
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA BARBADOS Fearful Tragedy in Bank Hall VIGOR TONIC Jamaicans Lost Lives In Storm that Archer, 21, Hermon Dixon OTPREZE with AN PUIGORA TIME AND freely to the cries ston.
According to advices which have been received here, a few THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD Jamaicans and Caymanians have THE WEEKLY HERALD of the lost their lives during the recent 6th Nov, reports the following:storm which struck the Isle of most fearful tragedy disPined in Kingston In a better which was tarbed the quiet of Bank Hall a couple of Village last Monday night, Eber! days ago, it is stated 24, a carpenter, in a Bot amorgst the missing are Mr of jealousy, killing Justina Cheltand bis two sons enbam. 26. some time his oste This An They were on board the wounding tress, severely, the Cayman schooner. Rosedale, which which was Redman, another TOUR woman and then attempting to kill bioat the Isle of Pines on the self. Both of the last two named Invigorating Elegant Tonic occasion of the storm. The pes.
are at present in the Hospital.
sel has not been beard of, and it is believed that the majority of Arcber, who is a married man, crew was and had been living with Cheltenham Preparation Dixon was well known in Kingfor some time back but recently stop. He was, master of a schoonshe had got tired of the life and left him. All bis theats and er which was owned by the Health Imparting is highly Jacobs Commercial Agency. He entreaties were invato. She bailed from Grand Cayman and paid she was through. Last returned to the Dependency Monday nigbt along wib RdWINE recommended some time ago, and was appointman, a girl friend, with wborn ed to the Rosedale, which traded she had been living since leavitg between the Dependency and Arcber, Cheltenhaun paid a visit in Debility, Cuba; and bis many friends in to Hunte. Street to Millicent It Jamaica deeply regret the sad Foster. Archer came to Foster news which bas been received bouse and Cheltenham again ref.
Nervousness about the drowning of himself used to have anything to de and his sons.
him promotes digestion Presently the two wita young house after Foster bad warned women left their friends improves Female Weakness them to be careful of the man.
Salt Industry At He followed them from Hunte the appetite Streat and then joined them.
Pigeon Island Impoverishment Suddenly when they were in Prince of Wales Road the man and gives tone grabbed the ill fated woman and The GLEANER of the 20th ułto.
of the Blood says: drawing a knife used it upon her to accompaniment and energy HEALTH For some time rast in English of of murder from her Company bas been manufacand to build up a friend Rędman. Archer. then to the IMPARTING turiog salt at Pigeon Island, left bis first victim, ran after some twenty miles from Blogber screaming friend and inflict.
whole system run down constitution ed a severe wound on her back.
This industry was first deHe then returned to Cheltenham veloped by Mr. Alec McCatty who was lying to a welter ol and afterwards taken over by blood and completed his fiendis the concern alluded to task. The noise bad by this Latterly, however, it is underlime brought residents to the stood that for one reason or spot and be ran off to bis home otber, the business has not been and attempted ble own life. He working satisfactorils, and has was found lying on the ground gone into liquidation and it bas by the Police with severe wounds now been taken over by Messrs.
on bis throat.
Grace, Kennedy and Co. who Archer is a busband and the father of two childrenDOSE. One small Wine Glass before each mael or formerly bandled the export and the salt times a day.
Messrs. Kennedy will probably be appointing a new Death of Mr.
manager at Pigeon Island, and the Roberts.
appoinement may very likely JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
be made in Jamaica. At present the industry is more or less at a SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS standstill The WEEKLY HERALD of the owing to the continued ralny, as it is impossible to oper 30th Oct. reports the death of ate during wet weather, but as Mr. Roberts, Secretary as the rains cease producand Treasurer of the Westbury tion is expected to go ahead on a Cemetéry Board, at his late large scale, wbile the demand is residence, Keithville Westbury better than ever owing partly to Road, on at the age of 69 years.
to the destruction of similar inMr Roberts illness had only Frank Barnard spoke with the burricane.
dustries at Turks Island by the been of a few weeks duration, News Notes and after a flicker of brightness, Agricultural and Commercial Association on the question of which gave hope to his family on the very day of his death, he bananas, He advised planting STATION AT NEWCASTLE On the 30th June, 1926 there and drew the attention of the suddenly grew worse and col were 222 Friendly Societies on meeting to the report of the lapsed.
the Register. On the 31st DecemBritish During the past few days a Why throw away your old, but no The deceased gentleman spent ber, 1926, there were. 38 212 which was going to make a bold report has been in circulation that the major portion of hie life as members the Friendly doubt interesting, books when you effort to improve Empire fruit decided to abandon New Castle an elementary school teacber. Societies in this island. Their 99, 452; Possessed of brillant parts, sound dependents numbered trade. Transport Company as a military station.
can have them neatly bound at was to be formed to methods and the and the giti of persua and the amount of money standbananas batween the West In sentative of the Gleaner made sion, he was an exceedingly suc ing to the credit of the (then) 224 THE WORKMAN dies and England. But there inquiries yesterday and be was cessful tutor, and from the Roeb Societies was 15, 660 45. 3d in uck Street Moravian School as the Government Savings Bank.
was a certain element of uncer that there is no truth in here informed in reliable the war the Head Teacher sent out into the 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tainty about the wisdom in cur baving extensive banana report. On the contrary, so far world many young men who later achieved greatness as resfrom abandoning New Castle as 1, 130 75 7d was spent on vations. The doubt has been military station the authorities Opposite Cecilia Theatre ult of of the thorough fotellectual the Fire Braigade Department dispelled by the announcement training received under bis dir during the ball year, Jaguayy to of the swilt Banana Co, Ltd. have arranged to light the barection. After a period of leng June. Salaries consumed 1934Theteir readiness to purchase. sacks with electricity, and they thy, efficient and valuable ers 13 6d and working expenses, le row a market and that have applied to the Kingston and ice as a teacher, be quitted this 195 14 1d.
ST. LUCIA bananas, that the Swift Bar ana was the first requisite. Planters Saint Andrew Corporation for Company Ltd: from that time can now put in bananas with poles to convey the wires from permission to lay the necessary rather onerous and then ill pald will be prepared to confidence an ever profession, for a situation of legs At a recent meeting of the strenuous labour and greater House of Assembly the House The Banana Trade purchase babanas good growing demand for tropical Gordon Town to New Castle.
prtoe at intervals of three weeke fruit, specially bananas in the mental restfulness in the parc.
at various depots enumerated on temperate regions; thus there SUGAR PLANTERS chial service. This office be held passed an address to His Excelthe posters, handbills, and ad small soom for tear that the Mir death. In other directions on the Governor in Executive supply will exceed the demand.
Committee praying for an in Swift Banana Co. Expected vertisement.
BUREAU Mr Robeets was also a very act cres crease of ihe annual grant to the If the idea of the British EcoThis marks a definite epoch Ive man. For years be presided Barbados Agricultural Society. to Make Its First Shipment as organist and Choirmaster at making the same 250 each year, nomic to This Month.
our bsnada career.
some time there. Committee fructifies, and the Moravian Church in Roebuck remarks of the Governor of Some time ago a proposal oriStreet; played a big part in the instead of 250 in one year and ago there were some trial iship: Jamaica in bis opening address ginated with the Jamaica Impements discosrial.
organisation and management of 150 in the next year Friendly Societies, and was a The Voice of St. Lucia in all tinued. As a result of this some Legislative Council seem to in ment in this island of a Planters devoted and enthusiastic Mas followed bis corpse was a fine recent issue publishes the follow said that the whole question of ba be made to realise it, it will negotiations were in progress to planters were disappointed and dicate that every attempt will Private Agricultural Bureau; and onlc official testimony to the many and last ing: nanas was uncertain. The fact merely render our position as a secure the services of Mr, In all circles of society being friendships made by bim and Posters bave been posted up that the Swift Banana Company banana producing country more Bovell, ex Director of Agricolwas deeply respected and bis a fine indication of the general throughout town, hand bills Ltd. never abated its efforts stable, ture for Barbados and one of friendships eovered a wide area, esteem in which he was beld. bave been circulated among the ought to have engendered more the most eminent sugar experts for he was a hearty and robust To the surviving members of agricultural members of the confidence. But the actual rein the world who was, until recharacter, with a great fund og his family, which include bis community, and an advertise commercement of purchasing cently in the island. salary bumour. His remains were into two soons, Dr Walters Roberts, ment appears in this issue all Rent Receipt Books In Span of 1600 per annum was offered erred in the graveyard of the and Dr Howard Roberts, stating that Korg lage is bananas will deal smashing Roebuck Street Moratian Church we extend our sincere expected to arrive bere on or blow to any remainiog dimidence. Ish and English for sale at the raveling expenses. The plantMr. Bovell together with 500 and the lengtby cortage which sympathy in their bareavement. about Noyemher 10th to load Oaly a few weeks ago Mr. Workman Printery. Cortinued on page 3)
Grace, soon as Book Binding!
Economic Committee of repre culti from serethy, 10


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