
THE WORKMAN STETSON HATS maneuFor the World Best Dressers In London and Paris in Bond Street and the Rue LA MASCOTA CARLOS MULLER THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 1927 PAGE FOUR Peace Assured By British Treaty.
Continued from page that the political couplexion of ibe party led by Mr. De Valrea Published 00 Saturdays by Rates for Advertasemed on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central tion. Correspondecce on all mosties hus altered competely in the Ivenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
past few years. Even the name has been changed the party no PO Box 74, Panama RP.
All copy for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and longer styling itself republicar.
In fact, there is virtually rotbing Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of at present to decide the two parJoe Year 40 Cy.
the writer, not necessarily for publica.
ties beyond the memories of the Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
civil war.
Three e.
We do not undertake to return relo fact it was a typical Irish Oon Month 25.
jected corresponecce.
election. The leaders of the two great parties displayed all The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS the exceptional aptitude of the Irish race for pure electioneering SATURDAY OCIOBER 15, 1927 The dexterity shown in vering it the choice of a platform and appeals to sentiment, Prejudice and interest were an INSUFFICIENCY OF CONFIDENCE exbibition of the Irisb politician, JN OURSELVES as be is knowo bere and across tbe Atlantic. at bis very best.
Tbere was violence in districts It is somewhat bard to estimate the amount of confi There is no article of men wear that has the worldwbere it fetebed Votes there was moderation in areas wbere dence we have in ourselves as a community of coloured it conciliated support, people, principally West Indians. It is safe to say that wide reputation of Stetson hats. TIMÉLY MOVE this contidence, when compared with that which we place in others, does not represent as much as we should be Tbe sudden dissolution atfer the goverment escape in the proud of, and which should enthuse us to walk the streets with bail was an astute move on the breasts thrown forward, and hearts pulsating de la Paix you will see Stetsons on the heads part of Mr. Cosgrave. His augwith high pride. But the answer to this poor faith in our.
of fashionable men who know what what ges in that the triumph oi tbe selves is not hard to be arrived at; in fact, there is more anti trestyites would lead to thai one reason for this peculiar idiosyncracy.
in men headwear.
bloodshed and thus destroy Ireland chance of raising loan, Since West Indian Negroes were freed from chattel for development constituted slavery a little under a century ago, it has been systemati We have the same styles here as are now being fcrm Idable electoral appeal to country tired of prolonged cally, consistently and tactfully worked into them that they disturbance.
are incompetent, unable and never will be able to carry on worn in the style centers of the World.
most of the higher functions of human endeavour. ConBut the president, in bis calculations, Overlooked the fact versely, they have always been openly and unreservedly tbst Mr. De Valers was also su credited from the same source with being the most efficient Irisbon and consequen lyan and trustworthy menial servants. Hence, while few, with instinctive eleetioneer. He also.
the help of practical education, have managed to break away krew that rebellion was was no loorfrom such pernicious teachings, the slave psychology still er wioner, so be issued ifesto in wbicb be surght to predominates the mind of a majority of the masses; and dissipate the fears enteraneo while in the West Indies many are compelled by the sheer that be and his followers intend force of dependence or poverty to formally respect their col.
SOLE AGENT ed, by resort to force: to estabour in high positions, they still regard a white man, however lish a republic or Intel dea 10 inferior he might be, socially intellectually, as a more PANAMA CITY coerce tbe pcrtb.
finished product of the Maker and he is preferrej to lead 87 CENTRAL AVENUE SPECIAL ADVANTAGE them under any circumstance. Those early impressions of That declaration undoubtedly inferiority have had disastrous psychological effect on the won for his scores of thousands minds of the mass of West Indian Negrces, and are largely of Vites wbicb were agin to responsible for their slow economic growth. Fortunately, government but did not wit American Negroes, immediately after being freed from o commit themselves to another struggle against the rivernmert slavery, were brought face to face with the fact that they On the other hand be bad fo must depend largely on their own initiative or be extermiretain the rebel vote. Be tbsrenated; to day they are largely self dependent, and their fore continued to declaim in the advancement has been steady and sure.
West, against the base, brutal and bloody saxop and to demad indicative of our attitude towards ourselves towards. free independent acd united those of our own who have failed mainly through no fault Of every description Ireland of their own to live up to what we expected of them and loestimating the meaning of our attitude towards o hers who have intentionally and the election. it must not be tor deliberately robbed us: Some years ago white gotten that any opposition party bas a special advantage i, Irelard Americans, posing as labor leaders, came to Panama. By and governments have cores Duwery speeches and shrewd gestures they influenced DESPATCH poncing disadvantage approximately 15, 000 coloured employees of the Canal ar. For 700 years Irisbmen bara Railroad to contribute under untold bardship neariy criticized, condemned, bated ar a 100, 000 to their Association in the Uoited States. These AT THE resisted the government of their white men disappeared unceremoniously and were never country, It is dificult to throw oft such a long established and a heard from. Invectives directed at them by the employees deep rooted bit. To who were fleeced of their hard earned money paled into hereditary attitude of mind Mr.
insignificance before those they hurled at a few of their De Valera appealed with skill and succes.
great numbers who, probably, were not responsible. for more than a few hundred dollars of the lost fortune.
The result of all the elections that have taken place in the Free Another case in point: Several years ago a few West States since 1922 confirms the Indians organized a trading company here, capatilized at impression that the Irish people. 10, 000. Approximately half of that amount was said to Church Of God Or 25 wbole, have accepted the have been collected. The company, after setting up a treaty and inteаd honotably to valuable stock of groceries in a central business location went Sanctified Chnrch abide by its terms, Time is in its favor. The bitterness agaiast broke mainly on account of having stocked the least saleable England is rapidly vanishing.
commodities and from lack of big business ability. Almost Dedication Of New Orgrn.
the entire coloured community sent up a big growl at the The fury is now focreasingly directors who were stigmatized and held up as noti. ing less Regular Assortment of that of one Irisb political faction against anotber. Toe aseanSIDA than direct robbers.
Contribut tion of Kevin Higgins and the Still another case in point: Not many weeks ago a supThe Dedicatory service of the gun play in Donegale at the last new Petal Winsor organ for the election show the fierceness of posedly West Indian employee of the Canal Zone wrote to abova Church met with a bore 1ish parties.
be feeling between the two the Press under a non de plume and charged the President SUCH AS success. The house was neatly of the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Association TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, De eked while there were those out. Ode factor will count more with alleged mismanagement of a few hundred dollars out TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, side with eager eyes to see and and more as ihe memory of past of 2, 000 his Association had collected over a period of less hear the pealing tone of the new struggles recedes. Britain is tban three years, its entire life, SHAMPOO, RAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
combination. Representatives from far and away the best customer Now, is it not deplorable to know that not withstanding The Irish the officers of the church. Au Free Slate exported 31, 370, 000 the fact that the accounts of the employees association marched toward the organ singing pounds to Britain in the course have been audited each year by competent members of that The Workman Printery Stand up Stand up for Jesus of the year endioJune 30 last.
body, and notwithstanding the fact that the West Indiant The organ was thenthe Misses Williams and Austin. GOOD CUSTOMER Trading Company collections were represented largely in 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Dedicatory reading was next redo from Britain were Degligible, On the otber þand, imporis not only valuable but visible stock and other known legitiPanama City dered by the Pastor, the organ was The Irishman mate expenses, that there are a large percentage of our peothen opened by is much too Sisur Graham, shrewd business man to the first two ple who are ready and willing to treat the leaders with damn.
by war on his best customer. The stops were pulled by ree able contempt and to ostracise them for all times; Sisters McDermotb and son, prayer was said by all repre: Valera, wine the next election, is safe, even if Mr. De while, on the other hand, they would hardly utter a word to of condemnation of those those two white men who for his Providence. The organ fered with Irish internal affairs, If British goveroments interdeliberately tore nearly 100, 000 of hard earned money and for that of their third and fourth generations. was then declared open for use the situation would change apr from their pockets and left them sandwiched. humbled and This journal does not and will never at any time or Mueb praise that be given to Bro: the old beter og land choose from Romain for be resumed.
disgraced. between two governments?
under any circumstance condone or mismanagement If, as a community, we mercilessly upbraid our leaders misappropriation of our people money by leaders of the and great interest be bas shown on behalf.
But no British government is for the loss of a few hundred dollars in their efforts to add race. But we feel that a suffieiency of confidence ever likely to permetrit, tha prestige to our community leaders who have failed through in them is lacking, and that this insufficiency of confolly. Irishwen are gradual Notice to correspondents.
realizing that Great Britain ba.
ignorance in some way, while working in good faith. what fidence in ourselves is a freak of intelligence. Unless made up ber miod to leave Ire extreme measures would we not have taken against them we catch up on ourselves by placing more confidence Contributors and correspondente land to work out ber own destimore money would we not have sacrificed to bring them to instead of publicly rediculing them, we will weaken our links tions not later than Thursdays to one of the free and independent had they cunningly relieved us of 100, 000? How much in our leading men by offering them constructive criticism are asked to send in their contribu. sy in her own way, so long as sbe consents to take ber place s9 justice. And if we fail in this, what volume of supplication suffer a broken chain which will take another century to iosure publication. This is impera. Ostions that constitute tbe Bristive apd must be adbered to.
would we not have sent up seeking vengeance for their lo weld.
JOB. PRINTING two DONE WITH NEATNESS AND this WOKMARN PRINTERY Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products Simp treaty God ish Empire.

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