
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC Gulana: Mr.
ters Introduced to Elementary Schools Barbados Bar, For East Indians At a sitting of the Barbados Court of Chancery on Friday last It is understood that there bas been some conjecture as to what His Honour Mr. D, Acting Vice ches will become of the few remaining East Indian elementary scbools presiding, Mr. Walter Reece in the Island since the GovernTHE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD Acting Attorney General, ment bus relieved itselt of the the local Bar Mr. Jose De Frelresponsibility their maintenan of tas, aod Mr. Sydney Jacob ce by cial estimates for the present striking them off the finanVan Sertima, L, year. There are at present oply practising barristers of British three of these special schools wblch were originally institututed Messrs. De Freitas and Van for the teaching of cht)dren of An Fast Indians domielled in the This Sertima are on behalf of the defendant Company in the Kinch One is at Higbgate, one Monroe Company Chancery sui at Trinity near Port Maria and which began before the Court o one at Constant Spring.
Invigorating Elegant Tonic Chancery on Monday last, and Information gatbered from an was necessary that they shouli be authentic source tends to the first introduced and admitte belief that the two first named and Preparation before they could practise in any of the local Courts.
special schools may continue to be carried on by the ladies of the Mr. De Freitas was called Quaker Mission, wnth beadquare Health Imparting is highly the Bar of the Middle Temple ters in the United States of Ame1896, and took silk in 1913, rica wbich bag, from time to time, Van Sertima, wsa student of sent out teachers and mission WINE recommended Gray Inn and was called workers here to train and educate January 1921. Io introducing coolies. The other special scbool Van Sertima Mr, Reece spoke 000 will probably continue to be carin Debility, glorious of this young law ried on by the Rav. Canen WortIt yer university career wbicb ley. It may he stated that one of (Mr. Reece) characterised as bay the pioneers, so far as the Quaker Nervousness ing been a brilliant one.
in Jamaica promotes digestion His Honour expressed the plea ste concerned, was Miss Cowe who was stationed at the Vere sure it gave bim to admit both De Freitas and Mr. Van ser.
district in Clarendun. and a ho did improves Female Weakness excellent work among the East tima to practise in the island and he assured them that they would Indians there.
the appetite find that no obstacles would be With the repatriation of fully Impoverishment put in their way during such 600 coolies to India next mooto, time as they were practising it is expected that the number ol and gives tone tbere.
children attending East Indian of the Blood Both Mr. De Freitas and Mr.
scboo rably decreased since the will, as as result be and energy an Sertima repled, thankdg Hs HEALTH Honour for having admitted them ehildren will, of course, b!
and to build up a to practise in the Courts of Bar.
taken away with their parents to the IKPARTING bados and the Attorney General Tne average attendance of the for being so kind as to introduce three remaining special schools whole system run down constitution them. Mr. Van Sertima. Also at present is only 80. Previously, thanked the Attorney General for they were maintained in part by the kind references be had made small yearly grants from the to his academical carcer.
but, assisted above, the Govern. ment has relieved itself of this TERCENTENARY eroponsibility. The forthcoming of Esst Indians fron Early in 1927 Barbados will Jamaica to their native land also celebrate tbe tercentenary of the gives rise to anticipation that landing of British settlers, says in a few years time all the East the Grenada West Indi It is Indian special schools in Jamaica DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or suggested that a sum in excess of will become extinct, for tbe be 500 will be needed in order to reason that the natural developti ment in age of the remaining times a day.
stage a fitting pageant pertraying important historical events.
child e. who will still attend ia the Legislature them will in the long run create the funds the local mity schoolrooms.
JAVIER MORAN branch of the Empire League American Pharmacy.
some of the special schools expressd its willingness to underwere made into Government take all the arrangements necesschools, others were too bear the SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS sary for staging a successful ordinary schools. less than a pageant. Exchanges)
mile, which circumstance had the result of detracting irom th THE BELLE PUMPING exclusiveness of East Indian google to off schools, since the childria could STATION.
as well go to the one as to th.
other. One of these schools, ou BARBADO Account of not baving a suf be over 20, 000, 000 buncher; and FOUNDATION STONE LAID tieient! arge attendance of 18 anticipated that within st dian children, took in another three years 25, 000, 000 The Weekly Ilustrated says: an native children, and then app lei bucches will be exported. As Extending The Franchise impressive ceremony took place for recogaition as a Governu. ent already stated in this journal.
at the Belle Pumping Station St. school centres banana industry is Michael, recently when His ExOne East Indiau special school veloped is Portland. Lards that Why throw away your old, but no GOVERNOR NOT PREPARED at Amity Hall in St. Thɔmas Robertson, c, with TO TAKE INITIATIVE were tbrown up are being renever recelved any Government planted by the United Fruit doubt interesting, books when you trowel, laid tbe founcan support at all, bus was maintain Company.
Each week the coma ed solely by the Quaker Mission. pany ships at least 1, 000 su skers have them neatly bound at The following is the text of Hundreds journeyed from the. GLEANER the reply sent by the Colonial City to witness the ceremony fron plantations in St. THE WORKMAN Secretary of Barbados, to the and residents of the Belle district Catherine to Portland for plantgentleman who presented a turned out in goodly numbers.
ing purposes.
Development of Fruit 93 CENTRAL AVENUE petition to His Excellency the Governor praying for an extension of the Exchamges state that the Hɔn Trade ST. VINCENT Franchise with resOpposite Cecilia Theatre pect to House of A4 10 the Rɔbert Howard Purces, Solici ter General of Tripldad, has been NEXT YEAR JAMAICA EXPECTS (From the Trinidad Guardian am directed to appointed Chlef Justice of Baracknowledge the receipt of bados in succession to the late TO EXPORT 20, 000, 000 BUNCHES London Lutter. the island never know the crusb previous year.
dated 22nd September, Richard Theodore Orpen. He 1s OF BANANAS 1926, asking His Excellency the not expected to take up his new ing burdens of taxation and the St. Vincent fills but a modest financial worries that afflict Great increased by nearly 2, 000 acres. are necessary to extend the leave The seren en ouder 2, 00tonches: Governor to take such steps as daties before send years bus place in the scheme of the Brit Britain, Trinidad will not AND 25, 000, 000 LATER Ish Empire. Rarely does it at: The export of San Island (473. franchise by reducing the in expire until about the end of Di. RECORD REVENUE. 1991) was considerably less come and property qualifications, cember.
ON tract the notice of the outside than the export (520, 3698) in and, in reply, to inform you that world. The report on the economic position of the island for The Revenue rose to 62, 540, the previous year. The value the matter is not one in which ST. LUCIA Already year 1925 might, however, exceeding the highest previously lowever wae 57, 665 as against the Governor in Executive Com 16, 000, 000 bunches of bananas considerably over the excite the envy of all recorded that for 1924 by) 50, 218. The value of the ar mittee is prepared to take the have been exported from Jamal BA per it be revenue, trade tal trade for the year amounted 51, 361 in 1924 to pound sterling pounds sterling 1, 557. The to rowroot sent out increased from initiative.
ca since the beginning of the have the honour to be.
At special meeting of the The tremendous adCastries Town Board recently year, says the JAMAICA MAIL production, the story is one to pound sterling 444, 839 a 125, 078.
Gentlemen, Mr. Cadet gave notice Last year record has already of definite progress. Not one against pound sterling 810. 890 vance as ragards copra is IndicatYour most obedient Servant that at the next meeting he would been broken; and from the ex note of depression is discernible, December 31, lust amounted to bas risen from 7, 090 16 in 1918 to net surplus oned by the fact that the export DR. STEWART, mode that the Franchise be extentended cultivation of bananas it in a case, e Colonial Secretary pound sterling 20, 548 ded to women. At the same meetall. a In addi Dearly 700, 0001 in 1925.
various parts of the Island, trast with those years, now haption the Colony ing it was made a criminal offence Po8989898 a Rəs Great Britain is far and away for Motor Car or Motor during and largest Have you tried the Lorry to be driven in the town of that the next two or three into the mists of time when the 11. 000. On the other hand the duce of St. Vincent, the value of Castries without rubber tires.
years will witness a still greater Island was glad of a grant in sid Public Debt amounted only to exports to this country (puund now Boer output as far as exports. go. from the mother Country. Now pound sterliog 10, 290; while the sterling 167, 000) being almost This year export of bananas It looks very much as though the expenditure for 1925 (pound double that of 1924. This countKronen Brau a Castilloa olastica rubber were Demonstrations in the tapping will be at least 18, 000, 000 stems. boot was on the other foot! sterling 53, 000) was nearly pound ry is an easy first also in the Next year, if all goes well, it wil Good lucs to sto Viocent, may sterling 700 less than that of the matter of Importe. continued on page 3)
to tha granting event of the has Book Binding!
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