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is Our Economic Situation Improving?
ROYAL RECEIVED Plight of West Indians TRAVELLERS MESSAGES Lynching of Coloured In The Republic of Cuba Men in South Carolina Warning Sent to Jamaica by The It is learnt that during the stay British Charge Affairs in The City of Havana various of Bood Will Have Busy Three From Dead Relations Days Stay at Jamaica Say Spiritualists At Armistice Service.
Is Atrocious and a Deep Reproach of three days in Jamaica early next London, Nov, 14. An impress To Authorities of State Says year the Duke and Duchess of ive belief in spiritism was registerYork will spend one day travelling ed at the spiritists annual armis.
New York Paper in parts of the country li tice service in Albert Hall to day.
is understood that a crowded pro Sir Conan Doyle, leading the Havana, Nov, 16. President Machado, upon the re. gramme of The New York Times. of Nov. 11 says editorialy: events has been, or in services, suddenly appealed to bis arranged in connection with hearers, shouting, commendation of the Secretary of Agriculture and Labour the visit of their Royal HighnessThe lynching of three coloured persons near Aiken, Gererai Delgado has authorized the entry of 2, 400 Antil es, principal y in the presentation have been in touch with their dead the State authorities because of the circumstances. After a ask all who are sure that they was peculiarly atrocious, besides being a deep reproach to lans for harvesting work in the cine fields at Central Cha of addresses and in attending to rise and textily.
parra, Oriente, during the coming 1926 27 crop.
Central functions arranged in their honour More than 000 men and wo fair hearing of their case on appeal to the State Supreme Preston, Boston and Taname were recentiý authorized also It is anticipated that a serious mea of all tvps quietly rose and Court, the Judge directed the aquittal of one of the defendto enter several thousand Jam icans and Haitians. After endeavour will be made to invite this brought from Sir Conan this ants and a new trial for the other two.
The evidence the grinding season is over the companies are obliged to the Duke of York to lay tre fervent statement: of against them was so weak that it was expected that they, return them to their native countries.
Mimorial woich is to be erected on Tha ik Gol there are so many! too, would he freed by the jury. But before any further WARNING FROM BRITISH MINISTER prophesy that withia five years legal steps could be taken, a mob gathered and the prisonlind connected with the Kingston to such an appeal every man and ers were taken from jail and utally murdered. rish Church In connection with the above the JAMAICA MAIL says. woman will rise. We are not testiThis journal is indebted to the Hon. the Colonial Se.
It has already beer announced fying to faith, bu: to fact.
The investigation of the outrage which has been uncretary for the following copy a letter dated Nɔv. 3rd. who will travel with the Duke ond in this joural that among those The growth of the belief in spirit dertaken by the The New York World and others is which has been received from His Majesty Charge Affair Puclicss of York as members of communication so persistently ex. bringing out fresh details, and information laid before the es in Hivana in regard to the inadvisability of Jamaicans their stafi will be Lieut General pounded by Sir Oliver Lodge and Governor of South Carolina seems to be of a sort to idenproceding to Cuba in search of work at the present time: the Earl of Cavan, and the Count Sir Conan Doyle, has appareilly tify some at least of the lynchers. On Monday. Governor been extraordinary. The occasion McLeod professed a strong determination to pursue an Sir, have the honour to intorm Your Excellency est erfa Chiain, tishlar record in sum of the manifestation of to day was official inquiry of his own relentlessly, and to see that the that have received several reports recently from the water a distinguished record in she the gathering of 8, 000 spiritist for guilty are punished if the evidence against them is concluswar, during which he had under the British Vice Consulat Camaguey regarding the unfortunate bisericommande cha Berlih several former years Queen Hall waive. The stirring up of the affair has led at least to this the annual ace service many in of the British West to obtain employment. Unfort unately the economic con. Indies Regt made up of Jamaicans used for this function, but its result, and the final course of the State officials will be ditions of the island at present is such that until the work The Earl of Cayan was up to the seating capacity of 2, 000 would watched closely and with deep interest both inside and on the sugar plantations begins in January, there is liable beginning of the year Chief of the thike prawed curterlere inadequate outside of Suth Carolina.
General Hall to be a considerable amount of unemployment not only Army. JAMAICA MAIL)
The best citizens of that State must surely support every (Coctinued on page 8) movement to put a proper ban upon this kind of criminal amongst our nationals, but also amongst the Cubans. In lawlessness. Lynch law has fewer and few defenders in spite of these conditions it is reported to me that the flow SPARKLETS of immigrants from Jamica is uncensing an th 232 pople the South. It sets up a kind of terrorism that his wide ramifications, In this particular case the investigatos have enpenetrate to all parts of the country in search of work which (BY K)
at the present time is not obtainable. In these circumcountered more than one reputable white citizen who had stances should be grateful it Your Excellency would consi The Panama Canal West tion is a most important factor perpetrators of the crime, but was thankful that steps had not dared to testify concerning his own knowledge of the der the advisability of strongly discouraging further im Indian Employees Asso. To be continued)
been taken even by outsiders to uncover the whole matter migration of Jamaicans to this island until conditions improve ciation, The state of destitution of many of these people has been and expose the guilty. Thus it may be hoped that from so (Continued from last issue) Between long and ir egular inter extreme and indefensible an example of unofficial execurendered even more acute by the recent cyclone and the The Association has several vals attend church services presence of so many homless, starving and unemployed more or less hard problems to solve mainly to add a little fagot to the tion some help may come to those who, both North and persons in the island is liable to cause troubles which it will before it can be put on a proper Christian fire which is ever burn South, are working for the extirpation of this great evil.
be difficult to suppress at a later date.
working basis; as the majority of ing brightly in me, or to listen to which is so flagrant a violation of all our national profes.
the employees who it desires to a musical program For the sions regarding the due administration of justice. have etc.
interest in its program had very latter reason am negotiating for (sgd. HUGHES HALLETT little, if any, practical training or a reserved Methodist Sear 0000 experience io community welfare at the Wesleyan Church Mere Sugges Rotary Boy H. Charge Affaires.
or organization work prior to in this city for the 26th of this woon coming to the Isthmus a little over month when the Atlactic Orches. tions Week CAN THE NEGRO DO BIG twenty years ago; or eveal tra, the best that not before tight or ten years, coloured instrumentalists on the Now that the Antler Club to ago when the influence of local Istbmu. will eć nduct an 1 proBUSINESS. The Panama Rotary Club Sev activities of North American labor gram there in conjunction with the be constructed on the Bella Vista enth Annual Boys Week which organizitions was distinctly felt well known church choir and a few Beach is an actual reality, and began November 28 closes today He Can But Many Drawbacks and they began to realize what the reputed amateur scientific, singers. there is much talk in high and well after an intensely interesting and (By Edw. REED)
spirit was which moves intelligent informed circles of the erection in educative program has been cargroups along the path of progress.
the same vicinity of one of the most ried out under the able chairmanI read in the past dailies the If you happen to be a reader of elaborate hotels to compare favor. ship of Señor Juan Antonio GuizaThe Aseociation must know that the JAMAICA CRITIC a luminous ably with the best. in any part do assisted by Señor Andrew John.
subject on why the West Indiaus Reception For can do big business, waited for Organizer in any cooperative movemeat is vice chairman, Señor Felix edited by the Honorable gesting the confidence in and the active Theo Wipt. one it not be in the solution but in vain. It like Treasurer and Paul Veck a boy who was given a sum to be support of the leaders tip of the the literary and political stars of Committee.
Tomorrow will be a red letter moviment, by at least a two thirds the Isle of Springs, you no doubt ames for the core Corpnblim coupled with those progress of the This done, which he thought he was cama able to do, but after wasting the day for the Nr here. majority (copumiwly but the people hon ve learnt among other things in as a belt line from Bella Vista in helping the men of tomorrow as the their tramway service of years add most nobly time given him by hi teacher to There will be a public reception at working majority of the people from solve it, he was obliged to return number seventeen Division for the movement represents or is Brother Elijah its November issue, that on to the Santa Tomas Hospital.
several steps up the ladder to with the other boys a failure in its Mia De Menn, assistant dependent upon for a decent exist knowo Atlantic side scribe, has a service would be greatly appreWe are of the opinion that such good citizenship. solution International Organizer of the those Thursday program was moreso A. and AC. Mrs. Do. generally Then there is the question of are responsible for certain handi of these better boys in solving the des don believe myself to be one Meus arrived on the Isthmns two properly training the masses up to caps placed opon Dative Jamai. There are buodreds of people who interesting for the fact that a few problem but as one engaged in the.
commercial line from chlldhood, the loral activities of the also to place the proper estimate engages in literary battles with irksome at times to dig up a quar. at that day meeting of the Rotaof and nearly a score of year hava movement.
isbe inspected not only to fully appreciate but that Brother Hunter someti faed Tomas and the Panama Hcapital; were honored as officers of the e people find it very executive branch of a Government held my own on the Isthmus, The distingusihed on the greatest of levers for the pigmied writers and therefore liable ter for motor car hire and others tyclab. The boys. Phonored think am able to give some ex guest will be the princi al speaker hurling aside of obstacles from the to be fouled at any time without who do not care to ride in chivas. were Tejada, periences of the drawbacks and tomorrow Acting Commissioner path of progress united action. the right to take proper recourse, whereas five cents or even a dime, of Panama; Manuel Ferrer, as Seis because we are uniformed into the general public to attend this ed eradication of the idea which is him for President of the Panama available and handy. If this were tice; Eduardo Wong.
ant, reception wiich being also Garvey now centralized in the winds of Canal West Indian Employees done it is felt sure that the Com of Foreign Relations; Ramon. Ca.
as Secretary this way, we become malignit: Day, will be featured by a well most of the people that small Association for the next tern. jealous arranged musical program.
and be lost Christian feelings increases in pay is the only plat certainly knows a thing or two.
pany would in a very short time lama, as Secretary of Fiance and realise that it made a profitable we form on which the organization is Secretard Abelardo Sanchez, as Public and built, and the substitution therefor While on the subject of the Another point of vantage which Carlos Subia as tary of Agrione who may be running some Chiva Passenger of the knowledge that there are PC Association: that all perhaps the Company could utilize culture and Public Works and de: line of business, we think of things Sues Chauffeurs other equally important essentials important body of workers in the profitaliy, Boca Line on to the ry to the President. They listeas secretain action and words which we be in be gained from unity of purpose interest of the working man an: lieve will be injurious to one, we and action, the absence of which nounced a few days ago that it docks This, May Dockery, who was injured constitutes has long been con ned to interesting talks oa etizback co op ration, we lack Christ several weeks ago while riding on a real handicap to the gaining of tion of the 1927 leaders of the to passengers and sailors to and the teachers Association.
nous deficiency and will conduct nomination and elec cidered would be of great benefit enship by the reprezentatives of ian feelings of e do likewise which help to make up all our Hunt, has fileil suit for damages tions from the Government a cbiva driven by one Phillip mavy vitally important considera employees on the night of the 18th from ships especially at nights Yesterday was Students Day failures in life.
instant, deo volente. Last year, as when but few vesicular conveyYet if we should develope the in the Canal Zone District Court This is not a problem, however, one of the people representatives Knees are around, These are of in Industry and facilities were good ringer perill surely succeed in Balbot, whese our coluded with a private employer, the United principles of love and do against the driver as well as but it must be clearly borne io and full of ambition to serve the course but mere suggestions which made for the boys to visit several Mis, W, Van Fleet of mind always that very much unlike for another term, delivered my are the outcome of numerous ob the Panama Canal Shops at Ballocal the good things of this world the Chiva. Attorney Carning States Government is the one who one and only official campaigo gervations we have heard in con boa, the Balboa Radio Station, living Love is not only to sweet ton has been retained by the plain employs the people, and the one to This year while have not lost speech through these columns. nection therewith.
Panama Hat Factory, Panama hearts and relatives but to all tiff while Attorneys Van Siclen and whom all representations are made drop of ambition, propose to sit markind, it the good thought to ALL ROADS WILL LEAD ro Brewing and Refrigerating ComBoggs wili (Continued on page represeat the defend through a local representative, easy and watch human events take TAE POPULAR HIPODROME OF pany manufacturing plants, the Hence, leadership of this Associa their natural course, JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW (continued on page 8)
evea less than est aggregation of the one of keeping with the whether would prevostam Hunter NI 14 President 302 He In this is must explain things of outlay.
Secretary love a ants


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