
be widely regretted and bis surviving family and relatives will receive widespread sympathy in their bereavement. His fuberal was well sed representatively attended Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Death Of Mr. E, Boyce Cider Champagne The rural proof Chester field good toale is the surf ness with which it he won the favor of smokers every where.
URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark Straight from the homeland of tobacco significance The same paper records the death of Mr. Ernest Peddar Boyce, who retired from the ottice of Police Magistrate of Dis.
trict last year, at bjs residence in Scratchclyde during yesterday afternoon. Mr. Boyce who was promoted to the Magis.
terial Office from Chief Clerk of the Assistant Court of Appeal proved one of the most able lay occupants of of the Bench within memory. He was imparcial in his adjudication of of cases, merciful pleasingly com nonsense. He was particularly painstaking and though, perbapa, garrulous, made a success of his work. We offer to his surviving relatives our condolence in their loss.
VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN that Chesterfield popularity can menced in the heart of the tobacco growing districts of North America among men who spend their lives with tobacco But a smoker need not be a tobacco expert to appreciate that rare combination of spicy richness and velvety smoothness found only in Chesterfield. To any experienced smoker the quality of its Turkish and North American tobaccos speaks for itself.
in his sentences, ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama The Duke and Duchess Of York Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR WILL NOT VISIT BARBADOS.
Chesterfield Corner 12 Street East Avenue CIGARETTES Cestapeld telegram from the Secretary of State for the British Colonies to the Governor of Barbados dated October 28th states that their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York much re.
gret that as the itinerary of their tour bas been definitely fixed is is impossible for them to accept the very kiod invitation conveyed in bis telegram.
Operation of British Union Oil Company We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Alaturactured by LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be held every day from a. to p.
In answer to certain questions put by Mr. Brath waite, junior member for St. Michael, to the Senior member of the Executive Committee in the House of Assembly, it was dis: closed that since the operation of the British Union Oil Company Limited in the island, 63 000 barrels of oil or approximately 8, 689 tons had been won from their wells.
Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
BRITISH GUIANA STILL ON STILL ON SALE The Parliamentary West Indies Cricket History Commission House Rent Receipt Books Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 SPANISH ENGLISH Iber Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly 800 With reference to the apointAND ment of a Parliamentary Commission to visit British Guiana with the following terms of references: Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages То visit British Guiana with a view to considering and report.
ing on the economic conditions of the colony; the causes which Summary of Contents: bave hitherto retarded, and mea.
History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years sures wbich could be taken to promote developments; and any Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, facts which they may consider Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, to bave a bearing on the above matters, the Governor of that Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, colony bas been informed by the Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual Secretary of State for the Colonies that the Committee will conPlayers sist of Mr. Ray Wilson, MemVáluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and of Parliament, Chairman Mr. Snell, Member of Parlia Interesting ment with Mr. Sedgewick of the Colonial Ofice as Secretary The commissioners will leave Price 50cts.
New York on the 16: Oct.
arriving here by Triuidad Line on the 12ch Noyember, Mr. Wil Secure yours now there will be a great rush wili be acompained by his for them, Says the Camera Trbune: The Members of Parliament reffered Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMÁN to would appear to be Mr.
wa Panama Wilson, Member for Lichfield (Conservative) and Mr. Soell, Member for Woolwich East (Libour. the whole the working of these The St. Lucia VOICE states that ST. LUCIA Friendly Societies has proved a the revenue of the Castries Town blessing to the poorer of our Board has been very adversely people. Beside instilling into the affected by the decrease to the people a spirit of thrift and com demand for fresh water by Government of great the and responsibility. They Town Board intends levying a In St. Lucia there are 63 encourage their members to lay wheel tax, Friedly Societies with a total aside something against the day memberehip of 7, 624 persons. of sickness and death, and in so Commenting on the latest re doing lessen the Government of the Registrar of these responsibility port in Have you tried the connection with societies the Voice states: As hospital and pauper funeral ex new Beer bas been pointed out before penses.
the working expenses of of the societies have been out of Kronen Brau proportion and as some believe, Football in St. Lucia, which in Deed the careful scrutiny of the past four years has had a set members and auditors. Appar. back, has now been reorganised ADVERTISE ently there is still room for im and competitions between four provement in that direction. On clabs arranged for a Russel Cu. IIN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS wile.
Societies CAN BE HAD AT Friendly Societies. radeship they have relieved the calling ships with a view of rey The Workman 13 some Stationery Store


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