
Attractions at the Theatres STRAND generally Colin ment to Alter baving been sentenced to days 60 in jail to ordered pay a fine of 100, for be ng unusually disagreeable in Silver City CECILIA AMA DOR AMERICA Cristobal, Arnold Pollard coloured Weat Indian was found, PANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON after medical observation, to be mentally unbalanced and is to Today Saturdsy Dec. 18th Today. Saturday Dec, 18th Today Saturday Dec 18th Today Saturday Dec, 18th be confined in the Corozal Asylum Tom Mix in Irene Rich in and Gaston Glass in for the Insane. THE DEADWOOD COACH THE PLEASURE BUYERS Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 19th GOD CRUCIBLE Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 19th The Panama Follies, a four Norma Shearer in Ton orrow Sunday Dec. 19th Gilda Gray in Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 19th Act Play, written and directed THE DEVIL CIRCUS Constance Talmadge in by Lescock of Parama, ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS, Gilda Gray in THE DUCHES OF BUFFALO ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS made its debut at the Strand Mor day December 20th Monday December 20th Theatre on Monday night last Lowell Sherman in There was Monday December 20th Anita Stewart in Monday December 20th before a poor buse.
however, Icclement weather. SATAN IN SABLES Monte Blue in THE PRINCE OF PILSEN, Harry Carey in and this was in a great way 2007 res HOGAN ALLEY And a Act Farce Comedy BEYOND THE BORDER ponsible for many play goes Tuesday December 21st HE LEARNED ABOUT WOMEN attending, as it was talked around that it was every.
Harry Carey in Tuesday Decen ber 21st FROM HER. Tuesday December 21st BEYOND THE BORDER George Brien in Junior Stars in boily destre to see the first in THE DANCERS Tuesday December 21st FASCINATING YOUTH trotection of the Pille on th Isthmus. Director Leacock was Wedresday December 22nd Rin Tin Tin in forced to cancel all further prep. William Boyd in dnesd: y December 22nd CLASH OF THE WOLVES, Wednesday December 22nd for presedting the arations THE VOLGA BOATMAN William Boyd in Wednesoay December 22nd Benefit Performance Play on the following night. THE VOLGA BOATMAN Norma Shearer in FOR MISS MASIE GRANT Thursday December 23rd Thursd y December 23rd THE DEVIL CIRCUS Thursday December 23rd Greta Garbo in Another grave bas been opened Billie Dove in Thursday December rd Anita Stewart in in the Mount Hope Cemetery. IBANEZ TORRENT THE MARRIAGE CLAUSE Lowell Sherman in THE PRINCE OF PILSEN It was discoverod on Friday last week. The remains were Friday December 24th SATAN IN SABLES Friday December 24th those of a fourteen year old boy Anita Stewart in Friday December 21th Friday December 24th named Thomas Lawrence who Blanche Sweet in Jack Holt in was buried in THE PRINCE OF PILSEN Harry Carey in March 1921 DIPLOMACY HIDDEN LOOT Tue was broken at the foot BEYOND THE BORDER and orly the bone blow the kner Saturday December 25th Saturday Decen ber 25 Saturday December 25th Saturday December 25th Irene Rich and Ronald Colman in Agnes Ayres in Edmund Lowe in Monte Blue in Bimilar case same LADY WINDERMERE FAN HER MARKET VALUE GREATER THAN CROWN Cemetery about a year ago when THE LIMITED MAIL a graye was desecrated and the skull removed, the rising par being discovered later i, a garden at Mount Hope.
CANAL ZONE NOTES Prince of Wales to At the regular business meet ing of the Alliance Literary and Visit Canada For Debating Society held at the La Boca Pars Cristol v Clu 0 e oi Diamond Jubilee the seventh Instant, a prorosa The La Boca Basketball tein was put forth to hold a Popula which is representing La Boca in Contest. This has ty Ottawa, Dezember. 10. The been the Basketball League has bee creating much enthusiasm renamed the Lucky Strike Nine speech from thº Throne read at among the members and friends as as an eopression of appreciation the opening of the 16th Parlisof the Society. It was proposed of the British American Tobacco today by His Excellency to offer attractive prizs Company (Panatoa) Ltd. wbo Lord Willingdon, outlined legislaItion which the Government propos winners.
donated the trophy which has es to introduce this session. This been recently won by the La Morris Lovell is includes.
The popular Atlantic Orchestra Boca team. Reintroduction of Government measures wbich under the direction of Mr. K elected President of the team sed the House at the last session, Lawson, is rehearsing som for the ensuing term. but which failed to become law, splendid pieces for their Pana. Measures providing for assista 12 ma Wesleyan Concert on the On Tuesday last the Athe: ance to works con for pro 25th instant. The Orchestra is naeum held its annual Social undoubtedly the best among col Vocal and Instrumental music, din of domestic coke from coal. Legislation dealoured orchestras oc tbe Isthmus, games and dancing wer: 10 an there is no gain saying the fact dulged in until midnight.
ing with the report of the Mariti.
The that the Pacific siders who will guests included several promi e Rights Commissione fabled tohave the opportunity of bearing pent ladies and gentlemen boh day of a them on the 26tb will not is ans from this town and from Panama three year Bree for Canaway be disappointed. Going ac City.
National truction. Legislation for the ra the Isunnus with vie Orc the tra is our young mezzosoprano, Miss Rampie, mer the of of Grand Trunk Pacific The Deo mber meeting of the SOSOS SSSSSSSSSSSSSS Board of Directors of the PanaColou Glee Singers. Miss Rample perpetual debentures. Amendments to the rules of the House of will bave the pleasure of again ma Canal West Indian EnCommons meeting Mrs. Oiga King, the ployee Association will be beld most accomplished local coloured this evening. This will be the His Royal Highness the Prince of singer, who, it is understood, third meeting of the Board for admission to practice before the Wales, it is announced, has acwill also be on the program. this year, and it is expected that bor of the Canal Zone Attorney cepted an invitation to visit Canamembers will bave to face been particularly da for the Diamond Jubilee. Mr.
bulky program SUCH Tul in all the cases be Baldwin has also been invited to Secretary Coleman of the Vio vious meeting which was beld bindled, and is looking forward attend and may be present.
Istbroian Friendly and Benevol mor more than six months ago, to prosperous time in the Gerd Willingdon read the speech ent Society announc the Throne for the first time the week that the Society would several matters of importance coming year, Fine Assortment in his term as Governor General, hold their last business meeting were dealth with by the Executive Officers and tonight meet Paraiso Clubhouse As anticipated, it contains no very year in the Court Brock log will Lodge Hall on Thursday night the work pending as also to deal ar up the balance of contentious AT THE to give the speech from the Throne last, when nomination and elec with nomination and election of The Girl Reserve will hold 130 as odficers for the Jannuary ofticers for the January Decem the Paraiso Clubhouse on Saturprecedence in the Erief pre Christtheir regular monthly Rally at nas meeting of Parliament was June 1927 term will be the prin ber 1927 term.
adopted cipal item on the Agenda.
day, December, 1816 at o clock.
At o clock there will be a The present officers of the volleyball game between the BOLIVAR STREET, COLON, SLIGHT OMISSION Due to the fact that the Decem. Association are: I, Whyte, Mary Church Terrell Girls of Merung of the Panama Canal President, Walters. First Colon and the Phylis Wheatley West Indian Employees Associ. Vice President Le Cheer: Girls of Li Boca. fellow wrote a letter to me Make your selections early and said that he would kill me if ation will be held at the bead Second Vice President; All girls are urged to be Corresponding Secretary, don stop flirting with his wife, quarters, La Boca, this evening. Well, you had better stop flirtWC: Colon District of the Association, tary; Dalby, Alexing with bis wife.
tbe Chairtaan for evening two at least, as well as others ander and H, Perkins, Trustees, GATUN That leaves me in a terriblə from Gatun, will be crossi the Mr. Harrison, Treasurer, EMPIRE entertainment. Every Item 00 fix. He didn sign his name.
Isthmus to take part in the being on leave of absence in the the program was well rendered deliberations.
and United States, Trustee Dalvy is deserved the applause Grand Sacred Concert acting Treasurer.
Cirls Friendly Society received. Special mention must be made of the field. California. Cries of encbors Ed wir, Beckles. McFarlane, could be beard when Mr. Leon Variety Entertainment Elestion of officers and repreA Grind Sacred Concert was so nobly displayed his musical sentatives of the La Boca Pani Hold Literary Night Christopher and Grant, the held at the Gatun Lodge Hall on talent in rendering this piece.
duet by Misses Perry mao and Sunday cember 12, under the Graat aad Special mention is due to Mr.
The Panama Model School wa District of the Astec atio recitation by auspices of the Gatun Progres TU. Godfrey Ayre for his under the directorship of Mr. this month, according to e take place on the 23rd of Monday Dec, 6th was literary Misses Anderson, Hogan and sive Club bution HEAVENS ARTILLERY Russel Phillips, and operaan night for the St. Barnabas Girls Best. The Chairman compliat last Friendly Society of ber: ting in the Panama Baptist Hallanuouncement made Empire.
the young ladies for the Doors were opened at p. violin solo. accompanied by Pcomptly at p. m, the Presi meeting of the strlet.
23rd St. Guachapali, will break way in which they and the bouse was brought to Fenez organist.
This to be the biggest up for the Christus vacation meeting of the local District for meeting to order, followed by exhorted them themselves, and orcer after which the We also bave to hand it to Mr.
president, to good Mr. Woodman made the Stevenson for the manner in with Variety Entertainment be year as, apart from nomina Pull call when each member books and emulate the lives of openinge Feem to be banking the he to be given by ine Pupils of the tions for District Chairman and responded with either a beauti great women, All ageeed that choire.
manipulated his cho After the various addresses on audience for their coSchool to parents and to vited Vice Chairman, nearly ation. Mr. Chester Headley. the chairman brought the enterforty tal Rem of thought or a quotation profitable time was spent behalf of the welfare of the club, persons, on Tuesday, Dec 21st, members have heen nominated from the bible followed by the chairman, presided for the even to commence at pm for District Representatives.
precisely ing. An excelleut program was tainment to a close in the usual motto of the Society which is, arranged Have you tried tho manner and every one, apparentAdmission by tickets. col. The District will be given its Bar yo one another burquota of Representatives at to dens.
lection will be taken up.
night meeting of the Board.
One of the special violin select 9, left in a state of complacency.
The program wbich consisted new Boer ions rendered was THAIS of; recitations, readings, solos, meditation by Señor Speros Lon, Rent Receipt Books In SpanFor a good assortment of Christ On Monday last Attorney Will duets, etc. was then handed Kronen Brau yho was under tuition of Voon sh and English for sale at the mas and New Year Cards go to lam DeSouza made a flying visit over to Mr. Palmer SzereScboloss er, one of the best teachthe WORKMAN Priotery.
to Colon on businese. Since bis tary ot the church, who acted a ers and master of music, Bakers Workman Printery GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY pas.
Only First Class Ones Need Apply Line consmember Xmas and New Year Cards Since the pre this legislation.
on. motion BRITISH DRUG STORE Doc. Geben contriweek Miss Gittens, read the which a 1926,


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