p. 8


last: our class ever British Exciting Races they freely 128 121 120 105 fluid is 96 90 90 horses opinions when. from a opinions are quickly dis. Kitty gill harp sounds a 120 125 107 die slay berite crop e da bere edge of bis the best still food with success the positions that West Indians have been 160 unjust opertherm brands Poland Population ble any positions of importance in the Coo servicema electorale categories in tamaduera Marelice 100 96 95 that Last Sunday Races Garvey Like Banquo SPARKLET Tomorrow Races Ghost Will Not Down Continued from page 1)
Below is publislied the eatite Although it was a cloudy after noon, no rain fell during the IN THE EYES OF DISTINGUISHED The question of the moment is race card for Juan France tomar races at Juan Franco Park on row afternoon. Lokilag te emigration to British Guiana, a.
PUBLICISTS OF WHITE PERSunday afternoon but likely lucrative field for ambitious program nothing can be expreted SUATION HE CONTINUES West Indians. This is ail well, but by the large ero xd that is loket previous showers left a muddy track wbich, bowever, dit not HOUGH IN PRISON.
Trolling stones gather no moss. forward to dut a good time. always believe in dropping my which the fast Brave Lassie will The big race will be the sixth is prevert a splendid program of TO MORROW bucket where am and dipping up nine races from going tie limit The Buffalo Eveoing News whatever can. In this connection wth Frou Frou, Capoul, Piezno try conclusions over and furoishing one of the best of a recent date published the fol furlongs live with race meets held at the popular lowing article: Sunday, November 28th, 1926 the famous American race esurse for a long time. Each The case of Marcus Garvey, like lecturer, Russell Conwell: we Zambo and Lorenzeta. In the event was snapps; only one, Binquo Ghost, w»ll not down.
have acres of diamonds right at in a six furlong test with Candle.
natives class Chique will be back the second race for The Negro leader made to bis ar devetoped and to is Jamaica, doors. British Guiana is wood and four other native horses.
Ralive borses, baving as many as people, or rather to his race, an JUAN FRANCO TRACK British West Indian Island! How six entries.
appeal to which the eloquence of THE PROGRAM Henry White crack mar Frederick Douglas is alone comif we must go to Reina Mora, with Jockey Hid. parab e. Garvey purpose was to Guisna let dig in when we get First RACE Class NATIVES there go up, won the two biggest race lead them back to Africa where as eieats and at the same time play. 150 FURLONGS, purses for the afternoon. Se he said, they belonged. They woo Monte Tuledano fast Brave flocked to him in thousands and ing in the role of imitator of all Chique and sundry; otherwise, io possibly 2, Candle Wood Lissie in the tifth event of six ten thousands; and and less than twenty years we will take 3, Linda furlongs for class imported gladly financed his plans.
These up a status similar to the one we 4, Cococha borses; Brave Lassie taking secard phice, Zimbɔ third and included a steamehip. The ves12 the first of have been given at present, 5, Barba Rcja The Black Piercot furth. In the last event sel was to be navigated by white 100 Star Races for Imported horses Fenomeno 104 of one mile for class import: sel was to and for Native bred Ponies Men without backbones may be Second RACE HALF NATIVES horses she also won from Prou, officers until such time as skilled convenieutly classed inverte 175 FURLONGS.
Ficou and Pereque wao fi sished in Negro mariners could be developed or procured With the profits of brates. We are not without a the order named.
this. bip and with such additional fair stock of thie species here. If Excuse Me 132 Toe next race on which was funds as could be raised. other AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING perchance the backbone is present Hope centered some amount of in stips were to be purchased and the 13some, the spinal is, appar3, Dardanela terest was the 8th, a five furlong migration of American Negroes to ently, totally absent, and they are Lackland handicap for class import Africa begun.
Rain or Shine left like the tall grass in the fields, Peter Pan 90 the entries being in his newspaper, the Negro to be blown hither and thither Third RACE CLASS 2 IM.
Meddler, Saimny, Olla, Carca of October 18, 1924, he indicating from what angle the jida and Lucero. This event did wind is blowing. They fish for PORTED 3200 FURLONGS.
ADMISSION for they have none of their 1, Dixie 120 of first class competition; but Tuose who try to ridicule the they receive them 2: ch jordo pot end without furnishing 10 Pon his bearers tuis 126 hug tenaciously to them until such 3: Popo a slow start Jockey Per idea that America is a white man 117 kins took ddler over the dis country are going to find them Grand Stand time when some one or opinions of 4, Socia Field Stand 50c.
won in a thrilling selves sadly disappointed one of 121 tance and decides row otherwise; the bor 119 finish from the heavily backed favorite Shimmy these days, homeless, shelterless, banded and the invertebrates FOURTH RACE CLASS Import, Perkins was the star Jockey and unprovided for. Some of us do on our consonal Fighte DON MISS IT swing to the other side. To them for the afternoon, winning three which 230 FURLONGS in the a handshake from a good looking reaso firsts many girl or boy. accompanied. by Ocurrencia ferdea biz victory in the But we are forgetting that right128 pleasant smile, is indicative of 2: Shimmy first race when he rode Candle cousness is alien to the world ani intimate affection; the address of a 3, Cor Arango wood of the Stud Quten Sabe ard foe, made up 99 of logic aud truth! Araucana 123 won tbe fed from three rative berses, Chique, colher that sia and materialism TOW PROPOSED PETITION TO OUST triumph, and for materiile lor is arrant nonsense, while barren Meddler verbiage from a friend is the honour and selfishness and Ziralla FIFTH RACE CLASS la IMwas, however, his brother. And in the know (Continued from page sublimest edict.
his qualified for hayirg PORTED 200 FURLONGS this tield with Candlewood when ishlas N, AT JAMAICA 1, Carcajada 126 making th ho ne stretch. Chiqui of other races are going to be un capable of holding. Lucero 124 come pina second and is so far moet recimo elementos ker berpelwechat we do it gladly for the sake of all West Indians who hold fair and to as This is that we. but 3, Colonense 106 place paylog (Continued from page 1) Garzona 103 desire?
102 the mutuls for the Ris excited 6, 20 her winnings for the alter: jealousy in black circles; and this which positions have been the cause of such jealousy and there Conference feels that mu more good will be effected were 7, Celia noon were: 2nd ra of Innge for native horses: Intimo his plans as chimerical, resulted in whether they knew it before or not.
couplà with white disapproval of envy among their friends. in Almirantie especially, the men to get all their grant at 8, Tigre firat Linda second; Dɔn Simon a drive on tim through which he one time, we humbly pray His Excellenev take up the matter Sixth Race CLASS LMPORTED w9s indicted on some such with the home authorities. Feeling 350 FURLONGS the mails to charge imported sure that His Excellency will see horses. He 1, Lorenzela 127 re: Belle Sauvage; a cond. Fourth race: five farlonge for last was compelled to act as his own competent white counsel, and at 2, Zambo the Conference 3, Pierrot imported horses; Socia first; have the honour to be, First Sunday in Advent attorney, though ignorant of the very successful program His Excellency most ebe4, Liesie Sixth race: furlongs for im sonality and great law. Owing to his striking per AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE was held at the Bethlehem 5, Frou Frou dient servant.
Church of God in San Miguel on (Anglican Catholie)
ported borees; Dad first, Bomba Capoul CHAS. JOHNSON second, ABILITY AS SPEAKER Sunday last, the 21st, of this St. Paul Church, Panama Secretary of Convention. SEVENTH RACE CLASS month. The attendance was exS venth race: five furlong for crowds thronged to see and bear NATIVES. 125 FURLONGS year olds: Kiss Me, first, Kitty him. It was just a Negro dreamer. cellent, in spite of the heavy speaking for himself and his rare. Rev. Nightengslo, Rector Girl, second ralas which fell during the day; Salvation Army Concert. Zapa.
125 He was convicted, and sentenced to a. Rector 2, and the evening was greatly, en: 3Cncocha 119 Holy Cortino face. The twell, legged by all present for the La Bocele gleich varied content five years in the Atlanta peniten.
folks, bear 90 Barton tiary. So that, as it was thought, Catechist. Infimo 111 Norfolk Panama Flyers disposed of him.
10:30 Iuly Eucharist sermon, occasion, and was just the right which will be given by the salva Don Simon 95 But it didn t, and hasn When The Rector man in the right place.
93 Repulse tion Army, of that section on first arrested, he said. There has addresses given by the various Monday December 13th 12 noon Holy Baptism, Ruso prox. Saea Clavo FORCED TO DESCEND, never been a a mvement where the speakers were very appropriate. The managemºnt is making every pm Church School laader was not sukared for the mil speakiog from 30 Choral Evenoɔng Sermon juct (Faith) each one in his or her will leave no opening for anything effort to supply program that Ergutu Race Class CIMcause, and has not received the The Rector.
The two ginnt Navy sea: ingratitude of the people. I, like giving ample experience on St. Alban Church, Paraiso PORTED 300 FURLONGS.
on but favourable comment, and it is planes, the PN 10 No the topic; each in turn holding expected that all friends and well.
the rest, am prepared for he conseWhen he entered the the closest attention of the wishers of the Army will avail Dandy No. 2, which left Norfolk, Virginia, quence.
at 18 o clock on Monday after prison at Atlanta be sent this mes.
audience; which paid the great themselves the opportunity of 2, Burla 90 a non stop flight to sage to his followers. All have (Rov, NIGH TENGALE, AD. excelend. there to deste volopecia enjoying a good evenings enter: Shimmy a aeroplane base at Coco Solo, given to you. sacrificed my home Priest Charge.
and deserve Cristobal, failed to reach their aud my fe for you. entrust praise. violin solo was rendervende se Holy Communion and Serponed by Mr.
Mr. James Isto mian goal, as both fliers were her to your charge to protect and Rev. Nightengale.
Walford of Red to land in.
8, 15 Holy Baptism.
Tank, to the great satişfaction CUBAN PRESIDENT. COPIAPO WINS AGAIN Sea. They were due to arrive at bravet little woman know. p. Church School The Cristobal between two and four And he added. If die in Atlanta 7. 30 Choral Evengong Sermon Dedication of the new Choir Was by the Rev. o. Continued from page 1)
Broats Track Record.
Thursday. The PN 10 look for me in the whirlwind or the Preacher Rev Cowan, number one was rescued between storm, look for me all around you, most touch shortage of labour come in? may 5t, Matthias Mission Jamaica and Swan Island while for by God grace shall come and a very in hera add that in many cases Copiapo, Raul Espinosa crack the sister ship landed safely in bring with me the countless mil LAS SABANAS structive talk to both Choir and Englisn speaking West Indians thoroughbred, won the the Iruana Bay, Isle of Pines lions in Africa to aid you spiritual. Rev. NIGHTENGALE, congregation, followed by the find it harder to get employment Handicap at the Bowie Race track Engine trouble forced the former ly in the fight for liberty, freedom Priest in Charge.
dedicatory prayer few from some mills with an English on Thursday last, Thanksgiving to decided, while a leaking oil tank and life.
other items, which brought the speaking administration especially Day, making the time in 18 5, p. Church School contributed to the forced descent Somehow or another the putfunction close. Ar appropa. tions.
where white Jamaican hold posi defeating a field of fourteen star4 30 pm. Evensong Mr. Riche of the other. There were no other ting away of Garvey has left anlarda Catechist.
ate program was rendered, tol ters. Copiapo time lowered the mishap and they were rescued by unhappy and unsuccessful impres lowed by a a sbort address and trust that you will consider trock record by four fifths of a United States. Navy patrols.
vote of thaoks by Rev. Odle, this matter of referred to you and second. Sockey Aranda well sion on our civilization. There The trip Norfolk was to is a very prevalent thought that he Poter by the Sea, La Boca closing song by Choir, Prayer as to disallow further emigration as on Copiapo and is reported to have closing remarks by Chairman, handle it with such diplomacy so Juan Franco star jockey, was up take each off with 500 statute. Whether this be true or for the Offering by brother Bell; this country is now filled with the ridden a brilliant race altnough Benediction by Rev. OJle. class of labour gallons of gasoline and enough food not, the fact remains that his folopposed by the Eng. ish Jockey for 30 hours. The distance to be lowers still believe in him and that Holy Communion 30 am. The am ete, Steve Donnell. Doonell came covored was about 2, 209 miles. in the eyes of distinguished pub Ree er. WILMOT.
in for a storm of criticism while According to reports received by Ilcists of the white persuasion, he Holy Baptism 3g a. m, Aranda and his mount received therhood men and boys p. Mr.
th: Naval Radio Station at Balboa contiaces even behind prison bars, 3p. Church School.
one of the greatest ovations ever Commander Harold Bartlett of of the to be a personality of profound con Choral Evensong, sermon 30 cordial invitation is exte. ded to the accorded to a Jockey and horse on PN 10 number two has made the sideration the Rector will be the preacher. All are public to attend the above mentioned that track necessary repairs to his machine invited.
services in observrace of the Annual (Continued from page 1)
and will again take the air to cover Tuesday next will ba St. Andrew Harvest Thanksgiving.
candidates from Empire, Calidonia his little over 700 miles left for 0000OSO SOCCOROSCPC. Day. At there will be a orle st. Simon Mission, Gamboa and Pueblo Nuevo If you want to please your Cristobal. In euch event be was bration of the Holy Communion. The TRY lovely The Rev. Williamson friends by sending them due to arrive at Cono Solo yester Rector will be the Celebrant.
St. Bartholomw Church will pay his first visit tu New Christmas or New Year Card call day afternoon. MULCARE, Rector.
KRONEN BRAU LAS CASCADAS Providence Baptist Church on at the WORKMAN Printery where St. Barnabas Church, Empre If you want to please you Matins and Addrəss, Church Sunday morning to conduct the the finest lot in the city are on 11 a. service and to administer display.
frieods by sending them a lovely ON DRAUGHT Choral Matins, Choral Eucharist with School and Evening Prayer will be the ordinance of the Lord Suyper.
Christmas or New Year Card call sermon 10. 45 a. The Priest in charge held at the above named Churches Bible Day will be recognised at at the usual hour ky the Lay Read the Chorrilio Church on December ALL ROADS WILL LEAD at the WORKMAN Printervwbere OR BOTTLES Shortened Choral Evensong the finest lot in the city are on address 30 Mr B. Hunter, 5th. Rev, Wilkins will speak THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF display SODDODODGOVCOCOROCCOLOD Special Services for St. Andrew Pro JT MULCARE Priest in Charge at the p Special service. JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW third Potre pas here Turboneles CHURCH SERVICES Dedicatory Program de Corte de grant the requests of to found 126 119 118 90 90 Celia Red Becond. Harold 90 the same me sub. 90.
way and thence 93 ncon last on 90 the o clock on performed Andersoner delivered who in. and to a well known from pro tiopeloze American Brincomaly, angelican Com plane го sad ers


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