p. 8


Important Notice AMEL THE WORKMAN PRINTERY sino ciscitenco fones dtsst grid osmsbion and Is Now Located in more UTVIDBU NI DAN TAH to noirspacious quarters at bnstumoosuffwo Sie YAISHO TS th WIND.
Javi No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street 971 VOPUMAN SATURDAY.
PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1923 insmyVOM rods 981 Barnes Casino 2010 TheFleetArrives (rutulis (By Iwo stor, three star, four star adIt ia genetiny the positar falling mirela that the one thinks er spending Tall men, short men, fat men, lean, baile seyfore Bang, lodgingaeterehe Two stripe, three stripe, four tripe ity told thigkol which follows officers, het kind of served en racconto s gob, little gob, leather neck dations in View, igaster lett Cyreene.
when an investment in de oth bove hamed budessalad wwel сойгаа Big ships, g gans. Little sh ps, litle ones, well equipped wiak seviavald. gop Launches, a planes, sub marines mangenthare will be notas Cruisers, tenders, for regret adi tool to end monet 33 Cargways, fenders, Roy Inchiesta after havingar Red flags, blue flags, Navy beans.
tivedaithecidec ston to give the 3T3T3C9A Bernea Casino at the 48 Calidchia in the ipvestor will surely be sinóryARUN Geld stripe, red stripe, blus stripe,. convinced that susb monjerui hav neckerchiefs, obeer weidspent. 1o daildsta AIMOAVI Brasa hat, felt ha. white cap, blue, bra Patrons of this new business place Black shoe, brown shoe, bare feet, are already speaking in tam gangarees, uf satisfaction of the up to date White pants, trousers, breeches too.
Petite theg Madkº received. Tends Some fiirt, some won t, te asked to fuitriet convins by Some drink, some don t, keeping their patrofiga ubas Barges, buglis, pairt and tar, Se ett others. yo sousta o Colliers, tankers, Taxi Hot of baba. Topmasts, sparkers, 31. abait od bunda 201qxo rid!
Creen light, red light, lins and POPULAR CANAL TEACHERS sper. LD AW ENTER GORGAS HOSPITAL LA? TO sdT 1979 ton focusbasqab TNIOYON sido lo Tall shipsfaz sh. p3, tow ships, set We regret to say that Mr.
destroyers, McCarthy of the La Boce staft of colored teachers was admitted Firemen, oilers, medicos, Causwa ns, missboys, pantrymen, to the Gorgas Hospital yesterday where he has consented to an opea carpenters, tion of the right eye which is Married men, happy men, fat s.
Effected by a growing cataract.
Blond girls, brown girls, Bobbed hair, long curls, Flappers, matrons, widow, wives, uno Heart aches, new clothss, 4:02 OBITUARY Headaches, ricre beaux, Desce night, werk days, Fact by 202 errys.
Died at her daughter residence (Mrs. Martha Myers. No 120 Central Avenue, Panama Ci.
ty on the 27th ultimo, Mrs. Col.
NAMA AT JAMAICA 1:rs Lucy Stevenson, ne: Hodge age 79 years. She is survived by several daughters, grand chi(Continued from Page 1)
dren, and great grand, residing in the Unite:1 States of America of Panama (son of Dr. Lopez. Trinidad and Dominica. Papers Gallaghe and Francisco lease copy Naleck, Jr. Consul General of Panama in Jama. ca; Pertuz, and PANAMA WESLEYAN ALL PANAMA CANAL Jr. Consul for Colombia 11 CIC END OF SALVAC. ACTIVITIES RECORDS BROKEN Mexico.
TION ARMY OFFICER The first of a series of lectures (Continued from Page 1)
ST. LUCIAN SOCIETY TO MEET (Cortinued from Page 1)
the various We3: Indian Islands While statistics on tonnage The High Council adjournce Why throw away your old, but no be coducted und the auspices of has not yet been completed, it.
until Tues lay morning on te the above ne med Society was had o expec:ed that al previous re All members of the St. Lucian ceiving information that the doubt interesting books, when you Wednesday night list in Geddes Hall cords in this connection will als Society are hur. by reminded of the Court had granted an injunction when Mr. Grant substituted me smashed.
regular mastur. which takes place can have them neatly bound at al. Willams (whɔ was sch:in the ex parte application o.
in the Panama Capital Hall at 30 General Branwell Booth reduled to give a lecture on Tria da. on Monday 4th inst.
and gave the history of that counry GETS :9, 000 DAMAGE3 straining the Council from actThe Secretary requests an early cing on the resolution declaring with other interesting features.
attendances) tha: all busines tran General Booth unfit for office The paper was supplemented with sactions may be got through in tim.
N67 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET and from appointing a succesa talk from Mrs. Wade who On Tuesday last the Supreme Court of Panama awarded Mrs spent several years in that coun sor dit AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL Dista try; she described the beautiful pitet. Eligia Gutierrez de Icaza nineteer. YKKESKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSKEELSED lake, the var:ous important Covern housand dollars in an appeal cas DENTIST HOWELL o fill de la against ths educational privi niert buildings, Panama Lighten GARVEY DAY AT CHAPTER ss ISO at malmow House No. 912 La Boca leges, religious work and many other Power Company. The plaintift sued 14 4) odt in the lower court for damages or Sit 11 phases of the place.
Canol Zone the allegation that she lost the use atni. க tha AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, The other items of the evening of her left hand and arm as a ra OSI RESTAURANT Tomorrow belng Carvey were the evening lesson by Mr. sult of burns she suffered when sh Day, there will be observance of AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME HONE 41. BALBOA Lilian Swaby, recitations byth pttempted to uss one of the Com nithe occasional. 30 prom when UR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSÓK Misses Julia Bailey, and Hid:pany telephones at her place of special program of musical and ARE GUARANTEED TRY US Furthe, a Piano Srection by Dob vusiness at Old Panama.
Specia ises in all Branches of Literary Selections will be tirenCLEAN no tin tudotin and a Vocal Duet by the sse Leitis y weredui wo wird mit REPAIR Dalis Staples and Vida Stephors.
SEAS full membership is expected HARN The Selestion of Hymns was tak ALL If you have a Prescription WORK GUARANTEED MAKB You Butto. to di senjoy, the dreams of the eyeTHE STAR PRESSER DYER3 in from the Sark y llymna. and be made up take it to th ஜeing. as on ங எ it 101 ANCON AVE PANAMA very cajoyable evening was Spect. National Pharmacy, Santa An Byl to waras del basgitala ALSIDE Proprietor Plaza, where you will get cour Small would be ab You want teous and obliging service. BARBADOS SOCIETY WESLEYAN SYNOD MEETS AT DENTIST died loody botas JAMAICA M43110 TEMPLE 019 told by weby vodi Notice of Meetings CALL IN AT HUNTER LEAVES Office Hou s: e, am to 12 The next meeting of the Bas The following Ministers of the 30 to 30 pm walios sberetyºwf1 take place Wesleyan bədy left the Isthmus fo THEN Pin, Cruachapáti Sundcys, ty Specici fppointmen Jamaica during the past week to at oli strder on Tuesd y1219hstant After spending several weeks a Masonic Tenoplo ilih St, tend the Arnual Synod of the Ja The reguld meetitig nights a patient in Gorgas Hospital, Elica O, Box 757. CRISTOBAL Seefetyate the 2nd Trish Hunter of Silver City, Crist, b: Pers. Wad, Couns, was discharged yesterday morning UONE: OFFICE 1664 online the 3rd Monday of eachi Titt and Sand forå of Bose det moth. obi od bea very much improved. He spoke we Toro.
of the treatment he received or: RESIDENCE 538 Am thodus to live and AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL the hospital statt. In the next few ratasha cays Mr. Hunter expects to retur. If you havela Prescription If you have a Prescription to o his desk in the depot Commiss.
If you have a Prescription to OF Jual besi madai pakel it to 50 bado up take it to the be uptake it to the a: Mount Hope ad Nadan Pharmacy Saldita Ang Natior. al Pharmacy, Santa Ana Mr. Hunter is one of the leading National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Literally lights on the Atantie en!
Plaza, where you will get coura Plaza, where you will get caur and a valuable contributor to the Plaza, where you will get cotur toow and obliging service teous and obliging service Wortman teous and alliging service Book Binding. THE WORKMAN buano COLLECT YOUR WORK PRESS OL HOSPITAL UNUI The Workman vs BOOK STORETVE TIW masa ard Costa Rica District: 11 No. 72 CARLOS JA. MENDOZA STREET YA Hymn Prayer Books


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