
LOOK OUT FOR THE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NUMBER WORKMAN once TO APPEAR ON TUESDAY THE 21st DECEMBER each As it is intended to make this issue highly interesting no one can afford to be without a copy.
each or lot The Prosperity Tailors PIGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 27, 1926 Our Would We Be Ever United?
Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemen on applies BALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes (EDWARD REED)
Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited. have been reading of late PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be much talk of our getting together written on one side of paper only, and which is not an impossibility but Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of great problem to be solved.
Joe Year. 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSome go so far as to say we are 20 Six Months.
OF THE tion but as a mark of good faith.
united by the majority being in Three 6e. do not undertake to return rothe ditterent organizations, fraOn 25.
jected correspondence.
ternal or otherwise; any man saying so the truth is not in The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS blm. have often tried to show SATURDAY NOVEMBER, 27, 1926, some points that will bring our Race to some understanding of THE EXPECTED VISIT OF BRITISH unity, but often m counted as an intellectual maniae, but the time has ripened when ROYALTY.
published, the fool can some day be wise it be ll build bis house The Btitish Legation, the Consulate and the home of upon the rock instead of on the sands; but how can this be done, every British subject on the Isthmus of Panarna are busy how can we commence to lay with discussions and preparations in regard to the expected this great foundation of convisit of their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of structiveness, baving so many York. Since the visit of His Royal Highness, the Prince of different classes of stones to This issue will contain breezy articles by local writers Wales, which occurred about five years ago, British deal witb, some being of marl, others like crystals, will they patriotism has not been as pronounced as it is at the present and will feature bold togetber? It not an intime. The interest which has been stirred is indicative of catchy Advertisements of interto possibllity it we should take the extraordinary susceptibility of subjects of the empire class and use them in tbeir more to sentiments of sincere loyalty to and deep respect for est to Christmas Shoppers and others interested bereficial manner and when the bullding in completed everything members of the Royal household.
in local and foreign enterprises.
that surrounds it will be in West Indians, forming, by far, the largest section of combined form.
British citizenry the Isthmus, are not, in the main, less This suggestion is for the patriotic than others. In fact, it might well be stated, and purpose of bringing you to the diferent factions of the West perhaps with a great proportion of justifiable pride, that Indlog of which there are two we are foremost in the expressions of patriotism and loyalgreater groups wbich bave ty. We welcomed the Prince of Wales with unbounded Qever woderstood each other for 10 enthusiasm and we gave a demonstration that will never be the past twenty years, and may forgotten by those who witnessed it. We saw the prince, never in the future years to heard his massage from His Britannic Majesty and gave come, the others being the minour words of lasting allegiance to the crown of the great.
ority are urmentionable. It only a little suggestion ll make est monarchical democracy the world has ever known.
Now, we are getting ready for other Royal visitors.
that as separate groupe let them More CADB, Barbadisne, Trini seperately be they The second son of the king and his beautiful wife are due to arrive here in the latter part of January next. Approxidadiaos, Gulanese or others, mately two months from the present date. Two months baving a leader of and under a vote of drawing seem to be a long time in which to make preparations and the one drayo be chief repre some may even say that it is not necessary to commence sentative for one year and this the formulation of plans at once. But if we are to prepare association be called the United Asscciation of British Negroes, in true British fashion for the Royal visitors, instead of the membership being about regarding the time as too far ahead for immediate plan 00, with monthly contribumaking we should feel that it is even too short in which tion of fifty cents. Oa condition to develop a dignified programme in spirit and keeping with that such so sesociation can the exalted sentiments of British patriotism.
take place ll then give my views of what can be done with It is to be remembered that we are in a foreign country the money collected in one year ani that our section of the British colony is expected to by all branches, This union make a respectable showing.
have no secrecy, but There is much to be done, and sixty days, is not by No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue only to be on the true principles of Christian unity, then and any means, too much time to do it in. Our Boy Scouts and until then belleve the Race will ex Service men must get ready to take their part in the succeed, otherwise it will always de nonstrations that will mark the unusually important PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 be a lailure.
occasion. Doubtless, there will be a parade, and if so, it ll like the perple of the West will mean that the boys and men will find it necessary to odian community to understand prepare for the Royal review. The parade must not be a with free thought seek no leadership for aggrand ning myfloppy shuffle. We cannot afford to make a poor or weak belt but only wish the goodwill demonstration. We are expected to do things on a big of the people.
Sometimes the scale, as we have done in the past, and if we are to gratify Honorable Bantleman bus bot the expectation and do credit and justice to ourselves we OF THE HIGHEST ORDER the views of the uplifting of his shall have to start out right away to brush up and get our people as the flor member in the extensive machinery in working order.
rank seek no fortune out of tbe poor, ll like to see the good It is noted that the visit of their Royal Highnesses will of this community, the people be very short, not covering a period of more than twentyWork Done While You Wait bave been sufficiently fooled, four hours. This is unfortunate and we could wish that it am not Ruessing, twenty one were convenient for the Royal visitors to remain with us years is a full book in itselt.
for, at least, three days. But inasmuch as the plans cannot be obligated by us in these parts nothing but strict conTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Youth Dies On formity to the arrangements can be given. Quite naturally, Gallows there are numerous manifestations that the West Indian people, in particular, and the whole British colony, in Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices general, would like to suggest for inclusion in the pro.
Chicago, Oct. 29. Richard gramme of arrangements; but it must be kept in mind that Ladies Garments carefully handled Evans, 19, paid with bis life today for the murder of a Chicago Policenot very much can be crowded into the short period of man. He was banged at the Cook twenty four hours, out of which must be counted the time county jail at 10 o clock.
for the exchange of international courtesies and the Royal Before 50 na the gallows, reception at the British Legation. REID Manager that he and not Only the most important items can be included in the drunken con otsined, shot and as he had programme, and as dearly as we might wish to see the steadfastly killed Patrolman Edward Finnegao, carrying out of extensive and elaborate demonstrations of last March after the officer arrested which our West Indian people are capable and for which the two for speeding.
we are willing, we will have to rest content with the NOTICE Frantic eleventh hour efforts allotment of time for the grand parade of the Boy Scouts were made to stay the hanging, as and ex Service men along with the presentation of adWILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR The meeting of the Isthmian it was a week ago, to permit review. dresses by the West Indian Committee, the East Indian League of British West Indians by the supreme court. The court Committee and the English Committee, which, we feel refused to intervene.
which was to bave taken place on the 20th, instant was postponed The city was searched without certain, must be done. The action in wdich all British due to the inclemency of the success for a judge who would subjects will be able to take part is that of decorating their weather, Said meeting will be held issue a stay writ on an insanity residences with the Union Jack and the National flag of No hot irons or special combs required this evening Saturday at the meeternor Small failed.
petition and efforts to reach Gov.
Panama. No Royal welcome would be complete without ing hall East 16th Street, the spectacular feature of decoratimns with these flags.
Evans remained composed durAll members are requested to be SOLD IN DRUG STORES present.
ing the final hours before the death along with the use of the American flag.
march, devoting the latter hours As British subjects it is for us to do everything with Visit the WORKMAN Priotery for ia the death cell writing notes, one in our limited powers in a foreing country to give, in true a good assortment of Christmas and to the mother wbo, with his father, British style, the most enthusiastic welcome that we can gets such great headway that even the best treatment can New Year Cards.
mortgaged a bouse to obtain defense funde.
pussibly accord to the Duke and Duchess of York and we not stop it, unless it is considered in time.
He walked to the gallowe, outhope that every West Indian will rise to the occasion and 00000000000000000000000 wardly calm and his ouly stateThere should therefore be in every group those persons evince the great spirit of loyalty of which we are peculiar. who are intelligent enough, honest enough and courageous TRY ment was, will have paid my debt to God and society.
ly and particulary characteristic.
enough to look the facts in the face, appraise them judiciously, and apply the necessary remedial measures, before KRONEN BRAU Why Organizations Die.
it is everlastingly too late. This is needed in every age and If you want to please your in every organization.
ON DRAUGHT friends by sending them a lovely Christmas or New Year Card call Organizations die because they cease to function for OR BOTTLES at the WORKMAN Priotery where The tendencies to decay are always active, and in an the best interest of the community. They die because they the finest lot in the city are on organization, just as in the human body, decay sets in and become internally corrupt. CHRISTIAN RECORDER. 000000000003000 300000008 display, CLEANERS DYERS sbould DYEING, LEANING PRESSING to Contra Crespo


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