p. 8


Sparklets Representation of. 201 IF YOU PREFER MILK WHICH IS the Purest Most Nutritious Most Delicious Best Known INSIST on having NESTLE NESTLE NEURALGINA Report of Directors Meeting (Continged from Page Continued on Page 6)
wuch an office being borne by the Decemary elements of eritelm seal government and obeerved that (Continued from Page Beauty and Truth such procedun was contrary to shall be referred to the Board Criticism by newspaper whose British Constitution.
consideration as to what further primary aim is the betterment of the The Colonial Secretary read exhelp may be given him. 4) Illness community to which it basically be tracts from a message by Sir Samuel from the same cause within six THE longs should at all times be wel Wilson, former Governor to the months of the second period shall be comed, provided such criticism is Legislative Council in 1924 andro considered continuous (5) disinterested and constructive. The marked that he did not appreciate member suffering from sickness press critic should be competent to the Hon. Member point that diplobrought about by his own intemper examine and to properly diagnose matic training was necessary to any ADOS (Panama Canal regulations the subject of his criticism; be real appointment. Continuing, govern in this respect) shall not be abould withbold no credit. When Colonial Secretary said that the preentitled to sicknad benefits. 6)
uerit, when thrown in the balancerent Legation in Cuba prior to his Medical certificate from recognized with demerit, outweighs the latter, being Secretary of Immigration had physician in private practice or or vice versa, the true results should been employed on the staff of the from physician in recognized be stated. But, however competent British appointed to the position be bospital shall be honored by the Aspress eritie might be, he is not in at present held. At the time of his sociation. evidence of sickness fallible. His criticism may not be appointment (in 1924) It was folt (7) member shall be entitled to taken as the last word. There that the (situation required some sickmers benefit after six months monopoly of brains in one head. sistance) and it was thought tha.
payment of dues. 8) member Mere commonsense sometimes pro Jamaican would prove the best per iailing to pay his dues for three duces better results than apparent son to look after the interests of Joconsecutive months shall forfeit his is superior academic training. The maicans in the matter. And after all sickness and funeral benefits. On press in an effective moulder of pub the circumstances were considered, funeral benefits the scheme provides die opinion, and, considering the dif the Government felt that they had for the payment of lumpsum of ficult position in which West Indians done a good thing in appointing an 60 to the beneficiary of a deceased are situated in the Republic of Pan Assistant to the British Minister to member after the member had paid ama and in the Canal Zone, the local succeed the former holder of the of his first month contribution to the West Indian press, if no other, fice who had resigned in orde to funds. The monthly payment of 50 hould strive to be honest to the better his position. The Colonial centa is in addition to that of entrust which has been repoved in it. Secretary went on to point out that trance fee and annual due of 1; the Indian Government paid the zhe management of the Association salary and expenses of an officer depends on the latter.
Here and There who was called Indian Agen to look The Board took prompt action, in after the interests of the Coolies is the form of two resolutions unanim(Continued from Page 1) the Malay, and also referred to other ously adopted to condemn as well instances which went to show that the Suy, young follow, whenever you Jamaican Government had not acted a protest as malicious and injurious are going to write in the BOWE the attacks made by the Editor of on an unusual principle, the case in papers, or letter to or about any point being similar to many others the Panaam Tribune in a series of une, for that matter, my advice prevailing in other countries. Ineditoriale covering three weeks, on you in kop cool. What moun deed, the Jamaica Government had tbe officers of the Association, equu allow yourself to get het up not pecially the President to whom the done anything unique in the for your blood is going to boil, you matter. He was in a position to state editor made specific references being an impediment to the progress heart beat faster and faster, and that the gentleman in question had of the movement. TOP a little while you will loso you done extremely well. He had got on Lalance and get mad. As a result exceedingly well with the Cuban The Corresponding Secretary reyou will not write your best pos Government.
ported that the Association has an enrollment of over fourteen hundred sibly you may write your worst, fo.
Dr. Mellad: He seems to be un. anger is toe to senso. and then able to get on with Jamaicans in isember and that new enrollmente perhaps, maybe, perchance, peradcuba!
aud annual payments since the first venture (and you know well hon of January of this year are, comMr. Ewen said when the matter uncertain adventudes alway aro. paratively, far better than the past two years; and pointed out that you may land yourself in difficul. was mentioned many years ago, in the early substantial ties. But joke aside, let us be seri the Council in reference to setting response from the employees this year reous for a moment, can anyone toll up the Immigration Office in Cuba the Council made it a condition that reals the fact that they are raining me if the West Indian Negroes on much clearer conception of the the Isthmus are never roing to be the position must be filled by a Javalue of organization and collective any better than they have done al maican. After such an emphatie bargaining these long weary your here? Here condition had been laid down, he did No annual report of the Associain the place for quack everything not see how the Council could now ask the Imperial Government to pay tion activities having been publishduektor (spell it wrongly, but let it the necessary expenses.
for the year 1927, the President, reduce the fever of children.
stay, it is all in keeping with the Mr. Nash said the matter of Imwho acted as Corresponding Secregeneral state of atiairs. lawyer, migration Protection had been die tary for the better part of last year, journalist, and overy conceivable cussed at the recent West Indien abmitted. report calling that calls for intellectual covering that Conference, and it was decided that period as well 1928. This report preparation, character and mafina contribution should be made by the wae discussed, approved and orderrent. There is absolutely no us in different West Indian Islands. It ed, printed and circulated among our fooling ourselves that we can be was pointed out, however, that the the membership as equippeed as many others, puwition Jamaica occupied in tha Several communications, most of do not have their training. It is only matter would render her contribuwhich were carried on between the matter of being waspe instead of tion every small indeed.
Association and the Panama Canal Deepparrots or monkeys instead of Messrs Wint and Sangster supauthorities on behalf of individual perfone. would give any service of ported the remarks of Mr. Nash and employees as well as groups of omwhich am enpable to help bring after further discussion the vote For sale both Wholesale and Retail ployees, were disponed of.
about a better state of things in our pat to the House and carried.
Two deaths were reported among communitty, for surely things are the membership since December of AT THE deplorable. We need an educational last year: Leopold Allen And Bela center. badly an intant noede Vote of Confidence field Skinner. The wide of the for ita mother milk. To the boys who mer who lives on the Lathmus was are writing in the press would (Continued from page 1)
given her part of the Association finally sugret that, from now on who may so desire, but that no one Death Lovy collections. Mm. SkinJAVIER MORAN, Proprietor ward, they preserve marked de availed himself of this opportunity ner is being forwarded to her in gree of decency and constructiveness to speak, except in terms of the Panama.
Barbados where she now residin their writings: In fact, strong highest appreciation for the Preally urgo that they do. The world ident; that we also desire to repuwatching us: it is doing more than diate this stigma placed on our CECIL MARKLAND MEETS watching it, is keeping record of our Board by this scandalous and libelACCIDENT doings, then keep cool and write Jous statement on the part of the THB SALVATION ARMY wisely.
cditor of The Panama Tribune, and PASTMASTERS MISSION CHURCH Cecil Markland (Jamaican, ENCAMPMENT CHRISTIAN urge that he promptly withdraw it.
SUNDAY TOMORROW UNDERGOING REPAIRS ployed by the Panama Railroad DoETUDE CLUB CHANGES NAMB (Moved. Knee Drill at HUNTER, partment se begrago master) met special meeting of the Saint Holiness Meeting 11.
Vice President.
serious accident on Johns Past Masters Grand ChrisA meeting held in the Hall of the Tuesday morning last while riding Sunday School p.
The members of the Christian Etude Club on Saturday last 20th Seconded. tian Encampment will take place Mission Church 22nd St. Gunchapali inat. the management of this or bieyele to his work Farewell meeting for Captain PHILLIPS, tomorrow evening 30 at the Representative He was going towards the Cali Samuels 80 decided to change the Loyal Progress Lodge Hall Calidonia are making an effort to have the lit ganisation Carried ananimously.
donia crossing when Mr. Duque Monday. Young People meeting Road.
tie building in an up to date condi name from the Etude Musical to private car driven by his chauffeur ſat p.
tion, and in view of this The Etude Social and Medical CHAPTER 14 A.
and coming to the opposite direction Members are asked to bear this have Tuesday. Band Practice at p.
volunteered to BIVO The usual maa meeting of the collided with Markland bleyele, in mind.
portion of their time to the mision This change will give the mem above named Chapter will be con throwing him to the ground causing After their usual days work with Ders wider range of solvitle and vened at 30 pm. tomorou to the him to retain tractured skull. was afterwards transfered to the Rent Receipt Booka in Spanish the result that a new porch to added will also serve the purpose of Han.
po odsottotes ou Gorge Hospital where he is now and English for sale at the Work and many other improvements are making it more Indusive for rould. cordial Invitation is tooded to po preporu puuppsex confined to bed 10, ward 11.
map Printer boing carefully undertaken be momba an members and trende Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to sooi he bad headaches and NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, AMERICAN PHARMACY with a very Club.


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