
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Sidney Price Pays Additional Church Services.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 Sabth School: 11. 15. General Worship 30 pm. Spanish Clone; 30 Society, meeting 130 Junior and Senior Standard attainment Class p. Verpers.
Suoday evening 30 Bterepticas Lecture. The general public is ordially invited to turn nut in large aumter. MOST FIENDISH CRIME Condemned Man Was In Penitent Mood And Prayed And Sang During Incarceration.
Seventh Day Adventist Church IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW GOOD CIGARETTE CAN BE CHANGE TO THE CIGARETTE WHICH NEVER CHANGES LUCKY STRIKE Ird STREET BROADWAY OOLON Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbath bool; 11. 15 am. General Worship 30 pm. Young people meeting 30 Vespere Sunday rening 7, 30 Preaching service. You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your riende, CIGARETTE It Toasted The Church of God ITS TOASTED CIGARETTES STRIKE LUCKY Panama, Arodemens Street, Houre 25, 20 Miguel Sunday at sm. Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
and 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Today at 15 pm. Youn People Meetin. Wednesday at 30 Campel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting Bro, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Csoal Zoue, Sunday Sebos p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gospel Mee ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Srbool. p. Wednesday at 30 Gogpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayet Meeting Bro McDONALD Jatub, Canal Zone, Gospel Meetings at 11. 30 sad 30 m; Sunday School at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting, Friday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Solon. and Streets. Gospel mee ings at 11. 30 a. and 30 Bunday Echool at 8pm, Wednesday at 30 o Gospel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Dr. Gems BLOOD. ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness Lord into Thy hand. cour mend wysel. Such were the last words of Sydoey Price, as the wbite cap was slipped over his face and be was ushered into eternity on the gallows of the St. Catherine District Prison Yesterday morning, says the JAMAICA GLEANER tbe 11th, inst, for taking the life of his former pa ramour, Agatha Ellott, in a most fiendish water, he was condemned 10 death by a jury of his country and His Excelleney the Gove ernor iu Provy Council, after carefully reviewing the caso, fovod do reason for the slightest clemency being extended and tipally determined that the law should have its course.
The sentence should have been carried out on Tuesday morning, Dat it being a public holiday and coroner jury would bave bad to be expauelled, the date was altered to yesterday morning.
PRISOS ER EENITENI, Sydney Price, a young man of good appearate, bore bis period Oi Il carceration in a rather penirent muod. He confessed that be Was sorry for what he done and the v Canon Leo Jones, Onaplano of the Prison, was in constau ministration upon him, de bºd a Bible and a bymn book and was very often in his lonely tours heard singing and prayHe lost about three pounds in weight, a bot very usual iccu:Tence, as persons coccemued to butchered her. The woman die more often gained in weight died almost instaneously from 300. 00 uhan lost, but Price must have en the wounds she received. After uisted over the fate that await completing bis fiendish act, Price eu bim went over to his house and at The usual bospitali. ies were tacked one or two persons inEx eoded to bim during his lastcluding an old woman. He took Gays and bis final reyuest was a razor from bis room and went lor a cigarette and glass of kola back to the spot where he had wine. Alter the usual prayers laid tow the unfortunate woman be was the condemned cell by the hang her throat from ear to ear. He pinioned and taken trom and with the weapon be slashed then ran away and after without a faltering step to the ing in hiding for a few days be sallows, exclaiming as be went delivered himselt up to the Thank you every budy and police. may tte Lord have mercy on Price was tried at the Clarendon. Circait Court at May Pen 00 Everything went througb the 7th uit, before His Honour Recommended for Removing the Humors of without a bitch and death was Mr. Justice De Freitas.
instantaneous. Radcliffe, prosecuted XX Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Those present were the Prison for the Crown, and Mr.
Cox defended the prisoner.
Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Superintendeat. Mr. Gear, the Chaplain, Canon Jones, Chiei few weeks ago at a meeting Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and DisWarder. Parkinson, Dr. u of the Privy Council it was decidBlair, Prison Surgeon and Mr. ed that Price should be banged eases caused by Impurities of the Blood. Richards, gesterday and the sentence After the doctor bad proaoun was duly carried out.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
cad that life was extinct, the At 30 yesterday His black flag was bois sed and the Honour Mr. York Slader, ing and enriching the BLOOD.
usual morbid crowd assembled Coroner for St. Catherine, atter outside the prison walls, soon returning from a Court at Lipswent off, their curiosity satisfied. tead, lield the usual inquest at tbe Court House and a verdict For Sale at all Drug Stores STORY OF THE CRIME.
in accordance with the doctor The crime for which Price testimony, and to the execution paid the extreme penalty was a of a sentence of the law was reAnd in Large Quantities by brutal one. Both bimself and the turned.
deceased bad lived together as a man and wife, but in conseJAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy quence of. quarrel, they sep Admits Having Killed The. AGENT continued to reside at ber His Mother.
father home io a district about four miles from May Per Price WEISS took up bis habitation on prus Paris, Oct. 24. The mystery adjoining, and although of an attempt upon the life of an separated. calmly convisitor Conrett, who is deavoured tions. Apparently there was no this morning when her son of 19 o pay her his attenbad a tragic denouement early lessed the crime.
reconciliation for the deceased con les ed to the police that he asked my mother to meet Woman transferred her atfections bad ruck his mother three in a secladed part of the co another man. Оа Sunday times with a sharp paper cutter, Bois he said. When she came evening in the month of July, taken her bag and thrown ber in struck ber three times and Price paid a visit to the woman the Bois de Boulogne Lake, in threw her in the lake. Regular Assortment of esidence in the hope of meeting the expectation that she would While at first refusing to give any ner. Finding the apartment la drown.
other reason except bis need for which she lived was closed, he Clever work by two of the best police that it his mother died he mney Cor rett later told he knocked at the door and she detectives in Paris lead to the would tell the truth about the came out and remonstrated with suspicion that the youth com whole matter. SUCH AS uim as to his worrymg her. The mitted the revolțing crime.
cond, med man go TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, Mrs. Cornett condition reaway but insisted on seeing who The mother, although in a TALCUM POWDER. ASPERINE TABLETS, was inside the room. He saw the desperate condition, bas tried mains critical and her eldest son mar to whom the woman had vaioly to protect her youngest to Lo don bas been summoned SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
transferred her affections and son, explaining that it was an became irate.
unknown man who tried to kill armed himself with a cutlas and made up his mind to take the The police at first thought it Have you tried tho life of his former lover. The was an Apache, but when the 93 CENTRAL AVENUE woman had gone to drive some young man failed to come to the new Bear goats belonging to her father, hospital after he was notified Panama City.
and as she was returning to her of his mother mishap suspi Kronen Brau bome, Price attacked her with cions were aroused: be sharp cutlass and actually At his boarding house to day, my soul.
Mr. ద No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SAN MIGUEL Sunday 530 Prayer Meeting.
10 Children Service; 11 Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Sunday School, Superinteodeat pm. 30 m. Gos2x pel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday Digbt, at 45 BEULAH 30a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. PreacherSappli. 30 Sunday School, Superiotent dent. p. Goepel service. Preacher supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other botics for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro, WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
The Annandale Falls, Grenada cises Take Notice While Jamaica and, to a lesser extent Trinidad and St. Lucia, are beginning to exploit their scenic attractions, says The WE EST INDIA COMMITTEE CIRCULAR of the 4th inst. Grenada bas bitherto been content to hide hers under a bushel, At any rate, comparatively little is known of them outside the 1sland, and it will be a revelation to many readers to learn that among fine scades in 008da there is one so picturesque as the Annardale Fall, which plunges like that of Maraval, in Trinidad, from a wealth of tropical foliage into a limpid pool.
When the long awaited day comes on which Grenada can boast a tourist hotel, this exguisitely beautiful spot, will, no doubt, become a popular sight for countless visitors, who will then flock to the island.
Ho Ro Co Famous Products would not He then left, her.
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