
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA 4444 off44 Tragedy At Sisters Road.
VIGOR TONIC bear this THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD end, MIADO Barras FRREZ tlon in Be was the neck AN lepo INVIGORA TIME AND WINE Suicide by an Overseer PROPRIETOR SHOT AND The Buff Bay Correspondent to KILLED the GLEAENR writing on the 3rd inst. saya: News reached bere THREE SONS HELD FOR this morning from Craigmiil that Mr. Groves, recently overINQUIRY seer of Silverstock (one of Mr. Silvera properties. says the WEEKLY GUARDIAN wwa, had come to a tragis of the 16th ulto.
it is allezed, by shooting himself.
Mr, Thomas Nelson, a reputed The shooting took place at the border of Silverstock and Graigwealthy proprietor was shot at bis bome on Sisters Roads on mill near Crooked Ga ter. The.
Thursday last week and died at police hastened to the scene, and the San Fernando Hospital at 15 ED. Gideon, later o clock the following morning.
on performed a post mortem An This As a result three of bis eons are examination on the body.
held by the Princes Town Police The funeral took place in the pending investigation of the al.
afternoon The deceased was well Invigorating known in these parts, and was Elegant Tonic fair. The boys are Evans Nelson 25 years, Joseph Nelson 24 years highly respected, and the funeral and Cyril Nelson 19 years.
was largely attended. Mr. Grovės and THE SHOOTING.
was overseer at Silverstook for Preparation about six years. He was 56 years Mr. Ne! son, a well built man of age, and is survived by a wife abt ut 60, was the biggest land and se eral relativer. Much sym Health Imparting is highly owner. bis district owning pathy is expressed for the bethlity two parcels of cocoa lanag reaved family among wbich are St. John s, St.
WINE recommended Mary and St. Alma Estates as well as a number of cottages around Savana Grande.
Likely For St.
in Debility, He was engaged in conversain tis yard at Sisters Road Mary.
It Nervousness Leroy who acts as overlooker ard housekeeper on one of his IF STRONG DEPUTATION WAIT promotes digestion estates, about o clock wben he ON MR. KEN ROBINSON, BOLI was hit by a gun shot apparently a CITOR, MAY SECURE HIS improves Female Weakness fired from a cocoa field nearby BERVICES, cought full in the side of Deck and fell the appetite to the ground LIKELY SUCCESSOR TO Impoverishment stray shots hots also strack Leroy about her arms.
FORMER ILLUSTRIOUS and gives tone The Princes Town Police were MEMBER of the Blood notified and they took the and energy wounded pair to the San FerThe HERALD says: With the HEALTH nando Hospital where Mr. Neldeath of the Hon, and Rev, and to build up a son died in ibe morning.
to the Barclay a gentl. man and paIMPARTING He left a wife wbo resides at triot who possessed transcendent Couva and nice children, three ability, and who was beld in such whole system run down constitution sons and six daughters, the bigh esteem as was manifested youngest being tifteen yeare.
by the iributes paid at his funeral on Thursday morning last, the people of the parish of News Notes of St. Mary now find themselves confronted with the task of securing a a suitable representaThe Guardian is informed that tive for the parish in the Logisquite apart from any offer which lative Council.
the Government may receive for tbo In this connection we und rFloating Dock, the immediate purchase of the Government stand that representations have proposal before the Finance Conb en wade to Mr. Ken Robinson DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or solicitor in that parish, and who mittee is the questiou of be.
has large interests there, with a expenditure of 14, 000 og its times a day.
repair. The desirably or otherto his. consenting to come son forward to represent St. Mary wise of spending this sum is ap.
in the Legislative parently the real issue.
Up to the prsent time Me Robinson is very ditiden JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy. ather hesitant in giving Mr. Vernon Isidore Mulloon consent.
graduate however that it SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS the Vanariculture, sails by ly deputation for the on bim might perhaps prior to bis taking up an appoint: be willing to sacritice a Toribon ment as Sugar Technologist in of his time to serve the interests Cuba. Mr. Mulloon, after graduDise of the parish in which he has so Fourth Year large a stake.
Cource and spent the last sugar Mr. Ken Robinson is a son of crop at the factory of the Wood the late Mr. Aubrey Robinson BRITISH GUIANA Quay whose premises were flood ford Lodge Estates. Ltd. He is and nephew of His Honour Mr.
ed during the beavy and pro the first Trinidadian to graduate Robinson, for St.
longed rainfall, cannot yet esti from the Imperial College of Andrew, and it is felt that he Mission of Dr. Crace mate the amount of their loss Tropical Agriculture Port of would follow succcssfuly in the through damage to perishable Spain Gazette.
trail blez by the late illustrious merchandise etc.
to British Cuiana preacher and patriot.
Why throw away your old, but no While a number of premises doubt interesting, books when you especially those to the West of with general merchandise and Broadway, sustained Woman Drowned In slight the management estimate that In connection with the comiog can have them neatly bound at da mage the business houses on their loss will run into bundreds departure of Dr. Grace, Goverothe Eastern side contaiad water of pounds.
The Harbour.
ment Bacteriologist, for British througbout, several inches deep Messrs Ribiro Ltd, were British Guiana, the Acting Coloand on Saturday they were en seriously affected.
gaged ntal Secreary, in the Conbined in Yesterday dawn was berald Court at Damerara on the Damage 29th removing the top layers goods valued at over 2, 000 bad 93 CENTRAL AVENUE ed by the news of the tragic ulco, informed the Court that the of rice, floor, soap, milk, matches been dise vered up to noon on death of one Agnes Dallas whose Royal Society ete, stocked in the storerooms, Saturday wben porters were still bad under corpse was found floating life deration arrangem nts Opposite Cecilia Theatre to get to the seat of the damage. at work clearing away the goods for an lessly at the Victoria Market expedition to the colony and the It is expected that the total scores stocked in searah of water soaked Prer at about a. by Cpl. West Indies to investigate bac er loss wil mount up to thousands articles. Sos Pereche que Harris of the Water police Sta ial complications of tilariasis and of dollars when tion, says the Gleaner of the endemic nephritis. It was pr. met by the Government would breach of contras. He was wrought by the water bas been Albert Lucien toe. were similar: in flood. Meesrs.
3rd, ist posed that Dr. Grace be the provision of such trans orde ed in addition to the fines reavealed.
ly affected when water sixteen The deceased was warried to Bacteriologist to thGovernment port by road and rail as the ex trepay the sum of which be of Nathan Dallas io 1908 but was of Jamaica, be placed at the pečition might need for its in bad received by way of advance Messrs Geo. Huggins, Co. inches high took possession the or undergo a further term of 14 Ltd. were the only merchants Their loss is estimated at about divorced years ago by her bus Society disposal, and it that vestigations.
ground floor of their building band. Since the time of their west of Broadway to suffer any 100.
separation it is said that they was finally arranged the Society material damage. The flood their bave never met. It seems to all Loncon School of Hygiene aud sy acting in co operation with the Gaorge own, Oct. 7th Mr.
store wbich runs far into AberProduce dealers farther East intent and purposes she ha tropical Medicine, will be prepar Laggatt of the Rilway Construchid TRINIDAD planned this trigody has wo ed to provide for the officer sia States bas beeu selected for the un Starf tibe Federated Malay found on the pier, lary during the period and in which flour and rice are produco most of wbich though containing be packed thirty or more bage high Betafileede by the water could not a newly made the quip appointment as railway engineer additional from floor.
The Storm.
shroud to advise the Government of vers have not yet been removed and take several days to discover the All the dealers agree that it will service of and the other part worn clotbas. kill British Guiana in regard to the It is feared tbat their removal extent of the dama e caused by Nabody actually saw when shekilled laboratory assistant. construction and operation of a took the dive, but one El Des Was suggested that the exp dition line suitable to the Mazırdai DAMAGE TO MERCHANDISE, will disclose extensive damage. this storm, the like of which is should begin its investigations The other stores at that end of hever had an hom tandine co the Colony and subsequentare Bregut te ex ected to leave for RUNS INTO THOUSANDS OF damage the merchant on the it strict of South Quay received little or no of unprecedented. 45 am, hard advisable in Trinidad the splash wben she dropped dos. Investigations might begin Britisa Gaiaaa sbordy.
DOLLARS into the water.
Esstero side of Broadway The body was carried to the all facilitles would be atorded the South Quay were all seriously during the coming Autumn and affecter. Messrs:J. Henriques Have you tried the mortuary where the autopsy expedition by the Government Labourer in Damerara was So extensive bas been the discovered and were still unnew Boer was performed by Dr. LAW900 with the cordial co operation ofreu nuly tiped 50 and costs 60 damage done by last week Feearthing water soaked flour, rice, Gifford, for Kingston.
Cents or two months by Hil, day storm says the GUARDIAN sugar, soap etc. The water was The deceased was 14 years the Medical Department. The Worship Capt. Cressals of the 15th. October, that produce about foot high to their build Kronen Brau old only possible ex renditure be S, on charge of and provision dealers along Subling which was fully stocked view Council.
his It is bopen; strong a waited on conrc. completed Book Binding. THE WORKMAN considays.
bundles were made the necessary the the one cand clean underwear, ment and also


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