
Discussing Money THE WORKMAN Item The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada Total Assets in Excess of 926. 000. 000. 00 (Continued from Page 1)
Mr. Evans: am asking you not Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 to leave the house sir.
CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 Mr. Cawley sat down, and the PreP. Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon sident was about to take his seat when Mr. Smith rose to speak on We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
the subject.
The President: will not allow The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS any discussion on the subject: Will PANAMA COLON THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1929.
the Colonial Secretary take the chair Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets of the Committee?
The President then left the house EDUCATING THE WORKERS and the Colonial Secretary took the chair of the Committee.
for the past eight loonths this column has been Mr. Smith said it was unfortunate devoveu exclusively to the discussion of subjects tendthat the President, being connected ing to the euucation and betterment of the worker. To with the expenditure, should have what extent we nave succeedeu We are unable to say.
suggested that he would pay the exPernaps, it might be said that the tine is too short to tra money out of his own pocket.
With 900 Branches throughout the world, including snow any Irunt; and this would be quite rignt to say.
There was principle involved in Wei We nave not been 100king zor Irulu so early: we the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank the matter, and it was not a correct nave been content to gauge our work by tne sprouting is in a position to render the best possible service.
attitude to adopt towards Elected or the seeds sown. There are some very healthy plants Members, vis to say that if the mat be seen springing up, and we are thereby encouragter was discussed, he would leave ed to keep Olig sowing anu tending. Of course, it wil Antigua Dominica Montserrat the house.
also be remembered that there has been an enemy The Colonial Secretary said as he Bahamas Grenada working side by side with us; and we are glad that we St. Kitts understood it, the President had had taken to heart very early in our nfe the lesson Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia taken exception to the remarks taught in that good old parable, so we have been careabout the officer, and not to the Trinidad (2)
Tul not to attempt the uprooting his plants.
British Honduras Martinique fact that he was connected with the Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
expenditure. In his oponion, the We are unalterably convinced that man is to Hon. Member for St. Catherine had rise it must be by his bram. Tnar Anowiedge is motive gone a little too far. His remarks power and Ignorance is dead weight, is about the best had been uncalled for.
assemblage of words that we can arrange to give a Mr. Cawley rose to speak, but beTaur idea of our view of the situation. We might as well THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST ing p. the Council adjourned expect to see water running uphill without Scientific for luncheon PAID ON DEPOSITS pressure, as to see an uninormed mind conducting itAt the Resumption self with progressive intelligence, somewhat putting On the resumption of the Council the cart before the horse. When one knows and applies General Banking Business Transacted.
Mr. Smith continued to speak. He what is known it is only then that one becomes powersaid the House had at all times exful. This is the theory upon which modern business is tended the greatest respect and based. It is here that we find the reason for the evercourtesy to the chair and no one reincreasing and intensive field of activity, advertising gretted more than he did what had and salesmanship that has taken the world in its firm happened that day. After everygrip: here we find the man who grows tomatoes octhing was considered, he could not cupying as conspicuous a page in the leading newspa3. 99:58 help saying that Elected members pers and magazines, as the man who manufactures nad not been treated fairly.
steam engines or automobiles. They take pains to enThe President rose. He pointed in lighten the public as to what they have for sale. When the direction of Mr. Smith as it to the laborer has overcome his own impediments by selfsay xit down. and the Hon. memsacrifice and education, he will be a greater force and ber for Clarendon forthwith took his of more self usefulness seat.
In a firm and distinct volce As is well known, this is the theory of the local the President said: It is not in order to labor organization of West Indians in the Canal Zone, as it is that of all of the well conducted labor organizadiscuss the conduct of the Chair.
Mr. Smith said his remarks were tions the world over. Just at this moment we are in posin order in the sense that he was session of a report of the Sixth Annual Convention of Workers Education Bureau at Washington, from speaking on the principle involved which we cull the following interesting passages: not criticising the Chairman. He thought hat the principle involved The sixth national convention of the Workers was an important one as the attiEducation Bureau was held at Washington, April tode introduced in regard to Elected 5, and 7, with approximately 80 delegates in attendmembers showed an attempt to preance, representing the American Federation of Labor, vent them from dealing with the national and international unions and workers educamatter. Mr. Smith explained that it tional enterprises.
was far from him to suggest that President William Green of the American the Governor should make a refund.
Federation of Labor welcomed the delegates in a stirHis only reason for having risen to ring speech in which he said: speak on the matter was to express the view that the method which was am glad indeed to give to this workers education being followed in regard to the movement my personal and official support, to assist it supplementary estimates was not in every practical way, to help enlist the interest of the correct.
workers in workers education, for have always be No one in this House. Mr. Smith lieved that a trade unionist, identified with our great said with emphasis, had ever asked American labor movement, is a potential active force a Governor of this colony to refund for good; but believe a trade unionist, identified with any amount he had expended, even our movement, is a stronger force for good if he is an though such expenditure might not educated trade unionist.
THE have been sanctioned. The object of the remarks of elected members was Our workers in this locality, like others elsewhere, only to criticise any action the Gov.
wiil lift themselves according to the effective degree might have taken with which they of their education.
did not agree.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street Mr. Smith continuing said an attempt had been made that day to Another Move For Self Help and corner Javillo muzzle Hon. elected members, and he felt constrained to say that the attitude of the President involved an OPPOSITE As has already been announced in our columns and GUARDIA LUMBER YARD important principle in so far as the others here, effective the 1st of June next, the Panama position of elected members was Canal West Indian Employees Association will introPANAMA CITY concerned.
duce a system of a monthly collection of 50 cents subThe President said: It is entirely scription with which to raise a fund for the payment of 999 out of order to state that the resickness benefits ranging from to 50 per week, marks of the Chair are unfair. It and a death grant of 60. 00. This system of mutual prothe Hon. member repeats that statetection and assistance is in very wide application here ment will leave the Chair again. in the lodges, churches, and societies of purely local Mr. Smith said the remarks had origin; and the Association has been the only one work. not been made to the President in ing without it, except that it has had provision for the PHONE 250 COLON reference to his capacity as Chair collection of 25 cents from each financial member on DRY CLEANING man of the Council, and he felt that the death of another, to be turned over to the benefiPHONE453 PANAMA the attitude of the President was STEAM PRESSING ciaries of the deceased.
15 STREET embarrassing to elected members.
It is therefore not to be wondered at that pressure DYEING We Dye To Live PANAMA The President: must ask the Hon member not to mis interpret (Continued on Page 5)
KOKKOKKOKK333333 (Continued on page 5)
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