cultivate lands to It would appear that the young ticular attent on to the boy. day and after he had no intention of killing the anv on la lay GEANCE jotention was to lay low the man that the emigrant derozis should and was closing arrangements bis slumber by some one shout is said that he was occasionally Pity Request Was Not Anwoman. to a bit of jalously his proper degree witbout the 800 lman was interested in About 12 o clock the same nigbt, decided to be bavior bis bein BY APPEAL POR DIVINE VENhis house proper live to thought cortain parto residing in this conto Mr. Kendly was awakened from Ing outstretched on bile back. 97: who had robbed bim of his provide ating up to marriage.
pecessary funds beIt is alleged that recently being for bin. He enquired what washed by the waves and grade swered, Thinks Magistrate.
sweetb a That his rivales cause owing to the Quem plnyrolled back into the sea evlcaped, and is the best of passionment, people to wbom Ibe e receiv word of a disquieting the person wanted, and was told dently unoticed by anyone in the can be that his niece, Miss Morriss, was vicinity. One of the bathers who he met the u fortunate women monies belonged bad to leave ih, nature, and from what killed by a motor track at Ewa. was returning to shore when he before Mr. Van Buren, at In the course of case bca and struck ber a fatal blow. But island to seek their forloges Kathered he took his life.
that there was no intention of lelaewhere. His so gestion to the Mach sympathy is felt for the ton. Mr. Kendly hurriedly stumbled against this figure and the City Police Court, recently.
amounted or latives of the young man who dressed and opened bis door, ona being dragged ashore the female witnessed who claimed After patient hearing, the jars to establish acord was of a most quiet disposition. when he was immediately rushed Niles. The Constabulary Station marked with emphasis, that she Going hent had no hesitation of re urninging to the views of the member re. by two masked men, perfectly was at once communicated with was prepared to stand by what for Agricultural the condemned man came u devided from the emigrants de could not lose sight of the fact rogues dealt Mr Kendly several Colonial Hospital where a post truth, and if she had told a lie As stated above, the case of State Bank The capital could be other West Indians. Also they oaked, armed with clubs. These and the body was coa vayed to the she said, it was the entire before the Governor lo Privy posits which were in the troau y that soune provision would be blows nearly striking out one of mortem examination was held after may God drop her derd.
which the body was returned to Council a few days ago. All th: of this Island. His reason for ti is made for the men of the West The manner in which the wo facts were careful y gone into. was that he could not see any shortly be out of employment as for murder. Luckily for him yesterday afternooo. It might be Court of her veracity, did not Mr. Kendly bawled deceased parents for barial iman endeavoured to assure the Indis Regiment who would bis eyes.
No extenuating circumstance: objection being justitiably taken could be found for bls brutal to utilising these fonds to help re result of the disbandmet some people were passing and mentioned that just about thre at all impress the Magistrate crime, and it was decided that latives and kinsfolk of emigrants rusbeb to bis belp. The rogues weeks ago, Nlles father bad who said it was a pity these rebe sbould be banged, and his execution was fixed for Tuesday abroed, especially being that Rent Receipt Books In Span made good their escape. The predeceased him. He used to replied with by the Almighty, as quests were not at times commorning, November 9:b. at 30 many countries bad elas a their ish and English for sale at the matter has been reported to the side with bis aunt and sisters at ibere would certainly be less Police.
doors on Jamaicans as wll as Workman Printery.
o clock, Arlapita Avenue.
insisted on seeing who a way but Mr.
a anbad gone tuilly The conditions Wood. AS clide, if they perjary daily!


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