
PAGE FIVE Interesting Jottings Atlantic Side Notes IDOZAN Ignorance May Be Bliss (Contiued from Page BY THE STRAGGLER)
was a great runner; but no one need Las666SKUSKERXX tell her Run, Kitty Run. She knew to do that, and she always did. Then Ladies of Alliance Literary and Debating Society Triumphs Over again, there was a girl residing next Men At Brilliant Ladies Night Function Is an iron preparation designed to meet the modern door whose name was also Kitty principle of prescribing liberal doses of iron without That fact caused a great deal of Tuesday night, May 21st was beautiful. What therefore, is the true causing constipation or gastric disturbance. It contains embarrassment several times begood night at the Cristobal Clubhouse meaning of beauty? per cent of assimilable Iron which is considerably in cause of the misunderstandings that for all concerned. It was Ladies Eugenics says Beauty is a plant occurred when the boy who took excess of that contained in the more generally presNight. This means that only Ladies whose leaves and blossoms refresh care of Kitty the cow called her. The cribed iron compounds.
contributed to the program of the and delight the eye; whose roots girl next door invariably thought evening, and they did. Every item are planted deep in the fertile soil The most recent medical investigations have fully that she was called, and she would was carefully selected, properly pre. of an intelligent mind. This definijust as often respond to the call only proved that iron should be administered in much larger sented, and received well deserved tion embodies both physical, psychic, to be told. not you, Miss Kitty, applause from the select company and mental beauty. It goes without doses than those usually given. Thus, Professor Poulmean Kitty the cow. One day, Kitpresent. Not only did these ladies re saying that the average man of the sen, the well known pharmacologist says. Pharmaty dad became tired of this sort ceive appaluse, but they received present day admires the woman of cology, 1920) a change for the better does not set in of thing and kindly requested the also the more important apprecia intellect, and there seems to be a until the doses of iron applied are so large as to apboy to always, when he called, to tion of everyone who knows what to recognition of the fact, on the part parently overshoot the mark, and Lichtenstein, call like this. If he wanted the cow, appreciate. The ladies demonstrated the feminine sex, for they are acto call, Kitty, the cow. and if he Stockholm, has arrived at similar conclusions in his that they understood what a literary quitting themselves nobly to fill potreatment of infants with iron. Stockholm, 1917. wanted Kitty his daughter, to call, society meant. Their readings, reci sitions that were here to fare un Kitty next door. This settled the tations, addresses, and other items known to our sex.
In spite of its high iron contents, IDOZAN has no question so far as the Kitties were were certainly of a high literary concerned.
The woman with a purpose in life constipating effect, but acts as a mild aperient when standard, and they did not receive taken before meals.
anything more than they deserved has a great advantage over her aimI remember another Kitty also, when they were eulogized by their less and indolent sisters. But let us IDOZAN is a neutral solution and exerts no harmdon know if this one was a good guests now make a contrast of the other ful effect on the teeth; a possible dark colouration obrunner; but the story about her is and vital phases of beauty the phyMore than this, the interest taken served after taking a dose, disappears at once if the scy amusing to me. She had travelsical and psychic.
by leading ladies of the community Jose is followed by a draught of water.
led away from home and has married of Cristobal by such ladies Mrs.
The purely physical beauty is skin husband. At curlain tide alterWaller, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Rode deep while the psychic comes from IDOZAN is pleasant to take and the doses stated wards, she took her husband home within from the soul, and the mind.
riques, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. Martin, The physical fades as the years adare readiiy tolerated by children as well as by adults.
na visit. Her husband name was it. Aiter the time was spent, they Miss Clarke and others equally invance; but the psychic increases.
Iron taken in the concentrated form of IDOZAN terested goes to show that there is Leturned to their place of abode, and The latter outlasts the former, yields results in a short time, comparable to many still hope that the youngsters of the itx was being questioned by friends Which then, shall the aspirants to feminine sex will not be lost if they beauty cultivate. Shall we not aspire months treatment with preparations, the iron content as to how he liked his wife home.
will copy the good example set of which is much smaller, One would ask. Fitz, how do you by to the most lovely? the beauty that these good ladies, and adopt the corlike your wife home? Fitz would emanates from the soul?
rect attitude in regard to their inFOR SALE AT LEADING DRUGGISTS reply. Foine, boy, foine. Well. structions which they receive at all It has been proven by Scientists another would say. tell us some of times free, gratis, and for nothing that every thought the soul sends the things you sw. Fitz. Well, Well done ladies, you have attract into the mind for good or ill, works boy, muy woife muther got a noice ed intelligent public attention, and its reflection into the body.
place. Da is de fus place ei ever see we know you can stand the gaze. It To gain our ambition of attaining egg tree. Yes man, muy woife is hoped that the girls you are try rhysical beauty, we must of necesmuther got a big egg tree in she ing to lead and educate will keep sity keep beautiful pictures on the yard, and she feed me wid eggs bad steps with you, and in time become gallery of our minds, and the results enough. Oi get eggs fo tea, eggs fo fit to properly substitute for you will be emphatically, a beautiful breaffast, and eggs fo supper too.
when you are no more.
physique. The eyes will brighten, Willie Wattler had come home To back up my appraisal of the che steps will be agile, and the enfrom work, and sat down on the persons have been writing about, tire being will become absolutely BUT IT IS EXPENSIVE NOT TO KNOW THAT porch smoking his pipe. His little here is a sample of what one of magnetic.
grand daughter was looking intently them gave at the function. This adOur best endeavour, as represenat his face. He observed this, and dress was given by Mrs. Morrison. tatives of our sex, it to grow more asked Kitty, for that was her name, Read for yourselves: beautiful every day, for our self Kitty, why do you look so intentThe Address: gratification, and that of our men!
ly at me. Kitty replied, GrandIn our next, shall present you with (pa, am looking to see if can see BEAUTY the other beautiful address which the two faces my grandma said that Ladies and Gentlemen: As far was delivered by Mrs. Roderiques you have. Did Grandma say that. back as time can be measured, it has who acted as presiding officer of the asked Willie Wattler. Yes Grandbeen the aim of the sexes to attract evening. As long as am able to pa. said Kitty, she said that to each other. It behoves them, to make straggle around, have made up my my aunt yesterday when you were at a study of the likes of either sex. mind not to miss these Alliance evework. So thats the way you backTonight, it is our prerogative to connings. Old as am, learn somebite me when am not at home. sider the ideal woman the woman thing every time straggle in. The said Wattler. Even so. said the that appeals to the finer feelings of Alliance has become my perch on is the best for all purposes wife, thats more sensible than what man.
Tuesday evenings, and can assure you did. The last time you administered a bite to me, you did it to To win the admiration of the op you, my perch is extremely restful.
REASON DICTATES posite sex, woman must be purely The Straggler.
my nose, and spoilt up my face til this day. bite you on your back.
and No body can see it.
Another Move for Self Help SCIENCE APPROVES UNSWEETENED STERIUZED (Continued from Page 4)
the use of Samuel Russell has been brought to bear on the management of the AsNESTLE MILK The Tailor sociation to introduce this change. For some years the La Boca District had clamored for provisions for sick24th STREET ness benefits, and the Cristobal District for a standarda He spends foolishly who buys just a tin of milk Guachapali ization of the death grant provision, but the poor atPanama tendance of members at meetings, coupled with the difINSIST ON HAVING ficulty experienced in the collection of the annual subscription, had always caused a considerable degree of doubt in the minds of the officers as to the practicability of a monthly collection, and had served to hold back Rent Receipt Books in Spanish the scheme.
and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
Now that it is to be put into effect, we think it is the duty of every member of the Association and in fact, every West Indian silver employee, to do his full share to make it a success. Its special merits consist in the whole body of Elected members the very low rate of subscription for the correspondshould be entitled to state their ingly high rates of benefits. These have been very careviews in the House. Not a single fully worked out, and can be relied on. There is no other Discussing Money (Han, member to state that the mine been made to him in his capacity siected an embere was saking them marks of the Chair were unfair, and Chairman of the House. He had no ernor to make refund and he derstood that the Association does not intend to stop Item am asking him not to repeat the desire whatsoever to show disrespect would sit down feeling that there had here to aid the sick and bury the dead: it is pursuing offence.
to the Chair. The question he would been great grievance in the matter study in Labor Copartnership (Continued from Page voice from the Govt. side of ask was: what was the correct atti in so far as the freedom of Elected which it is regarding not as a method or business what have said or state what the House. Fear, hent tude to be shown to elected members Members was concerned.
merely, but an ideal of conduct and theory of human re not a fact. What said was, that it Mr. Smith again assured the Pre under certain circumstances. As an The item was put to the vote and lations. student was entirely out of order for the sident that his remarks had not elected member himself he felt that passed.


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