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White And Colored Women Get Together kurricane We die NEST OF PATHETIC The New Golor Bar FOURTEEN TALE OF Bill in South Africa Stowaways Discovered Courage And Suttering in Pilo of Coal on by Survivors of Hitated Stoamor Warship.
Limits The Labour Possibilities In an International Conference of of Natives Excluding Them New York, Nov, 27. huge Bermuda. Nov tale of rou, pile of soft coal 10 the stoker om rage and suffering is told by one of Church Workers to Discuss From Industry.
of the Munson liner Mugorleate, the survivors of M sloop Valewhich arrived here to day from rinn, whigh was lost in the recent Race Problem.
San Juan and Ponce, Porto Rico, He says: An Associated Press despatch from Paris, France, states Havana and Nassau, was found to all thought safety was at containconcealed hand when storm the that many persons are fearful of the possible political con: or 14 Spanish and Portugese stow clip a terrifice wind blowing at 130 27, states that eighteen colored and thirtp two white woA Press despatch from Washington, dated November sequences of the new segregation law, known as the Color away when the shovel of a mem miles nn hour. The top ma e with men were brought together at the International Conference Bar Bill, recently adopted in South Africa.
ber of the Customer search squad the wireless was carried away and of Church Women, held at Eagles Mere, Pa. recently. AcThis law limits the labor possibilities of natives and excludes them from iudustry. It was passed evidently for the pectedly revealed the men the ship listed heavily. All hands cording to the report of the Commission on the Church and plot.
were piped on deck nt 1o. on Race Relations, the conference marked a new stage of the purpose of protecting the interest of white workers, ship arrival. owo day lonepector were then under water and cly one progress in grappling with interracial problems by religious For abree following the Friday. The floats who are in the minority, and of forcing the blacks into the Whittingino, in charge of could be cut away before the ship forces.
exploitation of natural resources, agriculture for instance, In qund of the Customs Harbour turned turtle to starboard. She The program included such topics as experience in this way the Europeans. have their needs met and at the patrol ervice, searched the Munor seemed to go in a minute. The mea interracial work among women, conditions of white and Same time have the most favorable enterprise reserved for lean for contrabai. d, In the stoko clung to the wreckage, and the 28 colored women in employment, concrete methods of themselves. Continued on pago Continued on paze 8) work ia race relations, problems of housing, segregation in It is believed this law cutting off the natives from all woo cities, and the question of what church women can do to industry will be followed by another law according them SPARKLETS Create wholesome racial attitudes.
the possession of land and providing for its partition, But The report further states that there was a spirit of as the land is actually largely in the hands of the whites (By CK)
fellowship fostered by the informal contacts which preventwho are doubtless not disposed to share it with the blacks, Thie is one of those wieks, soliai from little England, ed the devolopment of the emotional tension between norththis part of the program may be a long time coming and gentle reader, in which my mental Springer Smith, ex school teacher ops when they meet to discuss the race problem. Furthera ern and southern white women, which frequently develmay be very difficutt to carry out.
capacity is almost over taxed with from the Isle of Springs or George, In the meantime, the law may be considered as said to out my limited vocabulary being my Lilliputian friend from Antigua more, the fear and suspicion which colored women have deprive the natives of some of their rights without accord entirely speat, am therefore met. concur. But am not sure of a reactionary sentiment generally expected from the ing them any certain compensation.
tally abnormal, dro tem, and not, wherether that plan is workable South did not influence this conference and did not detertherefore, in a position to bute anytbing fit for the front And no as an interested party speak attitude of all the women seemed to be liberal, democratic ntti without some little preliminaries, mine the attitude of the white women. The dominant Mrs. DeMENA IN PANAMA cof our indispensible weekly to ing disinterestedly for the common Her Impressions of Jamaloa Hospitality grind out another weekly inatalto teod to move the following resolu and Christian.
The necessity for interracial thinking before interacial tion for approval with necessary ineot of buuk on the Patama amendment That Brother Whyte action was emphasized by the conference which outlined Col West Indian Employees the labor man. the young Mt, several specifre measures and appointed a continuation comMrs. De Mena Assistant chase the smallwood College with Association, other things of Jaternational Organizer of the 56 acres of land and nine (9) build. importance and in Add. qual Young. editor of sorts of the mittee to proceed with promotional plans for getting its tion, Section of the Prim Americso NI artived on the lathinus a inga therown situated in Claremont peristiable. and could not even Rev. F, Nightengale, B, the suggestions and program of work adopted by local groups she had bees organizing the work the bistoric James River. The Col. and des However, if the world is indispensible our munity interracial groups.
few days ago from Jamaics where Virginia, S. A, on the banks of be kept in cold storage crept up people friend: Editor proprietor of church women among local, denominational and comdemanded my immediate a Walrond of The lege has been re named, tention Mrs. com Since her arrival here Mr. THE LIBERTY UNIVERSITY kept in motion and am not Florence Smith, De Mena has been enthusing great, and we intended to make it the cen ushered into eternity between now ter; Doctor 80 Johnson.
DISABLED MEN OF WEST er life inty the local Divisious and InStero nat it is expected that the of Negro Education. The Divi, in whicnday next, the wual time dental surgeon; friend Sam Chaptern. INDIA REGIMENT her stay here sions all will greatly enhance tre activ ties of the local work shall contribute teacher; brother. Alfred Or Smith America, including Porto Rico and aberrations ppare my weekly nis, our reliable public school Before leaving the Isle of Springs their Cuba, are sending boys and girls at anotherbole paroven that is mond specimen of rational man, and Potition Governor of Jamaica Asking That Ponexpense and are prepared and noble employees association, Attorney Carrington whose friend cion Supplemented.
Mrs. De Mena had the following to in keep them se expect that the us are getting too much of the meet in an extraordin ry eession Following is a cepy of a Memo.
there uptil they grade It is being noticed that a few of ship wi cannot afford to lose, SAY of that country which appeared unte and we in the Jamaica Mall of the 2nd Divisions in the island of Jamaica wrong idea into our heads that we and there drown all the past in rial which was recently addressed will do likewise, are in any but the wrong position wine or water After the feast ll VERY IMPORTANT.
to His Excellency Sir Edward On this the eve of my deport from the shores of sunny Ja. have to eongratulate the man.
in our community. As a conse gather the fragments for Stubbs by twelve disabled exmembers of the British West Inarepent of the Jamaica Mail for quence we are causing ours lves compensation. the laborer Our contributors are asked to maion, allow me to take this oppor producing a paper of such a high po little worry, we baving assumed worthy of bis hire tunity of thanking the members, standard, and it has not come on in diametrical opposition and bsen too much palabra in the air: We, the undersigned your hum.
tako notice that all contributions dies Regiment: on leading and teaching roles which It is my opinion that there have Sir, for the Special Coirstmas number friends ard simpathisars of the the field of journalism day too distinctly impertineat to those of too many literary guns are being ble servants desire to place the fol appear on or about the 21st of of the WORKMAN which is to Universal Negro Improvement Assoriation for the hearty recen coonhave always dered why dosti sane leaders and teachere.
month, must reach us not laltion received as travelled it is that in an island of greathose of us who take up these trained or discharged on imagivarlowing before you for your kinder than the 15th inst. 80 that possibilities like Jamaica, there was sround, ounds consideration ard action an empty to me like ouly an arrangements can be made for pleased to say that Jamai endene Sady newspaper, the erotiem and be of what an is still living up to her reputa ed we shall do all in our is Having each lost meant the number of pages, as it is our it would not rut all in our power me or purely the late war, we have beeo award desire to give all contributors space order tion of being a place of great hos help it along. Asl go around vi it hereby the community and thoughts of other men. An bour ourselves and memintelligent. link a little introspection acad show of literary ability pension of 31 per day to keep the hundrei made possible for there to be in the Divisions we discern out cor to in readable form some Attention is also directed to the rect place in midst of severe poverty, such an America, West Indies, Cenund so save the expenditure of energy spent in practising what we preach family, and on ao America and Sooth Americs, and of our in obtaining trito and onappy and the theme the stranger forls that all is well; to pirit of contrutment which makes even in the Phillipine islands, which could be more profitably race coherion is worth more greatest difficulty, we find the fact that contributions must be wonder soune e. ll Jamaica a Para eball ever remember to introduce used in some other way and be of than all the shooting in which employment. We hava on several bearings much as possible on the the occasions made Mail feeling sure that inestimable value to the commun. many of us are engaged. the Imperial Goverement, to have representation to spirit of the reason.
the people abroad and especially There are individuals who com our The West Indian Central Organ contemporary of the way they beep Having been reminded by her best people on nechte den beste Central Organioccasions that poliey will be placed ization is formed, Indies and address the coloure salesman in our pension of per day wos the existing in the islaidd, it is so all that this venture will gentlemen, and we are to be served the Gold commissaries, it also maximum amount payable from zation Formed over the world. At a sucess.
another round of palabra ference at Liberty Hall Kine: prove a It is Senelde aber ny dle korea che le couple in to see the sympa Shehe, motions and urmendimento brushes up my memory that as. Imperial Funds, but that majority consideration, the UNI to motions approved and disap. patrons of the cornmissaris do not Silver pension could be supplemented and it was pointed cut that as an is receiving from all sections of the The West Indian Central from Local Founds. N. LA. and community.
proved, and we will put fur of the commodity Organization is the outcome of a and they We have presented our case to recent concerted muve by some we cate into the minds of our parti iog regarding the ains and objects and parliamentiary past a great deal of misundersiand perhaps rules of order the articles, receive them, band in and referred our grievaneca to the aims and ocjects. of Isthmian procedures, their hard earned order we are take a causal glance at the balance the Local Supplementary Allowan: West Indians, the need of which and co. not the support which wela letting your bucket down where should have from the general we should never lose sight of. In remainder ioth their pockets that the pension was sufficient to to the future of West Indians in people ia the making, a fact that when auy remaio, pushes the that you. as We considered this opportunities where you live publicae Newertbaletes de la partir, my opinions however, an armoiza: baskets and go their way content to a great injustice done to any live carrying on Our leader. Marcus in of this kind is of paramounted. And so when there is king British subject; the compaittee into being on the 28th ulto in the but we cannot stop there.
was brought realise that no government ever visit to the different countries, it can be carried ou along a che vedere to the mate askore live on per dayand we does for the people the things which sept greetings to tae Divisions similar to those of the Ming Tonglor prices gad a selligenthe time of our discharge bave Yer met before under single or less they the people can do for them.
friction every where sad especially does (or name to that effect) tween then with any degree of deep by the largest he wish them to know that he is.
Belars, loral Chinese civio eustomer results. It is factae pension, Some of us from Isthmian Wereotative body the more roof am plea ed to learn of can happily suffering in prison for the association, grand cooperative that the maj zrity of the thousands island wide co operative movement cau e Afrie and looks forward to urganization in which believe of West Indians who has been receiving assistance from pri or on aey one occasion for the purpose of bringing into being a single for the protection of native produce the day when be shall once more very Chinaman on the Isthmus from the which is bour. to be of great heneto figure and rapidly 80 should not be the the case, sentatives of seventy five fit to all concerned. My visit igrent them face to face with gew is a member; and in which accord Ito the Come are not able liewshillings per week, which aim common to all of them; repreas of this time, is primarily the coneclida provera fureur grand and noble ing to the Rev. Austin, they make to allows little or no noise just amply do it a salesman is honest there is ng celleney will give due considera social without a single dissenting despatch, but We bumbly beg that your Ex organizations. religious. frateranno general welfare, labor, literary and of the work of organization, M, DEMENA their stuff.
reason in the world why he should and looking into the clerieal part of think he is insulted when a custom tion to our petition, and in the voice agreed to unite for co operathe offices of the Universal Negro For a good assortment of Christ make any difference who leadsselling.
Some believe that it will not er asks him the price of what he is meantime will bege ele teba to more tive actioa.
Improvement Association in the fit to suppleAccording is the draft of the island mas and New Year Cards go to central organization. whether ment our pension by a Xmas We have recently secured by pui: the WORKMAN Priotery. lit is Jonah Grubb a little Mus. Coctinued on page 8) Box to each of us. THE MAIL. continued a page 8)
of Own inst. my is ure ure wondered thig only be our legs in Mail start with we do we have cond to compile dise.
to help so theses cut our into organization the coupon books, received keep us Ac these parts.
some be.
exist and had on at tio


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