
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1926 PAGE THREE Fight on Labrador In Privy Council. EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Canada Cider Champagne nan No other cigarette combines in such generous measure the richness and charm of Chesterfield URETIC AND REFRESHING Noticeably differentand the blending does it!
OST smokers are quick to recogLondon, Oct. 21. Oje o! the most remarkable cases in Britisb legal his ory came up for decl.
sion to day before the Privy Council, the highest British court of appeal. It is the Labrador case, in which both and Nen foundland to prove that they owo a certain are seeking portion of the bleak northern region known under that name.
At least three weeks will abis elapse before the Council bands dowa a decision. More than twenty years have passed since the lawyers concerned began collecting documents bearing on the Labrador dispate, and it has already cost 200, 000 The documents cover 4, 000 priot. pages in small type.
they are bound in eight volumes. The papers bearing on the case became so voluminous that at one time two roons of the Privy Council Chamber were needed for bousing those gathered by the Canadian lawyers Mark VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, A, ILLAVICIOSA SPAIN large Chesterfield derives from seasoning the mellow North American leaf with the spicy fragrance of costly Turkish tobaccos.
For each of the several varieties in the unique Chesterfield blend supplements the others. balances richness against fullness and produces a cigarette far more pleasing and distinctive than could be made from any one tobacco alone.
ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama alone.
Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR Chesterfield Corner 12 Street East Avenue CIGARETTES We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
MMM PRETTES Tte question at issue is vitally important from a geographical and legal standpoint, Euch year adds to the value of the terri tory involved, so that the dispu.
tants have become more and more keen to prove their ownership. few years ago Canada offered to buy of Newfoundland bu refused to pay the 6, 000, 000 demanded hy the latter. polnting out that Alaska had been sold to the United States by Russia for only 1, 400, 000. Newfoundland refused to reduce the figure so Canada decided to get decision.
legal Canada is represented before the Privy Council by Premier Taschereau of Quebec and oth legal ligbte. Newfoundland legal team is captained by Higgins, ber Attorney General.
The Pelvy Councillors bearing the rival arguments are tbe Lord Chancellor of EnglandLord Cave with Lords Finlay, Haldan, Wellington and Sum.
mer. They are ball smothered in tbe docaments and maps relating to the dispute.
The opeuing argument to dey was made on behalf of Newfoundland by the noted legal authority Sir John Simon. Or the total area of Labrador, which exceeds 000 square miles, only one fifth 18 in dispute.
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There is History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years yet, however, of the Marx Cabinet Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, willingness whatever to permit manifestin2 any Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, the exiled monarch to cross the frontier from Holland, which, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, according to numerous reports Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual fron Doorn, he strongly desires Players to do.
It is revealed to day, however, Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and that the law for the protection of the Interesting the republic, under which the be Government is aathorized to refuse to permit members of the Hoherzollern Price 50cts.
family to reside within the Reich ni expires next year, having been passed as a temporary measure Secure yours now there will be a great rush for years. On its expiration the former Kaiser and bis rel. for them.
tives will enjoy the full privileges of ordinary German citizinę, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN including the right to live in Panama Germany.
Meanwbile the Prussian Gor.
ernment, by its financial settle.
ment with the Hobenzollerr, recently approved by the Pras Imperial General Headquarters sian Diet, is obligated to keep in the war, still contains the TRY the palace at Hamburg vor der wooden borse, surmounted by a Hohe, near ear Frankfurt, in such a regular leather saddle, which KRONEN BRAU state that the erstwhile ruler William liked to straddla while and his wife may move in when attending to affairs of state.
ever tbey choose. This magniON DRAUGHT containing 300 According to reports current rooms and audidi in political circles bere, tw)
OR BOTTLES balls. is described as being in factor havice pe ne coon may ve ODBOR SOCCS000. 00 persuaded the stapic ar daupendanta is employed retu return to the Fatherland. One is to clean the whole place daily, the amiable attitude of the Gerso that it is ready for immediate toward the former Crown Prince Dr. Wendehake man and and gardens surrounding the since be slipped over the frontMEDICAL CLINIC great edifice als) are looked ler two years ago. The other is the Prussian Diet passage o after by small army of the Hohenzollern compensation 7, 025 Front Street Colon gardeners OPPOSITE RR STATION.
The private study, used by the measure with only the Comh PHONE 11 Kaiser when Hamburg was the munists diesenting.
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