
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1927 PAGE FIVE 6575859350355SS Cisciecossscis CANAL ZONE NOTES THE WOODMEN OF UNION, FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION Canal Zone Notes Miss Doris Evans Join Today. It Protects You While You Live and Your Family After You Are Dead Disabiliy Benefits are graduated in accordance with liberal provisions on face of said policies FOURTEEN COON REASONS is tbe bosts lc, It is a Union by the people and for the people It is both Fraternal and Domestic Insurchce. It pays you more while you live than any other concern.
4, Its educational features appeal to all Race lovers It donates annually to Racial schools. It gives employment to more Negro girls than any other concern of its kind Its rates are within reach of all We are twenty years old and have not had an extra assessment to pay in the Grade Department Our business amounts approximately 50, 000 monthly 19. The Endowment Money is used only for sick and death claims.
11. We pay promptly the full amount of claims the same day proofs are filed in the Home Office 12. You do not need a lawyer to get your claims 13 You do not have to die to win 14. Hospital, free to members Bath House rates reasonable; full course (21) baths to members, 951; full course (21) baths to non memders, 15. 00 Half course (10) baths to everybody, 50, Rooms. 00 to 00 per week, from LEAVES FOR JAMAICA Mise Doris Evans of Jamaie Prado, popular member of the younger art, and prominent in social, fraternal and religious circles, left here on Thursday morning last and in the afternoon ailed from Cristobal on the United Fruit Company liver Santa Marta for Kingston, Jamalca. Miss Evans bas left the latums for goo. Comirg to Panama when quite a child, sbe pent nearly all ber days here. Always of an amiable disposition, aftable and upassuu nationalist, Miss Evans has made ing as well as a charm conver or friends here: On Wednesday evening Miss Evans was the booored guest at a farewell reception beld at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. King at the Quarantine Andex Waile there sbe was presented with a the momento ibe Orpheus Musical and Dramatic Club. Sbo wa at one Club Pianist, in which capacity tbe she acquitted herselt creditably Sbe became more popular when sbe played with distinction in iding role in tbe Club play the Te Patb Across the Hill. a spirited melodrama. La Boca bas lust one of 119 most promising young women and a brigbt toa ture is hoped for ber ip bec native land.
At the railroad station Thursday morning there were many of her frier ds and well wisbes to see her oft, one of them presented her with beautiful boquet of flowers.
La Boca Pars belp in the from no efforts time THE LEADS OTHERS TRY TO FOLLOW The Woodmen of Union Lodges cover seventeen (7) different states and our membership extends to the South Sea Islands. This Organization has its own building which is four stories high and covers a whole city block. paid for in cash without extra assessment.
It gives employment to more than 60 in its main plant, besides a large field force, Total paid to widows and orphans since organization, over 500, 000 with assets of more than 500. 000 Insurance in force, over twenty. 20, 050. 000) million dollars.
sary, producte.
DR, KENDALL, JNO. WEBB Supreme President Supreme Custodian Post Office Box 559 Hot Springs, Arkansas For information address, L. Flowers, Panama City. who are the legal representative in this Country oso OXOsKossK6000 KSS as ATLANTIC SIDE The Alliance Society On The Road of Progress.
Activities of The Co.
On Tuesday night, 11th. inst län Boys Institute the Society of the Cristobal Silver Clabbouse, beld Avery Interesting meeting. The Commander Watson is again main feature of the evening was up and active in the promotion the monthly Scrap Basket Disof the work of the Institute. cusslon. Most of the members Thanks to the medico tbe sudden present took part in this, earning illoess disappeared as festas it rounds of applauses for the able came, leaving the Commander maoper in wbieb they discussed in no way worse for its brief their respective subj cts.
reigo. Through this medias be begs to thank the many friends for their expressions of sworth Longfellow Night With Henry Wadsympathy during the trying announcement made for tbe time, and is assuring all that be meeting on Tuesday night is very grateful to tbem. coning, and the members and Erlends of the Society are eagerly The Institute bas started an looking forwasd to an enjoyable Agricultural Farm which of the Bisgraphy of tipe. The program will consist located at the Margarita Road. of the of Longleliow, The many friends and ympe wooks, How he is regarded as a critical analysis of his life and tbizers will welcome this infor Poet, tion, for one and all know the etc. There will also be great value of Calulvation. Plans de lectlon rendered are being laid to cultivate tood the court ans his nut standing works. From that can supply the inmates of the preparations that are made the Institute. sod it if necessary for the occasion, it is safe to the local markets, announce that any one wbo takes Proprets of their work For advantage of the opportunity to over seven attend this meeting will y are great were being made to make two longer remain a stranger to the ends meet. avers the Command history and works of this famous er. but found it difficult task American 00 as we dit not own ap Agricultu.
rul Farm, We have always been News Notes menace to the merchaot store wbere all oor earnings were expended; but through the The members of the Cristobal courtesy of the Canal Zone Colon Baptist Church will celeauthorities, we bave now leased brate their anniversary tomor2 bectares of land for the present row. There will be special wbere for the past weeks the services. The pulpit will be boys сар be found doing their occupied by the pastor. Rev best in the cultivation of neces Williamson. at 11 am.
It to indeed and p, m, wbile OMr. Cumingwor dertal to Ente bow the boyham of the Army and Navy M.
rusb into this healthy form of will preech a special men work. not taking it as any ar. sermon at nigbt.
duous labour, but making a play mfely said it be well performed. reet there will be a variety over their job, altbough it can be Tonigbt at Liberty Hl. h We trust that within six months we will be sble to lay aside some she scholars in crorection with entertainment in which many of funds for a rainy day.
the movement will be presented.
It is a well known fact that to Harvest Festival services will advance in life Education must be beld at the Colon sleyan first be attained. If the right Church tomorrow. Rev. kind of education is given to Wade will be the preacher at the youths, we can be proud to 11. a. and and be state tbay they will grow up to be address the children at the best men and womos imagi.
dable. Within recent date the Institute is endeavouring The cricket eynt of the week bring the poor misguided youths will be a match between Waninto its foldaJwlth greater al derers C. and Kent cc than ever, Mount.
can boast of two Captaino. tures for the past few weeks in arola Cottral the captain of the Colon have all been washed out Cracker Town gang, band of but favourable change in the young boys who delighted in weather le anticipated for tomorstaging robberies is now row.
being caught Burlemander; and Utop Hl on Airall, the 17 year old Wbite Spider is now lamentine Bierd made his debut ass preach of the son of Mr. Airall of Camp over bis briel but terrible reign or on Sunday last, the 9th inst.
These leaders were distinguished at the Colon Wesley Church.
from their followers by Buttons Preaching from Acts 30 he gave cap ture has broken the morale of earned the approval of all who sermon and tbele. gangs, and it is quite cer heard bim, Mr. Airall bis ta that before long this night father is also a local preacher of prowling will be a thing of the the Wesleyan Coach and the Past.
entire community unites in wisbIt the mercbants of the city ing the young man successfu!
would support the work as they career.
sbould, tbe Commander can rid the streets of these young tel lowe who are bent on a lite of Colon Wesleyan Me.
crime; thus saving tbii. business faom their depredatione.
thodist Church It is tbe desire to institute Day Sehool to afford the boys the best possible elemectary The following items to gether education, and all existing socie: from the annual special effort of ties and organizations, Fraternal the Colun Wesleyan Church, and or otherwise, will be called upon an appeal is made to the generol to support this scheme.
public for aid in support of their As Do School fund can be laia work.
sside to employ regular Day FIRST School toacber in English, drive will soon be started for the Annual Harvest Thanksgivin Sergpurpose Fur it is the Com macd vicea will be held on Suoday the er desire that all toys who bave 16th of October. Rev. R: no proper persons to look after Wade will each special sermons their interests, enrollas members at 11 a. and 30 At. voluntary or compulsory, thus 2m. a special Childrens service ridding the streets of menaces, will be beld when the children will and making them safe for one mareh in procession and present their gifts.
and all.
Io cudnection with the Harvest Colon Teacher Association gifts of all kinds will be gratefully received at the Church at any The regular monthly meeting time during Saturday the 15th.
ef the Association will be held SECOND this afternoon at St. Joseph School Grand Songopbode Pageant room, commencing at 2, 00. entitled FATAER TIME AND precisely.
school teachers are requested to attend. EAMILY will be beld in the Interest increases as the forth Church on Wednesday 19th, of October 00 30 pm, coming loter Schools Examination abead. Nearly two The Pageant will be rendered by bundred pupils are getting to a company of 24, plus the new to stand Songophone Baod of 12 pieces, th test, wbile anxious teachers plus the Choir.
shape, educationally, are unselfshls working in their FATHER TIME FAMILY beball. It is hoped ibat the memº bership of the Association torn consists of Children (2 sons and out ehmu se to make the final daughters) also 12 Grand Chile.
preparations for this pute worthy dreo. and Great Grand Children, For the first time during Testare.
Edna Smart In Hospital Litle Miss Edna Snart, daugbier of Mr. and Mrs. Cnarleg Swart of the Balboa Quarantine Annex, was admitted to Ancon Hospital on Thursday last wbere she undergo an operation for tonsilitis. Edoa is. pupil at the Government school bere, wbere, in addition to ber home circlee, she will be greately missed. It is boped that her recovery will be a speady one.
will to ATTENTION!
night robe under by the Stewart, erstwhile To Debate Wealth And Poverty. Resolved Tost Poverty produces more Crime than Health 18 tbe subjctspproved last Tuesday evening at tbe AtbeDaeum for debate on tbe lost.
Messrs. W, King and Jump bave been appoioted by President Sewell to lead for tbe Affirmative and the Negative, respectively, Secretary Neely Expected Soon.
very acceptable House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH according to Secretary Neely of the Clubbouse is expected back from bis vacation in the United States around the lsst of this month.
recept received from bim, Patrons of the Clubhouse will then lose the generrl Assistant Secretary, Mr. Williams wh, it is understood will take charge of the R:d Tapk Clubbeuse.
letters Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Dr. Arnulfo Arias PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Removed his Clinic to Central Avenue No. 137 balf block away from the up toDrug Store named Pharmacy date Societies CAN BE HAD AT The Workman many centuries he will be coming amongst his family in visible form To do honour to the occasion the Young People Songophone Baod will make their debut before the public of Colon and contribute three ijems to the programme. 1) Comrades in Arm. Adolphe Adam. 2) Away We Go (T. Cook. 3) Away Witb Melancholy (Adapted from Mozart)
The Choir will ng special pieces suitable to such an auspicious occasion, No stipulated charge is mad for adusission, but all who come are asked to give a liberal offering at the doors.
To ensure a seat be sure ti come early.
looms Stationery Store


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