
PAGE SEVEN West Indian Hotels IF IT IS DONE WITH HEAT YOU CAN DO IT BETTER WITH Suco no Xus WEST INDIAN HOTELS GAS 199 UFC FOR Making Good Clothes Making and Interest of Canadian National Steamships The question of West Indian hotel accommodation for tourists, was discussed by Dr Smith, a Diructor of the Canadian National Railways who was a pa. senger in the Lady Drake last week, in an interview with the Grenada dian.
Dr. Smith said: am in a position te state that your hotel problem at present under active consideration: Our Hotel Department has the matter in hand, but don think any definite step can be taken, even if decided, until nextyear, as all expenditures of the have to be sanctioned by the Canadian Governinent and voted by Parliament. Par liament, a you perhaps know, is now in sessions. There is no question to the contrary, however, that the Steamship Company is going to foliuw up the matter and court trade between Canada and the West Indies. It is only a matter of time.
Cleaning Clothes AND CHEAPER, TOO GAS FOR COOKING IS CLEAN It will not spoil the paint in your kitchen.
GAS IS QUICK As soon as you light te gas, you get the full heat, no waiting tor a fire to get hit.
GAS IS RELIABLE During the Wel season, charcoal is feequently damp and burns badly.
PANAMA, The Gas Electric Showrooms FUERZA LUZ Panama AT YOUR SERVICE Colon Benjamin Barnett Son POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM CHARLES TROTTMAN RELIABLE BARBER It has been assumed that the proposal to alter the leg beforewicket rule has been abandoned, but no such decision has yet been reached. As a matter of fact, it is understood that the are most anxious to make the experiment.
They feel that they must do someDr. JOHN THOMPSON thing to reduce the scoring. Mechano. Thorapis If it were only a question of apNo. 36. ANCON AVE.
plying the new rule to county crickUPSTAIRS et, it would probably be adopted Panama City without further consideration, but club cricketers not only in the South, but in the North are strong.
ly opposed to the alteration. The two sections of the game, the South DENTIST HOWELL and the North, with its leagues and House No. 912 La Boca cup matches, have little in common, Canal Zone And as a matter of fact, they have usually held aloof, but they have OPPOSITE RESTAURANT been in close consultation over this PHONE 1941. BALBOA question, and we are informed that specialises in all Branches of they have informed the Dentistry that to change the rule would bo directly opposed to their interALL WORK GUARANTEED RESIDENCE588 erta TAILORS Houso 77 Room 23r Street Chorrillo House 66 23rd Street Chorrillo. Panama City If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service, Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS BEAUTY PARLOUR STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History.
Cricket Tours 1900, 1906. 1923 But there is way out of the difficulty. It may be decided that a footnote shall be put to the new rule, making it only applicable to county championship matebon.(Exchange) BAPTISTE AMadame C, Walker Method Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc. AND THE ARTISTIC TAILOR Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages y baie The Question of West Indian Consultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon House M Street Panama, Continued from Page 6)
Summary of Contents: TO History of West Indies Crieket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Sol Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, hotographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players to bo Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts, NOTICE bog dia ன DO YOU WANT NEW STUDH2AXER OR FORD?
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE del total SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA Oslo AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS u o bat sooogooooo 00006 Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, der sal Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama таа илаах ty Government in the matter in the way indicated would make up HOYTE for a great deal of the neglect of the British West Indies which has The People been 90 prominent a feature of the past. We would suggest that there Tailor OS is work for the Parliamentary Assoeintion to do. If it succeeded in Bullding 32 bringing it off we, for one, should 12th October St.
have a greatly more enhanced opin Panama, ion of the value of Parliamentary risits to the West Indies than we have at present, when certainly Hansard (or as it is now called the Official Parliamentary Debates) recorde no more reference to the West Indies than it used to do when no such visits took place; rather less, if anything. Any way, the value of an aerial service to the British West Indies, while it can hardly be meaeured in pounde, shillings and pence, would be incalculable and a measure of real help that could not be discounted. We still hope to see one of these days, in the not far distant future, the landing of His Majesty West Indian mails and passengers on the island on which Captain Lancaster made his landfall on Easter ute JOB. PRINTING TS TADEU கல. மயdalin, bolo (10 30 Of every description DONE WITH NEATNSS AND DESPATCH lah ald 15 AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, COLLECT YOUR WORK AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSHIP ARE GUARANTEED TRY US CLEAN PRESS 39 RBPAIR DARN MAKE You Suits to et pose. 200 THE STAR PRESSER DYERS sebou 101 ANCON, AVE. PANAMA SV SMALCIDE Diyow Proprietorsalar WE 29 ahol AT THE avabo alessio is aut VE bono dalys big WORKMAN PRINTERY Monday 402 pe


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