
Today Saturday Dec, 4th Rin Tin Tin in CLASH OF THE WOLVES Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 5th Clara Bow in MANTRAP Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 5th Gilda Gray in ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS very much in evidence.
Unfavorable westher tinues on this side Coitrary to the general expetation things bave not changad, and even though the moralag breaks fair, before noon the scene is changed and a wet evening fəlləws.
The planters, bowever, are viewing the situation from another angle. Their crops, especially the banana, have suffered to a great extect as the result of the long drought, and a spirit of discouragement was Fotos o bunads which to all sphegippine gwe promise at the of the year to a bountiful barvest, have all disappointed the farmers. Hundreds of dollars bave been lost in many cases owing to the fact that mostly small bunches have been obtaip: able, the greater part of which were bands, which brought in only 10 cents per bunch on the average. Many of the planters consider selling at such a price a waste of time and as soon as the small bunches sbot fortb they were cut down, Fields Monday December 6th Billie Dove in THE MARRIAGE CLAUSE Tuesday December 7th Blanche Sweet in DIPLOMACY Wednesday December 8th Agnes Ayres in HER MARKET VALUE Monday December 6th Ben Lyon in THE SAVAGE. Tuesday December 7th Edmund Lowe in THE KISS BARRIER (COLON)
Today Saturday Dec, 4th Tom. Mix in THE DEADWOOD COACH Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 5th Constance Talmadge in THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO Monday December 6th Monte Blue in HOGAN ALLEY Tuesday December 7th George Brien in THE DANCERS Wednesday December 8th Cooleen Moore in ELLA CINDERS Thursday December 9th Billie Dove in THE MARRIAGE CLAUSE Friday December 10th Blanche Sweet in DIPLOMACY Saturday December 11th Agnes Ayres HER MARKET VALUE COLON Today Saturday Dec. 4th James Kirkwood Gerald in CRANSTON LADY Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 5th Douglas Fairbanks in THE BLACK PIRATE Monday Dceember 6th Douglas Fairbanks in THE BLACK PIRATE Tuesday December 7th Agnes Ayres HER MARKET VALUE Wednesday December 8th de la Motte in THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER Thursday December 9th Monte Blue in HOGAN ALLEY Friday December 10th George Brien in THE DANCERS Saturday December 11th Vera Reynolds in WITHOUT MERCY Wednesday December 8th Lon Chaney in THE BLACK BIRD Thursday December 9th House Peters in THE COMBAT Kollowing the heavy rains of the last few months, the fields have taken on new colour, and th farmers bave taken on a new spirit. Large banches of babanas have again started to put in their appearanc: and if Indications are to be trusted, th coming year will be fruitful one.
Thursday December 9th Constance Talmadge in THE DUCHESS OF BUFFALO Friday December 10th Monte Blue in HOGAN ALLEY Saturday December 11th Cooleen Moore in ELLA CINDERS Filday December 10th Junior Stars in FASCINATING YOUTH Saturday December 11th Gaston Glass in GOD CRUCIBLE GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted on ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply quality two The athletic sports which are to take place in connection with the Garden Party on the Base: others, and consequently never SEAS ball Park on the 25th, 28th, and achieve anything. This appears CANAL ZONE NOTES 27th inst. are now engaging the attention of our local atbletes to be the chief shortcoming of the average West Indian, and LA BOCA until he learns to be more teosThe principal flat events will clous be will always bave to be, Potato race, open; 100 yards accept the end of the stick Last Friday night the local open: 220 yards, open; mile The officers of the Association District of the Panama Canal relay, teams; while the cyclists are therefore urging those con West Indian Employee Assowill entertaib with one mile cerned to cast in their lots so ciation held one of their liveliest (Printing Piant only one mile, bat everything possible may be meetings in many day. nomiopen and a mile relay, teams. done to wake an impressive pation of officers and represenItatives being the principal item appeal to the authorities.
the program, while the quesSports are at a standstill for tion of death benefit rules and the present, due partly to the The idea of emigrating to Britstate of the weather and partly ish Guiana seems to be creating other amendments to the general to the close of the cricket seasog a favourable impression on this rules of the Association were also taken up but referred to for the year, but the opening of end. Many who beretofore felt the baseball sesson on or about special committee for handling ATA at home the 19th inst. promises a change over the matter, and now that are thinking seriously This committee met on Wed to this state of affairs. The the colony is undergoing IndusDesday evening last; their final meeting being fixed for Wednesteams on this side are all shak: trial development, it is not too ing themselves up, and it much to expect that definite day next the 8th instant at 80 believed that everything will be steps will soon be made in this in the afternoon.
No less than thirty members ready for that date.
direction, have been nominated for District representatives on the Board for The commissary is a pain, The Co operative Bakery sud the coming year, wbicb is said a little girl as she looked Grocery business of the United clear indication that at election into the attractive show windows Negro Improvement Associaton time which will be later in the of the Cristobal Commissary a SSSSS few days ago. It really does one of Colon, headed by Mr, Hector sss month and after the Board meets the District will bave nothing good to take a look at the artise Connor, is doing splendid busitic decorations for the season, Dess.
less than an enthusiastic meetThe bakery turns out Ing.
but the pain is, to see the things patronized by Soth the white and Boys Institute Notes 3, 090 loaves of bread daily and is Among the nominees for Chairand not havlug the mɔney to buy coloured people of Colon, man for the next term is tbem, bal and Gatun, including several WHITENS THE SKIN King, Secretary Treasurer of business houses and the Army the District, and the present Tomorrow will be a busy time and Navy The Recent added activities of the Creme Blanc Mirette Chairman, Mr. Walters.
Other nominees for this office at the Coon Wesley Church. In of the product is first class in Colon Boys Iostituts are addition are Dalby, Frank A, Reed, Marvelous Cream communion every way. From small exe pair Shop, especially for Ford services there will be a special cative office formerly annexed to Motor Cars, and a Shoemaking Bayne, Clarke and A, Davis. For Vice Chairman service at 3p. in connection the meeting rooms of the As8o. Department. Commander Wat Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, with there were nominated.
the anniversary of the ciation, the growth of the busl son, head of the Institute, asChristian Eodeavour Society, ness necessitates the taking over sures us that the beads of these sun tan, and other skin blemishes Clarke, Evans, Len when a sermon will be preached of a much larger office where an two new activities are competent non, Green, Bayne, by Chaplain Ramsden. service ottica force of twe book keepers, workmen and he believes that in SOLD IN DRUG STORES V, Dalby and Alexand ot er.
of songs on the Wednesday a stenographer and a messenger short time the patronage night following. the 8th inst, are employed regularly.
these departments will be large.
Frank Reed was spec.
followed by a short consecration The Commander has also reial speaker at the weekly meet.
meeting, will close the angiver MISSIONARY MEETING cently appointed Señor Simon CHRISTMAS CANTATA ing of the Woman Life Prosary activities. Urbina, ex Director of the BIBLE SUNDAY AT THE blem Olab held at the ClubBanda Municipal, as Band Mashouse on Wednesday afternoon last.
At The Colon Wesleyan Church ter for the Institute band. Senor At The Colon Wesleyan Church Reed bady girl was op Thursday congratulated is well The missionary meeting of the Urbina known and resColon Wesleyan Church the mem of the Club for the 25th ulto, added to the their perseverance in carrying on.
family of Rev. and Mrs. Colon Wesleyans was held 00pected throughout the Republic Cousins of the Wesleyan:Church: Monday, the 29th inst. The and a very valuable addition to Nativity will be rendered at the Among other things be The following are the services asked their suport in bringirg The new arrival is heaatily wel Imeeling was, la every sense of the belp of the Institute, Senor Colon Wesleyan Church on Wed arranged for to morrow, Sunday this year Christmas treat for comed by the community as wall the word, a great success. The Webina tertated that it is not ha nesday, the 29th of December, the 5th inst: he acquitted the of why as members of the church.
Arrangements are being made the children to success. The for excellently. fine galaxy of bas consented to give bls so the successful rendering of this At 11 am, the Rev. Cous. treat is to be given under the missionary advocates made up vices to the Institute, but that delightful work of Mr. Arthur Bur ins Sermon by the Rev. auspices of the local District of West Indian Employees Asso Revs, Wilkins and Gregory of studying the work, which is temporarily augmented for the at the close of the service, The regular meeting of the the platform. They included the for some timo be had been ridge, and the choir has been Gregory, BS. Holy Communioa the employees association and tags at the rate of ten cents clation is announced to take the Bible House, and the Rev. bełng done by Commander Wat occasion. Programme and particueach are on sale, place at the Court Atlantic Williamson, of the son and has come to the concla: lars will be published later, p. m, Anniversary of the ChrisLodge Hall on Monday night tne Baptist Churcb. The singing was sion that it deservas of his sup.
tian Endeavour Societies. Junior and Senior. The advantages and disadvan6th Inst. commencing at 45 an inspiration, and tho hymn port. He believes that in a short tages of the boycott was the o clock. The local officers are to Glorious Bope to the tune tima be will succeed in making ward, The success of the Insti) Kindred societies will be repre subject of round table discussion be congratulated on the zaal and Praise was worth going far to some of the boys of the Insti tate might have been pictured sented and the sermon will be at the Athenaeum on Tuesday energy constantly displayed by bear. The choir, as usual, render. tate into real musicians, in the same way by many, but preached by the Rev. Rams. evening last. The society now them in all the affairs of the ed splendidly the anthem Let In speaking of the Price of there were no one to step for den, who is the Field Represents: preparing for its annual social, organization, even in the of the Righteous be glad. Mr. Success recently, Commauder ward and make the recessary tive of the Union on the the most discouraging Outlook. Enos Graham presided at the Watson said, among other things, sacrifice until he came on the Isthmus, For a good assortment of ChristMany feel that there is DO use Organ and was ably assisted by that there are too many people scene. Although he has met with trying, but better judgement Miss Jeppe and Messrs. who say they are willing to many set backe, the leader of Preacher Rev. Cousins, the Workman Printery.
pm Evening Seryice, mas and New Year Cards go to reach the top of the ladder of very desirable Institution is won: It is good remember, that where there is a.
success but in fact are not will. bas succeeded in impressing the Holy Communion at the close of ing to trod the necessary steps public white and coloured of will there is always way, Dr. Wendehake leading to the top. He compar. the good work which is belog On Wednesday, the 8th of De Have you tried the 18 it is the will that for the success ag money or some done for the wayward boys of cember, the Public Meeting in con most part makes the way MEDICAL CLINIC other valuables placed on the community, now Boor Commander nection with the Anniversary People who have not got the greased pole around which Watson is looking forward to will be held. This will take the erit to take the proper stand 025 Front Street. Colon many stand with longing hearts atart the coming year with re form of a Service of Song entitled 66 Kronen Brau against discouraging circumuntil some poor boy comes along, newed energy in carrying on the Adrift. Admission by a silver stances are never respec ed by PHONE 11 climb the pole and gets the re limportant work.
collection at the door.
membeya face of mama to da pour training out to the Samuels and Robertson.


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