
FAGE 3LK THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1926 THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS be built at Wallsende dock will to The ban bearly lifting of ihe bar While there is Lon Workman Stationery Store the con was caused Aires THE BEER tube Toe cor Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
the work ling. counter Fuller Jewelry Store Three Big Contracts ய யயயயயயயல The British Coal Strike Dr. David Smith For British Firms Virtually Ended SNAKE BITE REMEDIES. direct West Iodis cable PRODUCTIONS MOUNT Dr. Smith the Snakedes patch from Lordoa dated STEADILY Messts.
Nv. 16 states that OFbite Specialist of Guabito, Swan Hunter, Limited today Bocas del Toro, begs to INCREASE IN SOME MINING were awarded the contract for offer his. professional service the floating dock at the SingaDISTRICTS IN BRITAIN 13 50 to any patient. Wherever pore Naval base, PER CENT found, his snake bite remeLondon, Noy. 16. It is offiIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF dies have never failed to cially stated today that the con THE LATEST FIGURES tract for the floating dock at effect a speedy cure. The Singapora has been secured by Doctor also specializes in the firm of Swan, Hunter and (By DW. Cable Co. other complaints such as UriWagram Richardson of WallLondon, November, 16. More nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers send on Tyne.
than 12, 000 miners in addition to and Obstinate and towed Coughs.
we those already in the fields, were Should you need his proout Singapore when it is reaworking today and the move.
dy. It is to be capable of lifting went has already started t) bave fessional services, do not fail ships of fifty thousand tons.
on the exrort of coal to write or come to the DocThe amount of the co tract is Suitable for Lodge Business emoved. The miners depart tor personally when you can 1, 200, 000 and it will provide for ment consented to receive work for many men be cured.
Welsh deputation to urge the Address: two years. Th is the second AT THE.
big contract placed in this counstill little doubt that the majoriy y DR. DAVID SMITH try within a week. It has already been mentioned that a for a cep acca of the Govern Specialist don firm has been entrusted with plan, surprise was Guabito Bocas del Toro construction of electric unScotland registering against by many districts in Wales ånd Trailways for Buegos Republic Panama that this con involves tract the work of laying ange paggamiga manggagawa ng acceptance. It is reported that Mr. Harold Spencer Morris, a system of tube railways in do chairman of the Naticbal Wages sectious linking up principal Board for railway SKSS Bailways will be terminal BOSS and bus appointed chairman of the iness centres of Buenos Aires, National Coal Tribunal.
Railways are to be built on the same syst as that of the Lc.
don railways with all their Men Are Working latest Improvemen tract not only includes the core.
SUPPLIED BY With a Will trution of actual railways but also their whole equipment, mctors, trains, electrical generaThrough the courtesy of the tors, gear etc. An interesting West India and Panama Telefeature will be that lifts will te graph Co. the Jamaica Mail In every form can be seen dispensed witb, moving scalators published the following despatch beizg used instead. Althogether received in Trinidad by the here at its best See our will mean an experd Guardian Rugby Wireless. ture of nearly ten millions sterLondon (noon) 16. One aspect Wrist Watches third big cɔntract id of the coal situation is the excepalso announced today. This is Bracelets tionally bigh output of the men is brewed from the best an order which bas been receiwho bave already returned to ved by the Accrington firm for the pits, last week nearly one Diamond Rings cotton mill macbinery for Melmaterials obtainable and a half million tons were bourne, Australia, amount in.
produced. Miners in Notting and a hundred other adornvolved being one millioo.
hamshire and Derbyshire raised ments and you ll recognize It is specially suited for this climate orer five hundred and seventy why this is the LEADING thousand tons, the greatest Great Britain Repaying JEWELRY HOUSE in town is superior to all imported beers sold quantity yet worked in the disrict, and seventy five thousand ask prices and you ll find stil here and it sells to the public at DEBTS INCURRED BE.
tons more than in tbe previous another reason. week.
The average quantity FORE ARMISTICE HALF the price.
produced in those during the week by every worker late cable despatch from employed both on the surface 122 Cetnral Ave.
Phone 629 London states that Mr. Winston TRY OUR NEW BEER and underground was 6, tons a record for the area.
Courchill, Chancellor of the Even more remarkable was Excbequer, reiterated in the the WILKINSON House of Commons when and Derb workers at the Bolsoever, that the whole amount of the group of colleries Contractor debt which Britain is Their average autput for the now repayo JD ing to the United States may te week was 84 tons each.
most cases miners in these two and Builder regarded as haviog been incur.
counties are earning more than wers red before the armistice.
SUPERIOR TO ALL Asked for figures by a Unionist they did before Times remarks that such Mr. Churchill said: House No. 20 The United States Goveru saisos o results emphatically contradict allegations that the miners have 28th NOV. STREET, ment advanced 739, 200, 000 to to work sulleoly and SAN MIGUEL His Majesty Goverament beunwillingly.
fore the armistic and 116, 200, London, midnight, 16. Deln Box 411, Panama, 1.
000 after the armistice.
some a vote has been the other His Maj sty declared unnecessary because Government after the armistice, most of the men are alreadymade Plans and Specifications Free but before the debt ment paid 99. 200, 000 to formally recorded acceptance.
bave United States Government as This is the case in Warwickshire repayment of principal and interCannock Chase and West Mid: First Class Workmanship est, and expended 30, 200, 000 in Satisfaction Guaranteed.
winding up pre armistiee muoiOf every description To day increase in the num.
tione, contracts, making a total ber of men at work is the bigof 129, 400, 000 as against 116, gest yet reported being tw. e 200, 000 thousand, four hundred and serAccorkingly the hole amount DONE WITH NEATNESS AND enty eight bringing the total up FLOWERS of the debt Britain is now reto 849, 631.
paying may be regarded as lacuri ed prior to the armistice, DESPATCH Abogado. Attorney at Law KILL WIFE AND FOUR This statement is somewhat OFFICE: No. 44. ST obscure in that it seems to conCHILDREN BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY fuse debts to American muottions companies with debts to TELEPHONE No. 1377 AT THE AFTER HIS FIENDISH WORK, the United States Government, MINISTER OF RELIGION PUTS unless Mr. Caurebill means that Practicing before all the courts of END TO HIS LIFE, Britaiu bought munitions dithe Republic since April 1914 rectly from the United States Government.
Was Also a Police Judge Asked if he knew the stateDentist Howell ments made during the American electoral campaign to the South Torrington. Wyo. Nov.
effect that the debt America 14. The Rev. J, Minort, 45 wanted to collect was practic. ly Big Increase in Output of the Baptist church here, early HOUSE 912, LA BOCA all post armistice money, the today shot and killed his wife, 40, Chancellor said that such misCALL IN AT and four of his five children rangCANAL ZONE.
statements were often made lo Department of Commerce repWashington. Nov. 16. The ing in age from four to fifteen (Opposite the Restaurant)
British election campaigos.
years. He then committed suicorts from London with relation Churchill statement to the coal situation show that ide. One son, John survives. Office Hours: a. to p. He is attending school at Liberty to 6pm gave the House considerable production there is mounting DAILY satisfaction, somewbat re steadily as increasing numbers Mrs. Minort was shot to death lieved the gloom caused by an of miners return to work. Dawith a shotgun while she lay in estimate of Sir Philip Curlife tailed figures are not given bat The children were slain PHONE 1941 BALBOA Lister that the coal strike bad in in some of the mining districts already cost between 250, 000, last week production was inwith the exception of Hubert, a revolver as they slept Specializee all the branches of Dentistry 000 and 300, 000. 000 la loss of creased nearly fifty per cent. No. 93, Central Avenue who was shot to death in his production alone.
It is expected this will tend rapmother bedroom idly to curtail United States coal The motive of the deed has Why pay double price exports.
ASSORTMENT OF not Removal Notice been established, but it is supposed that gossip and domfor interior imported David Leon, Attorney at If you want to please your estic troubles are responsible. Beer when you can GOOD STATIONERY In additior to his duties as Law, has removed his offices friends by sending them a lovely buy a superior Beer minister of the Baptist chureb, to No. 175 Central Avenue at the WORKMAN Printery where Christmas or New Year Card call the Rev. Minort was police court such as BALBOA for (upstairs Sealey Photo Stu the finest lot in the city are on SOUVENIRS, judge and manager of a grain half the price.
dio. display elevator. Some years ago be was bumane officer in this town.
it reassembled on the 9th ulto.
KRONEN BRAÜ the stoppage: The returned But on hand, some coa Settle to the JOB. PRINTING lands.
and The Workman BOOK STORE bed.


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