
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1929 PAGE FIVE The Labor Movement Canal Zone Notes IDOZAN BEST CURE FOR ANEMIA GENERAL DEBILITY LACK OF APPETITE NEURASTHENIA INSOMNIA LA BOCA last count of votes will take place on Saturday ght next, when the BREACH OF PROMISE Leading candidate will be proclaimcd queen. The pageant is set for the following Monday. breach of promise case is slated to be tried in the Clubhouse on the 21st instant, under the auLIVELIER MEETINGS splees of the Isthmian Literary and Musical League. The League mem District officers of the Panama bers from the Atlantic end are to Canal West Indian Employ. es Asbe prominently represented in the Sociation intimated during the week trial, Yt is understood. The case is what they are planning to create being prepared by Hector Connor incre interest in the monthly meet.
of Colon. Mr. Connor is also to aplings of the Association which pear as the plaintiff attorney. The being held here. They were expectdefendant is to be represented by ng a new flysheet from the AssoMr. William Jump.
ciation which will be used in consection with membership drtve.
CARNIVAL PALMER SPEAKS ON MEMORY The coming Carnival of the LA Boca Mutual Benefit and Friendly Palmer, member of the staff of Suciety is attracting much atten cachers at the Government school tion of the younger girls of the. or colored children, and member of cummunity. The pretty ittle crown the La Boca Athenaeum, delivered a which is to be worn by the queen very interesting and educative adis on exhibition in the Clubhouse. dress on memory training at the At the last count of votes Miss Athenaeum meeting at the ClubLouise Butler was leading five house on Tuesday evening last.
other candidates for queen. There is PLANS OUTING to be another count tonight when Women Life Problem is it is most likely that a surprise planning its annual outing which is might be sprung and a candidate to take place sometime during thi who has been quietly trailing comes month at one of the interior vi.
behind blurting to the front. The lages of the Republic.
PLEASANT TO TAKE IDOZAN contains Iron Does not constipate Does not damage the teeth The FOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS Isk your Doctor to give his opinion on IDUZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. ESCOFFERY AGENT By use Hunter)
Friends and Country: Last week talked with you suring fellow employ who died after he had fallen e the der and thorted you to me aldention the facta la them with the med know the the per. How you how to pred w, was whether est, must that you Lewe Deus profondly per and that you have ly Improwd, where he definitely your part estabeat the be wat lee yw protetta that starts The bes movement proper duted to the socal sepaald express the work struggle for more abundet kte. And stead Non that this expression should be made.
being made all over creation, and meeting with abundent ruce why not here? The or fall.
wre of the movement depende won the attitude adopted towards it. This fact had been amply demonstrated bene, and the workers should cotinually affirm their belief in the application of the principles involved otherwise, they falsify the ideas which lay at the origin of the Labor movement, In this connection there must be an awakening of the human conscience, without which, the hammer of oppression and unjust discrimination will strike heavily upon the worker and drive him from existence How then, in the light of reason can people be content to subseribe to a tragedy? Such conduci would be well nigh unparalleled such a state of affairs would be 2008t bewildering and incomprehensible and interminable indifference to the urgency of the matter can only resuet in the staging of a stupendous and tensible spectacle!
It does not require the possession of Homer originality, nor An gelo art, nor Dante imagination, nor the skill of Virgil not yet the vocabulary of Milton, nor the genius of Shakespeare to estab Dish concept of the labor movement; but merely an acceptance of the guiding principle that labor must not be regarded as a commo dity or article of commerce.
The labor movement among the ailver employees in the Canal Zone is as momentous a question as it is with the gold employees, and wage earner the world over, and it fought with the destiny of people the silver employe of the Co.
Bal Zone persiste in his indiference to the labor movement be cannot soberly densorlate himself from the question, whither are we detiting and the attitude to fragte with peril.
But though we suffer the ember rrement of the Indifference, there is ray of hope in the fact that these are some who are fighting Intelligently in the case of riot these are never docouraged they bow the power of Nght they are aequatated with the force rath they understand the logie of sexoc9:x LARGE SUM FOR WATER SPARKIETS SCHEME (Continued from page Continued from Page 2)
officers of the Association, District holding sixty million cubic metres officers or District Secretary Treaof water.
surers not later than p. Feb An aqueduct thirteen feet in dia ruary 28, 1929.
meter will bring to Paris the water, Prizes which will pass through filter beds. special Letter of CongratulaThe Municipal Council will buy a tion from the President of the As.
strip of land the whole length of sociation will be given as first the subterranean aqueduct, and will award to the employee turning in have it guarded so that the purity the largest number of new memof the water can be guaranteed. bers.
The municipalities and communes The employee turning in the sec.
alongside the aqueduct are asking ond largest number of new applica for authority to draw water for Lions will receive a Congratulatory their needs, but Paris is not willing. Letter from the Officers of the It will take six or eight years to District of which he is, or to be, a carry out the project which will be taember.
pald for partly with German re The distinction of a rising vote parations in kind and partly with of thanks by proper resolution will municipal funds. The cost of the he accorded to the employee turnenterprise is put at 1, 500, 000, 000f ing in the third largest number of. 12, 000, 000. Daily Telegraph. new members. This distinction will be conferred on him by the District of which he is, or to be a memLer, and a copy furnisbed to him.
BERNARD ANDERSON Gramaphone Repairer If you have a Prescription to be HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, made up take it to the National CANAL ZONE Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where Efflclent Workmanship Euaranteed you will get courteous and obliging service JUST OPENED!
BARNES CASINO 46 Calidonia Road ER Two minutes ride from R, Station on Street car This Casino will conduct its business with a policy to please everybody Drinking and Dancing Saloon, Lodging and Boarding also general Restaurant and Short Order All are invited. Come in. You are welcome from the opening date on BARNES CASINO 46 Calidonia Road Sydney McClean Attorney at Law MULLER BUILDING Most popular site on tho run.
ciotoo ako Seiceste Room No. Caledonia 99900000 00000 JOB. PRINTING Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS BEAUTY PARLOUR Madame C, Walker Method Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Xy destre to Inspire rolmen as there, and to ask the other they Do Bere the survival the fittest. It is told in the Beton Transcript that the same ollen we asked men at one ad lo relle don habere the vival of anyhodin.
AT THE Consultation Free House 164 Ancon Are WORKMAN PRINTERY How shout Mr. Nor ployee. Le your attitude the thindertaker the Inbox

    Workers Movement

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