
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 1926 THE WORKMAN We Liverpool Cathedral Organ MAN MAN ALIVE Wwwwwwwwwwww ac Xmas New Year Cards Workman Printery Hall, dering array of cof. draw. stops, pi toos sisting 35 stops; pipes. The makers, ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥ BETIER GET BUSY er being 32. To te ard aspect NAPADAM their general was at Sea Contra Crespo fects was still THE LARGEST IN THE Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica WORLD WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Posms, de of public interest invited.
Liverpool Cathedral organ, the PO Box 74, Paasms All copy for publieation must be Have written on one side of paper only, and.
gift of the late Mr. Jemes Barrow you Seen the Beautiful Assortment of and has cost 35, 005, was dedica.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of ted on Monday, October 18th. It One Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicahas 168 speaking stops and 103 Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
cessories, the number of draw stop Three 60e.
We do not undertake to return reknobs which a sufficiently energetic 25.
Ono jected correspondence.
and athletic organist may be able to control amounting to 222. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS comparison with the speaking SATURDAY DECEMBER, 18, 1926, NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE stops of other large organs gives this result. St Sulpice, Paris 100; London, Albert Hall, Cathedral, 124, Hall 111; Biga Towa THE CALL OF THE FLAG.
busg, St. Michael 163. There are BAN five manuals, the Tuba and Echo All British subjects on the Isthmus of Panama are call.
93 CENTRAL AVENUE. being played from the fifth, and a view of the console show a bewil.
ed by the thrilling colors of the Empire to a stirring patriotic mitt demonstration on Tuesday, January 25th, 1927, when a and pedal accessories. The pedal rousing welcome will be accorded Their Royal Highnesses, organ in the largest section, con the Duke and Duchess of York, on their visit to the Isth.
of which include mus en route to the Antipodes. The Diplomatic Represen WELL, THEY ARE SOME BEAUTIES AND one of 64ft, and five of 32 ft. The tative of the Crown, Major Charles Brathwaite Wallis, Choir Organ has 23 stops, the Great Minister Plenip tentiary and Envoy Extraordinary to DON YOU FORGET IT, SOME WORDS TOO 29, the Swell 31, the Solo 22, the Echo 23, and the Bombarde Panama and Costa Rica his announced the call in clarin (alias Tabas There are 10, 690 expression and it is sounde all over the Isthmus.
Who Messrs.
does not hear?
Willis and Sons, state that the in. The call includes all persons here who own allegiance And the PRICES! well they are down to rockmense size of the instrument has to the Throne of the Empire: Englishmen, Welshmen, enabled them to obtain a complete total design involving no no unneces.
Scotchmen. Irishmen, East Indians, Chinese, Canadians bottom, to meet the pockets of everybody ary duplication, ani to enable eve.
and West Indians. Every section of the British community ry class of of legitimate tome to which is domiciled in this country. It is a call such as podem intely represented and develop cannot be ignored or allowed to pass unheeded, British electrie motors, the total horse pow.
The organ will be blown by subjects or citizens feel a thrill of intense loyalty whenever In its outward the flag of the nation wafts before them, but now that it the four sections of the case which speaks in direct terms to us British subjects we are loyally front into choir and ware bound to heed its command to get together here in a foreign either side. are, in the diguity of and transepts, on country for a grand patriotic demonstration expressive of the And see them if you want to send your friend lines and the refinement of their details, worthy of the loftiest ideals and greatest traditions of our grand old empire noble design of the Church.
Three decades of hard, earnest and efficient toil and a pretty card this Christmas Season.
The dedication of the organ, service have marked our eventful sojourn in this country.
which took place on Mondoy, was We entertain now, as in the past, the best and most sincere monomamamamayanamamanMAAMAANANTANANART part of the celebrations of Liversentiments of amity, cordiality and good will towards the po Civic Week. The Cathedral natives, on the one hand, and towards the Americans and attenderanged. The civic authorities other foreign residents, on the other.
The organist The cosmopolitan character of the Isthmian populace Jemima Roper Died rendered Bach St. Ann fugue which sounded gloriously in the has thrown us in contact with people from all over the WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR lofty choir, as did the other globe, and we claim to hive learnt from these associations played during the service Basil piece a breadth of international vision not experienced and unHarwood p Paean the jubilant known to our compatriots who have not been fortunately character of which was in keeping Whilst en Route to Her with the occasion How much the fivored with such extraordinary contacts, Yet, and in spite church plozifies broad musical efof all this, we have grown stronger and stronger in our love Home at Jamaica No hot irons or special combs required and loyalty for our own dear flag and nation. Other flags realised when the choir sang one of Aolt Pealms: Lord, are pretty and enchanting other nations are great and The CLEANER of the 13th inst, who hast made us for Thine owo. beningn but dear old Bretannia, the pride of the Ocean, the SOLD IN DRUG STORES reports that Mrs Jemima Roper, and still more when a choir home of the Free and the Brave, is the one nation that who embarked at Cristobal on the possessing a voice of s, Santa Marta died at sea on richness or exceps: se.
grips our inmost affections.
nich The call comes to us as never before. British subjects ed on the sht. The body was land emed in the church sang airs by must present a united front in this Republic, The reasons Saturday at the Custard, paganist, cre obvious and transparent, The Duke of York and his Fen Cemetery in the the was at the organ, and he, and some Royal spouse are to visit this country in the first month of SHOE SALE The passengers and crew of the distinguished organits, have given the coming year. It means much to this country to have vessel, subscribed 64 doller at the recitals during the Week.
requrst of Capt. Barrett, for the other Royal visitors of the reigning house of Britain step benefit of the two children of the upon Isthmian coil within the short space of five years; FOR THE EN IRE FAMILY AT OUR STORES deceased, who also came on the mas and New Year Cards go to For a good assortment of Christ.
and this Republic will make every preparation to welcome ship. Mrs Roper was a Jamaican. the WORKMAN Printery and entertain them. The Officials of the Canal Zone will La Moda La Fama La Rosa and It will be remembered that not be lacking in showing their esteem for the Royal guests woman when they arrive, and every possible consideration and La Suerte, Central Ave. who was shol by the white boy Cermany Complains convenience will be grante to British subjects by the Gov.
at Balbos with the alleged toy gw PANAMA CITY some months ernor in compliance with the ethics of international courteago and Of Attitude of the who brought uit against the boy pereuts for sies.
Allies Toward Her What shall we do? We are called, how shall we ancompromise was made and Mrs. Roper decided to return swer. All our social and civic forces are called to band YOU CAN BUY UP TO DATE SHOES FOR THE to hir native land when deith the themselves together for the grand patriotic occasion grim reaper intervened and Direct West India cable des.
XMAS SEASON scheduled for January 25th next. We have many organideprived her of the privilege of datch from Geneva dated Dec zations here which will make showing on that day. The MORSE ROGERS SHOES again seeing her bone in the flesh, states that Germany is losing natience over what Dr. Gustav Boy Scouts of Panama and Colon together with the troops Stresemann terms the of the Canal Zone Silver settlements will give a monster Every pair absolutely Guaranteed picion and hesita ne y of the President Sister Allies toward her and parade and the two prominent West Indian bands of which their failure to meet her on a basis of we are justly proud will furnish the music.
bronHand Bag Found equality, although The British Society and British West Indian Committee is a full fiedged menber si the Germany, now will participate in the demonstration and crowds of other The hand bag containing money, League of Nations. Dr. StreseBritish nationals will take in the celebration of the occasion.
keys and other valuables which there stiin. complaint is that As far as can be ascertained, the entire British community reported is on the alert and making arrangements to give tone and hand of Mrs, Luisa Figeroa de Ited troops in the Rhineland will Vergara, sister of the President of that the Allies continue to in it color to the day, which it is believed and expected will be Chile, in Colon, was found by emon on inter Allied control a general holiday in Panami and on the Canal Zone for all em armatients. It is expecte that e cleaning sellbicipal Division Britishers here on the Isthmus.
sewers in Street December MIZRACHI PROP.
early this week, according to For the convenience and accommodation of the British qurse of the Lee session of the of Nations subjects resident in Colon and cther places on the Atlantic reports from Ccion. It will be pening to de y Dr Stresemann will Buying Off. 491 Broadway remembered that the hardbag wes nake known the desire of Germany side a special train will be run on the day of the Royal stolen while Mrs. Vergara was for the abandonment of Allied couple arrival at Balboa. There are over one hundred spending a short time in the termin control and andounce his country and fifty Boy Scouts in Colon who will be making the al city a ner ago, while enroue willingness to substitute for it the trip and and it is planned to assist them from the proceeds establishing racial attitudes unworthy of the God who is Orcomi.
to Chile on the steamship of investigations of German of the special train, This worthy effort claims the interest our common Creator and Father, it should declare the prin urmaments by the League of Nat.
ons and support of all British people at that end and the ciple of worldwide brotherhood.
Ministers and oteer reli English pound notes were furd in apprehenive that unlese Allied buceh keys and a few not offended. Dr. Stresemann is provided German prostige is special should, therefore, be generously patronized by one gious leaders should sit down together and consult each the bag, but the balance of money, control is abandoned the Goveraand all.
other in a frank facing of facts and situations: a spirit of about eight pound notes, and a ment mutual respect and confidence should be cultivated, mutual wrist watch set with diamonds, a which has been unreservedly givea my lose the backing The Church And Race Relations standards of procedure should be set up and adhered to pair of eyeglasses mounted in it by the various politicall groups the jingo press should be condemned without fear, corrupt gold lorgne te, were removed.
in the Reichstag.
courts, designing politicians, labor exploiters, discriminating search for the missing valuables.
are on the The Church cannot escape responsibility for a large and oppressing employers and corporations, agitators dis.
share in the prevailing unfortunate situation, says a writer guised in the cloak of religion. all these should be condemnWhy pay double price in the SOUTHERN WORKMAN, commenting on certained and suppressed uniformly.
for Interior imported churches in the Instead of seizing, upon the Probably the greatest, the most powerful, single group If you want to please your Beer when you can points of unity, as she should have done, she has often of men in America is the group dedicated to the Christian friends by sending them a lovely buy a superior Beer helped all the other divisive forces to widen the breach of ministry. It is stimulating to contemplate the tremendous Christmas or New Year Card call discrimination among the races, results which would come from their aggressisve leadership at the Workman Printery where such as BALBOA for The Church must determine to develop a Christian if only they launched a united, consistent program in the the finest lot in the city are on half the price.
attitude among the races, Frankly confessing its part in interest of racial justice and welfare. display.
Friday damages. gusparticulis boty are thousand AlSUNDIAL SRO of German is expected the right of

    GermanyUnited Front

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