p. 8


this were present been most. 115 Classy Races. of seven adil IOS 105 Rouice.
piol 19 126 friend of 3, Tengo.
tangle, dii tbe Sucia at qui. 112. 115 101 Tomorrow Races. Panama Follies Last Sunday Races Lucky Strike and Victor Premium Depots Nine snappy races will make (Continued from ge 4)
With exception to an unfo up the program at Juan Franco tunate mix up in the fifth race Park tomorrow afternoon troupe and gave each member the West Indians and others inte:which resulted in the disqualiti ested in the collection of Lucky Sx freedom of the stage, they came of them will be for imported, one back and easily phayed themselves cation of Bomba of the Sud e Strike and ctor emptv cigar for ball bred (aative ad imp Aguila. Pereira Mee a lette packages will be at a ly ted and the other two rrative into the hearts of the audience, and Shimmy, also of the Sud El facilitated in getting them ex.
borses odly. The feature even causing those who saw them play Aquila, and the usual artendant changed for valuable premiuin TO MORROW will be over forlongs and Brave on the previous night to wonder dissatisfaction especially from at 131 Central Avenue wh rs the Lassie, Perrot, Zambo and Rins whether we bad arrived at another those who lost money through management bave fi:ted up a Mora will cym jet. Rain. More age of miracles.
the upset, the Panama Jockey most attractive Sunday, November 21st, 1926 is ageia booked to take the tiela Its was notied, however, that on over a mile with Pereque and modificat ons made to certain overthe second of eight night there were some was very good. Jockey Mading department stocked with every who rod. Meelah and crossed from which Frou Frou is the toul event.
concenable of preniu os The Program: drawn lines of the Play, and it was collectors can select: Olla admitted the foul but blamed the concensus of opinion of those the cident on that his mount that tbe itish nerican Tobicthe fact JUAN FRANCO TRACK First Race Class NATIVES who saw it on the first night and 150, 00 FURLONGS became un nanagable, For on the second right ai play of fairness which helped pains or money to obtaining the co Company are sparing neith. Chiqui. 126 that had the second night presen.
to modity tre tre of those who valuable tation 2, Candlewood 194 the first, which of premiums possible thought mo e or less that the to 3, Zapa.
course would have automatically disqualifation was unfair, the to exchange for by empo. ck4. Cucocba.
oate the second night much panalty of ore month suspendares e Lueky Strike and Viser better sion which uld be banded out touse was baye not seen the Cigarettes. And ben of my Second Race CLASS Natives would have the first the troupe ould have very little, if any, fear to Medina was cancelled.
select premiums we beg to state 125, 00 FURLONGS in the future in derwing a crowded Henry White Zimbo easily that one will be well repaid for house on short Races for Imported horses 1, Linda 126 Pagama Follies notice won the feature event alpor rays.
2, DOLEDO felongs for class imported Avenue where most accom inod at paying a visit to 131 Centri 197 though somewhat and for Native bred Ponies 3, Do. Simon Horses, hasi kept Pierrot at ing and pleasant clerkes will x90 Negro in the role of helper in a what exaggerates, the 4, a safe pace throughout the race. plai plain every detail in connection Broj Zone offics with white people, Frou Frou tinished a strong with the collection of imply cho 10. Hold 100 how he mrits their confidence. 95 after honest and geavine service tbird after a slow star. while ages and the handing out o. ile 100 AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING Daole, Per que and Meddler, the and with his sympathetic appeal to lotimo.
yolah cther three entries, did not live valuable premiums, their sense of dignity, as well as It may be interesting to kno up to exorctation HIRD RACE CLASS 2 IMP. for his valuable help which uncover Lonte Ledanu. va Lussie that at No. Cilidonia road Rain or Shine 200 00 FURLONGS Ligh snots in a love tangle. The with Perkias up did not lose time there ie a premium depot waire 1, Tigre.
is considered very good, In taking th leal from Dad of oue ca a get their empty packages 2, Miz:. 128 Miss Evdora Reed as Stella the Stud Azula in the big exchanged, et too buss to set it Bingham. 113 of Madge Lorbe race for Avenue. At latter ADMISSION el is throughbred place there is also a fine display 4, Traslace 106 Do whom the love tangle hinged, is winnlog the live fu lings with of premiums which are handled 5, an.
a talented player, and James as lots to spare. Araucana ran Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. Savage 18 Superintendent, one of the central good race, however; being left by an obliging attendant.
figures in the love FOURHH RACE CLASS El Imp. a fue almost flairuoted at start, piece of acting Jockey Moore took er over the Back From The States. 200, 05 FU NGS nato e could ever expeut. The stretch with a rapid face but to?
haras irls 1, Colonen. e.
DON MISS IT performed admirably.
late to make up fo: lost ground Flowers well known 2, Po. o.
102 As his second effort to have although soe ti ais aed stong 3, Aroela ttorney of this city returned a 114 pr parel, sigle handed, Play, Arias Luce o riddan bx tew days ago from the ited lu Leacock, author of Panama Jockey Odea aon the last Follies deserves much credit, 5, Celia. lou race of a farlo 88 for cla 18 States where he had been atteosem imported by ses and puid done them on disdetten voor ben Little Lessons on is Play indicate that in the Firth Race Class LMP vare ne may be safely relied upon Panama Canal Committee of Oldeffellows, beld 10. 70 mu mu uels, the big 0. 03 URLONGS metais Baltimore, Maryland. While tur season kleutertainmeats of much Restlum. 1. Mora 3um paid on a Invest at the session Flowers was is igher merit.
ment for tha afternoon. Continued from page Continued from page 1)
103 117 The curtaic raiser, a six deedinteder to berwarm de over the toils of love to day recognize are superior to those for corres. Parrot 106 CHURCH SERVICES was by D Gie Cat Committees as newspapers from it. nat as the staying passion of ponding classes of employees in 1, BCS evant for appointed serve on with Fenimo. and Cococha the States just to hind prove their grand parents. by a emo adjacent countries, Retail prices of Ixth Race CLASS CIMP. 300, At Flowers was con ion to food taking second and third placas missioned by the gub Summitee die wn into cozy em rers or cold lethmus than in the rigubour Ou FURLONGS Sunday Next Before Advent respectively. Excuse Ma woa theor Mingement of the Old tel:ows gray ashes they hare fully ware countries, and a bigh standard o Dad.
126 AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH second racer last lond, donative of America to dissolve the Dis when they choos their mates, that living previale on the fathers 23mba. Anglion Catholie)
furlook for half blood donative criet Grand Lodge ot oldte they will either degenerates into an aring the year there was. Cap varad and foreign insufferable bore, or become St. Paul Church, Panama an general revision of th schedules of Araucana.
third race, six furloag bandi lows in Panama boiding dispensareeable companion after the rates of pay for allen eindlosces cap citite members transferred horses, was won by Tigre with District Grand Lodge No. 40. make their marriage vows with were authorized for individu to glamour of the honey moon, they but small increases in the schedule Seven PH Race yr. Olds. 250, 00 FURLONGS (Rov. A, F, Nightengale, Regtor.
Tango and Belle Sauves, como The Committee of Managemeng respect to tire, por Ucital death peared to be out of lintz with into Rub.
6a. Holy Communion Rect.
rvations substitu ing: till groups and classes where rates ap. Ch Gordo.
126 order named, Linda 10. 15 a. Matias Me. Atwell, won the fourth furlongs with of Eagland previously Mayara and Intimo second and given its sanction to the Sub do os part. We that truth is a dog coznpeteat employees in 4, Kiss ge.
by and diffi. Kittybil. 118 103) am Hly Escherint serm, Committee of Management of third, respectively.
Wcile it is true was being Anerica to have same done, The constructive factor and never be.
12 von Holy Baptisn, a destroying force, the neo. basic rate for unskilled borre Eight Race CL183 IMP. 250 00 FURLONGS m, Musicale readered by Church If you want to please your dulum bas swung too far in the mins at 20 cents an hour, and the Seboo! Pupia Address by the Rev.
126 Thomas Edison friends by sending them a lovely direction of bare reality, we have msximum authorized rates for alien Ozarrenein.
Jiho Cow in, BD Chritemas or New Year Card call 121 30 Choral Ey song Sermon at the WORKMAN Priotery where the sted along with the dross of employee remins at 40 cents au Sbi omy.
past era all that was fine and or 80 Jare jido 117 Prescher, he Bi hop (Continued from page 4)
The index of cost of living, using Lacero noble, have set at naught spiritual the finest lot in the city are on values, morality, the code of gen costs in July, 1914, as a base, de la 115 cordial vitstion is ex e. del to the. 114 about all that really is necessary display public to attend the abov mention tlemen and women and turned our clined from 1:2 44 as of July in the way of religious teach6. Meddler.
105 service in obsesrns of tie Aanual energies to the universal pursuit of 1925, to 140 37 as of July 1926, Wan ru Race Class Juve. Hrvest heakagiving ink gain and pleasure as the only aim At the end of the year there was Virtually every evil that the Uplifting Harvest Thanks and ultimate endo! life.
churches have been formed to 350, 00 MILE.
practically no voluatary unemploySt. Alban Church, Paraiso 1, Reina Mora.
126 combat straightway and auto giving Services among capable We have sacrificed on the alter and the general condition of. 95 matically would be liminated if of material success all those class was better than at any time 3, Fccu Frou.
CANAL ZONE. 90 this one fact could be introduced All who attended the Harvost attributes that rake man almost recent years. Licens ng of land (Rev. P. NIGU PENGALE, in the form of real conviction Thanksgiving services at si, divine, our perspective iş dimmed additional areas in the Canal Harvest Home at St.
Priest in Charge.
into every human rind, Services in churches do not mus in their expressions that Peter last Sunday were anaal: by the glitter of gold.
11 am. Min address Catrebist.
Zone fur settlement New problems have arriver, we nued on April 21. 1925, but at the Paul To morrow. p. Curch Schol appea! 10 me services were some of have lost old a the though do not de ry them. But inost uplitting they had ever ate powers are there to aid us in our individual holdings might be in7 30 Choral Evensong Sermon Prescher Rev Cowan, in the pulpits of our churches so deir to them. Large numbers this much is cert in: preachers tende and enj red at the church confusion, creased to he tares. During the Services celebrating the Annual There are thos: whɔ dismiss with past fiscal year a nuinber took ad Harvest Home at St. Paul S. Peter by the Sea, La Boca are very likely to mistake ha of Communicants turned out to a shrug what we do not feel capable vautage of this, and at the end of Church, ia this citv, will be held spliting for teac Ing. Arguments the early and mid day celebra of, or called upon to rectify. Ohe the year 7, 2777 hectares were to morrow, commencing with a on theological points are no. tions. Tae Musicale at 30, as of salt before to meet ica virheed under license to 012 licensees Celebrativn the Holy Com. An orican Eşi vespa. Anglican Comentally and spiritually distes of great value to the was well attended and gratly that the early sulvation of the This surplus lador munion at a mucho)
ed, and just how they can save handlowed exercises Potenthe day the rest fortell a good time coming. reserve of labor which can be said, followed by Eucharistic Revy. comun will be the celebrant.
of the At 10. 15 a. matins will be Holy Communion of sin never baso been able to understand weather was ideal, and iong ber bumage ramiy vehias born us foolish te objection for its further est communioa oled libe to our best ter which the ta will be contact There will be in vast drawn upon Wilkins for temporary employ. Celebration at 1030 10. 45 the wil be Sung But there ac began the cost the vested choir of mixed the balo, such as the Sermon on edificee was becomes to its stored enough or brave enough to tako tension lies principally Mount That is real leaching seat utmost sanitation and public services a sporting chance on the intare in cannot see that creeds amount capacity with expectant and carry on the race, and perhaps Beneral which become obho. Voices, and the rermon will be br. tion of the Holy Eucharist with ser Worshippers: to ang ttiak.
la scienca oals inspiring anthems. ander sll our sophistication and lowan.
The Choir render these are justified in their belief for tory after the establish nento preached by the rector, the Ravmon.
Clebrant and prescher, the v.
BD communities alike as need of pm Church School.
one thing cuate and that is the preacher was the Rt. Rev. cynicism special service at Choral Evensor, sermon 30 is a restless longing for will render the girls basic Truth. Perhaps sim day Jus. Cralk Morris, BD, Bishop somethiog better, a reaching out tion to the rest of the Canal Zone music will be held at pm. Fort the Ree or will be the preacher. All are wa sbil diacover that scienc of th: Canal communicable disease, little boys and girls, will invited.
religion do not differ in this ed a very prope, who deliver involuntay. though it is towards against and address The Choir will tanderstirring45 present gifts of flowers and fruits on mystical goal of human en priacipally laria.
the peo de at our happiness!
here are smɔns in all the sentaiton of the offeringe, the Te (to paraphrase Solomon. Autem.
at the altar, after making a poCo it be T, MOLCARE, Rector.
beturile world wound us. There Deum wash artily, chasted by the parents having eaten to satiety 900) assortment of Christmas and Church The Revan address. owan St. Barnabas Church, Empre natural the Choir and Congregation of New.
Visit the Workman Priatery for cession through the aisles of thi is a mighty sermon in the then after which the Bishop said the the children stomacns will will deliver derstorm, but one as mighty to closing prayers and pronounced be St. Bartholomw Church At 7:30 in the evening, Evensong the wildflower. The Book of the Blessing.
nauseated? That our graad chil. PARKLETS.
will be sunt and the prescher will LAS CASCADAS Nature never lies; and in it may drea in ano her half century will be the Ro. Rev. James Croik Mor be found lessoas concerting Matins and Audrass, Church lay the foundation of a Iris, D, Bishop of the Panama finer, more almost every fact of life, death, For a good assortment of Christ: stable civilization than earth has Canal Zone. The Choicwill reader Sehool and Evening Prayer will be (Continued from page 1)
ever knowo? Will bezin to work and perhaps immortality.
the anthem. To be continued)
the WORKMAN Printery.
mas and New Year Cards go out that salvation which we have breast line Now it would appear Tears in my That Sow to held at the above name: Churches of the the service a ers at last realized must be wrought as if the chinge has come to stay and at the clour by Giul at the usual hour ty the Lay Read.
for a longer time tha we Eiza sole an Deum by our own undecided efforts. will be JT MULCARE Priest in Charge.
surg bethians had expected The men BELL. hearty invitation is extended If you want to please your Classified Ad.
friends by sending them a lovely in particular are becoming tolerant tot e public. Special offering will st. Simon pilssion, Gamboa. they are getting to be at last be taken at all of the services, Sung Litasy, Choral Ce ebration of Christmis or New Year Card caill 10 starts a route of stores satisfied that the aided exp ndiat the WORKMAN iotery where in your towa working for you.
Visit the Worxman Printery for ture of furaishing silk stockings is bringing you a steady weekly.
Rent Receipt Books in span Church School and Couffrmation Class display: the finest lot in the city are on No Selling Weitely quickly income a goo assortiment of Christmas and being ofiset the added attrac ish and English for sale at the 30 p, New Year Cards.
tiveness of the modern ladies. Workman Printery. MULCARE, Pri st in Chargo, for class 123 Catechist 105 In Rector comes hour 80 per month.
ment West Indians, this Pareo was disconti This system absorbs always be service en Nizhtengale, Bhich thirty as Alter the Holy Eucharistie Serm. 10. 45 a.
Box 3, Sta. New York


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