
THE TORKMAS SATURAT, NOVEMBER 30. PAGE SEVEN Canadians Laugh Atl Additional Church Services.
Annexation seventh Day Adventist Church PREMIER KING SAYS IT IS THE LAST THING THAT THE DOMINJON 18 WORRYING ABOUT STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (por Lathmina Park. PANAMA, Babbath (Saturday) 945 Bab ath School: 11. 15. General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 m, Society, meeting 30 tm. Junior and Senior Standard attainment Class p. Veepers.
Sunday evening 30 Stereoptica Lecture. The genetal publie ia diall ited to turn out in large aumbers.
won STRUIR Seventh Day Adventist Church Youll say ard STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbath School; 11. 15 General Worship 30 pm. Young people meeting 30 Vespero Bunday evening 30 Preaching Service You are cordially invited to stend those service and bring your friende, The Church of God sense Ultimately, as millions do today, prefer Lucky Strike because it really different.
STROKE wa have rised elections, he last thing can London, Oet, 18 Any talk of the abbexation of Canada by the Uoited States is purely politieal and should not be te ken seriously.
declared Canadian Premier MacKenzie Kine when be received a large delegation of newspaper men at the magnificent Canada Buitiing io Trafalgar Square here today.
Talk about aonexation, he added is laughed at by Canadians at home.
Premier King is here with other Premiers of the British dominios to attend the imperial conference which opens tomorrow The newspaper delegation received by him to day numbered more than sixty representatives of British and other journals. They found Mr. King frank, pleasant and endowed with of bumour. The Premier te mided some of those present who had met former President William How rd Tafit of the United States of that engaging and jolly person age.
The question of American anrexation of Canada was on everybody mind, and it was soon brought forward The Canadian Premier did not nince words in talking about it. Our political opponents may the question during the Canada is worrying about. No body there really talks it: nobody wants it, and personally bave nt encountered soul in Canada who has even mentioned it. We do not even think of it. Why should we?
Somebody remorked that American capital is entering Canada in large quantities, to which the Premier rejoined. Of course, we want capital to develop our resources, We are glad to get British capital but we have no objection to capital from ciber quarters of the globe, not excluding the Voited States, Canada abounds in potentalities, and must be built up.
Asked whether be believed American influence in Canada was he said. Americans, as you know, are great advertisers. They do not hide their light under a busbel. We get more literature and more films from a snurse which is not British, no doubt, and this influence in the realm of ideas cannot be ignored but it does not override all other.
influenees, and it is no more ealeu 1 ted to alter the eharacter of the Britisher than is the fact that Canada is berefitting from investments fro America Por the last fifty years, there has been an ebb and flow across the frontier This year we did not enough men to get our harveat in Americans came over and Canadians work in factories and on go over to the American side and building operations and return to live in Canada and retain their Canadian residence. Asked whetber Amerigo to Canada, are absorbed into that country, the Fremier replied: Ye. very few of them go buck. Canndian relations with the Mother country and other parts of the British Empire were dever etter than now, added Premier King. We have no krievances whatever. he said, and it would not te wise to be too ready to encourage any new methods of procedure or structural changes in our relations. The empire as it evolves will find what it needs without mechanical assistance, and certainly without revolutionary schemes.
Params, Arovemena Street, Hour 25, San Miguel Sunday at Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
and 30 Sunday School at 3p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 Young People Meetin. Wednceday at 730 Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro, C, Pessoa. ir charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Sebos p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 pm Bio. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ing 11. 30 a. mn and 30 Sunday Shool 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting Bro McDONALD jatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Mertings 11 30 a. and 30 Sunday School st pm. Wedneeday 30 Joepel Meeting. Friday 30 Prayer Meeting Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITH Solon and Streeta. Gospel meeings at 11. 30m and 30 Bunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 om. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30. Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON growing he Because it toasted and it toasted because Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness night No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SE SAN MIGUEL Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting 10 a. Children Service; 11 Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. Sunday Bebool, Superintendeat 6pm. 30 m. Gospel Service, Preacher Supplied The usual weekly service will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 Divine Bervice. Preacherupplied. 80 m. Bunday School, Superintent dent. p. Goupel service. Preacher supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings nod Prayer, All other notion for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro, WEBLEY, Acting Pattor in charge.
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it toasted Havann, October 28, Tweaty per cent of the sugar cane in the storm area will be lout, with possible reduction of 200, 000 tons hurricane last week, in raw sugar output, due to the This is the opinion of a sugar mill engineer who returned this afternoon from a survey of the entire storm area in the Provinces of Matanzas. Havana and Pinar del Rio.
The Cubao Sugar Club places the loss at 25 per cent and other authorities have varied between 18 and 30 per cent, The highest estimate of tonnage loss has been given as 270, 000 tons, but many people believe this figure is bisb.
Engineers point out that the beavy rain a few days after the buricane prevented much cane from living, by washing away the soil from the roots of the cane, which in many cases was lying flat on the ground.
Loss in sugar content will not be known until after the grinding begins on Jaguary 1, but this is pot expected to differ greatly from cane cut on the same field last year Advertise in the WORKMAN It Pays


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